Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents CURL BEQUEST PRIZE A139

A139/         Curl Bequest Prize

  1/    Curl Estate – Legal Documents 1906-63

There is a great deal of legal correspondence involving four firms: Kimber Bull, Howland, Clappé & Co., the RAI’s solicitors; John Holmes, Son & Patteson, London; Izard Weston Stevenson & Castle of Wellington, New Zealand, professional clients of the former; and Chapman Tripp Watson James & Co., solicitors for the RAI in New Zealand

  1    18 July 1906 – will of Samuel Matthias Curl; includes bequest to the RAI for the establishment of a prize for the best essay on anthropological discoveries made in the past two years. 2 leaves (photocopy) (tp.)

  2    Ibid. 4 leaves (tp. with autogr. notes)

  3    Cope & Co, Sydney, to the President, Royal College of Physicians, London, 17 Oct. 1911 – Dr Curl died on 17 Apr. 1911; encloses copy of his Will; on the value of his estate; on Mrs Curl’s death it will be the duty of the surviving executor to inform him so that the provisions of the Will may be carried out. 5 leaves (tp. copy)

  4    Herbert P. Morris, Charity Commission, to the Secretary, Royal College of Physicians, 28 Mar. 1917 – encloses copy of the Will of Samuel Matthias Curl; on Curl’s property in Norfolk; on the reversionary interests of the College in this property; on the sale of the property (tp. copy with autogr. note from J.A. Ormerod to R.W. Williamson)

  5    Notes on Curl’s Will (autogr.)

  6    J.A. Ormerod, Registrar, Royal College of Physicians, to the Secretary, RAI, 11 May – refers to Curl’s Will; the reversion of his estate was bequeathed, upon certain conditions, to the College; the RAI was also interested; the College has decided to decline the bequest (autogr.)

  7    Ibid. to R.W. Williamson, 12 June – on arranging to meet; asks if he should send further information (tp.)

  8    Ibid., 14 June – refers to his letter of 13 June [not held]; encloses correspondence from 1911 regarding Curl’s Will; on letter of Mar. last; suggests he is concerned whether the RAI will take up the whole trust now that the Royal College of Physicians has declined the bequest; supposes he will seek legal opinion (autogr.)

A139/1/9    [R.W. Williamson] to J.A. Ormerod, 15 June 1917 – on the sources of the difficulties of the case; gives his view of the ‘ambiguous and inconsistent’ will; asks to see copy of letter from Charity Commissioners. 2 leaves (tp.)

 10    John Holmes, Son & Patteson, Solicitors, to the Secretary, RAI, 21 Oct. 1931 – sends copy of the Will of Dr Samuel Matthias Curl; refers to bequest made to the Royal College of Physicians under which the RAI is concerned (tp.)

 11    G.D. Hornblower, RAI Treasurer 1928-34, 1938-40, to John Holmes, Son & Patteson, 5 Nov (tp.)

 12    John Holmes, Son & Patteson to G.D. Hornblower, 9 Nov. 2 leaves (tp.)

 13    G.D. Hornblower to John Holmes, Son & Patteson, 25 Nov. (tp.)

 14    Ibid. to Miss K.M. Martindell, RAI Assistant Secretary, ibid. (tp.)

 15    Ibid. to John Holmes, Son & Patteson, 17 June 1933 (tp.)

 16    John Holmes, Son & Patteson to G.D. Hornblower, 19 June

 17    Izard Weston Stevenson & Castle to John Holmes, Son & Patteson, 29 Oct. 1935 – (tp. copy)

 18    Ibid., 21 Nov (tp. copy)

 19    L. St Leonards Humphrey to Mr Stevenson, Izard Weston Stevenson & Castle, ibid. 2 leaves (tp. copy)

 20    Izard Weston Stevenson & Castle to John Holmes, Son & Patteson, 22 Nov (tp. copy)

 21    John Holmes, Son & Patteson to G.D. Hornblower, 27 Nov. (tp.)

 22    G.D. Hornblower to H.S. Harrison, 29 Nov. (tp.)

 23    H.S. Harrison to Miss Martindell, 30 Nov. (autogr.)

 24    M.B. Clappé, Kimber Bull, Howland, Clappé & Co., Solicitors, to Dr Firth, 10 Dec. 3 leaves (tp.)

 25    John Holmes, Son & Patteson to [R.W. Firth], Hon. Secretary, RAI, 31 Dec. (tp.)

 26    H. Coote Lake, RAI Hon. Treasurer 1934-38, to M.B. Clappé, 1 Jan. 1936 (autogr.)

 27    M.B. Clappé to H. Coote Lake, 3 Jan. (tp.)

A139/1/28    Ibid. to Dr R. Firth, 3 Jan. 1936. 2 leaves (tp.)

 29    Ibid. to H. Coote Lake, 4 Jan. (tp.)

 30    [R.W. Firth] to John Holmes, Son & Patteson, 8 Jan. (tpc.)

 31    John Holmes, Son & Patteson to [R.W. Firth], 10 Jan. (tp.)

 32    M.B. Clappé to Dr Firth, 13 Jan. 2 leaves (tp.)

 33    [H. Coote Lake] to M.B. Clappé, 15 Jan. (tpc.)

 34    Ibid., nd – draft of part of previous item (autogr.)

 35    M.B. Clappé to H. Coote Lake, 4 Feb. (tp.)

 36    J.F.B. Stevenson, Izard Weston Stevenson & Castle, to John Holmes, Son & Patteson, 16 Oct. (tp. copy)

 37    T.B. King, Public Trust Office, to Izard Weston Stevenson & Castle, 13 Oct. (tp. copy)

 38    John Holmes, Son & Patteson to M.B. Clappé, 5 Dec. (tp. copy)

 39    M.B. Clappé to R. Firth, 7 Dec. (tp.)

 40    H. Coote Lake to M.B. Clappé, 10 Dec. (autogr.)

 41    M.B. Clappé to H. Coote Lake, 11 Dec. (tp.)

 42    Ibid., 27 Jan. 1938 (tp.)

 43    Ibid., 10 Feb. (tp.)

 44    Ibid., 20 Apr. 2 leaves (tp.)

 45    [M.B. Clappé?] to the District Public Trustee, Marton, New Zealand, 29 Apr. (tpc.)

 46    M.B. Clappé to H. Coote Lake, 9 Aug. (tp.)

 47    [H. Coote Lake] to R. Firth, 2 Sept. (tpc.)

 48    B.C.B. Dickson, District Public Trustee, to Kimber Bull, Howland, Clappé & Co., 3 Oct. (tp. copy)

 49    Kimber Bull, Howland, Clappé & Co. to R. Firth, 5 Oct. (tp.)

 50    R. Firth, 7 Oct. – note

 51    [H. Coote Lake] to R. Firth, 8 Oct. (tpc.)

A139/1/52    Ibid. to R. Firth & H.J. Braunholtz, RAI President 1937-39, 12 Oct. 1938 (tpc.)

 53    Ibid., ibid. – notes on a telephone call with Mr Clappé (tpc.)

 54    Ibid. to R. Firth & H.J. Braunholtz, 13 Oct. (tpc.)

 55    Notes on the Will and on the essay prize. 2 leaves (tpc.)

 56    M.B. Clappé to H. Coote Lake, 17 Oct. (tp.)

 57    Ibid., 21 Oct. (tp.)

 58    Ibid., 24 Oct. 2 leaves (tp.)

 59    Notes of a conversation with Mr Clappé, 24 Oct. (tp. with autogr. note)

 60    [H. Coote Lake] to M.B. Clappé, 27 Oct. (tpc.)

 61    M.B. Clappé to H. Coote Lake, 28 Oct. (tp.)

 62    [H. Coote Lake to M.B. Clappé, 2 Nov. 2 leaves (tpc.)

 63    Rules for the essay competition as provided for in the Curl Bequest. 6 leaves (tp.)

 64    ‘Curl Bequest – Suggestions’. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)

 65    Kimber Bull, Howland, Clappé & Co., to B.C.B. Dickson, 7 Dec. (tp. copy)

 66    Chapman Tripp Watson James & Co., Solicitors, Wellington, to Izard Weston Stevenson & Castle, 13 Dec. 2 leaves (tp.)

 67    Ibid. to Kimber Bull, Howland, Clappé & Co., 13 Dec. 3 leaves (tp.)

 68    Kimber Bull, Howland, Clappé & Co. to H. Coote Lake, 29 Dec. 2 leaves (tp.)

 69    ‘Originating Summons’. 5 leaves (tp. copy)

 70    B.C.B. Dickson to Kimber Bull, Howland, Clappé & Co., 6 Jan. 1939. 2 leaves (tp. copy)

 71    H.J. Braunholtz to H. Coote Lake, 8 Jan. (autogr.)

 72    nd – note on the value of the essay prize (autogr.)

 73    [H. Coote Lake?] to M.B. Clappé, 16 Jan. (tpc.)

A139/1/74    M.B. Clappé to H.J. Braunholtz, 23 Jan. 1939 (tp.)

 75    Ibid. to H. Coote Lake, ibid. 3 leaves (tpc.)

 76    Ibid., 27 Jan. (tp.)

 77    Ibid., 30 Jan. (tp.)

 78    [H. Coote Lake?] to M.B. Clappé, 1 Feb. (tpc.)

 79    H. Coote Lake to H.J. Braunholtz, 4 Feb. (tp.)

 80    M.B. Clappé to H. Coote Lake, 12 Apr. (tp.)

 81    [H.J. Braunholtz] to M.B. Clappé, 17 Apr. (tpc.)

 82    W.G. Wilsher, RAI Hon. Treasurer 1940-41, to Miss K.M. Martindell, 14 Dec. (autogr.)

 83    Ibid. to M.B. Clappé, 15 Dec. (tpc.)

 84    nd – suggestions about the Curl Bequest (tpc.)

 85    A.R. Radcliffe-Brown to W.B. Fagg, RAI Hon. Secretary 1939-56 [WBF], 21 Mar. 1940 (autogr.)

 86    WBF, nd – notes on the Curl Bequest (autogr.)

 87    nd – Curl Bequest, ‘Suggested alterations in the affidavit’. 2 leaves (tpc.)

 88    ibid. – ibid. 5 leaves (autogr.)

 89    nd – note on the RAI and its Articles of Association (tp.)

 90    WBF to M.B. Clappé, 4 Apr. 1940 (autogr. draft)

 91    K.M. Martindell to WBF, 9 Aug. (tp.)

 92    Affidavit by Lawrence St Leonards Humphrey. 5 leaves (tp.)

 93    H.J. Braunholtz to T. Walter Howland, Kimber Bull & Co., 10 Mar. 1942 (autogr.)

 94    T. Walter Howland to H.J. Braunholtz, 30 Oct.

 .1    nd – draft cable

 95    Order answering questions in originating summons. 10 leaves (tp.)

 96    Felicia Stallman, RAI Assistant Secretary 1942-52 [FS], to Prof. Radcliffe-Brown, 18 Jan. 1945 (tpc.)

A139/1/97    Ibid. to Miss Coote Lake, 18 Jan. 1945 (tpc.)

 98    […?] to […?], 12 Apr. – on the Curl business (tp.)

 99    nd – Curl Bequest, points on which RAI is in need of advice/information. 2 leaves (tp.)

100    T. Walter Howland to FS, 15 Nov. (tp.)

101    FS, nd – notes on the Curl Bequest. 5 leaves (autogr.)

102    T. Walter Howland to FS, 5 Jan. (tp. with autogr. notes)

103    H.G.R. Mason, Chapman Tripp Watson James & Co. to Kimber Bull & Co., 21 Dec. 1944 (tp. copy)

104    T. Walter Howland to FS, 2 Feb. (tp.)

105    [FS?] to Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer, nd – copy of ibid. (tp. copy with autogr. note by WBF)

106    FS to T. Walter Howland, 12 Feb. (tpc.)

107    T. Walter Howland to FS, 13 Feb. (tp.)

108    Kimber Bull & Co. to Chapman Tripp Watson James & Co., 13 Feb. (tp. copy)

109    26 Feb. – note on New Zealand tax on exports (tp.)

110    FS to Walter Howland, 19 Apr. (tpc.)

111    T. Walter Howland to FS, 20 Apr. (tp.)

112    R.G. Christie, Chapman Tripp Watson James & Co. to Kimber Bull, Howland, Clappé & Co., 5 Nov. 4 leaves (tp. copy)

113    T. Walter Howland to FS, 28 Dec. (tp.)

114    Chapman Tripp Watson James & Co. to Kimber Bull & Co., 18 Dec. (tp. copy)

115    Ibid. to the Solicitor, Public Trust Office, ibid. (tp. copy)

116    Kimber Bull & Co. to WBF, 4 Mar. 1946 (tp.)

117    Memorandum of conversation 6 Nov. at RAI with New Zealand Attorney General (tp.)

118    FS, 6 Nov. – notes on visit to RAI by New Zealand Attorney General (autogr.)

A139/1/119    FS to T.W. Howland, 12 Nov. 1946 (tpc.)

120    T. Russell-Cobb, British Council, to Prof. H.J. Fleure, 1 Feb. 1947 (tp.)

121    Text of a telegram[?] from H.G.R. Mason to Dr C.E. Beeby (tp.)

122    FS to T. Walter Howland, 12 Feb. (tpc.)

123    T. Walter Howland to FS, 13 Feb. (tp.)

124    Kimber Bull & Co. to WBF, 19 May 1948 (tp.)

125    Chapman Tripp Watson James & Co. to the District Public Trustee, 11 May. 3 leaves (tp. copy)

126    ‘Curl Bequest: Summary’. 6 leaves (tp.)

127    FS, draft of some of the previous item. 6 leaves (autogr.)

128    R.C. Christie to Kimber Bull & Co., 2 Aug. (tp. copy)

129    T. Walter Howland to FS, 4 Aug. (tp.)

130    Ibid. to D.H.F. Wilson, RAI Hon. Treasurer 1944-56, 13 Aug. (tp.)

131    Kimber Bull & Co. to Chapman, Tripp, Watson, James & Co., ibid. (tp. copy)

132    Ibid. to WBF, 30 Aug. (tp.)

133    Chapman Tripp Watson James & Co. to Kimber Bull & Co., 23 Aug. (tp. copy)

134    [FS?] to D.H.F. Wilson, 14 Sept. (tpc.)

135    Chapman Tripp Watson James & Co. to Kimber Bull & Co., 21 Sept. (tp. copy)

136    A.H. Gorringe, for District Public Trustee, to Chapman Tripp Watson James & Co., 30 Aug. (tp. copy)

137    Chapman Tripp Watson James & Co. to the District Public Trustee, 21 Sept. (tp. copy)

138    Kimber Bull & Co. to FS, 27 Sept. (tp.)

139    Chapman Tripp Watson James & Co. to Kimber Bull, Howland, Clappé & Co., 13 Oct. 5 leaves (photocopy)

A139/1/140    Accounts relating to the Estate of Samuel Matthias Curl, various dates up to 31 Aug. 1948. 18 leaves (tp.)

141    T. Walter Howland to FS, 21 Oct. (tp.)

142    Daryll Forde, RAI President 1947-49, to FS, 28 Oct. (tp.)

143    FS to T. Walter Howland, 29 Oct. (tpc.)

144    T. Walter Howland to FS, 2 Nov. (tp.)

145    Ibid. to D.H.F. Wilson, ibid. (tp.)

146    Text of telegram, 2 Nov. (tp.)

147    Chapman Tripp Watson James & Co. to Kimber Bull & Co., 22 Dec. (tp. copy)

148    Kimber Bull & Co. to WBF, 30 Dec. (tp.)

149    FS to T.W. Howland, 4 Jan. 1949 (tpc.)

150    Ibid., 11 Feb. (tpc.)

151    T. Walter Howland to FS, 23 Feb. (tp.)

152    New Zealand Government Offices, recd. 25 Mar. – chit accompanying remittance (printed)

153    T. Walter Howland to D.H.F. Wilson, 25 Mar. (tp.)

154    FS to the High Commissioner for the Dominion of New Zealand, 1 Apr. (tpc.)

155    Coutts & Co. to FS, ibid. (tp.)

156    R. Christie to Kimber Bull & Co., 14 Mar. (recd. 26 May) (tp. copy)

157    Kimber Bull & Co. to WBF, 26 May (tp.)

158    8 June – statement of account of the Public Trustee’s administration, 31 Aug. 1948 to 28 Feb. 1949. 4 leaves (tp.)

159    FS to T.W. Howland, 7 June (tpc.)

160    Kimber Bull & Co. to RAI, 13 June – invoice for professional charges (tp.)

161    Chapman Tripp Watson James & Co. to Kimber Bull & Co., 24 June (tp. copy)

162    T. Walter Howland to FS, 27 June (tp.)

A139/1/163    FS to Coutts & Co., 22 July 1949 (tpc.)

164    Coutts & Co. to FS, 25 July (tp.)

165    Ibid. to WBF, 27 July (printed and tp.)

166    25 July – contract note (printed and tp.)

167    Coutts & Co. to FS, 9 Aug. (tp.)

168    9 Aug. – contract note (printed and tp.)

169    T. Walter Howland to FS, 23 Aug. (tp.)

170    Ibid. to D.H.F. Wilson, 26 Aug. (tp.)

171    FS to T. Walter Howland, 31 Aug. (tpc.)

172    Coutts & Co. to FS, 2 Sept. (tp.)

173    2 Sept. – contract note (printed and tp.)

174    Coutts & Co. to [FS], 7 Sept. (printed and tp.)

175    FS to Coutts & Co., 29 Sept. (tpc.)

176    Coutts & Co. to FS, 1 Oct. (tp.)

177    FS to T. Walter Howland, 5 Oct. (tpc.)

178    T. Walter Howland to FS, 12 Oct. (tp.)

179    Draft of advertisement for the Essay Prize, to appear in Man. 4 leaves (tp.)

180    Summary of Institute’s plan for administration of Bequest. 2 leaves (tp.)

181    FS to T. Walter Howland, 10 Nov. (tpc.)

182    T. Walter Howland to FS, 11 Nov. (tp.)

183    […?] to T. Walter Howland, 25 Nov. (tp. copy)

184    T. Walter Howland[?] to the High Commissioner for New Zealand, 21 Nov. 2 leaves (tpc.)

185    T. Walter Howland to D.H.F. Wilson, 28 Nov. (tp.)

186    Ibid. to FS, ibid. (tp.)

187    FS to T. Walter Howland, 6 Mar. 1950 (tpc.)

188    T. Walter Howland to FS, 9 Mar. (tp.)

A139/1/189    FS to the District Accountant, Public Trust Office, 6 Apr. 1950 (tpc.)

190    2 May – statement of account of the Public Trustee’s administration, 28 Feb. 1949 to 28 Feb. 1950. 8 leaves (tp.)

191    J.K. McManus, for District Public Trustee, to FS, 2 June (tp.)

192    T. Walter Howland to D.H.F. Wilson, 19 June (tp.)

193    Ibid., 26 June (tp.)

194    Public Trust Office to RAI, recd. 26 June – advice note (tp.)

195    27 June – notes on income of the Curl Bequest (tp. with autogr. notes)

196    Official Secretary, New Zealand Government Offices, to RAI, 30 June (tp.)

197    D.G.M. Percy, Chapman Tripp Watson James & Co. to Kimber Bull & Co., 6 Apr. 1951 2 leaves (tp. copy)

198    T. Walter Howland to D.H.F. Wilson, 16 Apr. (tp.)

199    T. Walter Howland[?] to Chapman Tripp Watson James & Co., ibid. (tp.)

200    24 May – statement of account of the Public Trustee’s administration, 28 Feb. 1950 to 28 Feb. 1951. 4 leaves (tp.)

201    [D.H.F. Wilson] to T. Walter Howland, 26 Apr. (tp.)

202    T. Walter Howland to D.H.F. Wilson, 27 Apr. (tp.)

203    Ibid., 21 May (tp.)

204    Public Trust Office to RAI, nd – advice note (tp.)

205    T. Walter Howland to D.H.F. Wilson, 22 May (tp.)

206    D.H.F. Wilson to Kimber Bull & Co., 25 May (tpc.)

207    Chapman Tripp Watson James & Co. to Kimber Bull & Co., 27 June (tp. copy)

208    T. Walter Howland to Chapman Tripp Watson James & Co., 5 July (tpc.)

A139/1/209    T. Walter Howland to D.H.F. Wilson, 5 July 1951 (tp.)

210    Chapman Tripp Watson James & Co. to Kimber Bull & Co., 30 July (tp. copy)

211    T. Walter Howland to D.H.F. Wilson, 13 Aug. (tp.)

212    [D.H.F. Wilson?] to T. Walter Howland, 16 Aug. (tp. draft with autogr. notes)

213    T. Walter Howland to D.H.F. Wilson, 31 Aug. (tp.)

214    Ibid. to Chapman Tripp Watson James & Co., ibid. (tp. copy)

215    A.E. Kennard for Official Secretary, New Zealand Government Offices to the President, RAI, 6 Nov. (tp.)

216    T. Walter Howland to D.H.F. Wilson, 27 Nov. (tp.)

217    Chapman Tripp Watson James & Co. to Kimber Bull & Co., nd (tp. copy)

218    FS to A.E. Kennard, 29 Nov. (tpc.)

219    Edmett & Co., Sign & Letter Makers, to WBF, 10 Dec. (tp.)

220    WBF to T. Walter Howland, 7 Mar. 1952 (tpc.)

221    T. Walter Howland to WBF, 10 Mar. (tp.)

222    Kimber Bull & Co. to Chapman Tripp Watson James & Co., 13 Mar. (tp. copy)

223    Ibid. to D.H.F. Wilson, 18 Apr. (tp.)

224    T. Walter Howland to WBF, 20 May (tp. with autogr. note from WBF to D.H.F. Wilson)

225    D.H.F. Wilson to T. Walter Howland, 27 May (tpc.)

226    T. Walter Howland to WBF, 29 May (tp.)

227    Chapman Tripp Watson James & Co. to Kimber Bull, Howland, Clappé & Co., nd (tp. copy)

228    28 Mar. – statement of account of the Public Trustee’s administration, 28 Feb. 1951 to 28 Feb. 1952. 5 leaves (tp.)

229    T. Walter Howland to Mrs Bowe, Secretary to the Officers, RAI, 1 July (tp.)

230    W.R. Garner to Kimber Bull & Co., 5 July (tp. copy)

A139/1/231    Kimber Bull & Co. to Mrs Bowe, 7 July 1952 (tp.)

232    Mrs A.C. Bowe to W.R. Garner, 17 July (tpc.)

233    W.R. Garner to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 19 July (autogr.)

234    T. Walter Howland to ibid., 11 Sept. (tp.)

235    Mrs A.C. Bowe to W.R. Garner, 30 Oct. (tpc. with autogr. notes)

236    1 Nov. – notes on the English Estate of Samuel Matthias Curl (deceased). 3 leaves (tp.)

237    Official Secretary, New Zealand Government Offices to WBF, 11 Nov. (tp.)

238    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Messrs. Watson Digby & Pope, Solicitors, Fakenham, 10 Nov. (tpc.)

239    Watson, Digby & Pope to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 12 Nov. (tp.)

240    Clerk and Rating Officer, Walsingham Rural District Council, to WBF, 27 Nov. (tp.)

241    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Clerk and Rating Officer, Walsingham Rural District Council, 28 Nov. (tpc.)

242    Ibid., 3 Dec. (tpc.)

243    T.W. Purdy, Walsingham, to WBF, nd (autogr.)

244    Mrs A.C. Bowe to T.W. Purdy, 29 Dec. (tpc.)

245    Official Secretary, New Zealand Government Offices, to WBF, 2 Jan. 1953 (tp.)

246    List of Documents held by District Public Trustee, Palmerston North. 2 leaves (tp.)

247    Local Manager, Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society Ltd., to WBF, 9 Jan. (tp.)

248    WBF to the Official Secretary, New Zealand Government Offices, 19 Jan. (tp.)

249    Mrs A.C. Bowe to the Manager, Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society Ltd., 20 Jan. (tpc.)

250    Official Secretary, New Zealand Government Offices, to WBF, 23 Jan. (tp.)

251    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Ivan Horniman, 29 Jan. (tpc.)

252    Douglas H.F. Wilson to ibid., 9 Feb. (tpc.)

A139/1/253    Ivan Horniman to D.H.F. Wilson, 15 Feb. (tp.)

254    Mrs A.C. Bowe to T. Walter Howland, 9 Mar. (tpc.)

255    T. Walter Howland to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 16 Mar. (tp.)

256    19 May – statement of account of the Public Trustee’s Administration, 28 Feb. 1952 to 28 Feb. 1953. 4 leaves (tp.)

257    T. Walter Howland to D.H.F. Wilson, 8 June (tp.)

258    Public Trust Office to RAI, recd. 12 June – advice note (printed and tp.)

259    Chapman Tripp & Co. to Kimber Bull & Co., 9 Feb. 1954. 3 leaves (tp. copy)

260    T. Walter Howland to D.H.F. Wilson, 18 Feb. (tp.)

261    6 May – statement of account of the Public Trustee’s Administration, 28 Feb. 1953 to 28 Feb. 1954. 4 leaves (tp.)

262    Notes from Curl Bequest Meeting, 28 May (tp. with autogr. corrections)

263    Notes from Curl Bequest Committee, 7 July (tp.)

264    Extract from Samuel Matthias Curl’s Will. 2 leaves (tp.)

 .1    Corrections to the text (tp.)

265    Extracts from the Scheme for Administration (tp.)

266    WBF to T. Walter Howland, 28 Sept. (tpc.)

267    T. Walter Howland to WBF, 30 Sept. (tp.)

268    N. Gee to WBF, 1 Nov. (tp.)

269    WBF to Kimber Bull & Co., 12 Nov. (tp. with autogr. corrections)

270    Kimber Bull & Co. to WBF, 29 Dec. (tp.)

271    John Kusel, Kimber Bull & Co., to Miss Nancy Gee, RAI, 1 Mar. 1955 (tp.)

272    3 Mar. – statement of account of the Public Trustee’s Administration, 28 Feb. 1954 to 28 Feb. 1955. 4 leaves (tp.)

273    G.R. Joiner, for Official Secretary, New Zealand House, to [WBF?], 24 Mar. (tp.)

A139/1/274    John Kusel to D.H.F. Wilson, 30 Mar. 1955 (tp.)

275    [D.H.F. Wilson] to John Kusel, 1 Apr. (tpc.)

276    John Kusel to D.H.F. Wilson, 4 Apr. (tp.)

277    Ibid., 15 July (tp.)

278    ‘Report and Valuation of the S.M. Curl Est. property Durie Road, Waverley’. 3 leaves (tp.)

279    20 Feb. 1956 – statement of account of the Public Trustee’s Administration, 28 Feb. 1955 to 28 Feb. 1956. 3 leaves (tp.)

280    Colin A. Hendry, District Public Trustee, to Kimber Bull & Co., 22 Feb. 1956 (tp. copy)

281    John Kusel to D.H.F. Wilson, 1 Mar. (tp.)

282    D.H.F. Wilson to John Kusel, 2 Mar. (tpc.)

283    John Kusel to D.H.F. Wilson, 5 Mar. (tp.)

284    Ibid., 9 Mar. (tp.)

285    Public Trust Office to RAI, 9 Mar. – advice note (printed and tp.)

286    I.H. MacArthur, Chapman Tripp & Co., to Kimber Bull & Co., 20 Apr. 2 leaves (tp.)

287    John Kusel to D.H.F. Wilson, 10 May (tp.)

288    Ibid., 14 May (tp.)

289    Secretary to the Officers, RAI, to Kimber Bull & Co., 24 May (tpc.)

290    Ibid., 25 May (tpc.)

291    Kimber Bull & Co. to the Secretary to the Officers, 30 May (tp.)

292    Ibid., 26 June (tp.)

293    I.H. MacArthur to Kimber Bull & Co., 20 June (tp. copy)

294    Kimber Bull & Co., to the Secretary to the Officers, 2 July (tp.)

295    Ibid., 4 July (tp.)

296    WBF for Hon. Secretary to John Kusel, 28 Sept. (tpc.)

A139/1/297    Kimber Bull & Co. to RAI, 6 Nov. 1956 (tp.)

298    Ibid. to [Marian W. Smith, Hon. Secretary, RAI, 1956-61 [MWS]], 21 Feb. 1957 (tp.)

299    Ibid., 26 Feb. (tp.)

300    E.R. Saberi, Official Secretary, New Zealand House, to RAI, 21 Mar. (tp.)

301    Public Trust Office to RAI, Mar. – advice note (printed and tp.)

302    Kimber Bull & Co. to D.H.F. Wilson, 23 Apr. (tp.)

303    A.A. Worley, District Public Trustee, to MWS, 11 Mar. (tp.)

304    26 Feb. – statement of account of the Public Trustee’s Administration, 28 Feb. 1956 to 28 Feb. 1957. 5 leaves (tp.)

305    1957 – ‘Scheme of the public Trustee for Administration of the Charitable Bequests to the Royal Society of London and the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland contained in the Will of the Above Named Samuel Matthias Curl Deceased’. 8 leaves (tp.)

306    John Kusel to MWS, 31 July (tp.)

307    MWS to John Kusel, 2 Aug. (tpc.)

308    Miss Anderson to WBF, 28 Aug. (tp. with autogr. reply by WBF)

309    ‘Scheme for Administration of the Charitable Bequest to the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland contained in the will of the Above-Named Samuel Matthias Curl Deceased’. 2 leaves (tp.)

310    WBF, nd – draft of previous item. 4 leaves (autogr.)

311    MWS to the Hon. Editor & the Hon. Editor of Man, 2 Sept. (tpc.)

312    MWS to John Kusel, 3 Sept. (tpc.)

313    John Kusel to MWS, 6 Sept. (tp.)

314    Ibid., 22 Jan. 1958. 2 leaves (tp.)

315    MWS to John Kusel, 10 Feb. (tpc.)

316    Kimber Bull & Co. to RAI, 31 Mar. (tp.)

A139/1/317    A.A. Worley, District Public Trustee, to MWS, 21 Mar. (tp.)

318    12 Mar. – statement of account of the Public Trustee’s administration, 28 Feb. 1957 to 28 Feb. 1958. 5 leaves (tp.)

319    E.R. Saberi to RAI, recd. 10 Apr. (tp.)

320    Public Trust Office to RAI, nd – advice note (printed and tp.)

321    Kimber Bull & Co. to MWS, 17 July. 2 leaves (tp.)

322    John Kusel to ibid., 23 July. 2 leaves (tp.)

323    MWS to John Kusel, 1 Aug. (tpc.)

324    John Kusel to MWS, 28 Oct. (tp.)

325    Administrative Secretary, RAI, to John Kusel, 31 Oct. (tpc.)

326    John Kusel to MWS, 3 Nov. (tp.)

327    Kimber Bull & Co. to ibid., 3 Dec. (tp.)

328    John Kusel to MWS, 13 Feb. 1959 (tp.)

329    19 Feb. – statement of account of the Public Trustee’s administration, 28 Feb. 1958 to 28 Feb. 1959. 3 leaves (tp.)

330    A.A. Worley to MWS, 26 Feb. (tp.)

331    Kimber Bull & Co. to RAI, 9 Mar. (tp.)

332    MWS to John Kusel, 10 Mar. (tpc.)

333    19 Mar. – ‘Schedule of Assets and Liabilities as at 28th February, 1959’ (tp.)

334    John Kusel to MWS, 23 Mar. (tp.)

335    MWS to John Kusel, 24 Mar. (tpc.)

336    Ibid. to Coutts & Co., ibid. (tpc.)

337    John Kusel to MWS, 31 Mar. (tp.)

338    Ibid., 13 Apr. (tp.)

339    MWS to John Kusel, 15 Apr. (tpc.)

340    John Kusel to MWS, 12 May (tp.)

A139/1/341    Public Trust Office, nd – advice note (printed and tp.)

342    Kimber Bull & Co. to MWS, 4 Sept. (tp.)

343    1 Dec. – Certified copy of the Order of the Supreme Court, Wellington, New Zealand. 10 leaves (tp.)

344    John Kusel to MWS, 28 Jan. 1960 (tp.)

345    Public Trust Office, nd – advice note

346    F.A. Wallis for the Public Trustee to MWS, 18 Mar. (tp.)

347    15 Mar. – statement of account of the Public Trustee’s administration, 28 Feb. 1959 to 31 Dec. 1959. 4 leaves (tp.)

348    Kimber Bull & Co. to RAI, 25 Mar. (tp.)

349    B. Alexander for the District Public Trustee to MWS, 14 Dec. (tp.)

350    Public Trust Office, Statement of Account 31.12.59 to 31.12.60 (tp.)

351    A.R. Robinson, District Public Trustee, to George Beresford Stooke, RAI Hon. Treasurer 1956-62, 16 June 1961 (tp.)

352    John Kusel to Miss Joan Edwards, RAI, 11 Dec. (tp.)

353    Kimber Bull & Co. to RAI, ibid. – invoices. 2 leaves (tp.)

354    B. Alexander to [A.H. Christie, RAI Hon. Secretary 1961-70, AHC], 15 Dec. (tp.)

355    Public Trust Office, Statement of Account 31 Dec. 1960 to 31 Dec. 1961 (tp.)

356    Public Trust Office, nd – advice note

357    E.R. Saberi to RAI, recd. 30 Jan. 1962 (tp.)

358    C.P. Hallett for the District Public Trustee to AHC, 4 Jan. 1963 (tp.)

359    Public Trust Office, Statement of Account 31 Dec. 1961 to 31 Dec. 1962. 2 leaves (tp.)

360    R.G.E. Harrison, District Public Trustee, to AHC, 8 Jan. 1963 (tp.)

361    E.K. Saberi to RAI, 5 Feb. (tp.)

A139/1/362    B. Alexander to AHC, 16 May (tp.)

363    Ibid., 12 Dec. (tp. with autogr. note)

364    Public Trust Office, Statement of Account 31 Dec. 1962 to 31 Dec. 1963 (tp.)

  2/    Curl Essays – Correspondence and papers


  1    A.R. Radcliffe-Brown to FS, nd [1950] – asks her to fix a meeting (autogr.)

  2    FS – notice of a meeting of the Judges of the Curl Bequest Prize on 13 Oct. 1950 (autogr. draft)

  3    List of essay titles and authors, submitted in 1950 (autogr.)

  4    FS, nd – list of people to be circularized about the Curl Prize, 1951 (autogr. draft)

  5    Rules of Curl Bequest Prize from Council minutes CM/80/5 [check date in Council minutes]

  6    P. Deraniyagala, Director, National Museum Dept., Colombo, Ceylon to FS, 12 Jan. 1950 – asks whether an essay on the excavation of a prehistoric cave would be eligible for the Curl Bequest Prize (tp.)

  7    Séraphin Marion, Hon. Sec., Royal Society of Canada to [WBF], 12 Jan. – thanks him for information on the Curl Bequest Prize; has notified members (tp.)

  8    Dr August Vogl to ibid., 17 Jan. – submits his essay, ‘Verhängnisvolle Heilkunst’, for the Curl Bequest Prize. 2 leaves, one in German (tp.)

  9    FS to August Vogl, 23 Jan. – acknowledges receipt of his paper (tpc.)

 10    Laura Thompson to [WBF], 30 Jan. – asks for information on the Curl Bequest Prize (autogr.)

 11    Prof. Dr Walter Scheidt to ibid., 31 Jan. – submits his paper for the Curl Bequest Prize (tp.)

 12    Howard B. Sprague, Texas Research Foundation to ibid., 31 Jan. – asks on behalf of a prominent citizen for details of how to establish and maintain a prize such as the Curl Bequest Prize (tp.)

 13    FS to Prof. Dr Walter Scheidt, 5 Feb. – acknowledges receipt of his paper (tpc.)

A139/2/14    Ibid. to Laura Thompson, 9 Feb. 1950 – sends rules; reminds her that essays must be original works (tpc.)

 15    Ibid. to P. Deraniyagala, ibid. – the essay is eligible as long as it deals with work carried out in the last 10 years (tpc.)

 16    A.J.H. Goodwin to [WBF], 18 Feb. – asks whether a paper he had published in Man would be eligible for the Curl Bequest Prize; if not, wonders whether an extension of the paper could be submitted (tp.)

 17    FS to Howard B. Sprague, 20 Feb. – encloses rules for the Curl Bequest Prize; gives details of the establishment of the prize; also mentions the Huxley Memorial Medal and the Rivers Memorial Medal (tpc.)

 18    Dr August Vogl to [WBF], ibid. – sends his essay ‘Wahrhafte Heilkunst’ in addition to ‘Verhängnisvolle Heilkunst’ which he has already sent. 2 leaves (one in German)

 19    Robert W. Ehrich to ibid., ibid. – has seen a notice for the Curl Bequest Prize; would like to submit the enclosed essay if it meets the regulations (tp.)

 20    Walter R. Goldschmidt to ibid., 24 Feb. – requests information on the Curl Bequest Prize (tp.)

 21    FS to A.J.H. Goodwin, 25 Feb. – makes it clear that the essays submitted must be original works (tpc.)

 22    Ibid. to Dr August Vogl, 1 Mar. – acknowledges receipt of his essays; had thought that he wished the first to be submitted for the Curl Bequest Prize; these essays must not have been previously published (tpc.)

 23    Howard B. Sprague to FS, ibid. – thanks her for the information regarding the Curl Bequest Prize (tp.)

 24    FS to Walter R. Goldschmidt, 4 Mar. – encloses rules of the Curl Bequest Prize (tpc.)

 25    Ibid. to Robert W. Ehrich, 6 Mar. – acknowledges receipt of his paper (tpc.)

 26    Dr Ph. M. v.d. Heijden to [WBF], 20 Mar. – encloses a copy of ‘Homo Faber’ which has not been available for purchase, but which has been used as the basis of a lecture; hopes there is no objection to its being a printed copy (tp.)

 27    J.H. Hutton to FS, ibid. – will attend meeting on 6 June if possible (tp.)

A139/2/28    FS to Dr Ph. M. v.d. Heijden, 24 Mar. 1950 – acknowledges receipt of his paper (tpc.)

 29    A.W. Southall to [WBF], 2 Apr. – has just heard of the Curl Bequest Prize; wishes to submit an article which has been accepted by the International African Institute; wonders if he may submit the copy they have (autogr.)

 30    Ian G. Cunnison to ibid., 5 Apr. – submits an essay for the Curl Bequest Prize (tp.)

 31    FS to Ian G. Cunnison, 6 Apr. – acknowledges receipt of ‘Forms and notions of history among the Luapula peoples’ (tpc.)

 32    A.W. Southall to FS, 25 Apr. – mentions his letter of 2 Apr.; asks her to contact the Director of the International African Institute and ask him to send her his manuscript in order that it can be entered for the Curl Prize on time (autogr.)

 33    Philip Mayer to [WBF], 29 Apr. – submits his essay, ‘The friendship of “pals” in Gusii age sets’, for the Curl Bequest Prize (tp.)

 34    FS to Dr R.W. Ehrich, 5 May – his paper, ‘Anthropology: a brief survey’, has already been published and is not eligible for the Curl Bequest Prize; is passing it to the Librarian (tpc.)

 35    Ibid. to Philip Mayer, ibid. – acknowledges receipt of his essay (tpc.)

 36    FS to Dr August Vogl, 5 May – his book ‘Verhangnisvolle Heilkunst’ is not eligible for the Curl Bequest Prize; returns it (tpc.)

 37    FS to A.W. Southall, 5 May – has communicated with the Director of the International African Institute; he has agreed to forward the paper; it will be submitted to the judges in due course (tpc.)

 38    [15 May], draft letter announcing recipient’s appointment as a member of the Committee of Judges for the Curl Bequest Prize (tpc., with many autogr. amendments)

 39    FS, 15 May – letter of appointment as member of the Committee of Judges for the award of the Curl Bequest Prize; lists papers received (tpc.) Copies sent to Dr Fortes, Dr Daniel, Prof. Hutton, Prof. Firth, Miss Tildesley, Mr Braunholtz and Prof. Radcliffe-Brown

A139/2/40    R.W. Firth to FS, 16 May 1950 – will act as a judge but only able to attend a meeting on 23 May for half an hour (tp.)

 41    G.E. Daniel to ibid., 17 May – is happy to act as a judge; regrets he is unable to attend meeting on 23 May (autogr.)

 42    Meyer Fortes to ibid., 18 May – could not attend the meeting on 23 May before 2.30 (autogr.)

 43    J.H. Hutton to ibid., 19 May – is depressed by the prospect of the quantity of reading involved in being a judge; is free to attend a meeting on 23 May (tp.)

 44    A. Radcliffe-Brown to ibid., ibid. – would like to act as a judge but has many appointments; feels this would delay matters unless he could read the papers during term time (autogr.)

 45    G.E. Daniel to ibid., 22 May – is unable to attend a meeting on 6 June (tp.)

 46    M.L. Tildesley to ibid., 22 May – is free to attend a meeting on 6 June (tp.)

 47    FS to A. Radcliffe-Brown, 26 May – has noted the points he made in his letter of 19 May; would be grateful if he would consent to act as a judge; the judges will now meet on 6 June; as there will be no Henry Myers Lecture in 1951 asks whether it would be convenient for him to deliver the Huxley Memorial Lecture in May that year (tpc.)

 48    A. Radcliffe-Brown to FS, nd – hopes to be present on 6 June; will speak with her about the Huxley Memorial Lecture (autogr.)

 49    Aidan Southall to ibid., 31 May – had not realized when he first approached her that the prize-winning essay would be published; has decided to withdraw from the Curl Prize but will write again when he has heard from the International African Institute (tp.)

 50    Mrs B.E. Wyatt, Secretary, International African Institute to ibid., 2 June – has received about twenty pages of corrections to Mr Southall’s paper; asks whether to send them on or to wait until the question of publication arises (tp.)

 51    FS to Dr M. v.d. Heijden, 7 June – returns his paper; it does not fall within the scope of the prize (tpc.)

A139/2/52    Beatrice Wyatt to FS, 22 June 1950 – Mr Southall has informed her that he does not wish his essay to be withdrawn from the competition; he has sent a number of maps and diagrams to go with his paper; asks whether she would like them sent (tp.)

 53    M.L. Tildesley, [?June] – report on ‘Anthropologische hörlehre’ by Prof. Dr Walter Scheidt; recommends it for the prize. 4 leaves (tp.)

 54    Translation of introduction to ‘Anthropologische hörlehre’. 2 leaves (tp.)

 55    A. Radcliffe-Brown, [June] – Report on Three African Essays; his preference amongst the essays is ‘Lineage formation among the Luo’. 2 leaves (tp.)

 56    FS to A. Radcliffe-Brown, 26 June – thanks him for his reports on the essays (tpc.)

 57    Ibid. to Mrs Wyatt, ibid. – is glad that Mr Southall is leaving his essay in competition; asks her to send on the attachments (tpc.)

 58    Meyer Fortes to Committee of Judges for Curl Bequest Prize, 1 July – thinks that ‘The Friendship of pals in Gusii age sets’ is the best of the three papers, ‘Forms and Notions of History among the Luapula peoples’, second; and ‘The Process of Segmentation in the Luo Family System and Lineage’ third (tp.)

 59    FS to J.H. Hutton, 18 July – enquires whether he is ready to send in his report (tpc.)

 60    Ibid. to M.L. Tildesley, ibid. – ibid. (tpc.)

 61    J.H. Hutton to FS, 21 July – returns ‘Colonial Law and Chinese Society’ with report (tp.)

 62    Ibid., ibid. – report on ‘Colonial Law and Chinese Society’ (tp.)

 63    Florence Simon to [WBF], 25 Sept. – asks for details of the Curl Bequest Prize (tp.)

 64    FS to A. Radcliffe-Brown, 4 Oct. – all of the reports on the essays are in and will be circulated amongst the judges; the judges need to make their recommendation before 7 Nov.; asks him to suggest a convenient date for a judges’ meeting (tpc.)

 65    Mary Thatcher, Secretary, Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology, Cambridge to FS, 9 Oct. – confirms that Meyer Fortes will attend Curl meeting on 13 Oct. (telegram)

A139/2/66    Ibid., 9 Oct. 1950 – ibid. (tp.)

 67    J.H. Hutton to FS, 12 Oct. – asks her to send his apologies to the Chairman of the Curl Bequest Prize judges as is unable to be present at meeting; has read reports; feels that the prize should go to ‘Anthropological Acoustics’. 2 pp. (autogr.)

 68    FS to Florence Simon, 21 Oct. – sends copy of the rules for the prize (tpc.)

 69    Joan E. Clark to [WBF], 15 Nov. – asks for details of the Curl Bequest Prize (tp.)

 70    FS to Ian G. Cunnison, 20 Nov. – his essay, ‘Forms and notions of history among the Luapula peoples of Northern Rhodesia and the Belgian Congo’, has not been made an award (tpc.)

 71    Ibid. to Maurice Freedman, ibid. – his essay, ‘Colonial law and Chinese society’, has not been made an award (tpc.)

 72    Ibid. to Philip Mayer, ibid. – his essay, ‘The friendship of “pals” in Gusii age sets’, has not been made an award (tpc.)

 73    Ibid. to Prof. Dr Walter Scheidt, ibid. – regrets that his essay, ‘Anthropologische Hörlehre’, has not been made an award (tpc.)

 74    Ibid. to A. Southall, ibid. – his essay, ‘Notes on the Luo’, has not been made an award (tpc.)

 75    Ibid. to Joan E. Clark, 21 Nov. – encloses a copy of the rules for the prize; it has recently been instituted and no awards have yet been made (tpc.)

 76    M. Brown, Registrar, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg to [WBF], 23 Nov. – asks for more notices of the Curl Bequest Prize (tp.)


 77    Announcement of the Curl Bequest Prize for 1951 (printed)

 78    A.T. Carey to [WBF], 25 Jan. 1951 – wonders whether an essay he is writing would be eligible for the Curl Bequest Prize (autogr.) [on verso draft reply from FS – seems his essay would be eligible (autogr.)]

 79    A. Radcliffe-Brown – report on Curl Bequest Prize, for Council meeting 6 Feb. 3 leaves (tp., with autogr. amendments)

A139/2/80    WBF, [Feb.] – draft resolution drawn up in the light of Prof. Radcliffe Brown’s report and other comments. 2 leaves (autogr.)

 81    J.L. Myres to WBF, 5 Feb. 1951 – thanks him for his memorandum on the Curl Prize; agrees with A. Radcliffe-Brown about proposed regulations; thinks review of current work in some field of anthropological study essential; competitor’s own work subsidiary to this (autogr.)

 82    A. Radcliffe-Brown and WBF, 6 Feb. – report on Curl Bequest Prize to meeting of Council by A. Radcliffe-Brown; gives his opinion on how best the essays could fulfil the provisions of the Curl Bequest; anthropology needs to keep up with other sciences on having papers on ‘recent advances’; considers definition of anthropology; thinks advisory editors should form part of the panel of judges; draft resolution by WBF; lists draft regulations based on suggestions in A. Radcliffe-Brown’s report; makes a suggestion for a sentence address to prospective candidates which will comply with the wishes of the Institute’s Solicitor in reference to the Court Order. 3 leaves (tp., with autogr. amendments)

 83    FS to A.T. Carey, 13 Feb. – thinks his essay would be eligible (tpc.)

 84    A.T. Carey to [FS], 19 Mar. – encloses his essay; it covers a period wider than 10 years but he is willing to alter it if necessary (autogr.)

 85    Walter R. Goldschmidt to [WBF], 22 Mar. – submits his essay for the Curl Bequest Prize (tp.)

 86    FS to E.E. Evans Pritchard, 31 Mar. – Council allocated £25 for referees’ fees; lists the judges who read papers and how many each read; asks whether he agrees with WBF that the sum should be divided between them (tp.) Autogr. note by E.E. Evans Pritchard, ‘agreed’

 87    Ibid. to A.T. Carey, 2 Apr. – acknowledges safe receipt of his essay (tpc.)

 88    Ibid. to M.L. Tildesley, 18 Apr. – encloses cheque for £6 5s as a fee for her work as a Curl Prize judge (tp., with autogr. note by M.L. Tildesley ‘received with thanks’) [similar letters to A. Radcliffe-Brown, Meyer Fortes and J.H. Hutton not retained]

 89    Paul Bohannan to [WBF], 24 Apr. – encloses his essay for the Curl Bequest Prize (tp.)

 90    FS to W.R. Goldschmidt, ibid. – acknowledges receipt of his essay (tpc.)
A139/2/91    Ibid. to P. Bohannan, 27 Apr. 1951 – ibid. (tpc.)

 92    Ibid. to Meyer Fortes, 11 May – asks whether he thinks it would be a good idea to have a meeting soon to settle procedure for this year (tpc.)

 93    Ibid. to Prof. I. Schapera, ibid. – hopes he will consent to be a Curl judge this year; the other judges are Prof. Meyer Fortes and Prof. Forde (tpc.)

 94    Meyer Fortes to FS, 14 May – was not present at last Council meeting; wishes to know how he came to be elected (tp., with autogr. draft reply by FS)

 95    Prof. I. Schapera to FS, 21 May – is happy to act as a judge (tp.)

 96    FS to Prof. Meyer Fortes, 28 May – encloses a copy of the Curl Prize rules; he was appointed because it is stated that judges should include editors of the Journal (tpc.)

 97    Meyer Fortes to FS, 29 May – assumes that Prof. Forde and Prof. I. Schapera have agreed to act as judges; asks her to confirm this so that he can invite them to lunch with him to discuss procedure (autogr., with autogr. draft reply by FS)

 98    FS to Prof. I. Schapera, 14 June – encloses two essays; asks him to read them and pass them on to Prof. Fortes; all reports must be ready by Sept.; asks him not to keep the papers for more than two or three weeks (tpc.)

 99    Ibid. to Prof. Daryll Forde, 3 July – the two enclosed essays must be read quickly and passed on to Prof. I. Schapera (tpc.)

100    Ibid. to Prof. Meyer Fortes, ibid. – encloses one essay; asks him to pass it to Prof. Forde, who will than pass it to Prof. I. Schapera; the other four essays will reach him in due course and should then be returned to her (tpc.)

101    Prof. Daryll Forde to FS, 5 July – is busy with University examinations, but will do his best to read the essays in July (tp.)

102    Prof. I. Schapera to FS, 16 July – encloses his report; has forwarded the essays to Prof. Fortes; asks when he can expect the others (tp.)

A139/2/103    Ibid., 16 July 1951 – report on ‘A functional interpretation of Hupa-Yurok culture’ and ‘The structural implications of matrilateral cross-cousin marriage’; does not recommend either of them (tp.)

105    FS to Prof. I. Schapera, 19 July – has told Prof. Forde that he is ready to receive the other essays (tpc.)

106    Prof. Daryll Forde, 11 Sept. – report on ‘Measures of divorce frequency in simple societies’. 2 leaves (tp.)

107    Ibid., 14 Sept. – report on ‘The structural implications of matrilateral cross-cousin marriage’. 3 leaves (tpc., with autogr. amendments)

108    Ibid., nd – Summary of report on ‘The structural implications of matrilateral cross-cousin marriage’. 2 leaves (tp.)

109    Ibid., 17 Sept. – report on ‘A functional interpretation of Hupa-Yurok culture’. 2 leaves (tp., with autogr. amendments)

110    Ibid., ibid. – thinks his colleagues will agree that this essay is too immature to warrant a full report (tp.)

111    Ibid., 19 Sept. – report on ‘Land rights with special reference to the Tiv’ (tp.)

112    Meyer Fortes, [? Sept.] – reports on ‘Tiv land tenure’, ‘The structural implications of cross cousin marriage’ and ‘A functional interpretation of Hupa-Yurok culture’ (tp.)

113    Meyer Fortes, [? Sept.] – brief reports on ‘Measures of divorce frequency in simple societies’ and ‘Some recent fashions in social anthropology’ (tp.)

114    FS to Prof. I. Schapera, 22 Sept. – encloses three papers; asks for his reports on them (tpc.)

115    Prof. I. Schapera to FS, 26 Sept. – returns the three papers; has already reported on two of them; thinks the third, ‘Measures of divorce frequency in simple societies’, to be the best but doubts it would fall under the terms of the prize (tp.)

A139/2/116    Ibid., 28 Sept. 1951 – understands that she did not receive his previous letter reporting on two of the papers; did not keep a copy of what he said; briefly writes on what he can recall of the essays (tp.)

117    FS to Prof. I. Schapera, 2 Oct. – thanks him for his reports; if two outstanding reports are received soon it may be possible to hold a meeting before the next Council meeting (tpc.)

118    nd – Curl Prize essays: summary of judges’ reports. 2 leaves (tp.)

119    FS to Dr E.R. Leach, 23 Oct. – asks whether he is prepared to make some revisions to the essay he submitted for the Curl Prize (tpc.)

120    Dr E.R. Leach to FS, nd – returns his essay with a reply to the criticisms of the judges (tp., with autogr. note by FS to Prof. Fortes – asks whether he wants another meeting of judges)

121    FS to J.A. Barnes, 24 Oct. – explains how it has been decided that a prize cannot be awarded for his essay since it had already been accepted for publication in the Journal; assures him that this is due solely to the desire to follow the rules for the Curl Prize, and is nothing to do with the merit of the essay; returns it (tpc.)

122    J.A. Barnes to FS, 28 Oct. – was disappointed but not surprised to learn of Council’s decision with regard to his paper; had offered to withdraw it in Apr.; suggests a rewording of the rules to obviate such a situation recurring in the future (tp.)

123    FS to Dr E.R. Leach, 19 Nov. – he has been awarded the Curl Prize for his essay; he will read it to the Institute and it will be published in the Journal; returns it and congratulates him (tpc.)

124    Ibid., 20 Dec. – encloses a cheque for £50 as the prize for his Curl essay (tpc.)

125    Ibid. to Prof. I. Schapera, ibid. – encloses his fee of £8 6s 8d (tpc.) [similar letters to Prof. Daryll Forde and Prof. Meyer Fortes not retained]


126    FS to Dr E.R. Leach, 1 Apr. – encloses proofs of his Curl Essay; returns corrected typescript; he will receive 25 off-prints; asks if he would like any more (autogr.)

A139/2/127    Dr E.R. Leach to Mrs A.C. Bowe, [Apr. 1952] – gives details of the offprints he requires of his Curl Essay (autogr.)

128    A. Köbben to WBF, 21 Apr. – submits his essay, ‘New ways in developing an old idea: on the statistical method in social anthropology’ (tp.)

129    Dr E.R. Leach to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 24 Apr. – hopes it will be possible for him to see his JRAI essay in page proof; has noticed some mistakes (autogr.)

130    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Prof. Meyer Fortes, 7 Aug. – encloses the entry for the Curl Essay; asks him to hand if to Dr Trevor (tpc.)

131    Ibid. to A.T. Carey, 8 Sept. – returns his essay (tpc.) [similar letters to W.R. Goldschmidt and P. Bohannan not retained]

132    S.F. Nadel to K.M. Martindell, 15 Sept. – asks for details on the Curl Bequest Essay Prize (tp.)

133    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Prof. S.F. Nadel, 29 Sept. – encloses conditions of the essay and notes that submissions should be made by 30 Apr. (tpc.)

134    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Dr J.C. Trevor, 4 Oct. – needs his report on the Curl Essay before Thursday; WBF suggests that he and Prof. Fortes discuss their reports in Cambridge to save time; Prof. Forde is in Paris and will not be able to attend the meeting (tpc.) [similar letter to Meyer Fortes not retained]

135    Prof. Meyer Fortes to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 6 Oct. – does not think the essay of good enough standard (tp.)

136    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Dr J.C. Trevor, 14 Oct. – asks for his report as soon as possible (tpc.)

137    Dr J.C. Trevor, Oct. – report; makes suggestions (tp.)

138    Ibid. – ibid. (autogr. draft)

139    Prof. Daryll Forde to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 21 Oct. – recommends the essay subject to a correction of the English (tp.)

140    WBF [to Curl Prize judges], 31 Oct. – notes that two of the judges recommend the essay; thinks they should meet soon to arrive at a final decision; enough time needs to be allowed for revisions to be made before the reading of the essay in January if it is successful; suggests a meeting after the meeting of the Managing Committee of the Americanist Conference (tpc.)

A139/2/141    Reports of Referees (tp.)

142    Prof. Meyer Fortes to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 3 Nov. 1952 – he is unable to attend the meeting; is willing to concur with Dr J.C. Trevor and Dr Forde (tp.)

143    Dr J.C. Trevor to ibid., 4 Nov. – neither he nor Prof. Fortes will be available to meet on the day WBF suggests; Prof. Fortes is willing to allow the essay the prize once it has been revised; thinks that if Prof. Forde agrees with the other point he made in his earlier letter no further discussion will be necessary (tp.)

144    Prof. Meyer Fortes to ibid., 6 Nov. – thinks it advisable to ask that the essay be re-submitted once the alterations are made (tp.)

145    WBF to A. Köbben, 7 Nov. – notes the revisions which the judges have asked for; he will need to notify the Institute of his agreement to make them in principle (tpc.)

146    Ibid. – ibid. (autogr. draft)

147    A. Köbben to [WBF], 10 Nov. – is very willing to make the necessary amendments; is grateful of the offer of help with statistical matters; asks his advice on preparing a reading version of the essay (tp.)

148    WBF to Dr J.C. Trevor, 15 Nov. – encloses a copy of Mr Köbben’s reply to his letter; asks him to make contact; needs a decision from all three judges on the revised version before mid-December (tpc.)

149    Dr J.C. Trevor to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 1 Dec. – has received Mr Köbben’s typescript and has begun rewriting it; is satisfied that it will be worthy of the Curl Prize; will send what he has done so far for the approval of his fellow judges; will continue working on it rather than attending Council meeting; asks her to pass the information to WBF (autogr.)

150    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Dr J.C. Trevor, 3 Dec. – thanks him for his message; will tell WBF; on cheques sent (tpc.)

151    Werner Wolff to WBF, 3 Dec. – asks about submitting a paper for the Curl Prize in 1953; is a member of the American Anthropological Association (tp.)

152    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Werner Wolff, 10 Dec. – encloses a copy of the rules of the Prize; it is offered yearly (tpc.)

A139/2/153    WBF to Prof. Daryll Forde, 19 Dec. 1952 – is sending Dr Trevor’s revision of the Curl Prize essay to him by registered post; asks him to read it and send it on to Mr Köbben with a request that it be retyped (tpc.)

154    Mrs A.C. Bowe to A. Köbben, 22 Dec. – encloses his original typescript with the hand-written amendments by Dr J.C. Trevor; asks him to telegraph immediately if he accepts the revisions; he then needs to have it retyped and a shortened version prepared for the reading on 8 Jan.; WBF asks for some information on himself to print on the invitations to the reading (tpc.)

155    A. Köbben to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 23 Dec. – agrees to amendments (telegram)

156    Ibid. to WBF, 27 Dec. – gives some personal details; hopes he will hear of further details about the arrangements for the reading before his arrival in London on 6 Jan. (tp.)

157    Mrs A.C. Bowe to A. Köbben, 29 Dec. – officially announces that the Curl Prize has been awarded to him; the essay will be read and then published in the Journal; after the reading he will be guest of honour at the Nag’s Head in Covent Garden (tpc.)

158    Ibid. to C. Hoggard, Alcuin Press, 30 Dec. – orders meeting cards announcing Mr Köbben’s reading (tpc.)

159    Text for meeting cards (tpc.)

160    Ibid. (printed proof with autogr correction)


161    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Coutts & Co, 13 Jan. 1953 – on money transfer to Mr Köbben for the prize money for his essay (tpc.)

162    Coutts & Co to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 19 Jan. – the Curl account has been debited; awaits formal authorisation (tp.)

163    D.H.F. Wilson and A. Digby to Coutts & Co, 23 Jan. – formally ask the bank to debit the Curl account (tpc.)

A139/2/164    Mrs A.C. Bowe to J.P. Mills, 6 Apr. 1953 – encloses an edited Curl Prize leaflet; explains that an advertisement for the Prize should have appeared in Man last October; WBF thinks that now a leaflet should be inserted into the January issue and the time-limit extended to 30 Sept.; D.H.F. Wilson agrees with the proposal; WBF wishes to raise the matter at the Council meeting of 23 Apr. and make the suggestion that Council might appoint the Honorary Editor and Associate Editors as judges; asks him to let WBF know if he agrees with these plans (tpc.) Copy to Prof. Meyer Fortes

165    Curl Prize leaflet (printed with autogr. amendments)

166    Prof. Meyer Fortes to WBF, 7 Apr. – returns the Curl Prize leaflet; thinks changes a good idea; suggests that a corresponding change should be made regarding the date of the reading of the essay (autogr.)

167    Mrs A.C. Bowe to WBF, 9 Apr. – encloses proof of the Curl Bequest Prize leaflet (tp.)

168    Curl Bequest Prize leaflet (printed, with autogr. corrections)

169    Corrected Curl Bequest Prize leaflet (printed)

170    H.N.C. Stevenson to WBF, 7 July – submits his essay, ‘Status evaluation in the Hindu caste system@ (autogr.)

171    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Prof. I. Schapera, 14 July – encloses a copy of the essay submitted for the Curl Bequest Prize; asks for his report (tpc.)

172    Ibid. to Dr J.C. Trevor, ibid. – ibid.; notes that a second copy has been sent to Prof. I. Schapera; a third copy remains in the office until there are further entries in which case WBF says he may have to c/o-opt another judge (tpc.)

173    Ibid. to H.N.C. Stevenson, ibid. – acknowledges receipt of three copies of his essay (tpc.)

174    E. Kathleen Gough to WBF, 9 Sept. – encloses three copies of her essay, Female initiation rites on the Malabar coast; notes that the essay including footnotes is too long; is leaving for America and cannot re-write it; asks that most footnotes be omitted (tp.)

175    Mrs A.C. Bowe to E. K. Gough, 14 Sept. – returns the copies of her essay; WBF says he cannot submit it to the judges as it is; asks her to condense it (tpc.)

A139/2/176    Lajos d’Ebneth to WBF, 15 Sept. 1953 – submits his essay, ‘Mañana, Entwurf einer onto-genetischen Anthropologie im Horizonte einer versunken lebenden Kultur’; is sending further copies by airmail (tp.)

177    Ibid., ibid. – encloses second copy of his essay (tp.)

178    Ibid., ibid. – encloses third copy of his essay (tp.)

179    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Dr J.C. Trevor, 22 Sept. – encloses a copy of ‘Mañana’; asks who should receive the other copies (tpc.)

180    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Prof. I. Schapera, 24 Sept. – encloses a copy of ‘Mañana’ (tpc.)

181    E. Kathleen Gough to Mrs A.C. Bowe, ibid. – apologises for sending in her essay when it was too long; has revised it and is retyping it; hope it will arrive on time; will send a cheque for postage (tp.)

182    Ibid., 26 Sept. – is sending three copies of her essay reduced to the required length; encloses cheque for postage (tp.)

183    W.N. Fenton to WBF, 30 Sept. – has meant for the past two years to submit his essay, ‘Factionalism at Taos Pueblo, New Mexico’, for the Curl Bequest Prize; has been urged to submit it to the JRAI; is having it retyped; if he was in London he could make the deadline; accepts that if the rules are strictly adhered to it will be out of time; asks for it to be sent for consideration for publication in the JRAI (tp., with autogr. note for reply by WBF; see /2/186)

184    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Dr J.C. Trevor, 1 Oct. – encloses ‘Female initiation rites’ (tpc.)

185    Ibid. to Prof. I. Schapera, 1 Oct. – ibid. (tpc.)

186    Ibid. to Dr W.N. Fenton, 7 Oct. – WBF has just returned from Switzerland and has much work to deal with; he has asked her to apologise but the rules are strictly adhered to; asks if he would like it considered as an entry for the 1954 competition; the closing date will revert to 30 Apr., only six months away (tpc.)

187    Ibid. to Prof. J.C. Flügel, 12 Oct. – has been asked by Dr J.C. Trevor to forward him the essay, Female initiation rites; Dr Trevor is indisposed; explains he would value his opinion as a referee; if he is able to read the essay, asks him to return it with his report to Dr Trevor; if not, asks if he can recommend anyone else (tpc.)

A139/2/188    W.N. Fenton to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 14 Oct. 1953 – agrees to leave the essay for consideration for the 1954 Prize; wishes to know in the meantime what the editors of the Journal think of it; would like it to be published in England to protect his informants (tp.)

189    J.C. Flügel to ibid., ibid. – thinks the paper looks interesting but has no time; suggests Mrs B.Z. Seligman or Dr R. Money-Kyrle (autogr.)

190    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Dr W.N. Fenton, 19 Oct. – will submit the essay for the Curl Bequest Prize; notes that it will be published in the Journal if successful; suggests he leaves the matter with the RAI; will let him know the result as soon as possible (tpc.)

191    Ibid. to Dr Money-Kyrle, 20 Oct. – the judges are favourable towards the enclosed essay but would value his opinion as an expert referee; asks him to let her know as soon as possible if he is able to accept the job; encloses rules of the Competition and an envelope for his report (tpc.)

192    R.E. Money-Kyrle to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 25 Oct. – was favourable impressed by the essay; asks that if a prize is awarded to this essay he be told the name of the author who, he feels, is likely to produce interesting work (tp.)

193    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Prof. I. Schapera, 28 Oct. – at Dr J.C. Trevor’s request forwards Dr Money-Kyrle’s report; Dr J.C. Trevor says that if he agrees, he suggests that a second Curl Prize be awarded this year (tpc.)

194    Ibid. to Dr Money-Kyrle, ibid. – Dr J.C. Trevor thanks him for the report; if a prize is awarded to the essay he will be told the name of the author (tpc.)

195    Prof. I. Schapera to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 30 Oct. – agrees with Dr J.C. Trevor that a second prize should be awarded (tp.)

196    WBF to Kathleen Gough, 10 Nov. – draft for telegram announcing that she has been awarded one of two Curl Prizes; needs shortened version for meeting of 17 Dec. (autogr., by Mrs A.C. Bowe?)

197    Kathleen Gough to WBF, 10 Nov. – was delighted to receive the telegram announcing that she had won half the Curl Prize; will not be able to read the paper as she is at Harvard; asks if she could read it next year; asks whether she should prepare a shortened version in case someone else needs to read it (tp.)

A139/2/198    WBF to Dr E.K. Gough, 17 Nov. 1953 – clarifies that she has not won half the prize but an additional one of full status; notes author and title of other winning essay; the rules of the prize are governed by the testator’s will and the essay must be read at either the last meeting of the year or the first of the following year; Mr Stevenson cannot make the 17 Dec. so the reading will take place on 7 Jan.; asks if she would like to suggest someone to read her essay (tpc.)

199    Dr E.K. Gough to WBF, 18 Dec. – was pleased to hear she had won a whole prize and is glad about Mr Stevenson; suggests Mr T.T.S. Hayley as a reader for her essay since he understands the subject (tp.)

200    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Dr R.E. Money-Kyrle, 18 Dec. – gives name and address of Dr E.K. Gough (tpc.)

201    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Dr E.K. Gough, 19 Dec. – asks whether she will be able to send a shortened version of her essay in time for the meeting of 7 Jan. (tpc.)

202    H.N.C. Stevenson to WBF, nd – gives an opening paragraph for T.T.S. Hayley to read; apologises for his inability to be present; has written to R.W. Firth c/o the RAI; asks WBF to read this letter before the meeting if Firth is not going to be present (autogr.)

203    H.N.C. Stevenson to Mrs A.C. Bowe, nd – asks that one of the three typescripts of his Curl Essay be sent to Dr E.R. Leach (autogr.)


204    WBF to Dr E.R. Leach, 25 Feb. 1954 – sends a copy of H.N.C. Stevenson’s essay (tpc.)

205    Lajos D’Ebneth to WBF, 22 Mar. – has heard nothing about the essay he submitted last year for the Curl Bequest Prize and has not been receiving his subscriptions to the Journal and Man; would be grateful to receive missing copies and news of the essay; since the post is so bad in Peru asks for them to be sent registered mail and will happily pay associated costs (tp.)

 .1    Certificate of posting (printed and autogr.)

206    WBF to Lajos D’Ebneth, 30 Mar. – gives the names of the winners of the Curl Bequest Prize and returns his essay; explains delays with his subscriptions (tpc.)

207    Ibid. to H.N.C. Stevenson, 27 Apr. – encloses cheque for £50 as the prize for his essay (tpc.) [similar letter to Dr E.K. Gough not retained]

A139/2/208    Coutts & Co. to Miss Skinner, nd – on a form regarding cheque for Dr E.K. Gough (autogr.)

209    Dr E.K. Gough to WBF, 13 May – is pleased to have the prize so soon (tp.)

210    Leopold J. Pospisil to ibid., 10 July – has been advised by Prof. Daryll Forde to enter the enclosed paper, ‘The nature of law’, for the Curl Bequest Prize (tp.)

211    WBF to [Mrs A.C. Bowe], 10 Aug. – asks whether Dr W.N. Fenton’s essay submitted last year has been found, and whether any other essays were submitted before 30 Apr. (autogr.)

212    Ibid. to Leopold J. Pospisil, 11 Aug. – his essay has missed the closing date for entries for 1954; asks if he wishes it considered for the 1955 competition (tpc.)

213    Dr P.F. Ghysbrecht to [WBF], 14 Aug. – asks for rules of the Curl Bequest Prize (tp., in French)

214    WBF to Dr P.F. Ghysbrecht, 16 Aug. – encloses rules; points out that the latest date for entries for 1954 was 30 Apr. (tpc., in French)

215    Miss Butler to H.N.C. Stevenson, 23 Aug. – Mrs Cherry has asked Dr J.C. Trevor what stage the printers were at with his essay as he wished to make an addition to it; Dr J.C. Trevor replied that he had not yet received a copy of the essay; asks whether she should send the copy in the RAI files to him for alterations or to Dr J.C. Trevor (tpc.)

216    H.N.C. Stevenson to Miss Butler, 25 Aug. – has forwarded his copy of his essay to Dr J.C. Trevor; is unable to complete the alterations in the time available; advises her to keep the RAI copy in the files; asks her to make some alterations (autogr.)

217    John L. Sorenson to WBF, 29 Aug. – asks for confirmation that the rules of the Curl Bequest Prize printed in Yan are correct as wishes to submit an essay (tpc.)

218    [Miss Skinner] to H.N.C. Stevenson, 31 Aug. – encloses the Institute’s copy of his paper; notes that the alterations he requested have been made; asks him to confirm that they are correct (tpc.)

A139/2/219    H.N.C. Stevenson to Miss Skinner, 2 Sept. 1954 – thanks her for the copy of his essay; expects the corrections are right; cannot check as references in the Institute’s Library (autogr.)

220    [Miss Skinner] to H.N.C. Stevenson, 3 Sept. – thanks him for acknowledging receipt of his essay; has not yet copied out the bibliography with the additions; would like it back unless he intends to send it direct to Dr J.C. Trevor (tpc.)

221    WBF to John L. Sorenson, ibid. – the RAI has never given Yan information on the Curl Bequest Prize; encloses a copy of the regulations (tpc.)

222    H.N.C. Stevenson to Miss Skinner, 5 Sept. – returns the copy she sent him (autogr.)

223    [Miss Skinner] to Dr J.C. Trevor, 8 Sept. – encloses Mr Stevenson’s bibliography; makes a note of corrections for the printer (tpc.)

224    Bibliography for H.N.C. Stevenson’s essay ‘Status evaluation in the Hindu caste system’. 3 leaves (tp.)

225    Leopold J. Pospisil to WBF, 14 Sept. – had assumed that the closing date would be at a similar time to the 1953 competition; is about to leave for field work in New Guinea; expects to supplement his paper with new findings; asks that ‘The nature of law’ be submitted for publication in the Journal (tp.)

226    John L. Sorenson to [WBF], 18 Sept. – encloses three copies of his essay; is uncertain about the deadline; asks for consideration to be given to his essay even if he misses it due to the post; if the essay is not acceptable asks for its return; would expect to amend it before the following year’s competition (tp.)

227    WBF to Leopold J. Pospisil, 22 Sept. – explains reason for late deadline in 1953; has sent his essay to Dr J.C. Trevor, Honorary Editor of the Journal (tpc.)

228    Judith Skinner for WBF to Dr J.C. Trevor, ibid. – encloses two copies of Leopold J. Pospisil’s essay and the relevant correspondence (tp.; autogr. note ‘submitted for 1955’)

229    WBF to J.L. Sorenson, 24 Sept. – explains that the deadline was extended only for 1953; returns the copies of his essay (tpc.)

A139/2/230    John L. Sorenson to [WBF], 8 Oct. 1954 – thanks him for the explanation about the deadline; will re-submit next April; has recommended to the Brigham Young University Library where he works that they acquire a complete set of the Journal (tpc.)

231    Acting Secretary to the Officers to Dr J.C. Trevor, 15 Oct. – encloses a copy of the Prize essay (tpc.)

232    Ibid. to Prof. I. Schapera, ibid. – ibid; he has been appointed a judge along with Dr J.C. Trevor (tpc.)

233    Prof. I. Schapera and Dr J.C. Trevor, nd – report on ‘Factionalism at Taos Pueblo, New Mexico’; not recommended for the Prize but could make a suitable paper for the Journal (tpc.)


234    Advertisement for Curl Bequest Prize 1955 (printed)

235    Peter M. Worsley to [WBF], 17 Jan. 1955 – asks if it is legitimate to submit for the Curl Prize material which was previously embodied in a thesis; asks about the ten year restriction; his thesis is concerned with an analysis of a book published in 1945; earlier works are referred to (tp.)

236    J.C. Trevor to Prof. Daryll Forde, 8 Feb. – Mr Pospisil’s paper is not being recommended for publication in the Journal; he would like it to be submitted for the Curl Prize this year; on its eligibility, as its authorship is now known; is sending a copy of this letter to WBF for his views (tp.)

237    Prof. Daryll Forde to Dr Jack Trevor, 9 Feb. – it is difficult to communicate with Mr Pospisil; does not think his knowing the authorship of Pospisil’s paper would affect the anonymity of the essay for Curl purposes (tp.)

238    Paul Bohannan to WBF, 25 Feb. – encloses three copies of an essay ‘Social Change and the Notion of Culture’ for the Curl competition (tp.)

239    Peter M. Worsley to WBF, 2 Mar. – on a change of spelling in a letter he sent to Man; asks again about the eligibility of his subject for the Curl Prize; asks about an article submitted to Man (tp.)

240    Nancy Gee, Acting Secretary to the Officers, to Dr P.M. Worsley, 8 Mar. – asks what his query was about the Curl prize; cannot trace his original query (tpc.)

A139/2/241    Peter M. Worsley to Nancy Gee, 15 Mar. 1955 – repeats his query about revaluation of a book published in 1945; thinks there is little doubt that such a work fulfils the time condition satisfactorily (autogr.)

242    C. Slaughter to [WBF], 7 Apr. – asks if it would be in order to submit an essay which is his contribution to a joint work which has been accepted for publication (tp. with autogr. note by WBF added)

243    Nancy Gee to C. Slaughter, 12 Apr. – WBF has asked her to thank him for his letter; the point was raised a couple of years ago; essays accepted or offered for publication elsewhere are not eligible (tpc.)

244    WBF to Dr P.M. Worsley, 19 Apr. – an essay devoted to a revaluation of a book published within the previous ten years would be eligible for the Curl prize; it is for the Council or delegated officers to decide any preliminary question of eligibility; one cannot be sure what their attitude will be in advance (tpc.)

245    P.M. Worsley to [WBF], 27 Apr. – forwards three copies of his essay submitted for the Curl Prize (tp.)

246    Phyllis M. Kaberry to WBF, 2 May – Dr Michael Smith’s essay reached her on 30 Apr. but she was unable to deliver it the RAI immediately; WBF indicated that the delay would not matter (tp.)

247    Ibid., 12 May – on a list of typing errors from Dr Smith (tp.)

248    M. Gluckman to ibid., 10 Aug. – thanks him for invitation to serve as a judge with Prof. Furer-Haimendorf; cannot guarantee to do anything before Nov.; must point out that one of the essays is by a member of his department (tp.)

249    Ibid., 20 Sept. – is still waiting for reply to his letter regarding the submission of an essay by a member of his department (tp.)

250    WBF to Prof. M. Gluckman, 23 Sept. – sorry not to have answered his letter; is sure that Council would have confidence in his ability to make an unbiased judgment; could put the point to them at their Oct. meeting; on the importance of the judges making a report by 3 Nov.; if he cannot do this, perhaps somebody else should be chosen (tpc.)

A139/2/251    Prof. M. Gluckman to WBF, 28 Sept. 1955 – thinks he could give an unbiased judgment but it would be easier for him if WBF could get another examiner; has been very busy with the manuscript of David Peters; if WBF cannot get another examiner, he will submit a report by Nov. (tp.)

252    WBF to Prof. M. Gluckman, 7 Oct. – Council expressed confidence in his ability to give an unbiased judgment; Barnes has been appointed as a third judge; encloses a copy of relevant rules and guidance for judges (tpc. with autogr. note)

253    Prof. M. Gluckman to WBF, 10 Oct. – is in touch with Barnes and Haimendorf (tp.)

254    Daryll Forde to WBF, 8 Nov. – Mr L.J. Pospisil has enquired about his essay submitted for the Curl Prize; would like to know the outcome; if it did not win a prize, he would like it to be considered for publication in the Journal (tp.)

255    WBF to Dr P.M. Worsley, 11 Nov. – he has been awarded to Curl Prize for his essay ‘The Kinship System of the Tallensi: A Revaluation’; it is probable that an additional prize will be awarded; on reading the essays at a meeting; as they are both long, suggests it better to read just a summary of each; the essays would not perhaps lend themselves to being made the subject of a lecture (tpc.)

256    Ibid. to M.G. Smith, ibid. – his essay is of the standard for the award of a prize but is technically ineligible as it is above the upper word limit of 25,000 words; asks if he will cut it to 25,000 words; on a brief summary of the essay to be read at the ordinary meeting on 5 Jan. (tpc.)

257    Ibid. to Prof. Daryll Forde, ibid. – Pospisil’s paper was turned down by the judges; thinks that the paper has already been rejected for the Journal but this should be checked with Dr Trevor (tpc.)

258    [Janet Anderson], Secretary to the Officers [Oct. 1955-Oct. 1957], to Dr J.C. Trevor, ibid. – encloses copy of letter from WBF to Prof. Forde; WBF would be glad to know the position regarding Mr Pospisil’s paper (tpc.)

259    M.G. Smith to WBF, 14 Nov. – regrets that his essay is overlong; shall reduce it to the required length; shall forward the copy soon (tp. with autogr. note)

A139/2/260    Prof. Daryll Forde to WBF, 14 Nov. 1955 – asks if he will write to Mr Pospisil when he knows whether the paper can be considered for publication (tp. with autogr. note by WBF)

261    Peter M. Worsley to WBF, 15 Nov. – is pleased at the honour of the Curl Bequest prize; agrees that it would be difficult to read the essay in its present form; is agreeable to the proposal that a summary be read; sees no reason why he should not be able to be present (tp. with autogr. note)

262    B.L. Cranstone to D.H.F. Wilson, 18 Nov. – on getting the cost of printing the Curl Prize essay in the Journal refunded from the Curl Fund; the sum is £96-4-0 (autogr. with autogr. note by D.H.F. Wilson)

 .1    Note relating to the transfer of £96-4-0 (tp. with autogr. notes)

263    Janet Anderson to Dr J.A. Barnes, 24 Nov. – at WBF’s request, sends him corrected copy of Mr Smith’s essay, reduced to 25,000 words (tpc.)

264    P.J. Bohannan to WBF, 19 Dec. – asks for return of the manuscript of his essay (autogr. with autogr. notes)

265    Janet Anderson to Prof. M. Gluckman, 21 Dec. – on Dr Smith’s amended essay, which is with him; asks if he can let Dr Barnes have his decision by Friday; the urgency arises as a summary of the essay has to be read on 5 Jan. (tpc.)

266    J.A. Barnes, C. von Fürer-Haimendorf & Max Gluckman to WBF, 26 Dec. – have examined the shortened version of the essay ‘On Segmentary Lineage Systems’; they had to work over Christmas; this was unfair on the judges and gave an exaggerated view of the importance of the author and the essay; essays which do not conform with the Regulations should be disqualified; recommend that the essay be awarded a prize; on the essay; make some criticisms; before publication the author should be advised to simplify his writing (tp.)

267    WBF to M.G. Smith, nd – on his award [text of telegram] (autogr.)

268    J.A. Barnes, C. von Fürer-Haimendorf & Max Gluckman, Report on the Essays submitted for the Curl Prize 1955; recommend the award of a prize to ‘The Kinship System of the Tallensi: A Revaluation’; recommend that Council consider whether a second prize be awarded to ‘On Segmentary Lineage Systems’, if it should not be ruled out on account of length, and is if is shortened (tp.)

A139/2/269    Titles of the essays submitted in 1955 (tp. with autogr. notes)


270    Peter M. Worsley to WBF, 3 Jan. 1956 – asks him to send the copy of his essay with markings by Prof. Gluckman (tp. with autogr. notes)

271    WBF to D.H.F. Wilson, ibid. – asks for cheques to be sent to Dr Worsley and Dr Smith (tpc.)

272    J.A. Barnes to WBF, ibid. – encloses report on the second Curl Prize; it is signed by himself and Gluckman but not by Fürer-Haimendorf who is away; he agreed that the essay should be awarded a prize (tp.)

273    Mischa Titiev to [WBF], 16 Mar. – submits three copies of essay entitled ‘The Study of Biocultural Behavior in Man’ for the Curl Bequest Prize (tp.)

274    Janet Anderson to Dr P.M. Worsley, 18 Apr. – encloses copy of his essay with pencilled comments (tpc.)

275    Note of Dr Worsley’s address (tp.)

276    Janet Anderson to L.J. Pospisil, 18 Apr. – his entry for the Curl Bequest Prize was unsuccessful; returns one copy of the essay (tpc.)

277    Judy Inglis to [WBF], 10 June – asks if one or two copies of the manuscript essay she submitted for the Curl Bequest Prize could be returned when the judges have finished with them (autogr.)

278    Ibid., nd – synopsis of Judy Inglis’ essay ‘The Origin of Cargo Cults in Melanesia: a Problem of Explanation’. 2 leaves (tp.)

279    WBF to Dr J.C. Trevor, 12 June – confirms his appointment as a judge of the Curl essays submitted this year; there will be an honorarium of £10.10s for each judge; Prof. Firth and Prof. Fortes have not yet indicated that they can accept the invitation; gives the titles of the essays submitted (tpc.)

280    Ibid. to Prof. R. Firth, ibid. – Council resolved to invite him to act as judge of the Curl Bequest Prize essays; hopes he can accept; gives titles of the essays submitted; on the honorarium (tpc.)

281    Ibid. to Prof. Meyer Fortes, ibid. – ibid. (tpc.)

A139/2/282    Meyer Fortes to WBF, 16 June – regrets that he cannot accept invitation to be a judge for the Curl Prize; this is due to work commitments but also because one of the essays is the work of a student in his department (tp.)

283    MWS to Prof. H.M. Gluckman, 5 July – on the appointment of judges for the Curl Bequest Prize; Dr Trevor has accepted but Prof. Firth and Prof. Fortes are unable to do so; asks if he will be willing to be nominated as a judge; gives the titles of the essays; on the honorarium (tpc.) [similar letter to Dr P.M. Kaberry not retained]

284    Phyllis M. Kaberry to MWS, 9 July – shall be happy to be a judge providing she is not expected to read manuscripts until the end of Aug. (tp. with autogr. note by Janet Anderson[?])

285    Janet Anderson to Dr P.M. Kaberry, 11 July – there is no immediate urgency to read the manuscripts; the RAI should have the recommendation of the judges by 18 Oct.; when the formal appointment has gone through, will let her have the essays (tpc.)

286    Carmel Margolis, Secretary to Prof. Gluckman, to MWS, 26 July – Prof. Gluckman is away but has asked her to answer MWS’s letters; he was under the impression that he had already let her know he would accept the invitation to be a judge of the Curl Prize; on other matters (tp. with autogr. note)

287    MWS to Miss Carmel Margolis, 28 July – glad that Prof. Gluckman can act as judge; on the other matters (tpc.)

288    Phyllis Kaberry to Miss Anderson, 16 Aug. – if her appointment as judge has gone through, she is willing to read the essays now (autogr. with autogr. notes by Janet Anderson and MWS)

289    [Janet Anderson} to Dr Phyllis Kaberry, 20 Aug. – it is not necessary for Council to appoint her formally as a judge; the appointment will be reported to Council in Oct.; encloses the essays with some notes for guidance; the other judges are Dr Trevor and Prof. Gluckman (tpc.)

290    Ibid. to Miss Carmel Margolis, ibid. – sees from a letter to MWS that Prof. Gluckman has agreed to act as judge; shall send the essays when convenient to him (tpc.)

291    M. Gluckman to Janet Anderson, 28 Aug. – she can send the Curl Essays any time (tp.)

A139/2/292    Judy Inglis to MWS, 11 Sept. – MWS’s secretary let her know that a copy of her essay would be returned; wishes to submit a version of the paper to Oceania; would like to know the outcome of the Curl competition first; asks that her secretary write when the judges’ decision is known (autogr.)

293    Max Gluckman to Janet Anderson, 12 Sept. – acknowledges receipt of the Curl Essays (tp. pc)

294    Ibid., 13 Sept. – asks who the other judges are (tp.)

295    Janet Anderson to Prof. M. Gluckman, 18 Sept. – gives the names and addresses of the other judges (tpc.)

296    Ibid. to Dr J.C. Trevor, ibid. – gives him the names and addresses of the other Curl judges (tpc.)

297    Carmel Margolis to Janet Anderson, 19 Sept. – Prof. Gluckman is glad to have the names and addresses of the other Curl judges (tp.)

298    Janet Anderson to Judy Inglis, 21 Sept. – it is practice to let applicants for the Curl Prize know the result and to return two of the three copies of the essay; at the moment the essays are with the judges; the decision may not be made until Oct. or Nov. (tpc.)

299    Ibid. to Dr J.C. Trevor, 24 Oct. – reminds him that the report of the Curl judges must be submitted to Council on 1 Nov.; arrangements have to be made for the winner to read his essay at a special meeting in Dec.; on his health (tpc.)

300    Dr J.C. Trevor to Janet Anderson, 27 Oct. – has sent his report to Dr Kaberry who will consolidate it with her own and that of the third referee; all referees concur in their decision; on his health; returns the essays (autogr.)

301    Janet Anderson to Dr J.C. Trevor, 29 Oct. – thanks him for returning the essays; on his health (tpc.)

302    MWS to Hon. Treasurer, 31 Oct. – asks that the honorarium be paid to each of the three Curl judges (tpc.)

303    Mischa Titiev to [MWS], 20 Nov. – refers to sending three copies of his essay in Mar.; has heard nothing of their fate; if the article is still being considered asks that [she] keep it as long as necessary; if there is no further use for the manuscripts, asks that they be returned (tp.)

A139/2/304    Janet Anderson to Prof. H.M. Gluckman, Dr Phyllis Kaberry & Dr J.C. Trevor, 21 Nov. – encloses cheque for £10.10-d in respect of the honorarium due (tp. with autogr. acknowledgment by Prof. Gluckman)

305    J.C. Trevor to Janet Anderson, 22 Nov. – acknowledges receipt of cheque for ten guineas (autogr.)

306    Phyllis Kaberry to ibid., 23 Nov. – ibid. (autogr.)

307    Janet Anderson to Prof. Mischa Titiev, 27 Nov. – his essay ‘The Study of Biocultural Behavior in Man’ has not been successful in obtaining the award; an award has not been made this year; returns two copies of his essay (tpc.)

308    Ibid. to Mrs Judy Inglis, ibid. – her essay ‘The Origin of Cargo Cults in Melanesia: a Problem of Explanation’ has not been successful in obtaining the award; an award has not been made this year; returns two copies of her essay (tpc.)

309    Ibid. to Fredrik Barth, ibid. – his essay ‘Segmentary Opposition and the Theory of Games’ has not been successful in obtaining the award; an award has not been made this year; returns two copies of his essay (tpc.)


310    Notes from Council minutes, on the report of the judges and on revision of the rules (tp.) [check dates]

311    Edmund Leach to MWS, 27 Apr. 1957 – is sending separately three copies of an essay entitled ‘Magical Hair’ for the Curl prize; raises questions about whether Council members may submit essays, whether previous winners may submit entries again, and whether ‘senior’ anthropologists may enter; on the essay itself; if she thinks the essay raises too many ‘legal complications’ she can withdraw it; would prefer the essay to be entered anonymously in the usual way (tp.)

312    J.R. Goody to [MWS], ibid. – encloses three copies of a paper entitle ‘The Mother’s Brother and the Sister’s Son in West Africa’ for the Curl prize (tp.)

313    Janet Anderson to J.R. Goody, 29 Apr. – acknowledges receipt of his essay; MWS asks her to say that his essay seems to exceed 27,000 words; it will be submitted to the judges for their decision on this point (tpc.)

A139/2/314    J.R. Goody to Janet Anderson, 30 Apr. 1957 – by his reckoning of 250 words per page, the essay would be just under 20,000 words (autogr.)

315    G.W.B. Huntingford to Janet Anderson, 1 Aug. – thanks her for the Curl Bequest Prize entry ‘The Mother’s Brother … in West Africa’ (printed and autogr. pc)

316    Lord Raglan to ibid., 7 Aug. – on ‘pretence’ that Dr Goody’s essay is anonymous; thinks she should send stamped addressed envelope for return of essays (tp.)

317    Ibid., ibid. – is of the opinion that both essays are up to standard; if only one prize can be awarded, it should go to ‘The Mother’s Brother etc.’ (tp.)

318    G.W.B. Huntingford, nd – Report on Essays Submitted for the Curl Bequest Prize; judges that neither essay has qualified for an award; gives reasons (tp.)

319    MWS to Hon. Treasurer & Accountants, 8 Aug. – asks that cheques for ten guineas be sent to each of the three Curl judges (tpc.)

320    Janet Anderson to Lord Raglan, ibid. – is sorry that she omitted to send a stamped addressed envelope; encloses stamps; on the honorarium (tpc.)

321    J.R. Goody to Janet Anderson, 10 Aug. – refers to her letter about Mr J.A.W. Forge [not held]; he wrote asking about the results of the Curl Essay competition (tp.)

322    Janet Anderson to Dr J.R. Goody, 15 Aug. – on Mr J.A.W. Forge; the results of the Curl Essay competition will not be known until Nov. or Dec. (tpc.)

323    Ibid. to Lord Raglan, 28 Aug. – encloses cheque for services as judge (tp.)

324    Phyllis Kaberry to Janet Anderson, 30 Sept. – encloses her comments on the two essays submitted for the Curl Prize; recommends that ‘Magical Hair’ be awarded the prize; if Council is prepared to make two awards, the other could be considered if the author revised the manuscript (tp.)

325    Ibid., ibid. – report on Curl Prize Essays (tp.)

326    Janet Anderson to Phyllis Kaberry, 1 Oct. – thanks her for return of essays and her report; is still waiting for report from the third judge; encloses cheque for ten guineas (tpc.)

A139/2/327    MWS to the Judges of the Curl Bequest Prize, 4 Oct. 1957 – summarises the reports of the three judges; in cases of such disparity, the judges usually confer among themselves and make a final recommendation; asks if they could do this by 7 Nov. meeting of Council; gives addresses of judges (tpc.)

328    MWS to Dr J.R. Goody, 22 Nov. – Council have awarded him the Curl Bequest Prize; he and Dr Edmund Leach have both won prizes; the Hon. Editor of the Journal assumes that he will go over the essay before submitting it for publication; also asks if he could shorten it to about 10,000 words; suggests date of 2 Jan. for the reading of the paper (tpc.)

329    John R. Goody to MWS, 3 Dec. – on a change of address; asks when the shortened essay will appear in the Journal; suggests that the word limit for the Curl Essay should be such as can be printed in the Journal; points out that he will have had to produce three versions of the paper, of differing lengths; asks if this point could be raised at a Council meeting (tp.)

330    MWS to Dr J.R. Goody, 5 Dec. – on his address; the Hon. Editor would like his manuscript by 1 Apr.; notices what he says about the terms of the Curl Bequest Prize; it is to be reviewed within a year; reminds him of upper and lower word limits; no need to produce three versions; explains why he was asked to cut his essay; the need to reduce it is because two essays were granted the prize; asks if he can read his paper on 2 Jan. (tpc.)

331    J.R. Goody to MWS, 7 Dec. – on the limits of Curl contributions; repeats his point that the size of essay required should be suitable for publication in the Journal; sees now that the cut to 10,000 words is also a question of the content of his essay; does not see how he can make such a large cut; would be glad to talk this over with someone; is prepared to read a 20 minute version of the paper on 2 Jan.; presumes Dr Leach will do the same; there is an outside chance that he might have to go to Ghana; if MWS wishes to arrange another speaker he would understand (tp.)

332    MWS to Dr J.R. Goody, 10 Dec. – suggests he discuss the publication of his essay with the Hon. Editor of the Journal Mr G.W.B. Huntingford; gives his address; is sorry that she will miss the reading of the papers (tpc.)

A139/2/333    Joan Edwards to Dr Fraser Roberts, 31 Dec. 1957 – does not think there is much to say about Dr Leach or Dr Goody; is sending leaflet about the Curl Bequest Essay and a summary of the history of the Bequest; the presentation cheques have been signed; reminds him that both essays have been cut for publication; tells him privately that Dr Leach is giving his prize to the Endowment Fund; he wishes a change in the rules; it is the second time he has won the award, the first time was in 1951; WBF suggests that he might like to mention the death of Mr Huntingford’s wife when reading the apologies at the meeting; encloses an obituary notice for Dr Edwin Smith; quotes a note received from his daughter; has sent a message of sympathy; notes the judges for the Wellcome Medal and the two entries so far received (tp.)

334    J.R. Goody to G.W.B. Huntingford, 12 Dec. – has been asked to cut his Curl Prize Essay from 20,000 to 10,000 words; understands that this was recommended by the judges; it seems a very large cut; should appreciate some indication of how and what the judges expect him to eliminate; G.W.B. Huntingford to J.R. Goody, 11 Jan. 1958 – returns his essay which could not go to the printers owing to excisions made for judging purposes; it is too long to be readable; it is written too much in jargon; it should be rewritten in ordinary English; suggests he takes greater care in the rewriting than he bestowed upon the present text (tp. copy)


335    Advertisement for Curl Bequest Prize 1958 (printed)

336    G.W.B. Huntingford, nd – note about an article (autogr.)

337    L. Longmore to [MWS], 10 Mar. 1958 – encloses three copies of her essay ‘Some aspects of health among urban Africans in Johannesburg’ for the Curl Bequest Prize (tp.)

338    Administrative Secretary [Joan Edwards?] to Miss Laura Longmore, 11 Apr. – acknowledges receipt of her essay (tpc.)

339    Desmond Greer Walker to MWS, 29 Apr. – encloses three copies of his essay entitled ‘Man’s Chin’ for the Curl Bequest Prize (tp.)

A139/2/340    J.R. Goody to G.W.B. Huntingford, 1 June – sorry not to have replied earlier but he referred the matter to Prof. Schapera; the issues involved are questions of policy; summarises the position with reference to earlier correspondence; answers the points made in his letter [of 11 Jan.]; he has asked him to reduce the essay from 20,000 to 10,000 words yet the suggestions he offers do nothing to indicate what the judges expect him to cut; realises that the essay is longer than those which normally appear in the Journal, but it is a matter for the RAI to bring the regulations for the prize into line with what it is prepared to publish; to cut the essay to 10,000 words would be to distort the whole argument; possible to cut it by between 2,500 and 5,000 words; cannot agree to abandon technical vocabulary; the present terminology is inadequate; the Journal is a place in which anthropologists can publish research without having to produce a simplified account; sees no reason to make a guinea-pig of his essay. 2 leaves (tp.)

341    Ibid. to Dr Fraser Roberts, ibid. – believes that Prof. Schapera raised the question of the publication of his Curl Prize essay with him; encloses correspondence with the Hon. Editor which shows that they are at odds; the difficulty arises from the fact that the length permitted by the Curl Competition is longer than that which editors of the Journal are prepared to print; it is up to the RAI to set its house in order in this respect; it is difficult for prize winners to be told that their essays must be cut in half; hopes Council will give the matter its consideration (tp.)

342    Ibid. to MWS, ibid. – encloses letter for the President (tp.)

343    M. Fortes to Dr Fraser Roberts, 2 June – Dr Jack Goody has consulted him about the correspondence he is having with the Editor of the Journal about his Curl Prize Essay; cannot attend Council on Thursday; would wish to bring this matter up; thinks Dr Goody has a case regarding the 20,000 word limit in the competition; it is a hardship to ask a winner to abbreviate by 50%; Dr Goody had been hoping to hear from Prof. Schapera about what he could cut but has heard nothing; Dr Goody feels able to cut up to 5000 words; has not read the essay but it has been awarded a distinction by winning the prize; difficult to argue that it must be rewritten; on the Hon. Editor’s objection to ‘jargon’; social anthropologists should be allowed to use technical terms in a learned journal; hopes the question will be satisfactorily thrashed out. 2 leaves (tp.)

A139/2/344    Edmund Leach to MWS, 4 June – cannot attend Council meeting; Jack Goody has shown him copies of the correspondence he has had with Huntingford; the questions of principle seem to be the same as those he himself raised in his memorandum to the Council earlier in the year; the Committee then appointed should be brought into action now; they should be asked to comment on his proposals; has not read Goody’s essay but it seems odd that he was awarded a prize for an essay of ‘up to 25,000 words’ and now is asked to reduce it to 10,000; if the Council insists on cuts, suggests that a senior social anthropologist advise Dr Goody (tp.)

345    G.W.B. Huntingford to MWS, 5 June – suggests Dr Goody’s essay be published as an Occasional Paper; refers to Curl Bequest Prize rules, no. 9 (autogr. memo)

 .1    Advertisement for Curl Bequest Prize, with rule no. 9 marked (printed with autogr. marking)

346    J.A. Fraser Roberts to Prof. M. Fortes, 6 June – Dr Goody’s letter arrived after the agenda for yesterday’s meeting had been circulated; there was no opportunity of discussing the Curl Essay; neither Mr Huntingford nor MWS were there; on the contradiction implicit in the terms of the Curl Prize Essay on the one hand and editorial policy on the other; the Council should consider the position carefully; on the question of technical terminology (tpc.)

347    Ibid. to Dr J.R. Goody, ibid. – the agenda for yesterday’s meeting had already been circulated; not possible to bring up the subject of the Curl Essay; none of those particularly concerned were present; knows that there is a contradiction between the terms governing the Essay and editorial policy; hopes the question of his paper will be settled satisfactorily and that clear lines of policy will be laid down (tpc.)

348    MWS to Dr J.R. Goody, 17 June – Schap spoke to her about his letter concerning the Curl Essay; apologises for not writing sooner; Mr Huntingford has agreed that if the paper is cut and tightened up a bit he will publish it; agrees with the points made in his letter; by ‘jargon’ Mr Huntingford did not mean technical terms; mentioned the word ‘individuate’; hopes it can all be ironed out (tpc.)

349    Jack Goody to MWS, 6 July – the Hon. Editor asks him to keep to a maximum of 20,000 words; is revising the whole manuscript; will try to eliminate ‘individuate’ (tp.)

A139/2/350    Joan Edwards to G.W.B. Huntingford, 18 Sept. – MWS has asked her to send these copies of the three entries for the Curl Prize (tpc.)

351    MWS, 23 Sept. – notice to members of the Curl Bequest Sub-Committee; new regulations have not come from New Zealand, so not possible to make any major decisions about the Curl Bequest Prize; three essays have been submitted for 1958; has been in touch with Dr Leach, the Chairman of the Curl Committee; lists points on which he would like opinions (tp.)

352    Ibid. to Dr N.A. Barnicot, 6 Oct. – Council appointed him and Dr Kaberry as judges for the Curl Bequest Prize; only three entries have been received (tpc.)

353    [Joan Edwards], Administrative Secretary, to Dr Kaberry & Dr Barnicot, 15 Oct. – encloses three essays submitted for the Curl Prize (tpc.)

354    Phyllis Kaberry to MWS, 20 Oct. – gives comments on the three essays submitted (tp.)

355    N.A. Barnicot to ibid., 27 Oct. – returns the three essays; regarding ‘Man’s Chin’, suggests a fine should be imposed (tp.)

356    MWS to Mr D. Greer Walker, 12 Nov. – the judges have reported that none of the essays submitted qualifies for the award of a Prize; returns his material; refers to the Huxley Dinner (tpc.)

357    Ibid. to Miss Laura Longmore, nd – the judges have reported that none of the essays submitted qualifies for the award of a Prize; is returning her entry separately (tpc.)

358    MWS to Accountants, 28 Nov. – asks for cheques for ten guineas for Dr Kaberry and Dr Barnicot (tpc.)

359    Ibid. to Dr N.A. Barnicot, 12 Dec. – thanks him for acting as Curl judge; encloses cheque for ten guineas (tpc.) [similar letter to Dr Phyllis Kaberry not retained]

360    N.A. Barnicot to MWS, 14 Dec. – thanks her for cheque; has decided to return it as a donation to the Endowment Fund (autogr.)

361    Phyllis Kaberry to ibid., 15 Dec. – ibid. (autogr.)

362    MWS to Dr N.A. Barnicot, 18 Dec. – thanks him for returning the ten guineas; extends gratitude of Council and Officers (tpc.)

A139/2/363    Ibid. to Dr P. Kaberry, ibid. – thanks her for returning the ten guineas; contributions are still coming in; the total is getting impressive; thanks her in the name of the Council and Officers (tpc.)


364    Advertisement for Curl Bequest Prize 1959 (printed)

365    E.L. Peters to [MWS?], 29 Apr. 1959 – submits essay ‘The Proliferation of Segments in the Bedouin (Cyrenaican) Lineage’ for the Curl Essay Prize (tp.)

366    Mary Douglas to MWS, 30 Apr. – submits three copies of an essay on ‘Pollution’ for the Curl Prize Competition (tp.)

367    Barbara Ward to ibid., ibid. – submits three copies of her essay ‘On Networks’ for the Curl Bequest Prize; apologises for the state of the manuscript; there are a number of matters which she would revise if there were more time (autogr.)

368    [Joan Edwards], Administrative Secretary. to Dr E.L. Peters, 1 May – acknowledges his entry in the Curl Essay Prize; will let him know the decision of the judges as soon as possible (tpc.) [similar letter to Dr M. Douglas not retained]

369    MWS to Prof. E.E. Evans-Pritchard, 5 June – on the Horniman meeting; lists those to whom awards were made; on the three essays received for the Curl competition; he and Dr Leach to be invited to be judges (tpc.)

370    Ibid. to Dr E.R. Leach, 6 June – gives the titles of the three entries received for the Curl Essay Prize; Council directed that he should be invited to act as judge (tpc.)

371    E.E. Evans-Pritchard to MWS, 8 June – does not feel he can undertake to act as judge; has his hands full; also knows two of the candidates well; suggests Prof. Firth or Prof. Schapera (tp. with autogr. PS)

372    MWS to Accountant, 9 June – on transfer from Curl Fund to General Account a sum in respect of publication of Curl Essay by Dr E.R. Leach (tpc.)

373    Ibid. to Dr Audrey Richards, RAI President 1959-61, ibid. – heard that E-P cannot act as Curl judge; has not had reply from Dr Leach; will be glad if she can help (tpc.)

A139/2/374    Edmund Leach to MWS, nd – agrees to act as judge; cannot do anything about it until mid-July; hopes the essays do not have to be treated anonymously (autogr.)

375    [Joan Edwards], Administrative Secretary, to Dr E.R. Leach, 10 June – MWS is glad that he can act as judge; the essays have been sent to him; MWS would like to announce the decision of the judges on 8 Oct.; Prof. Evans-Pritchard was unable to accept the Council’s invitation to act as judge so MWS has written to Dr Richards; will let him know when she has her reply (tpc.)

376    Audrey I. Richards to MWS, ibid. – is prepared to act as judge; thinks Firth would be better; will do it if Firth cannot do it; on the presidential hand-over (tp. with autogr. note)

377    Edmund Leach to ibid., ibid. – gathers that Evans-Pritchard is declining invitation to act as Curl judge; feels that at least one of the judges should be of professorial standing; suggests Prof. Schapera (autogr.)

378    [MWS] to Prof. I. Schapera, 11 June – E-P cannot undertake to act as Curl judge; asks if he could do it instead; the report is not needed until the Oct. Council meeting; asks him to get in touch with Miss Edwards about this (tpc.)

379    [Joan Edwards?] to Dr E.R. Leach, 12 June – MWS asked Prof. Schapera to act as judge; has heard by phone that he is willing; Dr Richards is prepared to act but suggested Prof. Firth as a substitute; is about to invite Dr Richards to act in a consultative capacity (tpc.)

380    [Ibid.?] to Dr A.I. Richards, ibid. – MWS has asked Prof. Schapera to act as judge with Dr Leach; he has agreed; MWS would be glad if she would read the essays in case of disagreement between the judges; asks for biographical note to keep in the file (tpc.)

 .1    MWS, nd – note about a third judge (tp. and autogr.)

381    E.R. Leach to MWS, 18 Sept. – the judges are unanimous that the prize should be awarded to Dr Emrys Peters for his essay ‘The Proliferation of Segments in the Bedouin (Cyrenaican) Lineage’; he should give additional explanation of his bibliography (tp.)

382    MWS to Miss B.E. Ward, 9 Oct. – regrets that Council is unable to award the Curl Prize to her essay (tpc.)

A139/2/383    Ibid. to Dr Mary Douglas, 9 Oct. 1959 – ibid. (tpc. with autogr. note)

384    Ibid. to Dr E.L. Peters, ibid. – Council has awarded him the Curl Bequest Prize for 1959; asks if he could attend a meeting on 7 Jan. 1960 to read his essay (tpc. with autogr. note)

385    Ibid. to Accountant, 14 Oct. – on cheques for judges (tpc.)

386    Emrys L. Peters to MWS, 20 Oct. – sorry not to have acknowledged her letter sooner; will be pleased to read a shortened version of his essay on 7 Jan. (tp.)

387    MWS to Prof. I. Schapera, 26 Oct. – encloses cheque for ten guineas as honorarium for his work as judge; Council appreciates his help (tpc.) [similar letter to Dr E.R. Leach not retained]

388    Joan Edwards[?] , 26 Oct. – note about return of entries (autogr.)

389    Joan Edwards to Dr E.L. Peters, 26 Oct. – asks for note of his full name and degrees (tp. memo with E.L. Peters’ reply added)

390    MWS to Accountant, 11 Dec. – on drawing a cheque for Dr E.L. Peters for £50 (tpc.)

391    Emrys Peters to MWS, 22 Dec. – refers to her letter of 14 Dec. [not held]; would be delighted to dine after reading his essay on 7 Jan.; his wife may not be able to come due to problem of finding a baby-sitter (tp.)


392    Advertisement for Curl Bequest Prize 1960 (printed with autogr. correction)

393    Notes for the Guidance of Council and Judges (extract from CM/89/4 Minute 8) (tp.)

394    MWS to Dr A.E. Mourant, 19 Apr. 1960 – Council has reorganized the rules of the Curl Bequest Prize; Council elected him a judge for the term of two years; hopes he can accept (tp. with autogr. note ‘accepts’)

395    Ibid. to Dr Lucy Mair, ibid. – confirms that she was elected as a Curl judge for one year (tpc.)

A139/2/396    Ibid. to B.A.L. Cranston[e], 22 Apr. 1960 – refers to the change in the rules of the Curl Bequest Prize; he was elected as a judge for three years; the other judges are Dr Lucy Mair and Dr A.E. Mourant (tpc.)

397    B.A.L. Cranstone to MWS, 25 Apr. – is willing to serve as judge of the Curl Prize (autogr.)

398    J.D. Freeman to ibid., 15 July – has been working on the concept of the kindred in social anthropology; read a paper on the subject and is now working on a revised version for publication; a historical question of major importance has arisen; on the meaning of the term ‘kindred’; on contradictory definitions given by Rivers; on a new interpretation of the meaning of Rivers’ kindred; is interested in the Report of the British Association of 1908; asks if RAI has a copy; is also interested in the 4th Edition of ‘Notes and Queries on Anthropology’; asks if RAI would loan a copy. 4 leaves (tp.)

399    D.R. Brothwell to ibid., 22 July – may be possible for him to enter an essay for the Curl Prize; asks how wide the definition of anthropology is; his ‘effort’ would be in the field of palaeopathology (tp.)

400    MWS to Dr D.R. Brothwell, 26 July – his topic sounds interesting and important; ‘anthropology’ is to be taken in its broadest terms; if palaeopathology is not anthropology, asks what it is (tpc.)

401    Derek Freeman to MWS, 3 Aug. – thanks her for the loan of ‘Notes and Queries on Anthropology’; on the contradictory uses of the term ‘kindred’ by Rivers; is now going to look at the first three editions of ‘Notes and Queries’; asks if these too could be sent to Australia; on the importance of the earlier editions in tracing the development of anthropological thought. 2 leaves (tp.)

402    […?] to Derek Freeman, 15 Aug. – is interested in his letter of 25 July[sic]; on definition of ‘kindred’; on taviti; on limitations of bilateral descent; advises him to define the term ‘kindred’; there is no definition of ‘kindred’ in the 6th Edition on ‘Notes and Queries’ (tpc.)

403    J.D. Freeman to [MWS], 25 Sept. – encloses three copies of essay entitled ‘The Concept of the Kindred’ for the Curl Bequest Prize (tp.)

A139/2/404    Don Brothwell to MWS, 29 Sept. 1960 – encloses copies of his Curl Bequest Essay; apologises for producing it on the last day and for handing in only one set of photographs; is withholding the acknowledgments for the present (autogr.)

405    [Joan Edwards?] to Mr Cranstone, Dr Mair & Dr Mourant, 3 Oct. – three entries for the Curl Prize have been received; one set is enclosed; on the one set of photographs for the essay ‘The Palaeopathology of Early British Man’ (tpc.)

406    Lucy Mair, B.A.L. Cranstone & A.E. Mourant, nd – recommend that two prizes be awarded, to J.D. Freeman and Don Brothwell; if there can only be one prize, recommend that it be given to Dr Freeman; Dr Brothwell could be informed that he only missed the prize by a small margin (autogr.)

407    MWS to Dr D. Brothwell, 7 Nov. – Council has awarded him one of two Curl Bequest Prizes, the other going to Dr J.D. Freeman; invites him to present his essay on 5 Jan. 1961; Dr A.E. Mourant was one of the judges and wished to discuss some points with him (tpc.)

408    Ibid. to Dr J.D. Freeman, ibid. – Council has awarded him one of two Curl Bequest Prizes, the other going to Dr D. Brothwell; has invited Dr Brothwell to read his essay on 5 Jan. but is fairly certain that he [Dr Freeman] will not be able to be in London then; if there is any chance of his being here later she shall be happy to arrange a date (tpc.)

409    [Joan Edwards] to Dr D. Brothwell, 10 Nov. – returns copy of his essay; another has been sent to Dr Mourant who wanted to discuss certain points (tpc.)

410    Ibid. to Dr J.D. Freeman, ibid. – encloses one copy of his essay; one has been handed to the Hon. Editor of the Journal (tpc.)

411    J.D. Freeman to MWS, 14 Nov. – finds it gratifying that he can produce an essay such as his in a new University so far from London; is grateful for her help in lending early editions of ‘Notes and Queries’; regrets that he shall not be in London in Jan. but would like Prof. Meyer Fortes to receive the prize on his behalf; next year is going on study leave; in Aug. and Sept. 1961 shall be participating in the Tenth Pacific Science Conference in Hawaii; should like to give a paper on the concept of the kindred; asks if he might give an abbreviated version of his Curl essay, as a substitute for reading it in London; makes some points regarding publication of the paper. 2 leaves (tp.)

A139/2/412    Joan Edwards to Prof. M. Fortes, 18 Nov. 1960 – as Dr Freeman cannot be in London in Jan., he nominated him to receive the prize on his behalf; hopes he can attend on 5 Jan. (tpc.)

413    Ibid. to G.W.B. Huntingford, ibid. – sends quotation from letter from Dr J.D. Freeman regarding publication of his essay (tpc.)

414    G.W.B. Huntingford to Joan Edwards, 19 Nov. – returns Dr Freeman’s essay so that he can bring his references into line with Journal system; asks for top copy of Reference List instead of blurred copy which is hardly legible (autogr.)

415    Joan Edwards to Dr J.D. Freeman, 30 Nov. – has referred his letter to WBF and Mr Huntingford as MWS is unwell; it is in order for him to read a paper to the Tenth Pacific Science Congress based on his Curl Essay; however only a summary should be published in the Proceedings of the Congress; the essay will appear in Dec. 1961 in the Journal; Mr Huntingford will be glad if he will work the footnotes into the text in established Journal practice; Prof. Fortes agreed to accept the prize on his behalf (tpc.)

416    Coutts & Co. to the Hon. Treasurer, 9 Jan. – have arranged transfer for the equivalent of 50 guineas to Dr J.D. Freeman (tp.)


417    Advertisement for Curl Bequest Prize 1961 (printed)

418    J.D. Freeman to Joan Edwards, 25 Jan. 1961 – he shall present a paper at the Tenth Pacific Science Congress but shall see that no part of it appears in the Proceedings; is working on revision of the text which will be in Mr Huntingford’s hands by 1 Mar.; acknowledges cheque (tp.)

419    Brenda Z. Seligman to WBF, 29 Mar. – on negotiations with Routledge concerning the publication of ‘Ainu Creed and Cult’; asks him to look up what powers the RAI would have to use money from the Curl Bequest to finance the book; Columbia University Press in interested in the book (tp.)

420    N.K. Syamchaudhuri to the Hon. Secretary, 26 Sept. – encloses essay ‘Dynamics of Lineage and Marriage among the Car Nicobarese’ for the Curl Bequest Prize (tp.)

421    Joan Edwards to N.K. Syamchaudhuri, 6 Oct. – acknowledges receipt of his essay (tpc.)

A139/2/422    Nov. 1961 – Report by the judges John Beattie, A.E. Mourant and B.A.L. Cranstone on the two essays submitted, ‘On the Purity of Women in the Castes of Ceylon and Malabar’ by Nur Yalman, and ‘Dynamics of Lineage and Marriage among the Car Nicobarese’ by N.K. Syamchaudhuri (tp.)


423    Advertisement for Curl Bequest Prize 1962 (printed)

424    Ian C. Jarvie to [AHC?], 28 Aug. 1962 – submits three copies of his paper ‘Theories of Cargo Cults: An Analysis’ for the Curl Bequest Prize; if it is eliminated from the competition, asks that it be submitted to the editor of the Journal (tp. with autogr. notes by AHC and G.W.B. Huntingford)

425    J.H. Hutton to AHC, 10 Sept. – on a scheme of MWS’s for lectures by ex-presidents; with her death the scheme fell through; as he had done a lot of work of his lecture did not want to waste it; submits it as an essay on ‘The Culture of the Naga Tribes’ for the Curl Prize; thinks his sort of anthropology is out of fashion (autogr.)

426    AHC to Prof. J.H. Hutton, 11 Sept. – glad that his preliminary work has not been wasted; it is a long time since the Curl Prize had so senior and distinguished a competitor (tpc.)

427    Prof. J.H. Hutton to AHC, 12 Sept. – does not want his essay to stand in the way of the aspiring young; it there is a promising batch of essays, asks that he pass his essay straight to the Editor of the Journal; can supply photographs (autogr.)

428    Nur Yalman to G.W.B. Huntingford, 19 Sept. – has asked Prof. L.A. Fallers to do the rearrangement needed in the references in his manuscript; hopes the essay will appear in vol. 92 as he has already made reference to it in other publications (tp.)

429    Iona Mayer to AHC, 20 Sept. – has sent three copies of an essay entitled ‘The Range of Kinship’ for the Curl Bequest Prize (tp.)

430    Raymond Apthorpe to the President, 27 Sept. – has sent three copies of an essay for the Curl Competition; has been separated from a few page references in the footnotes; will send these on 1 Oct. (autogr.)

431    Ibid., 1 Oct. – gives page references for footnotes (autogr.)

A139/2/432    5 Oct. 1962 – list of entries received for the Curl Bequest Prize (autogr.)

 .1    List of judges (autogr.)

433    Rachel M. Lloyd, Clerk to the Officers, to Dr Nur Yalman, 12 Oct. – there can be no question of getting his essay into the Dec. number of the Journal; the last articles for this number were received in July; could put it in the June 1963 number if the manuscript is received by the middle of Nov. (tpc.)

434    Raymond Apthorpe to the President or Secretary, 16 Oct. – would be grateful for acknowledgment of receipt of his essay; asks when the result will be known (tpc.)

435    AHC to Prof. Raymond Apthorpe, 19 Oct. – the manuscripts are going to the judges this week; hopes a month will do it; will let him know as soon as possible (tpc.)

436    John Beattie to AHC, 24 Oct. – has now read the four essays; asks who his fellow judges are; asks if they have read the essays (tp.)

437    [AHC] to Dr J.H.M. Beattie, nd – copies of the essays have been sent to Cranstone and Barnicot who should have read them by now; the drill is to exchange gradings and let him have an agreed answer at the earliest convenience; Cranstone will coordinate activities (tpc.)

438    Iona Mayer to AHC, 24 Oct. – enquires whether her essay reached him as she has had no acknowledgment (tp.)

439    Rachel M. Lloyd to Mrs Iona Mayer, 29 Oct. – did receive her essay; is sorry that no acknowledgment was sent; hopes to have the results around the end of Nov. (tpc.)

440    N.A. Barnicot to AHC, 15 Nov. – has looked through the Curl essays and sent Mr Cranstone a few remarks; they are outside of his field and in some cases scarcely intelligible; does not feel justified in accepting a fee; asks that he credit it to the Endowment Fund (tp.)

441    Ibid., 26 Nov. – submits the judges’ report on the essays (autogr.)

442    B.A.L. Cranstone, N.A. Barnicot & John Beattie, Nov. – Judges’ report on the Curl Essays; recommend that no award is made (tp.)

A139/2/443    [AHC] to Prof. N.A. Barnicot, 27 Nov. 1962 – thanks him for judges’ report; thanks him for gift to Endowment Fund; is sorry that the essays were inscrutable; suggests he ‘provoke’ some of his physical colleagues into writing Curl essays (tpc.)


444    Advertisement for Curl Bequest Prize 1963 (printed)

445    AHC to Prof. J.H. Hutton, 1 Jan. 1963 – the judges have reported that the entries, while not without merit, were not wholly suitable entries for a prize essay competition; therefore no award was made (tpc.) [similar letters to Mrs Iona Mayer, Dr R. Apthorpe and Dr I.C. Jarvie not retained]

446    Raymond Apthorpe to AHC, 9 Jan. – would be grateful if he would send back the three copies of his essay; would have been grateful to hear the criticism of his essay (autogr.)

447    Ibid., 17 Jan. – thanks him for forwarding manuscripts; sees that a prize was awarded to Nur Yalman; takes it his letter was mistaken (autogr. with autogr. note in response)

448    Lucile E. Hoyme, Smithsonian Institution, to AHC, 18 Jan. – she has a nearly completed manuscript which might be suitable for the Curl competition; wonders if there are limitations on the number, size or arrangement of illustrations; a large number of illustrations are needed to supplement her text; asks about various formats for photographs; asks if all copies submitted can be carbons (tp. with autogr. PS)

449    Phyllis Kaberry to Mr Huntingford, 11 Feb. – returns the manuscript of ‘Theories of Cargo Cults: An Analysis’ by I.C. Jarvie; says it is not worth printing (tp.)

450    ‘Dicon’ Huntingford to AHC, 15 Feb. – returns entry for the Curl essay; as he will see from the reports it is not worth printing; therefore hardly worth submitting for the Curl (autogr.)

451    AHC to Ian C. Jarvie, 19 Feb. – as he knows, the Curl judges did not award a prize for 1962; his essay was passed to the Editor of the Journal for consideration; the referees feel it does not justify publication (tpc.)

A139/2/452    Ibid. to Miss Lucile Hoyme, 18 Mar. 1963 – does not think any consideration has been given to the problem of illustrations for Curl essays; suggests she submit one set of illustrations suitable for block-making and two sets of prints; does not see why she should not submit carbons (tpc.)

453    Ian Jarvie to AHC, 27 Apr. – on his paper ‘Theories of Cargo Cults: An Analysis’; asks what happened to the manuscript; asks if he could send it back as he wishes to submit it elsewhere (tp.)

454    G.A. Dick to AHC, 28 Apr. – asks for particulars of the Curl Bequest Prize and the Wellcome Medal (autogr.)

455    Dr E.L. Peters to AHC, 1 Aug. – asks for another 50 copies of his Curl essay ‘The Proliferation of Segments in the Lineage of the Bedouin in Cyrenaica’ (tp.)

456    AHC to Dr E.L. Peters, 6 Aug. – regrets to say that there are no offprints of his Curl essay; on making copies (tpc.)

457    Daryll Forde, International African Institute, to AHC, 15 Aug. – has been asked to consider for publication a study by Iona Mayer, ‘The Range of Kinship: a Model for the Gusii Case’; asked John Beattie to read it; he did not wish to comment further as he had reported on a version of the paper for the Curl prize; Leach suggested that AHC might let him see the comments received on the essay (tp.)

458    AHC to Prof. Daryll Forde, 19 Aug. – regarding Mrs Mayer’s essay, does not have reports on the separate entries; the combined judgment was that no award should be made (tpc.)

459    C.E. Joel to AHC, 9 Sept. – encloses three copies of an essay entitled ‘Egypt and the Megalithic Tradition’ for the Curl Bequest Prize (tp.)

460    Rodney Needham to AHC, 16 Sept. – is considering putting in for the Curl Prize; as John Beattie is one of the judges, asks if he would allowed to pronounce on the essay of a departmental colleague (tp.)

461    AHC to Rodney Needham, 18 Sept. – can see no objection to him submitting an essay for the Curl Prize; the contingency he mentions is one of the reasons for having three judges (tpc.)

462    Millicent R. Ayoub to AHC, 20 Sept. – sends a paper for the Curl Bequest Prize, entitled ‘Family Reunions in the United States’ (tp.)

A139/2/463    AHC to Sir Henry Lunn Ltd., 21 Oct. 1963 – on the account for Mr Geoffrey Benjamin’s journey to Kuala Lumpur (tpc.)

464    Ibid. to Prof. F.E. Zeuner, ibid. – Council has elected his as a Curl judge; his fellow judges are Barnicot and Beattie; hopes he will agree (tpc.)

465    [AHC] to Dr John Beattie, 22 Oct. – sends three Curl essays (tpc.)

466    AHC to Prof. N.A. Barnicot, ibid. – sends three Curl essays; is waiting to hear from Prof. Zeuner that he will serve as third judge (tpc.)

467    John Beattie to AHC, 2 Nov. – not sure who his fellow judges are so is sending him his comments; the only essay he is competent to judge is Millicent R. Ayoub’s; gives his opinion of it; does not feel that the essay is worth a prize; is incompetent to judge the other essays so will abide by the decisions of his colleagues. 2 leaves (tp.)

 .1    AHC to ‘Dicon’ Huntingford, 11 Nov. – he might like to have this (autogr.)

468    [AHC] to Dr John Beattie, 5 Nov. – thanks him for the Curl report, his apology about Council, and his observation on the Publications Committee; will make his apologies to Council; the Curl essays are a disparate collection and it may prove difficult to arrive at a common view; on the Publications Committee and the question of his becoming its Chairman (tpc.)

469    AHC to Prof. N.A. Barnicot, 12 Nov. – Council has appointed Huntingford as third judge in place of Zeuner (tpc.)

470    G.W.B. Huntingford, 18 Nov. – Report on Essays submitted for the Curl Bequest Prize. 3 leaves (tp.)

471    N.A. Barnicot to AHC, 20 Nov. – gives his opinion of the three essays submitted; if Dr Beattie finds it satisfactory, should be agreeable to the Prize being awarded to Millicent Ayoub (tp.)

472    [AHC] to Prof. N.A. Barnicot, Dr J. Beattie & Dr G.W.B. Huntingford, 21 Nov. – thanks them for reports; seems clear that the conclusion must be no award (tpc.)



473    N.A. Barnicot to AHC, 5 Jan. 1964 – has looked through the four Curl Essays and read comments by Dr Leach and Dr Richards; gives his opinion of the essays; Dr Huntingford has not yet completed his work on the essays (tp.)

474    Millicent R. Ayoub to ibid., 13 Apr. – enquires about the decision regarding the Curl Bequest Prize; asks if her paper could be considered for publication in the Journal (tp.)

475    AHC to Miss M.R. Ayoub, 20 Apr. – no award was made in 1963 as none of the entries was suitable; will submit her manuscript to the Editor of the Journal (tpc.)

476    Richard P. Werbner to AHC, 25 June – encloses three copies of an essay, ‘Kingship and the Constitutional Traditions of the Bemba’, for the Curl Bequest Prize; would also like it considered for publication in the Journal (autogr.)

477    Pranab Ganguly to AHC, ibid. – has prepared an essay in collaboration with a colleague, entitled ‘The Onge of Little Andaman: A Vanishing Tribe’; intends to submit it for the Curl Prize; asks if it will be acceptable in spite of having two authors; if it does not win, asks that it be forwarded to the Editor of the Journal (tp.)

478    AHC to Pranab Ganguly, 1 July – there is nothing to prevent acceptance of his article for the Curl Prize; it can be submitted to the Journal (tpc.)

479    T.N. Madan to AHC, 5 Aug. – asks if entries for the Curl Prize are being invited this year (autogr.)

480    Clerk to the Officers to Dr T.N. Madan, 12 Aug. – still possible to submit entries for the competition for 1964 (tpc.)

481    Rodney Needham to AHC, 16 Aug. – encloses three copies of an essay entitled ‘Age, Category, and Descent’ for the Curl Bequest Prize; makes some points about it; should like the paper considered for publication in the Journal (tp.)

482    Pranab Ganguly to AHC, 16 Sept. – sends three copies of his essay; if it does not win, asks that it be forwarded to the Editor of the Journal (tp.)

A139/2/483    S.J. Tambiah to AHC, 23 Sept. 1964 – sends three copies of his essay ‘Kinship Fact and Fiction in Relation to the Kanyan Sinhalese’ for the Curl Bequest Prize (tp.)

484    [E.R. Leach] to AHC, 16 Dec. – returns the last of the essays with his general report, to which is attached A.I. Richards’ comments on the Bemba essay; his report argues that there are two serious runners, Needham and Tambiah; raises various possibilities concerning the decisions of the other judges (tp.)

485    Ibid., 15 Dec. – Judge’s Comment. 3 leaves (tp.)

486    Audrey I. Richards to E.R. Leach, ‘Tuesday’ – comment on one of the essays. 2 leaves (photocopy)

487    AHC to Prof. N.A. Barnicot, 31 Dec. – encloses copy of Leach’s report on the Curl essays together with supplementary statement by Audrey Richards (tpc.)


488    Rodney Needham to AHC, 10 Jan. 1965 – asks about his essay submitted for the Curl Prize 1964; one of the diagrams has to be redrawn; he would like to make some rephrasings before it goes to press (tp.)

489    AHC to Dr R. Needham, 14 Jan. – the essays are still with the judges; expects to hear the result before the end of Jan.; asks if he wishes his entry to be passed to the Editor of the Journal for possible publication (tpc.)

490    Ibid. to Dr S.J. Tambiah, 15 Feb. – his essay has been awarded the Curl Prize; the manuscript has been handed to the Editor of the Journal who will arrange publication (tpc. with autogr. note)

491    Ibid. to Dr R. Needham, ibid. – after considerable discussion the Curl judges preferred Tambiah’s essay; is passing his manuscript to Huntingford for consideration; sends back manuscript so that he can make changes (tpc.)

492    Rodney Needham to AHC, 25 Feb. – asks for review of translation of Durkheim on incest; asks for the third copy of his essay (tp.)

493    [AHC] to Dr R. Needham, 26 Feb. – encloses the third copy of his Curl entry; cannot send the review of the translation as WBF is in the States so he cannot get hold of the translation (tpc.)

A139/2/494    S.J. Tambiah to [G.W.B. Huntingford], 9 Mar. 1965 – sends the corrected copy of the Curl essay; asks if he could send back one copy of the essay (autogr.)

495    Richard P. Werbner to ibid., 15 Mar. – enquires about his manuscript ‘Kingship and the Constitutional Traditions of the Bemba’, submitted for the Curl Prize and for consideration for publication in the Journal (tp.)

496    AHC to Richard P. Werbner, 25 Mar. – his essay did not receive [an award]; it was also read by a specialist referee on the Bemba; the Editor of the Journal does not feel able to find space for it (tpc.)

497    Richard P. Werbner to AHC, 7 Apr. – asks that he send all copies of his essay to Dr Peters at Manchester University (autogr.)

498    Pranab Ganguly to ibid., 15 Apr. – asks if he received his essay on ‘The Onge of Little Andaman: A Vanishing Tribe’ (tp.)

499    AHC to Dr E.J. Peters, 28 Apr. – Werbner asked him to send copies of his essay to him (tpc.)

500    Ibid. to Shri Pranab Ganguly, 24 May – regrets to say that his essay did not win the award; is arranging for two copies to be returned to him (tpc.)

501    John [Blacking] to AHC, 14 Sept. – encloses three copies of the figure to accompany his Curl Essay, ‘The Social Meaning of Music Sound in Two Economies’ (autogr.)

502    [AHC] to J.R. Blacking, 30 Sept. – confirms that his Curl Essay manuscripts arrived safely; it is the only entry; on the reorganisation of publications (tpc.)

503    Caroline Wright, Clerk to the Officers, for AHC to Prof. J.S. Weiner, 30 Nov. – Council elected him as a Curl Judge; encloses copy of essay by John Blacking, the only entry (tp.) [also sent to G.W.B. Huntingford and E.R. Leach]

504    Edmund R. Leach to AHC, 3 Dec. – thinks someone on the musical side ought to take a look at John Blacking’s essay; the paper should be revised to include some comments on Lévi-Strauss’s arguments; would say the essay is not of Curl standard, but it would be easier to make firm judgments if he saw the comments of an ethno-musicologist; encloses a more detailed assessment (tp. with autogr. note)

505    Ibid., ibid. – Report on Curl Prize Essay entry by Mr John Blacking. 2 leaves (tp.)

A139/2/506    Prof. J.S. Weiner to AHC, 6 Dec. 1965 – does not feel properly qualified to judge the entry by John Blacking; however he enjoyed the essay; the author has brought together a great deal of well observed material; thinks it worthy of the prize (tp.)

507    [clerk?] to [Council?], nd – ERL wishes Council to know that the three judges agreed that the single essay submitted was not of adequate standard; no award should be made (tpc.)


508    Caroline Wright to Dr E.R. Leach, 27 Jan. 1966 – encloses Dr Huntingford’s report on the Curl Essay; asks whether he still thinks it necessary to consult a musicologist (tp.)

509    G.W.B. Huntingford, nd –report on J.R. Blacking’s essay; feels unable to make a judgment; the title and content of the essay do not match (autogr.)

510    [AHC?] to J.R. Blacking, 22 Feb. – the judges have been unable to make him an award (tpc.)

511    [AHC?] to E.R. Leach, 1 Mar. – has heard from J.R. Blacking who wishes to remodel his essay for publication; asks whether he would mind if he asked him to write directly; encloses Blacking’s letter [not held] (tpc.)

512    Richard T. Antoun to AHC, 2 Aug. – submits his essay, ‘On the modesty of women in Arab Muslim villages: a study in the accommodation of traditions’ (tp.)

513    Caroline Wright to Richard T. Antoun, Beirut, 23 Aug. – acknowledges receipt of his essay (tpc.)

514    Richard T. Antoun to AHC, 13 Sept. – submitted his essay over a month ago; asks for confirmation of its receipt (tp.)

515    Caroline Wright to Richard T. Antoun, Beirut, 20 Sept. – sends second acknowledgement of the receipt of his essay (tpc.)

516    Hilary Hammond to AHC, 22 Sept. – encloses three copies of her essay ‘Descent, filiation and inheritance’ (autogr.)

517    AHC to Dr K.O.L. Burridge, WBF and Prof. J.S. Weiner, 28 Nov. – encloses two entries for the Curl Essay Prize; asks for their comments by 31 Dec. (tpc.)

A139/2/518    Prof. J.S. Weiner to AHC, 29 Dec. 1966 – feels unable to pass a judgment on either of the essays (tp.)

519    K.O.L. Burridge to AHC, nd – reports on the two Curl essays; thinks neither merits an award (tp.)

520    WBF to AHC, 31 Dec. – has now read the two Curl Essays; thinks that neither is up to the standard of the prize; gives his opinions; would welcome the opinion of another social anthropologist such as Gulliver (autogr.)


521    Dr A.I. Richards to AHC, 15 Jan. 1967 – writes about Hilary Hammond; thinks it would be salutary for her to hear that others apart from the judges found her essay careless (autogr.)

522    [AHC] to Dr A. I. Richards, 18 Jan. – the entries for the Curl Prize were disappointing; is glad that the judges are upholding the standard and did not award a prize; gives his opinion of Miss Hammond’s essay; says she may show her this letter (tpc.)

523    AHC to Hilary Hammond, 18 Jan. – the judges have recommended that no award of the Curl Prize should be made this year (tpc.)

524    Ibid. to Richard T. Antoun, 18 Jan. – ibid. (tpc.)

525    M.D. Gilsenan to AHC, 30 Aug. – enquires about regulations concerning the Curl Bequest Essay Prize (tp.)

526    Barbara Bentley, Clerk to the Officers, to M.D. Gilsenan, 4 Sept. – the conditions for the Curl Bequest Essay Prize are unaltered from those set out in the 1966 edition of Man, Vol. 1, No. 2 (tpc.)

527    M.D. Gilsenan to AHC, 25 Sept. – encloses copies of an essay for the Curl Prize (tp.)

528    Ibid., ibid. – encloses another copy of his essay (tp.)

529    Michael Gilsenan to Barbara Bentley, 28 Sept. – asks her to make a correction to his essay (tp.)

530    AHC to Dr S.J. Tambiah, 13 Dec. – he has been appointed as one of the Curl Essay judges; his colleagues were to have been Dr Kaberry and WBF, but the latter is ill and needs a replacement (tpc.)

A139/2/531    Dr E.L. Peters to AHC, 14 Dec. 1967 – for the second time has received notice of the Council meeting on the day he should have been attending (tp.)

532    AHC to Dr E.L. Peters, 19 Dec. – he has been appointed a judge for this year’s Curl Essay Prize; WBF has had a stroke (tpc.)

533    Dr E.L. Peters to AHC, 29 Dec. – is willing to be a judge; will be in America for the Lent term (tp.)


534    Dr S.J. Tambiah to AHC, 2 Jan. 1968 – has only received Gilsenan’s essay; asks when he should send his comments (autogr.)

535    AHC to Dr S.J. Tambiah, 3 Jan. – encloses copy of Strathern’s essay; notes that it has been prepared in the field and is the only copy; asks him to pass it to Dr P. Kaberry when he has finished along with his opinion of the essays; foresees difficulty in reaching a verdict before Easter since the third judge is in America (tpc.)

536    AHC to Dr E.L. Peters, 4 Jan. – encloses a copy of Gilsenan’s essay; the other candidate, Strathern, has only sent one copy of his essay from New Guinea; will pass it to him when Dr Tambiah and Phyllis Kaberry have finished with it; hopes he can send his opinion as soon as possible (tpc.)

537    Dr E.L. Peters to AHC, 9 Jan. – has received Gilsenan’s essay; hopes to read it on the plane to America (tp.)

538    Ibid., 20 Mar. – has not yet received the second essay; has returned Gilsenan’s manuscript and sent his comments to Dr P. Kaberry (tp. with autogr. PS)

539    Ibid. to Dr P. Kaberry, ibid. – does not think Gilsenan’s essay merits the prize; has not yet received the other; there will be a delay if he does not receive it this week since he is very busy (tp.)

540    Dr E.L. Peters, nd – report on Gilsenan’s essay; thinks it should be rejected. 2 leaves (tp.)

 .1    28 Mar. – note about Peters’ notes on Gilsenan’s essay (autogr.)

A139/2/541    Dr S.J. Tambiah to Dr P. Kaberry, 3 Apr. – encloses Strathern’s essay; thinks it better than Gilsenan’s; gives reasons. 2 leaves (tp.)

 .1    Ian Hogbin, nd – note on Strathern’s essay[?] (autogr.)

542    Dr P. Kaberry to AHC, 9 Apr. – reports on the two Curl Essays; recommends Strathern’s; gives some suggestions for revisions (tp.)

543    Dr E.L. Peters to Dr P. Kaberry, 10 May – encloses his report on Strathern’s essay; wonders what the next stage in the procedure is (tp. copy)

544    Dr E.L. Peters, ibid. – report on Strathern’s essay; thinks it the better of the two; gives criticisms; cannot recommend it for the prize. 2 leaves (tp.)

545    Dr P. Kaberry to AHC, 13 May – encloses Dr E.L. Peters’ report on Strathern’s essay; notes that he does not recommend an award of the prize but she and Dr S.J. Tambiah do; will reread the essay in light of Dr E.L. Peters’ comments and discuss it with Dr S.J. Tambiah (tp.)

546    Ibid., 16 May – further report on Strathern’s essay; cannot agree with Dr E.L. Peters; discusses the points he raised; recommends that Strathern receive the prize. 2 leaves (tp.)

547    AHC to M.D. Gilsenan, ibid. – his essay has not been awarded the prize; will return it (tpc.)

548    Dr S.J. Tambiah to AHC, 19 May – agrees with Dr P. Kaberry’s further comments; concurs that Strathern should receive the prize subject to revisions being made (autogr.)

549    Dr P. Kaberry to ibid., 22 May – asks him to send an edited version of Dr S.J. Tambiah’s comments to Dr E.L. Peters; hopes there need be no further discussion (tp.)

550    Dr E.L. Peters to AHC, 5 June – has discussed the disagreement over Strathern’s essay with Dr P. Kaberry; is confirmed in his opinion; thinks the revisions necessary would transform the essay; it would be unfair to award the prize. 2 leaves (tp.)

551    Andrew Strathern to AHC, 3 July – asks him to return the copy of his essay; hopes to revise it as soon as possible (autogr.)

A139/2/552    Anthony T. Carter to the Hon. Editor, RAI, 7 Nov. 1973 – on certain developments bearing upon his manuscript ‘A Comparative Analysis of Systems of Kinship and Marriage in South Asia’ submitted for the Curl Bequest Prize; on Dr Brenda Beck’s data (tp.)

553    Notebook containing Minutes of Meetings of Judges of the Curl Bequest Prize 1950, held on 6 June and 13 Oct. 1950