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11/ Mrs Brenda Z. Seligman (1883-1965), Vice-President, 1946-59 passim, Donations

.1 Library accessions, Mar. 1943, purchased under Mrs Seligman’s donation. 4 leaves (tpc., annotated). It was announced at the Council meeting of 27 Oct. 1942 that Mrs Seligman had made a donation of £200 in memory of Prof. C.G. Seligman (1873-1940) and that she wished it to be devoted to the Library mainly for the purchase of books. See Council minutes, 27 Oct. 1942, CM/72/1,3, Executive Committee minutes, 23 Feb. 1943 – 13 Feb. 1945, EM/72/3,4 – EM/74/2,4a, ff. 245-263 passim; see also Library accession, A72:3


.2 Ibid., 14 leaves (tp.)


.3 Seligman gift of books. 13 leaves (tp.). At the Council meeting of 30 Nov. 1945, Mrs Seligman ‘announced that she was prepared to give the Institute a number of books from her Library, the selection to be made by the Institute from the catalogue cards she would leave at the Institute for checking with the Institute catalogue.’ See Council minutes, 30 Nov. 1945, CM/75/3,4; see also Library accessions, A72:3


.4 Ibid., duplicates. 3 leaves (includes some repetition of titles)(tp.)


.5 BJK to BZS, 19 June 1953 – thanks her for the gift of the proceeds of the sale of Melanesians of British New Guinea by CGS, for past help and for her covenant (tpc.); letters from BJK, 26 Jan., 31 Oct., 3 Nov. 1950 thanking her for the further gift of books, not retained


.6 Ibid., 25 June 1956 – on the payment of accounts for books purchased (tpc.); see Executive Committee minutes, 16 Feb. 1956, EM/85/5/3d


.7 BZS to BJK, 29 June – encloses cheque; refers to Garden Party (autogr.); 14 letters from BJK, 2 July – 31 Dec. 1956, to BZS and book dealers, not retained


.8 Ibid., 28 Dec. – encloses cheque; comments on her health, and her niece, Mrs Jonathan Miller (autogr.)


.9 Ibid., 28 May 1958 – thanks her for information on sale room sales of books in her literature collection and for the sale of a periodical run (tp.); letters from BJK, 16 and 23 May on her literature collection and list, not retained


.10 BJK to BZS, 3 June – thanks her for books jointly selected for the Library (tpc.)


.11 Prof. I. Schapera to BJK, 23 June 1965 – BZS’s library now at LSE; RAI to have any books it wanted; encloses list of Oriental books; suggests visit for inspection of these and others (tp.); BJK’s reply, 25 June, not retained; see Library Committee minutes, 4 Nov. 1965, LC/5/1,3,f. 15


.12 List of Oriental books. 5 leaves (tp., tpc., annotated)


.13 List of general books. 2 leaves (autogr.)


.14 BJK to J. R[obin] Fox, 5 Aug. 1966 – all BZS’s collection of pamphlets sent to RAI; encloses pamphlets, not required, which seem suitable for LSE (tpc.)


.15 J.R. Fox to BJK, 5 Sep. – acknowledges pamphlets which will be ‘extremely useful’ (tp.)


12/ Dr Marian W. Smith (1907-61), Hon. Secretary, 1956-61, Bequest


.1 BJK to H.F. Akehurst (Dr Smith’s husband), 11 Oct. 1965 – reports on the sale of duplicates and on the cataloguing of the donated books and periodicals; AHC will write after the Council meeting giving proposals for money received from sale of duplicates (tpc.); both Dr Smith’s library and manuscripts were presented to the RAI; Mr Akehurst gave permission for the sale of duplicates; see Library Committee minutes, 4 Nov. 1965, LC/5/1/3, f. 15


.2 Ibid., 23 May 1975 – reports on interest shown in Dr Smith’s Northwest Coast Salish material especially by the University of Washington, Seattle; Sikh material also mentioned; inquires if she expressed in her will or verbally her wishes; RAI wishes to clarify the copyright position; would welcome the copyright if he holds it and is ready to assign it (tpc.); see /.5-.14 below


.3 Mrs A.C. Akehurst to BJK, 7 June – reports Mr Akehurst’s death in 1973; is sure it would please Dr Smith and Mr Akehurst to assign copyright in all the former’s manuscripts; as her husband’s sole executor, it gives her pleasure to assign the copyright (autogr.)


.4 BJK to Mrs Akehurst, 18 June – expresses sadness at Mr Akehurst’s death and gratitude to her for assigning full copyright (tpc.)


.5 Prof. Pamela T. Amoss (PTA), University of Washington, Seattle to RAI, 3 Feb. 1975 – unable to locate MWS’s Northwest Coast field notes; asks if they are held by the RAI (tp.)


.6 BJK to PTA, 17 Feb. – informs her MWS’s Northwest Coast material held; may be consulted in the Library (tpc.)


.7 PTA to BJK, 29 Apr. – glad to know she may consult the material; will visit the Library in May (tp.); see Library Committee minutes, 21 May 1975, LC/14/3/21, f. 99


.8 Mrs Karyl Winn, Curator of Manuscripts, University of Washington Library to BJK, 7 May – reports that PTA will visit Library (tp.)


.9 Ibid., 23 May – understands Library Committee is considering PTA’s request for parts of the material to be microfilmed; will adhere to any restrictions placed on the microfilm; funds have been allocated to subsidize the filming (tp.)


.10 BJK to PTA, 18 June – on copyright position and its assignment to RAI; enjoyed her visit to the Library; Library Committee will consider request at next meeting in Oct. (tpc.)


.11 Ibid., 24 July – thanks her for her catalogue of MWS’s papers (tpc.)


.12 Ms Carol Cleaves, Acting Head, Acquisitions Division, University of Washington Libraries to BJK, 17 Sep. – on the acquisition of the microfilm and the scholars who would benefit; gives assurances on any restriction placed on the microfilm (tp.)


.13 PTA to BJK, 3 Oct. – repeats assurances etc. (tp.)


.14 BJK to PTA, 8 Jan. 1976 – regrets delay due to heavy business at last two Library Committees; Committee expressed concern about the fragility of the papers and the protection of informants; does not feel it can place copies in any other institution; willing to lend microfilm of a particular section for specific use; RAI not able to finance microfilming for preservation; would welcome assistance if the University is able to help (tpc.); see Library Committee minutes, 13 Nov. 1975, LC/15/1/7, f. 111


13/ H.J. Braunholtz (1888-1963), President, 1937-9, 1941-3, Bequest


.1 Mrs Joan Braunholtz to BJK, 8 Aug. 1963 – on visiting HJB’s library to make a selection (autogr.); in his will HJB provided for the RAI to select 20 books from his library and to purchase any others at their valuation price; see Library Committee minutes, 21 Oct. 1963, LC/3/1/4, f. 10


.2 Ibid., to AHC, 16 Aug. – on selecting books from those to be valued (autogr.)


.3 List of books selected (tp.)


.4 BJK to Mrs Braunholtz, 5 Sep. – records thanks for gift (tpc.)


14/ Frederick Acton Brooke (d. 1953), Fellow, 1930-42, Bequest


.1 Barclays Bank, executor to RAI, 4 Nov. 1953 – his will directed that the RAI could select books from his library; suggests RAI should contact his son, Rupert Brooke (tp.)


.2 WBF to RB, 6 Nov. – expresses condolences on his father’s death; expresses pleasure at the terms of his will; suggests he should get in touch with BJK (tpc.); letters to and from Barclays, 7, 10 Nov. on arrangements not retained


.3 RB to WBF, 11 Nov. – lists relevant books (tp.)


.4 BJK to RB, 14 Nov. – names books of interest and not in the Library; would be interested in books dealing with geography


.5 RB to BJK, 22 Nov. – will post the volumes required; will send list of geographical books (autogr.); BJK’s letter, 25 Nov., receiving the books and the list not retained


.6 Ibid., 15 Dec. – cites the one geographical book, Hirst’s Argentina, in the collection; will post it with the others (autogr.); BJK’s letter, 17 Dec., on inspecting Hirst’s book not retained


.7 Ibid., 30 Dec. – has posted books (autogr.)


.8 BJK to RB, 1 Jan. 1954 – on receipt of the books; is returning Hirst’s as not of immediate interest; thanks him for the gift (tpc.)


.9 RB to BJK, 11 Jan. – receipt of Hirst’s book acknowledged; glad to carry ou his father’s bequest (autogr.); see Executive Committee minutes, 19 Nov. 1953, EM/83/2/3i


15/ Miss Mary Edith Durham (1863-1944), Vice-President, 1934-41 passim, Gift


.1 MED to Dr Otto Samson, Hon. Librarian, 10 Jan. 1943 – encloses list of books she would like to present (tp.)


.2 List of books. 2 leaves (tp.); see also Executive Committee minutes, 10 Apr. 1945, EM/74/3/4d reporting the gift from her estate


16/ Dr Lucy Hoesch Ernst (d. 1944), Fellow, elected 1907, Bequest

.1 Dr Betty Morgan to RAI, 30 Jan. 1945 – informs RAI of Dr Lucy H. Ernst’s death; various papers and books left to RAI (tp.)


.2 Miss Felicia Stallman to Dr Betty Morgan, 6 Feb. – notes death with regret; her last visit was to the Centenary meeting in Oct. 1943; much interested in papers and books left to RAI (tpc.); see Executive Committee minutes, 13 Feb. 1945, f. 264


.3 List of books received. 5 leaves (tp.); see Executive Committee minutes, 1 Oct. 1946, EM/76/1/3c


17/ Dr W.L. Hildburgh (1876-1955), RAI Council, 1917-47 passim, Bequest


.1 C.C. Oman, Keeper, Dep. of Metal Work, Victoria & Albert Museum to BJK, 12 Aug. 1956 – informs her WLH left the RAI a ‘fifth picking’ from his library; encloses list of books not required by Folklore Society; may be seen there (autogr.); letter from BJK, 17 Aug., expressing pleasure at the opportunity to make a selection though many on the list are already held, not retained; see Executive Committee minutes, 18 Oct. 1956, EM/86/1/4b


.2 BJK to C.C. Oman, 23 Aug. – lists title of books selected (tpc.); letters from C.C. Oman and BJK, 24 Aug., 5-6 Sep., on release and acknowledgement of the books, not retained


.3 Hildburgh Memorial Exhibition, Victoria & Albert Museum, Jan. 1958


.4 Crane & Hawkins, solicitors to RAI, 26 Feb. 1959 – on release required by American executors (tp.); RAI’s reply, 10 Mar., to solicitors not retained


.5 Ibid., 11 Mar. – acknowledges receipt and release duly signed (tp.)


See also /3/35 below for a selection of WLH’s individual gifts.


18/ Miss M.L. Tildesley (1883-1976), RAI Council, 1933-59 passim, Estate


.1 BJK to Miss E. Godding, executor, 24 June 1976 – informs her of £60 obtained from the sale of Man and Proceedings; books on physical anthropology will be purchased in MLT’s name (tpc.); see Library Committee minutes, 15 July 1976, LC/15/4/19, f. 119


19/ The Right Hon. Lord Raglan (1885-1964), President, 1955-7

.1 BJK to Lord Raglan, 19 July 1972 – on the offer of a memorial to his father (tpc.); see Library Committee minutes, 26 Oct. 1972, LC/12/113


20/ M.W. Hilton-Simpson (1881-1938), Bequest


.1 L.J.P. Gaskin to H.J. Braunholtz, 7 Apr. 1938 – gives details of the bequest including his Algerian manuscript (see MS 65-76)(tp.)


21/ H.J.E. Peake (1867-1946), RAI President, 1926-8, Bequest

.1 H.H. Coghlan to Prof. H.J. Fleure, 13 Oct. 1946 – has selected 100 volumes from H.J.E. Peake’s library; encloses list (/.2 below)(autogr.)


.2 List of books selected. 8 leaves (tp., autogr.)


.3 Simpson, Palmer & Winder, London, Solicitors to RAI, 5 Nov. – confirms the RAI is satisfied that the executors have complied with the terms of the will (tp.)


.4 RAI to solicitors, 24 Apr. 1947 – confirms the books have been received and the terms of the will fulfilled (tp.)


3/ Books: Individual donors (selected)

1 Commander G.A. Bateman, RN, 6 Oct. 1952


2 (Prof.) Cyril S. Belshaw, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 26 Nov. 1954


3 Dr Elizabeth Bott, Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, London, 7 Mar. 1957


4 Mme Marcellin Boule, Saint Mande, Seine, 23 Feb. 1955


5 W.V. Brelsford, Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia, 18 Nov. 1954


6 Dr and Mrs Alan L. Bryan, University of Alberta, Edmonton, [20] Sep. 1963


7 Colin (Cottie) A. Burland, [19] Oct. 1966


8 Miss S.R. Burstein, offprints sent by executor, Mrs Margaret E. Rowbottom, 27 July 1973 (autogr.)


9 Prof. Mario Cappieri, Rome, 11 Nov. 1956


10 Prof. J. Desmond Clark, University of California, Berkeley, 9 June 1975


11 Dr Audrey J. Colson (née Butt), Dep. of Ethnology and Prehistory, University of Oxford, 24 Apr. 1974


12 Revd W.J. Culshaw, 29 Aug., 8 Sep. 1969 (autogr.)


13 Mrs Freda B. Culshaw, 28 May, 2 June 1975 (autogr.)


14 Dr P. Deraniyagala, National Museums of Ceylon, Colombo, 12 Feb. 1960


15 V.H.W. Dowson, Tripoli, Libya, 21 Jan. 1959


16 Prof. Louis Dumont, École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris, 2 Oct. 1975


17 Mrs Ellen Ettlinger, 16 Sep. 1961 (autogr.)


18 Prof. Sir Edward Evans-Pritchard, All Souls College, Oxford, 12 Dec. 1971 (autogr.), 26 Apr., 2 May 1972 (by J.F. Blair), and replies by BJK, 1-2 May 1972 on his Zande texts


19 W. Ronald D. Fairburn, 27 Nov. 1952 (autogr.)


20 Dr Johanna Felhoen-Kraal, Royal Institute for the Indies, Amsterdam, 18 Feb. 1949


21 Dr Henry Field, Tyringham, Mass., 11 July 1963, Miami, Florida, 21 Apr. 1967


22 Prof. Daryll Forde, University College London, 13 Nov. 1950


23 Prof. Meyer Fortes, Faculty of Archaeology & Anthropology, Cambridge, 18 May 1971 (autogr.)


24 Dr R.F. Fortune, University Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Cambridge, 31 Oct. 1950 (autogr.)


25 Revd P.H. Francis, Stoughton Vicarage, Chichester, 12, 17 June 1961 (tp., autogr.)


26 Prof. Maurice Freedman, London School of Economics, 22 July 1970 (autogr.)


27 Dr H. Fullard, Berkhamsted, 6 Apr. 1967


28 Dr D. Carleton Gajdusek, Dep. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Bethesda, MA, 29 Apr. 1969


29 Revd Fr. Filiberto Giorgetti, VFM Yambio, Southern Sudan, 2 Jan. 1962


30 [Granquist, Miss Hilma]: BJK to Mrs Ann-Marie Appelberg, Helsinki, 11 Dec. 1973; Mrs Appelberg, 18 Mar. 1974


31 Harding, Clifford, Cheadle, Cheshire, 30 Dec. 1972; BJK to C. Harding, 2 Jan. 1973 (autogr., tpc.)


32 Prof. A.T. Hatto, Queen Mary College, University of London, 30 Oct. 1971 (autogr.)


33 Prof. Melville J. Herskovits, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, 27 Apr. 1959


34 Dr H. Hickmann, Cairo, 13 June 1955


35 Dr W.L. Hildburgh, London, 20 May, 22 Sep. 1948 (autogr.); see Executive Committee minutes, 26 Oct. 1948, EM/78/1/2d; see also /2/17 above


36 Dr Robert L. Hoover, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, 15 Aug. 1974


37 Prof. W.W. Howells, Dep. of Anthropology, Harvard University, 15 Oct. 1970


38 Prof. J.H. Hutton, New Radnor, 1 Aug. 1957 (autogr.); BJK to JHH, 9 Aug. 1957 (tpc.)


39 Dr Jiro Ikeda, Niigata University, Japan, 11 Jan. 1962


40 Prof. M.A. Jaspan, University of Hull, 12 June 1970


41 Dr M.D.W. Jeffreys, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 21 Nov. 1951


42 C. Andrew Jewell, Museum of English Rural Life, University of Reading, 26 Apr. 1965


43 C.E. Joel, London, 3 Nov. 1949 offering books from W.J. Perry’s library, list of WJP’s books (tp., annotated by ERL); 24 Nov. 1949 (autogr.)


44 Dr Ernest Jones, 20 Nov. [1951] presenting 7 vols. of bound reprints from General J.G.R. Forlong’s library and other books


44.1 Margaret E. Kenna, University College, Swansea, 13 June 1973 on her Portraits of anthropologists (autogr.)


44.2 R.A. Kennedy, Museum and Art Gallery, Brighton, 1 May 1958 (autogr.)


45 Prof. Alexander Eric Kohts (A.E. Coates), Darwin Museum, Moscow, 15 Dec. 1960 on presenting books, pamphlets, and photographs; BJK’s reply, 4 Jan. 1961


46 Dr Roderyk Lange, St Peter, Jersey, 6 Oct. 1975 (autogr.)


47 Prof. (Sir) W.E. Le Gros Clark, FRS, University Museum, Oxford, 14 Jan. 1953 (autogr.)


48 Sir John Le Rougetel, Alton, Hampshire, 26 Aug. 1965 on presenting copies of the Royal Central Asian Journal (autogr.)


49 (Prof. Sir) Edmund R. Leach, Faculty of Archaeology & Anthropology, Cambridge, 26 Nov. 1965; BJK’s reply, 30 Nov. including reference to the Index to Current Periodicals (Anthropological Index) and Library Committee minute; see Library Committee minutes, 4 Nov. 1965, 24 Mar. 1966, LC/5/1/6, LC/5/2/4


50 Prof. Jean-Paul Lebeuf, Laboratoire d’Ethnologie et d’Archéologie tchadiennes et camerounaises, Ivry-sur-Seine, 29 June 1976


51 Prof. Claude Lévi-Strauss, Collège de France, Paris, 8 Oct. 1965


52 Dr Ethel J. Lindgren, Harston, 4 Feb. 1959 (autogr.)


53 Dr J.B. Loudon, Cowbridge, Glamorgan, 10 Feb. 1972 (autogr.)


54 Brian H.D. McDermot, London, 15 Aug. 1972


55 Prof. T.F. McIlwraith, University of Toronto, 9 Apr. 1958


56 Prof. David G. Mandelbaum, University of California, Berkeley, 8 Nov. 1950


57 Dr Stuart E. Mann, Seer Green, Bucks, 21 Nov. 1972 on his A historical Albanian and English dictionary and Albanian publications (autogr.)


58 Prof. John N. Mavrogordato, London, 3 Feb. 1958 (autogr.)


59 A.V. Miller, Stroud, 29 May 1971 (autogr.)


60 J.V. Mills, London, 10, 16 Aug. 1952 (autogr.)


61 Prof. Sidney W. Mintz, Yale University, 11 Feb. 1970


62 Dr J.M. Mogey, Oxford, 19 Jan. 1952 on ‘The peoples of Northern Ireland’ (autogr.)


63 Sir Oscar Morland, Thomton-le-Dale, Yorkshire, 8 Mar. 1973 (autogr.)


64 Keith Nicklin, Droitwich, 1 Feb. 1973 (autogr.)


65 Dr Kenneth P. Oakley, British Museum (Natural History), 27 Mar. 1962 (autogr.)


66 [Sir Richard Paget]; BJK’s letter, 11 Apr. 1956, thanking Lady Paget for the gift of books from Sir Richard’s library; list of books selected


67 Prof. L.S. Palmer, Wells Museum, Somerset, 23 Jan. 1959 (autogr.)


68 Ivan Polunin, University of Malaya, Singapore, 7 Apr. 1954


69 Miss Antoinette Powell-Cotton, Quex Park Birchington, Kent, 24 Mar. 1959 (autogr.)


70 Mrs A.H. Quiggin, Cambridge, 14 Jan. 1961 (autogr.)


71 K. Radcliffe-Robinson, Chief Inspector of Monuments, Bulawayo, 12 Apr. 1959


72 A.B. Rajput, Dep. of Films and Publications, Karachi, 18 June 1965


73 Prof. Stephen W. Reed, Yale University, 10 Mar. 1952


74 Prof. Gerardo Reichel-Dolmatoff, Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, 16 Dec. 1963


75 (Prof.) D.F. Roberts, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 5 Aug. 1969


76 G.K. Roth, [Cambridge], 19 Mar. 1959 (autogr.)


77 Prof. Marc R. Sauter, Université de Genève, 19 Feb. 1951


78 R.U. Sayce, Manchester Museum, 8 Mr. 1951 (autogr.)


79 Prof. I. Schapera, London, 8 June, 7 Oct. 1975 (autogr.)


80 Revd Edwin W. Smith, Deal, Kent, 6 Oct. 1955 on the Burton Library


81 G.B. Stigant, OBE, London, 25 Jan. 1955 (autogr.)


82 L.W. Spriggs, London, 18 Apr. 1952


83 Dr Frank H. Stewart, Trinity College, Oxford, 9 Apr. 1975


84 T.G.H. Strehlow, University of Adelaide, 5 Mar., 20 June 1952 (autogr.)


85 Sir Percy Sykes, KCIE, CMG, London and Sunningdale, 3 Mar. 1944 includes offer of his manuscript notes on customs in Persia (accepted), 19 Oct. 1944, both also mention Dr E.J. Lindgren (autogr.)


86 George J. Szwarc-Bort, Thornton Heath, 17 Jan. 1959 (autogr.)


87 Sir Theodore Tasker, Swanage, 20 Sep., 28 Sep. 1968 (autogr. note)


88 Prof. Tullio Tentori, Museo Nazionale delle Arti e Tradizioni Populari, Rome, 18 Sep. 1965


89 Sir J. Eric S. Thompson, FBA, Saffron Walden, Essex, 15 May 1967 (autogr.), 10 Jan. 1975 including mention of his knighthood


90 Dr J.C. Trevor, Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology, Cambridge, [10 Oct. 1955](autogr.)


91 Prof. F. Twiesselmann, Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Brussels, Nov. 1965


92 Prof. J.P.S. Uberoi, [University of Delhi], 30 Nov. 1971 (autogr.)


93 Mrs Frank Vans-Agnew, Zurich, 14 Nov. 1961 presents copy of her father’s book, Russian and nomad by Edward Nelson Fel, NY, 1916


94 Dr J.S. Weiner, Dep. of Human Anatomy, Oxford, 13 July 1959


95 Dr Richard P. Werbner and G.K. Garbett, University of Manchester, 17 May 1976


96 [Prof.] W.H. Whiteley, East African Swahili Committee, Kampala, 29 June 1956


97 Prof. Gordon R. Willey, Churchill College, Cambridge, i.e. Peabody Museum, Harvard University, 23 June 1969 (autogr.); BJK to Prof. Willey, 20, 27 June 1969


98 Miss Lorna Wyndham, London, 8 Nov. 1973 (autogr.) offering books which were accepted for the Students Reference Library


99 Prof. Mario D. Zamora, Williamsburg, Virginia, 27 Aug. 1973


100 Prof. (Sir) Solly Zuckerman, Dep. of Anatomy, University of Birmingham, 13 Jan. 1951 on papers produced by the Birmingham Anthropometric Survey


See also Register of books presented, A32, for earlier bequests and individual gifts.


4/ Books: Sales (duplicates)


The Library was able to add to Council’s annual allocation for book purchases by the sale of duplicates in the Library and those donated by Fellows in response to appeals; such sums were, with Council’s permission, in addition to the annual purchase grant. These sales took place regularly from 1949 to 1976. Collections for sale were donated by Prof. H.J. Fleure who gave generously from 1957-61 and Sir Arthur Keith (see Executive Committee minutes, 27 Oct., 17 Dec. 1955, EM/85/1/4i, EM/85/2/1 and Council minutes, 3 Nov. 1955, 5 Jan. 1956, CM/85/2/4, CM/85/4/5 where the Executive Committee’s recommendations were accepted). Lists of duplicates for the 1949 sales only are retained and some papers from the 1959 appeal; no correspondence with donors or relating to the sales has been retained.


1/ 1949 sales


.1 WBF to BJK, 2 Oct. 1949 – memorandum outlining policy views; mentions Overseas Library (autogr.)


.2 List 1 (books and pamphlets). 4 leaves (mimeo.); see Executive Committee minutes, 25 Oct. 1949, EM/79/1/4vii


.3 List 2 (monographs). 5 leaves (mimeo.)


.4 List 3 (monographs). 2 leaves (mimeo.)


.5 Lists 4-5 (periodicals). 1, 2 leaves (mimeo.); see Executive Committee minutes, 24 May 1949, EM/78/8/3i


2/ 1958 appeal


.1 MWS to BJK, 16 Nov. 1959 – requests a list of books purchased from the appeal fund and the donor’s names (autogr.)


.2 BJK to MWS, 24 Nov. – replies to requests (tpc.)


.3 List of books purchased and donors’ names (tpc.)


5/ Books: Sales (withdrawn books)


Books thought to be outside the scope of the Library were considered by the Executive committee between 24 May 1949 and 1955 (see Minutes, EM/78/8/3i-EM/82/9/3v passim). Correspondence with purchasers was not retained.


1 Books recommended for disposal, List A-Z, 1949-52. 29 leaves (mimeo.)


2 Dr J.C. Trevor’s comments on Lists F-G, 17 Dec. 1949 (autogr.)


3 Books recommended for disposal, Lists A2-I2, 1952-3. 11 leaves (mimeo.)


4 BJK to WBF, 28 Jan. 1955 – note on the sale of linguistic books (tp., annotated by WBF)


5 List of linguistic books. 4 leaves (tpc.); see Executive Committee minutes, 17 Feb. 1955, EM/84/5/4


6 List of book offered to the Folklore Society. 2 leaves (mimeo.)


7 List of books for disposal but untraced in catalogue. 3 leaves (tp.)


6/ Centenary Appeal, 1971 [1972]


1 ERL to Fellows, Jan. 1972 – appeal for ‘a large capital fund’ (mimeo.)


2 Ibid., [June 1972] – report on progress; encloses policy statement (/4 below)(mimeo.)


3 Circular listing sponsors and guests attending launching ‘ceremony on 12 July in the presence of our Royal Patron’ (mimeo.)


4 Centenary Appeal: a policy statement. [ii], 9 pp. (mimeo.)


5 Revised general leaflet. 8 pp. (printed)


6 Invitation to reception ‘in the presence of HRH Prince William of Gloucester’, Patron at the Martini Terrace, New Zealand House, SW1 (printed)


7 Photograph of Prince William at the reception taken by Prof. Michael Day


8 Centenary brochure with a message from the Royal Patron, HRH Prince William of Gloucester. 12 pp. with facsimile of title-page of the first edition of The descent of man by Charles Darwin (printed); see Library Committee minutes, 7 Jan. 1972, LC/11/2/10 for consideration of draft brochure


9 Negative of facsimile of the title-page of The descent of man by Charles Darwin, first edition


10 RAI announcement of the death of the Royal Patron, Prince William (printed slip inserted in /8 above)


11 Revised brochure following the death of Prince William with a message from the new Royal Patron, HRH The Prince of Wales. 12 pp. (printed); issued Jan. 1973


12 Leaflet on visits to the Library during the conversazione at the Museum of Mankind when Prince William’s African collection was presented to the RAI, 4 Oct. 1973 (printed); see Library Committee minutes, 13 Sep., 29 Nov. 1973, LC/13/1/11, LC/13/2/12; see also Report of the Council, 1973, p. 15 and A73


13 Brochure for Centenary Dinner, 7 Nov. 1973 at Grocer’s Hall including seating plan; list of guests inserted (printed)


14 Gallery 43, London W1 – sale of objects, proceeds to be donated to the Appeal by Philip Goldman (mimeo.)


15 Press coverage: 1973: .1, fund to save books, Guardian, 15 Jan.; .2, Financial crisis threatens science library, Daily Telegraph, 15 Jan.; .3, £500,00 appeal to protect library by Philip Howard, The Times, 9 Feb.; .4, Institutions under siege by Jacquetta Hawkes, Sunday Times, 25 Feb.; .5, ‘Human race’ library hits cash crisis by Charles Lyte, Evening Standard, 7 Mar.; .6, Why the study of man is so important by The Prince of Wales, Evening Standard, 8 Nov.; 1974: .7, Anthropology up to date by Anthony Grey, Illustrated London News, May 1974


7/ Times Literary Supplement, 6 July 1973


Prof. Lucy Mair’s (LPM) article on the RAI Library was published in the TLS, 6 July 1973, p. 788. Selection of correspondence only retained.


1 TLS to BJK, 24 Apr. 1973 – on readiness to publish an article on the Library (tp.)


2 BJK to TLS, 3 May – confirms LPM will write the article; inquires about illustrations and a motif for the whole issue, ‘the state of anthropology’ (tpc.)


3 BJK to LPM, 10 May – encloses information on historical setting of Library and its particular strengths; illustrations mentioned (tpc.)


4 Ibid., 17 May – returns draft with notes; refers to DMB’s suggestion (tpc.)


5 LPM to BJK, 18 May – returns amended draft; asks several specific facts (tp.)


6 BJK to LPM, 29 May – refers to insertions made and makes further suggestions including DMB’s (tpc.)


7 LPM to BJK, 1 June – asks for some statements to be checked; mentions DMB’s statement on standards; wishes ERL to look at final paragraph (autogr.)


8 BJK to ERL, 4 June – encloses copy of LPM’s article; wishes advice on the wording of the final paragraph (tpc.)


9 ERL to BJK, 6 June – approves article and suggests alternative final paragraph (tp.)


10 BJK to TLS, 8 June – sends Prof. Mair’s article; inquires about the author of Viewpoint (tpc.)


11 Ibid., 18 June – encloses advertisement for Anthrop. Index (tpc.)


12 Ibid., 22 June – on illustrations for the 6 July issue (tpc.)


13 BJK to LPM, 11 July – thanks her for such a successful article (tpc.)


14 LPM to BJK, 10 Aug. – encloses BJK’s ‘share’ of the fee (autogr.)


15 BJK to LPM, 14 Aug. – thanks her for the cheque; sum credited to the Library Fund (tpc.)


16 The Times Literary Supplement, 6 July 1973, ‘The state of anthropology’


17 ‘The RAI Library’ by Prof. Lucy Mair, p. 788 – copy, 5 leaves, with final paragraph as submitted (tp.); see Library Committee minutes, 13 Sep. 1973, LC/13/1/3