Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents LIBRARY – MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENTS 1971-2001 (A155)

A155/        Library – miscellaneous documents 1971-2001

The archive contains documents concerning the Museum of Mankind Library Committee and other miscellaneous documents concerning the Library, in two separate chronological sequences

  1    Jonathan Benthall, RAI Director 1974-2000, to Library Committee, 26 July 1976 – suggests that a board be erected in the Library with names of those who have given distinguished service (tp.)

  2    Brownlee J. Kirkpatrick, RAI Librarian 1948-76, to Dr Peter Rivière, 3 Aug. – on the policy regarding the passing of ‘fee’ books to the Library; refers to Dr Mourant’s new book (tpc.)

  3    Peter Rivière to Brownlee Kirkpatrick, 10 Aug. – refers to her letter; will look into the matter again; refers to Dr Mourant’s book (tp.)

  4    Brownlee Kirkpatrick to Peter Rivière, 3 Sept. – encloses papers for Finance Committee meeting on 13 Sept.; on fee books (tpc.)

  5    For Finance Committee – Budget for the Library, Oct.-Dec. 1976 (photocopy)

  6    Outline of RAI Library Responsibilities. 2 leaves (photocopy)

  7    Notice of meeting of Council on 16 Sept.; Library Committee on the Agenda (tpc.)

  8    27 Sept. – notes on book acquisition (photocopy)

  9    Notice of meeting of Library Committee on 15 Oct. (tp.)

 10    Ibid. of ibid. on 17 Dec. (tp.)

 11    Notes on expenditure Jan.-Dec. 1976 for meeting on 17 Dec. (photocopy)

 12    ‘Subscriptions to journals set against British Library Board Grant 1976’ (photocopy)

 13    Jonathan Benthall to William B. Fagg, Hon. Librarian 1976-92, 12 Jan. 1977 – Lucy Mair [RAI Hon. Secretary 1973-78] has donated £150 for the purchase of borrowable books (tp.)

 14    Bill Fagg to Lucy Mair, 27 Jan. – is delighted to hear of her generosity; shall use the subsidy for books in the donor’s field of interest; the volumes will be inscribed (tpc.)

A155/15    [Dr Bray] to ibid., 3 Feb. 1977 – is unable to attend the Library Committee meeting on 11 Feb. (autogr. pc)

 16    S.E. Seright, Secretary, to ibid., 4 Feb. – Mr Don Brothwell is unable to attend the Library Committee meeting on 11 Feb. (tp.)

 17    Jonathan Benthall to W.B. Fagg, 7 Feb. – asks him to confirm or amend the Library budget for 1977; suggests that for 1978 and subsequent years a standard percentage for inflation of 20% be added for each year (tp.)

 18    Notice of a meeting of the Library Committee on 11 Feb. (tp.)

 19    Notes on budget for meeting on 11 Feb. 2 leaves (photocopy)

 20    Notes on British Library Board Grant, for meeting on 15 Mar. (photocopy)

 21    Audrey Gregson, Librarian, Museum of Mankind Library, to Beverley Emery, Secretary to the Library Committee 1976-79, RAI Library Officer 1983-2002, 20 Apr. – on shelving the side walls and alcoves in the Open Stacks; on materials which are currently there which belong to the RAI; asks what she should do (tp.)

 22    Beverley Emery to J. Arrowsmith, 26 Apr. – 2 copies of all RAI Publications will be sent to the Museum of Mankind Library; one will be the loan copy and the other the reference copy (photocopy)

 23    Note on means of acquiring books for the Library (mimeo.)

 24    Notice of meeting of Library Committee on 6 May (tp.)

 25    Notes on ‘Space for RAI Collections’, for meeting on 6 May (tp.)

 26    Notes on the publication of Brownlee Kirkpatrick’s Catalogue of the Burton Library, for meeting on 6 May (photocopy)

 27    Notice of meeting of Library Committee on 24 June (tp.)

 28    Notes on ‘Books received for review between December 1976 and June 1977 costing £7.50 – £15’, for meeting on 24 June (tp.)

 29    Beverley Emery to David Boston, 7 July – on the possibility of Dr Robin Harvey replacing Dr W. Bray on the Library Committee (tpc.)

A155/29.1    Sheila […?] to Beverley Emery, nd – on Dr Bray and Robin Harvey (autogr. note)

 30    Jonathan Benthall to David Boston, 14 Oct. 1977 – on foreign payments for Library purchases; he must ask the Library Committee to include the cost of making such payments in the budget for 1978; on using a book importer (tpc.)

 31    Beverley Emery to David Boston, 25 Oct. – encloses Library Committee minutes; sends list of books relating to Scandinavian art in the British Isles in the Viking age (tpc.)

 32    Notice of meeting of Library Committee on 11 Nov. (tp.)

 33    […?] to Mr Boston, Dr Harvey, Mr Selwyn & Dr Rowlands, nd – note on loans of periodicals (tpc.)

 34    Philip A. Snow to Beverley Emery, 30 Nov. – refers to her card of 29 Nov. (not held); if she has books to offer on the Pacific he would be grateful if she let him know (autogr.)

 35    Jonathan Benthall to David Boston, 16 Dec. – on administration of RAI acquisitions; the present system is not working well; on foreign invoices; on finding someone to help Beverley [Emery]; on shortening the Library Committee minutes. 2 leaves (tpc.)

 36    Jane Cockerill to Beverley Emery, 20 Dec. – sends Minutes to send out; encloses labels (tp. and autogr.)

 37    List of Special Funds, in hand Jan. 1978 (photocopy)

 38    Beverley Emery to Jonathan Benthall, 3 Feb. 1978 – on W.B. Fagg’s duties as Hon. Librarian (tp. note)

 39    Draft of an advertisement for a Librarian/Secretary (tp.)

 40    Notice of a meeting of the Library Committee, 3 Feb. (tp.)

 41    Notes for Agenda Item 6, Meeting on 3 Feb. (photocopy)

 42    Notes for Agenda Item 5, Meeting on 3 Feb. (photocopy)

 43    Notice of a meeting of the Library Committee, 20 Mar. (tp.)

 44    Jill Swart to P.A. Snow, 23 Aug. – has some duplicate books for sale, including some on the Pacific; suggests he comes to look through what she has (tpc.)

A155/45    Philip Snow to Jill Swart, 28 Aug. 1978 – refers to her letter; would like first refusal on the books on the Pacific; if she has time he would like a list; asks if he can park his car at the side of the museum as he cannot walk far (autogr.)

 46    Jill Swart to P.A. Snow, 6 Sept. – suggests postponing his visit until mid-Nov.; she may have had time to prepare a list; is sure she can arrange parking for him (tpc.)

 47    Ibid. to W.B. Fagg, 14 Sept. – on a second edition of ‘The Gold Mines of Midian’ by Burton; Mr Ward would like a photocopy of a hand-written preface in the Burton collection; asks permission to provide a photocopy (tp. with autogr. note by W.B. Fagg)

 48    Ibid. to D.M. Boston, 27 Sept. – outlines her dealings with Mr Ward regarding the second edition of Burton’s ‘Gold Mines’; on copyright regulations; on another person who wishes to consult the Burton papers. 3 leaves (tpc.)

 49    Ibid. to the Library Committee, 27 Sept. – amendments to the Minutes of the meeting on 13 July (photocopy)

 50    Notice of a meeting of the Library Committee on 4 Oct. (photocopy)

 51    Provisional Agenda for the meeting on 4 Oct. (tp. with autogr. notes by Beverley Emery)

 52    RAI Fellows’ Guide to the Library (tp.) [see Minutes of Library Committee meeting 4 Oct., f. 156, LC/18/1]

 53    Philip Snow to Jill Swart, 5 Oct. – on visiting the museum; includes a list of books he would like to borrow; hopes to let her have some suggestions of Pacific books which the RAI might purchase soon (autogr.)

 54    [Jill Swart] to P.A. Snow, 6 [Oct.?] – has passed his letter to library staff so that they could check the items he wanted; it has been impossible for her to sort through books for him but will try to have a few available (tpc.)

 55     Philip Snow to Jill Swart, 13 Oct. – refers to her letter; on his visit; it will be useful to see the books she has made available; on the date he will return books (autogr.)

A155/56    Audrey Gregson to ibid., 20 Oct. 1978 – was concerned to find her dealing with a reader’s library problems; the Museum of Mankind Library staff should deal with such issues; on dealing with readers; on the bringing in of bags and cases; on children being in the stacks; when she returns to work in Jan. hopes to meet to discuss ways in which Mrs Swart can assist with selection, ordering and funding of the books donated by the RAI; the most time consuming areas are the scanning of periodicals and book lists for information on new publications and the checking of these potential purchases; on achieving a balance between the reference section and the lending section. 2 leaves (tp.)

 57    Jill Swart to Audrey Gregson, 30 Oct. – refers to her letter; she does refer Fellows to Museum of Mankind staff so far as library matters are concerned; the matter concerning children has been dealt with; on her role in purchasing books for the loan collection; on the things which are time consuming; will welcome any suggestion she would like to make (tpc.)

 58    Audrey Gregson to Jill Swart, ibid. – thanks her for the Minutes; draws her attention to rules relating to RAI library users; the leaflet was prepared as a general supplement; is proposing to circulate it in RAIN; cites some points which would be useful to RAI staff; on the Book Selection Advisory Panel (tp.)

 59    [Jill Swart?] to Mr M. McLeod, Keeper, Museum of Mankind, ibid. – encloses photocopy of a letter from Mrs Gregson, with her reply; would like to see him in this connection; on a book for review (tpc.)

 60    Jill Swart[?], itemised list of activities at work on 6 & 7 Nov., including time spent on each one (autogr.)

 61    Notice of meeting of the Library Committee on 10 Nov. (photocopy)

 62    Philip Snow to Jill Swart, 7 Nov. – thanks her for parking arrangement; asks if the Library would be interested in the ‘attached’; could call in Dec. to look at boxes of duplicate books if they would be ready (autogr.)

 63    Jill Swart to P.A. Snow, 15 Nov. – refers to his letter; on his suggestion in connection with Kaeppler; on reasons why she has not got down to sorting books; on his particular fields of interest; will not be able to sort any duplicate books before Christmas (tpc.)

A155/64    Audrey Gregson to Jill Swart, 10 Dec. 1978 – refers to her letter of 8 Dec. [not held] and a previous letter; makes some small points on the RAI donation; on Museum of Mankind staff dealing with enquiries; on the Museum of Mankind acquisition policy; on the address used for the Library (tp.)

 65    Philip Snow to ibid., 12 Dec. – his particular field of interest is the whole Pacific except the Philippines; on the duplicate books; makes a suggestion for a book to be purchased; asks for a book on loan (autogr.)

 66    1978[?] – notes on various points concerning the Library: accessibility, shelving, staffing, readership and role of the Library Committee (tp.)

 67    Notes on acquisitions and loans to RAI Fellows for 1978. 2 leaves (photocopy)

 68    nd – notes on Postal Loans (photocopy)

 69    Jonathan Benthall to Malcolm McLeod, 15 Jan. 1979 – on a Library Committee ‘at home’ on 14 Feb.; on what he intends to speak about; is satisfied with the progress of the arrangements with the Museum since 1976; would be glad to include him on the panel if he would like the Museum to be officially represented (tpc.)

 70    L. Bell, British Library Board, to Dr R. Harvey, Chairman, Library Committee, 22 Jan. 1979 – the Board has decided to award a grant for the sixth and final year of £7,000 per annum (photocopy)

 71    Jill Swart to Robin Harvey, Jonathan Benthall and W.B. Fagg, 29 Jan. – on the joint meeting between Sheila, Audrey, Beverley and herself; the broad objective of the Library is to promote the science of man; the RAI is not officially present in the museum; on the purchasing of books; on book selection; from Feb. she was going to take over English language periodicals for selection; on physical anthropology books. 2 leaves (photocopy)

 72    Ibid. to Jonathan Benthall, 30 Jan. – on the meeting on 5 Jan.; suggests this is an ideal opportunity for Robin Harvey to have a discussion with the Museum; on Miss Webb; the RAI is to be asked for more assistance; on Audrey Gregson; on book selection; on RAI Fellows; on the Archive and MS collections. 2 leaves (tp.)

 73    Ibid., 1 Feb. – on the Agenda for the meeting on 9 Feb. (tp.)

 74    Agenda for meeting on 9 Feb. (photocopy)

A155/75    Notes for agenda Item 3 for Meeting on 9 Feb. 1979 (photocopy)

 76    Jill Swart to W.B. Fagg, Jonathan Benthall, Robin Harvey, Mr Price and Beverley Emery, 2 Mar. – reports on a meeting on library duties held on 1 Mar. between Audrey, Sheila and herself (photocopy)

 77    Notice of a meeting of the Library Committee on 5 Apr. (photocopy with autogr. notes)

 78    Jill Swart to […?], nd – on her having more assistance; feels it would be best to try working together as planned; the RAI does not have funds for an assistant for her (autogr.)

 79    Jonathan Benthall to Malcolm McLeod, 12 Apr. – on an oil painting attributed to R. Dowling (photocopy)

 80    Notice of an extraordinary meeting of Council to discuss the future of the Index; Library Committee members are invited (photocopy)

 81    [Jill Swart] to Audrey Gregson, 5 June – asks if they can meet to discuss a few matters: book selection; the leaflet for library users. 2 leaves (tpc.)

 82    Notice of a meeting of the Library Committee on 6 July (photocopy with autogr. notes)

 83    [Jill Swart] to Audrey Gregson, 1 Oct. – refers to their meeting with Sheila on 2 Oct.; mentions items from Caracas; on the loan collection; hopes the three of them can put forward a solution (tpc.)

 84    Jill Swart to Jonathan Benthall and Noneen Purr, 1 Oct. – asks for an amendment of the statement about the Library Reserve Fund (tp.)

 85    nd – note about periodicals and library holdings (tp.)

 86    Notice of a meeting of the Library Committee on 12 Oct. (photocopy)

 87    nd – notes on a National Central Library; lists those periodicals and books which are not available; on consulting the manuscript and archive collections; on charges; on inter-library loans. 4 leaves (tp. and autogr.)

 88    Jill Swart to Jonathan Benthall, 23 Oct. – on various matters (tpc.)

A155/89    Ibid. to Brian Durrans, Deputy Keeper, Museum of Mankind, 29 Oct. 1979 – invites him to join the Library Committee; the next meeting is provisionally on 14 Dec. (tpc.)

 90    Ibid. to John Picton, SOAS, ibid. – the Library Committee wishes him to continue as a member; if he would prefer to resign, hopes that he will rejoin in a year or so (tpc. with autogr. notes)

 91    [Ibid.?] to Malcolm McLeod, 1 Nov. – enclose draft memorandum to the Library Committee; asks him to suggest any amendments; encloses copy of annual report (tpc.)

 92    Memorandum to the Library Committee regarding the meeting on 18 Oct. between the Museum of Mankind and the RAI Library Committee representatives, on open access; on moving older books and periodicals (tpc.)

 93    Jill Swart to Miss M. Wood, Horniman Museum and Library, 19 Nov. – refers to her letter of 14 Nov. [see A17/6/2/18]; has sent copies to various people; will table it for discussion at the next Library Committee meeting on 14 Dec. (tpc.)

 94    Ibid. to Robin Harvey & Jonathan Benthall, 19 Nov. – encloses copy of Mrs Wood’s letter; on Fellows’ dissatisfaction with the way they are treated in the Open Stacks; is grateful that someone has put disquiet into letter form; suggests sending a copy of Mrs Wood’s letter to Mr McLeod; on reader self-sufficiency (tpc. with autogr. note)

 95    Mike Rowlands to Jill Swart, 28 Nov. – newer Committee members need to be informed of the powers that lie with the Committee; on the complex relationship between the Library and the British Museum; would like a copy of the original agreement between the RAI and the Museum of Mankind for the transfer of the Library; on the constitutional basis of the appointment of members of the Library Committee (tp.)

 96    Jill Swart to Beverley Emery, 5 Dec. – on a discussion of the Library Committee’s role so that it can be clearly defined; on an instance of impoliteness towards a Fellow (autogr.)

 97    Jonathan Benthall to Mike Rowlands, 7 Dec. – refers to his letter of 28 Nov.; the Deed of Gift may be inspected; on the RAI’s legal powers; on the RAI’s residual legal interest in the Library; hitherto crisis has been averted by diplomatic negotiation; has always found Malcolm McLeod amenable; it should be possible to approach problems cooperatively. 2 leaves (tpc.)

A155/98    Jill Swart to Mrs M. Slater, Aslib Research and Consultancy, 11 Dec. 1979 – the Library Committee wishes to ascertain the viewpoint of her department on the usefulness of having books on open access; asks her to comment on the points outlined; describes how the issue is related to the work of library staff, as self-sufficient readers do not need personalised service from staff; on the issue as related to security; on the importance to readers of open access. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. notes)

 99    Margaret Slater to Jill Swart, 13 Dec. – refers to her letter; she discussed the matter with colleagues; they all feel that arguments for open access outweigh those against; closed access libraries are not in the best interests of full exploitation of the material they contain; on the security problem; asks if material could be divided into ‘types’ requiring different supervision or access; it seems counter-productive to deny the genuine specialist open access. 2 leaves (tp.)

100    Agenda for the meeting of the Library Committee on 14 Dec. (photocopy)

101    Philip Snow to Jill Swart, 14 Dec. – refers to her letter of 12 Dec. [not held]; refers to an award; on his book ‘The People from the Horizon’; on a reviewer (autogr.)

102    Jill Swart to Marion Wood, 17 Dec. – her letter was discussed at the meeting on 14 Dec.; the Museum would like her to come in to discuss the points made in it (tpc.)

103    Ibid., ibid. – ibid. (autogr. copy)

104    Ibid. to Mrs M. Slater, ibid. – refers to her letter; points out that she is not Assistant Librarian at the Museum of Mankind but is employed by the RAI (tpc.)

105    nd – List of Fellows showing number of books loaned to them in 1979. 6 leaves (tp. with autogr. additions)

106    Lists of names (draft of previous item?) 4 leaves (autogr.)

107    nd – draft of budgets for 1978 and 1979 (tp.)

108    Notes on the Library Reserve Fund (tp. with autogr. note)

109    Notes on prices and special funds (photocopy)

110    Jill Swart to Beverley Emery, nd – refers to worksheet drawn up when she took over; on W.B. Fagg (autogr. memo)

A155/111        Ibid. to Mr Price, 10 Jan. 1980 – on a proposed meeting with Mr McLeod; on present levels of staffing; asks if the presence of an RAI employee could be officially recognised; on books donated by the RAI; she is doing tasks which fall within the sphere of Museum work; Museum staff could not do these tasks as they are so pressed; the Library Committee does not wish for important decisions to be made without their knowledge (tpc.)

112    Jill Swart to Jonathan Benthall, 11 Jan. – on a review of Mr Snow’s book (autogr.)

113    Ibid. to P.A. Snow, 14 Jan. – passed his letter on (tpc.)

114    Tom [Selwyn] to Jill Swart, 29 Jan. – apologises that he will not be able to attend the next Committee meeting; makes some suggestions of books which might be acquired for the library; some are vital and some slightly less so. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. additions)

115    Jill Swart to Tom Selwyn, 4 Feb. – on the books he recommended for the library (tpc.)

116    [Jill Swart] to Robin Price, Deputy Librarian, Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, 5 Feb. – had a session with Mrs Purr and can now give some time to preparing the 1980 budget; on the superannuation scheme; thanks him for offer of a loan of a journal (tpc.)

117    Audrey Gregson to Brian Durrans, 7 Feb. – on security procedures to be followed by people visiting Jill Swart in the Closed Stacks (photocopy with autogr. note from Jill Swart to Beverley Emery – the procedure pertains only to her; mentions Ken)

118    Marion Wood to Jill Swart, 8 Feb. – refers to her letter of 17 Dec.; had a useful and amicable meeting with Audrey Gregson; on the RAI Fellows Guide to the Library shortly to be distributed (tp.)

119    Jill Swart to Beverley Emery, 11 Feb. – on Jonathan Benthall’s idea of publishing the names of Fellows who do not return books; she does not like the idea; on salaries; on Miss Kirkpatrick’s superannuation (autogr.)

120    [Jill Swart] to Robin Price, ibid. – on the 1979 budget; on an unspent sum which was paid into Library Reserve Fund (tpc.)

A155/121        [Ibid.] to Brian Durrans, 11 Feb. 1980 – Audrey gave her a photocopy of his letter about security; asks if the procedure could be relaxed for members of the Library Committee; outlines an alternative procedure (photocopy)

122    Agenda for meeting of the Library Committee on 14 Feb. (photocopy with autogr. additions)

123    [Jill Swart?] to Marion Wood, 15 Feb. – refers to her letter of 8 Feb.; Audrey told her about the visit; on the leaflet to be distributed (tpc.)

124    Jill Swart to Robin Price, 21 Feb. – breakdown of her work allocation (tpc. with autogr. note to W.B. Fagg)

125    Ibid. to Audrey Gregson, 27 Feb. – on the procedure with RAI donations; on Valerie’s slips (tp.) [on verso:] Audrey Gregson to Jill Swart, 28 Feb. – on donations from the RAI; on procedures followed with donations from readers and from Valerie (autogr.)

126    [Jill Swart?] to Mike Rowlands, 5 Mar. – on overseas Fellows using the Library (tpc.)

127    Jill Swart to Dr Philip Dark, 31 Mar. – on a drastic cut in the 1980 book allocation; refers to two books he recommended; asks him if he wanted them personally; would appreciate comments on the value of the loan facility to him as a Fellow, in relation to other privileges (tpc.)

128    Jonathan Benthall to Robin Price, 16 Apr. – on facts needed to move towards a more self-financing library budget; asks how many books per year each Fellow takes out; could find this out from the borrowing slips; could then compile a bell curve which will be informative; can then analyse the profile of those Fellows who borrow most frequently; if a large proportion work for publishing companies etc. then there is scope to introduce an entrance fee. 2 leaves (tp.)

129    Jill Swart to Beverley Emery, 16 Apr. – on the Easter break; on a memo from Jonathan; she asked him: by how much had the Council asked that the budget be cut; about her salary; was there any chance that the shortfall be made up; she is sure he wants to cut off the Library; on the question of expensive rent; on projects which have not had enough forethought; feels strongly that the Fellowship must be informed of what is going on financially; refers to the ‘Circular to Fellows’ of 1976 in which the RAI undertook to continue to donate books. 4 leaves (autogr.)

A155/130        Agenda of meeting of the Library Committee on 23 Apr. 1980 (photocopy)

131    Jill Swart to Marion Wood, 24 Apr. – the Museum library leaflet has been sent only to overseas Fellows and not to UK ones; outlines various ways in which it will be distributed (tpc.)

132    [Jill Swart?] to Robin Price, 25 Apr. – on the possibility of her moving to the Open Stacks; encloses photocopies of her correspondence with Margaret Slater; asks if he would put across to Audrey the advantage of open access; considers that a move to the Open Stacks should lead to official recognition by the BM of her presence there; on the possibility of an RAI liaison officer; Kenneth is no longer willing to move to the Open Stacks; on the Anthropological Index. 2 leaves (tpc.)

133    Marion Wood to Jill Swart, 26 Apr. – says that in fact she did receive her copy of the library leaflet (tp.)

134    Jill Swart to Robin Price, 5 May – on 1980 book selection; on statistics (tp.)

135    Jonathan Benthall, 13 May – notes on how to use the statistics of borrowing rates (autogr.)

136    nd – ‘Comparative analysis of loan trends 1978, 1979 and 1980’ (autogr. graph)

137    Loan statistics for books and periodicals 1972-79 (autogr.)

138    nd – information sheet about admission to the Museum of Mankind Library; provides lists of other London libraries. 8 leaves (tp.)

A155/139        Michael Rowlands to Prof. Michael Day, 15 May 1980 – in a Library Committee meeting he criticised the cut of £3,500 from its budget; it is a cut of 30% of the Library’s budget; book purchases might cease altogether; feels Council has displayed a lack of confidence towards the library; to suggest that the Museum of Mankind might cover the difference implies a mere hope; the important consideration is the survival and maintenance of the library; this must depend on further negotiations with the British Museum and on exploring alternative sources of funding; it would be remiss of the RAI to withdraw its financial contribution; gives reasons why; thinks the library should focus on core interests; reserves could be used to fill in gaps in the library as it stands so it becomes an even more complete record of the scope of anthropology during the century from 1870; a number of constructive and useful steps could be taken; would urge Council to reconsider its decision to cut the Library budget in the manner proposed. 2 leaves (tp.)

140    [Jill Swart] to Robin Price[?], 16 May – thanks him for preview of ‘beautifully phrased’ paper; makes some points about the accuracy of the figures regarding loans to Fellows and on reference usage (tp.)

141    Jill Swart to Jonathan Benthall, 21 May – includes the basic material from which his graph can be constructed; makes some points about the figures (tp.)

142    Further library statistics (tp.)

143    Jonathan Benthall to the Library Committee, 23 May – wishes to clarify something he said in the Library Committee Minutes; on the Photographic Collection; quotes from Council Minute from 13 June 1979; on the works of art; on the valuation of borrowing rights; again, corrects the impression given in the Minutes. 2 leaves (tp.)

144    Jill Swart to Jonathan Benthall, 2 June – asks for figures about subscriptions to Man and RAIN; asks for figures of production costs; asks about Museum charge for servicing loans to Fellows (tp. with autogr. notes by Jonathan Benthall)

145    Jonathan Benthall to Jill Swart, 4 June – more thoughts on Library accounting; on distribution costs for Man and RAIN; on exchange copies of Man; on accounting for the Library generally. 3 pages (autogr.)

146    Robin Price to the Library Committee, 4 June – an informal meeting was held on 21 May; a special meeting of the Library Committee has been convened for 19 June (photocopy)

A155/147        Report of the meeting of the Library Committee on 19 June 1980 (photocopy)

148    List of books reviewed in Man, up to June 1980[?]; on admin charges for exchanges. 2 leaves (tp.)

149    Jill Swart to Robin Price, W.B. Fagg & Dr Rowlands, 24 June – on exchanges of periodicals; number, cost and value to the RAI (tpc.)

150    Robin Price, Extraordinary General Meeting of Council May/June 1980 – Statement presented by the Chairman of the Library Committee. 4 leaves (tp. with autogr. additions)

151    Agenda for meeting of the Library Committee on 16 July (tp.)

152    Jonathan Benthall to Jill Swart, 30 July – would like to meet with her to prepare a handover file for her successor; needs an analysis of her duties; other points (tp.)

153    [Jill Swart] to Mike Rowlands, 31 July – on overdue books; on her resignation; plans to leave at the end of Sept. (tpc.)

154    Tom Selwyn, Aug. – draft document on the Library. 4 leaves (tp.)

155    31 Aug. – accounts for the Library Reserve Fund (photocopy)

156    [Jill Swart?] to E.A. Graham, 10 Sept. – asks if he will take part in a Pilot Study for the RAI Readership Survey Questionnaire; encloses draft of the circular letter to be distributed and the Questionnaire; asks him to fill it in and make comments (tpc.)

157    Jill Swart to all members of Committee, 15 Sept. – encloses the Committee’s paper for Council (tp.)

158    Ibid. to Philip A. Snow, 22 Sept. – thanks him for taking part in the Pilot Study; all Pilot forms have been received; refers to his comments on RAI publications; on his ‘magnum opus’ (tpc.)

159    Comments from two Fellows for the meeting on 24 Sept. (tp.)

160    Jill Swart to Beverley Emery, 26 Sept. – on a sherry party to celebrate the 4th anniversary of the Deed of Gift; describes all the components of her job (autogr.)

A155/161        Agenda for meeting of the Library Committee on 1 Oct. 1980 (tp. with autogr. additions)

162    Jill Swart to Noneen Purr, 7 Oct. – on the Library budget for 1980; on expenditure (tpc.)

163    Ibid. to Robin Price, 16 Oct. – on phone calls (tpc.)

164    Ibid., 20 Oct. – on Special Funds (tpc.)

165    Agenda for a meeting of the Library Committee on 22 Oct. (photocopy)

166    Notes for Agenda Item 2(b) for meeting on 22 Oct. (photocopy)

167    Jill Swart to Prof. M.H. Day, 10 Nov. – on the RAI Reading Survey; would like to discuss this and other library matters with him; encloses copy of Sir Edmund’s letter to her [not held] (tpc.)

168    Beverley Emery to W.B.Fagg, 12 Nov. – refers to his accident; on a gathering of 19 Nov. as a thank you to Jill; on Miss Kirkpatrick (tp.)

169    Brownlee Kirkpatrick to ibid., 16 Nov. – refers to his accident (tp.)

170    Jill Swart to Robin Price, 18 Nov. – on possible non-acceptance of RAI donations in the future (tp.)

171    Agenda for a meeting of the Library Committee on 4 Dec. (tp.)

172    Jill Swart to the Library Committee, 2 Dec. – thanks them for her farewell party; describes the necklace she bought with the cheque; gives her temporary address in South Africa. 2 leaves (autogr.)

173    Ibid., 2 Dec. – ‘Report on Questionnaire Survey’. 21 leaves (tp.)

174    Prof. Michael Day to Fellows and Junior Fellows, 10 Oct. – on the amalgamation of the RAI Library with the Museum of Mankind Library; on fluctuations in borrowings by Fellows; on the decision to conduct a questionnaire survey of reading habits and requirements (tp.)

175    Reading Survey. 4 pages (printed)

176    Michael Day, RAI President, to all Fellows, 1 Oct. – on 1981 subscriptions; these to be increased (tp.)

177    Extracts from questionnaires. 2 leaves (tp.)

A155/178        J.B. Cresswell to Jill Swart, 19 Oct. 1980 – on the Library Questionnaire; if there were no RAI Library, he should have to consider whether to remain a member (photocopy)

179    C.A. Thorold to ibid., 16 Oct. – praises the Museum of Mankind staff (photocopy); Jill Swart to Dr C.A. Thorold, 13 Nov. – has passed a copy of his letter to the staff (photocopy)

180    David Drew to [Jill Swart], 25 Oct. – on increase of subscription; asks whether there could be a cheaper rate for those who only wish to use the Library, without taking the journals (photocopy)

181    Jill Swart to David Drew, 13 Nov. – she will be including Fellows’ recommendations in the paper to the Library Committee (photocopy)

182    Patrick Glass to Jill Swart, 22 Oct. – makes some comments about the questionnaire. 3 leaves (photocopy)

183    Jill Swart to Patrick Glass, 13 Nov. – his comments will be taken into consideration (photocopy)

184    D.L. Jones to [Jill Swart], nd – gives reasons for the value of borrowing rights (photocopy)

185    Jill Swart to Mr D.L. Jones, 13 Nov. – his comments are valuable extensions to the information yielded by the survey (photocopy)

186    Ibid. to Mrs Betty Tucker, ibid. – sends condolences on the death of her husband (photocopy)

187    Philip Kreager to Jill Swart, 20 Oct. – shall be very disappointed if the Library’s services should be cut in any way (photocopy)

188    Jill Swart to Philip Kreager, 13 Nov. – his comments will be included in the paper for the Library Committee (photocopy)

189    Sir Edmund Leach to Jill Swart, 20 Oct. – thinks the questionnaire badly constructed; the questionnaire is not addressed to the issues which are of concern to Council; outlines what these issues are; they have nothing to do with Library Committee policy; on the question of taking rare books out of the library; the Museum of Mankind Library ought to be a reference library only; any statistics derived from the questionnaire will be devoid of meaning (photocopy)

A155/190        Jill Swart to Sir Edmund Leach, 7 Nov. – his suggestions will be put before Council; suggests he contact the Museum of Mankind Librarian about the loan of the rare book he mentioned (photocopy)

191    List of publications consulted (photocopy)

192    Draft of letter announcing questionnaire. 2 leaves (tp.)

193    Notes on loan statistics, 1970-80. 3 leaves (tp.)

194    Subject analysis of book orders on file 1978, 1979 and 1980 (tp.)

195    29 Jan. 1981 – notice of a meeting of the Library Committee on 11 Feb. (photocopy)

196    12 May – notice of a meeting of the Library Committee on 28 May (photocopy)

197    June – draft announcement regarding a voluntary assistant for book selection (tp. with autogr. corrections)

198    Kenneth A. Forrest to Jonathan Benthall, 18 Dec. – cannot attend the Library Committee meeting on 6 Jan.; outlines the points he would like raised; has enjoyed his year’s work for the RAI (tp.)

199    Agenda for meeting of the Library Committee on 6 Jan. 1982 (tp.)

200    Minutes of the meeting on 6 Jan. 3 leaves (tp.)

201    List of periodicals for meeting on 6 Jan. 2 leaves (tp.)

202    Jonathan Benthall to Council, 29 Mar. – includes item on new RAI internal library committee. 2 leaves (tp.)

203    Jean Arrowsmith, Museum of Mankind, to Jonathan Benthall, 16 Apr. – on requests for two new exchange agreements (autogr.)

204    Noal Mellott, ‘Systèmes de Pensée en Afrique Noire’, to RAI, 20 Apr. – has sent volumes of their cahier; asks if it can be exchanged for Man (tp. with autogr. note by Jonathan Benthall)

205    Ibid. to former members of the Library Committee, 26 Apr. – on an informal meeting at the Museum of Mankind on 20 May, to discuss the intake of periodicals (tp.)

206    Jean Arrowsmith to Noal Mellott, 11 May – cannot recommend that Man be sent regularly in exchange; explains why; suggests they might send RAIN instead (photocopy)

A155/207        Minutes of meeting on 20 May 1982. 2 leaves (tp.)

208    nd – list of periodicals. 5 leaves (tp.)

209    Jonathan Benthall to all members of the old Library Committee, 21 May – reports on the meeting on 20 May (tp.)

210    Robin Price to W.B. Fagg, 25 May – has resigned from the Museum of Mankind / RAI Library Committee and from the RAI Council; it has been a pleasure to work with him (autogr.)

211    Jonathan Benthall to W.B.Fagg, 8 June – on finding a chairman for the Library Committee; on the Companies Act (autogr. note)

212    Ibid. to former members of (old) Library Committee, ibid. – a Chairman for the new internal library committee has not yet been found; suggests that Beverley Emery and Brownlee Kirkpatrick be asked to serve as nominees of Council; could probably manage without a chairman for a period; on other library matters (tp.)

213    Brownlee Kirkpatrick to W.B. Fagg, 11 June – on the composition of the new Library Committee; thanks him for dinner (tp.)

214    Noal Mellott to Jean Arrowsmith, 5 July – accepts her offer to send RAIN; will put her on the mailing list for his cahier (tp,)

215    Jean Arrowsmith to Jonathan Benthall, 14 July – encloses correspondence with Noal Mellott; asks if he agrees to exchange RAIN for ‘Systèmes de Pensée en Afrique Noire’ (tp.)

216    Jonathan Benthall to Beverley Emery, 29 July – she has been elected to the new internal RAI Committee on the Library; asks if she can attend a Museum of Mankind Library Committee meeting on 30 Sept. as an RAI representative (tp.)

217    Brownlee Kirkpatrick, 23 Aug. – on periodical subscription review (tp.)

218    Notes of a meeting of the Museum of Mankind Library Committee on 30 Sept. 2 leaves (tp.)

219    Audrey Gregson to W.B. Fagg, 6 Oct. – notice of a meeting of the Museum of Mankind Library Committee on 2 Dec. (tp.)

A155/220        Ibid. to Ken [Forrest], 6 Oct. 1982 – encloses notes from the last meeting of the Museum of Mankind Library Committee; asks for lists of all periodicals received in the subject fields of those periodicals suggested for cancellation (tp.)

221    Jonathan Benthall to Audrey Gregson, 7 Oct. – Council approved all cuts in subscriptions recommended by the Museum of Mankind Library Committee; they have asked for further cuts; on selling runs of journals (tp.)

222    For Museum of Mankind Library Committee meeting, 2 Nov. – RAI subscription journals recommended for cancellation by K. Forrest. 4 leaves (tp. with autogr. notes by Beverley Emery)

223    Another list of periodicals. 3 leaves (tp. with autogr. notes by Beverley Emery)

224    Audrey Gregson to [W.B. Fagg], 30 Nov. – attaches list of periodicals to be discussed at meeting on 2 Dec. (tp.)

225    List of RAI subscription journals recommended for cancellation by K. Forrest (tp.)

226    Notes of meeting of Museum of Mankind Library Committee on 2 Dec. 2 leaves (tp.)

227    Audrey Gregson to W.B. Fagg, 20 Jan. 1983 – Library Committee meeting postponed until 3 Mar. (tp.)

228    Simon Roberts to Jonathan Benthall, 17 Feb. – on the ‘law’ collection in the Museum of Mankind Library; it is difficult to isolate law as a discrete area; on the two categories of books about law; on formulating an acquisitions policy for times of shortage; on journals; the collection of books about law seems to him to be excellent and comprehensive. 2 leaves (photocopy)

229    Jonathan Benthall to Museum of Mankind Library Committee, 28 Feb. – encloses copy of a memorandum by Tim Ingold being circulated to RAI Council about RAIN; on periodical exchanges; the periodical exchanges are highly valued by the Museum; if RAIN were to cease to review books the intake of review copies would be much reduced (tp.)

230    Tim Ingold, 27 Feb. – Comment of the Memorandum to the President from the RAIN Editorial Panel, 4 Aug. 1982; on finance; on content; on the role of RAIN; makes three critical comments regarding content (tp.)

231    Notes of a meeting of the Museum of Mankind Library Committee on 3 Mar. 2 leaves (tp.)

A155/232        Jonathan Benthall to Mr Boston, Mr Cranstone, Prof. Day, Mrs Emery, Mr Fagg, Mrs Gregson, Dr Harvey, Miss Kirkpatrick, Mrs Mackay, Dr David Riches, Dr Rowlands & Dr Selwyn, 11 May 1983 – on the Museum of Mankind Library; refers to a meeting in the winter of 1981 at which four points were established; reports on progress on these points; asks what points he should bring to the Museum’s attention at this point; makes some suggestions (tp.)

233    nd – meeting has been postponed until 28 July (tp. note)

234    Brownlee Kirkpatrick to Jonathan Benthall, 21 May – comments on a few of the points he raised in his memorandum (tp.)

235    Jonathan Benthall to Brownlee Kirkpatrick, 31 May – answers the points she made in her letter of 21 May (tpc.)

236    Audrey Richards to Jonathan Benthall, ibid. – asks if he has ever inserted a note in RAIN about the whereabouts of fieldwork notes; gives some examples of places where people’s notes are kept; it would be convenient if photographs from an expedition were at the RAI; the note in RAIN could say that the RAI was willing to keep fieldnotes in safety. 2 leaves (photocopy)

237    Jonathan Benthall to Mrs Max Gluckman, 7 June – refers to her late husband’s archive; an application to the British Academy for a year’s funding to continue work on the Max Gluckman photographic archive has been turned down; refers to her offer of a donation of Max Gluckman’s Zulu field notes; his reservation is that RAI is unlikely to be able to afford to look after them and research them in the way they deserve; a university library may be a more suitable repository; on the corrected proofs of Max Gluckman’s books. 2 leaves (photocopy)

238    Ibid. to Dr Audrey Richards, 14 June – refers to her letter; refers to suggestion from Manchester University that they accept the fieldnotes of Max Gluckman (tp.)

239    Ibid. to W.B. Fagg, 15 June – encloses copies of letters (tp.)

240    W.B. Fagg to Jonathan Benthall, [23 June?] – refers to his report of 11 May; on the Museum of Mankind Library Committee; on the new RAI committee; suggests an early meeting of the new committee (autogr.)

A155/241        Jonathan Benthall to Mrs Max Gluckman, 23 June 1983 – there is no obstacle to the RAI accepting any papers of her husband’s which she is willing to deposit; the Museum of Mankind would take non-confidential papers, while confidential papers would be kept at the RAI. 2 leaves (tp.)

242    Ibid. to W.B. Fagg, 27 June – refers to his letter of 23 June; on holding a meeting of the Internal RAI Library Committee; does not think that there is any business for such a committee; on other matters; on the letters from Mrs Gluckman and Audrey Richards; his lack of enthusiasm for a meeting of the committee is partly due to lack of time. 3 leaves (tp.)

243    Brownlee Kirkpatrick to W.B. Fagg, 5 July – sends copy of letter she has typed to Jonathan; on the Burton Library sale; thanks him for dinner (tp.)

244    Ibid. to Jonathan Benthall, ibid. – raises two points following the AGM; on the internal RAI Committee; on the proceeds of the sale of the Burton Collection; is sending a copy of the letter to W.B.Fagg (tpc.)

245    Jonathan Benthall to Brownlee Kirkpatrick, 8 July – on the internal RAI Committee; on the proceeds of the proposed sale of the Burton Collection. 2 leaves (tp.)

246    21 July – Dr Bloch’s recommendations regarding linguistics periodicals (tp.)

247    Agenda for Museum of Mankind Library Committee meeting on 28 July (tp.)

248    RAI suggestions for periodical cancellations, for meeting on 28 July. 4 leaves (tp.)

249    Balance sheet for Library Reserve Fund, as at 31 Aug. (tp. with autogr. notes)

250    Jonathan Benthall to Miss B. Kirkpatrick, Mrs B. Emery & Mrs M. Carey, 15 Sept. – gives notice of a meeting of the RAI Internal Library Committee on 21 Sept.; it will be an informal meeting so there is no agenda (tp.)

251    nd – list of manuscripts[?] (tp.)

252    Audrey Gregson to Beverley Emery, 11 Oct. – gives notice of a meeting of the Museum of Mankind Library Committee on 20 Oct. (tp.)

A155/253        W.B. Fagg to Prof. Adrian Mayer, President, 13 Oct. 1983 – this is his first report on the library and associated services since the inauguration on the new and simplified arrangements; on the book purchasing budget and the Library Reserve Fund; on the future of the archives, both general and internal. 2 leaves (tp.)

254    Agenda for Council meeting on 19 Oct. 2 leaves (tp.)

255    Notes of a meeting of the Finance Committee on 17 Nov. (tp.)

256    Jonathan Benthall to W.B. Fagg, 5 Jan. 1984 – on the Library budget; the Finance Committee wanted to launch an appeal but this idea has been postponed; on the next Council meeting (autogr.)

257    Lindsey Sylvester to W.B. Fagg, Mrs Carey, Beverley Emery & Brownlee Kirkpatrick, 16 Jan. – gives notice of a meeting of the Hon. Librarian’s Committee on 23 Jan. (tp.)

258    Julia Schottlander to Audrey Gregson, 21 Mar. – has been a Fellow for ten years purely to have full use of the Library; this will probably be her last year of membership; a library without a purchasing policy is a dead library; on the increasing number of ‘M’s on the spines of books; the RAI is little more than a trade union for social anthropologists (tp.)

259    Audrey Gregson to Julia Schottlander, 27 Mar. – clarifies the connection between the RAI and the Museum of Mankind Library; on concession which allows Fellows to borrow books donated by the RAI; the Museum of Mankind Library has a very active purchasing policy; is passing her letter to the RAI library subcommittee (tpc.)

260    Jonathan Benthall to Mrs Max Gluckman, 4 June – thanks her for sending Max Gluckman’s letters etc.; confirms that he accepts them on the basis that access will be refused for 20 years from today’s date; on photographs; on copyright (tpc.)

261    M.D. McLeod, nd – list of Reading Room closures, summer 1984 (tp.)

 .1    Chris Spring to Jonathan Benthall, 11 June – apologises for short notice (autogr. note)

A155/262        Jonathan Benthall to Malcolm McLeod, 15 June 1984 – is concerned about the closures of the Reading Room; asks for assurance that future closure will be planned well in advance; suggests ways of saving staff time to minimise the need for closures; on the borrowing rights of Fellows. 2 leaves (tp.)

263    Malcolm McLeod to Jonathan Benthall, 21 June – regrets having to close the Library but the staffing situation is difficult; shall give as much warning as possible; the suggestions he has made will be taken into account in a review which is shortly to be commissioned (tp.)

264    Jonathan Benthall to Prof. A. Mayer, W.B. Fagg, & Beverley Emery, 22 June – encloses copy of Malcolm McLeod’s letter; is convinced that RAI must react courteously but strongly to the sudden closures; when he replies he would like it to be clear that he is reflecting serious concern among the Fellows; refers to the Supplemental Agreement; refers to staff holidays at the Library (tp.)

265    Patricia J. Peach, Acting Director’s Secretary, to W.B. Fagg, nd – encloses copy of MM’s letter (tp.)

266    Ibid. to Malcolm McLeod, 28 June – the Museum of Mankind Library was discussed at a Council Meeting and at the AGM; asks whether he would prefer a meeting of the Library Committee or a personal meeting, to discuss ‘administrative provisions’ (tpc.)

267    Beverley Emery to Jonathan Benthall, 15 Oct. – W.B. Fagg would like to have an Hon. Librarian’s Committee meeting; gives suggested agenda; on the question of a Chairman; mentions a letter from Catalina Saugy (tpc.)

 .1    Notes of items mentioned in the letter [previous item] (autogr.)

268    Agenda for meeting of the Museum of Mankind Library Committee on 23 Nov. (tp.)

269    Agenda for meeting of the Library Committee on 14 Dec. [1984?] (photocopy)

270    Draft copy of report on the Museum of Mankind Library for the Annual Report 1984 (tp. with autogr. corrections and note to W.B. Fagg by Beverley Emery)

271    Jonathan Benthall to W.B. Fagg, 7 May 1985 – encloses revised version of the part of the Council Report dealing with the Library; on the budget (tp.)

272    Report on the Museum of Mankind Library (tp.)

A155/273        Beverley Emery to W.B. Fagg, 27 May 1985 – encloses memo received from Jonathan about the amended Annual report of the Hon. Librarians Committee; discusses money allocated; encloses copy of the original draft with amendments; Council agreed to £3,000 (tp.)

274    Jonathan Benthall to the Editor, Man, the Editor, Index, Chairman, Film Committee, Mike Hitchcock, Roslyn Poignant, W.B. Fagg, Beverley Emery, chairman, North American Committee, Alan Barnard, Richard Thorn & Gil Manley, 23 Apr. 1986 – asks for contributions for the Annual Report 1985; deadline is 12 May; asks for contributions to be brief (photocopy)

275    Beverley Emery to W.B. Fagg, 12 May – encloses copy of the annual report for the library; nothing of particular note happened during the year; Brownlee agrees with the report; has also consulted Audrey and Sheila (tp.)

276    Report on the Museum of Mankind Library for the year ending 31 Dec. 1985 (tp.)

277    M.D. McLeod to W.B. Fagg, 12 June – on his offer of time on the computer; some of the staff will start to use the machine (tp.)

278    Jonathan Benthall to Jean La Fontaine, David Jones, Lorraine Baric, Edmund Leach, Audrey Gregson, John Davis, Russell Bernard, Edward Evans & Eric Sunderland, 3 July – report on a meeting at University of Kent, 2 July; on a proposal for a joint RAI/UKC information clearing-house service; on the RAI’s proposed role; on UKC’s proposed role; on the proposal; on costs; on funding. 5 leaves (tp.)

279    Beverley Emery to W.B. Fagg, 4 July [1986?] – gives notice of a meeting on 9 July to discuss Brownlee’s report and the forthcoming visit of Edward Evans; on cooperating with Tozzer; encloses copy of a report sent to Audrey; hopes he can come to the meeting (tp.)

280    Jonathan Benthall to Audrey Gregson, 10 July – on funds for loan collection; on Bill Fagg’s computer (tp.)

281    Beverley Emery to J. Benthall, M. Carey, W. Fagg & B. Kirkpatrick, 17 Nov. – on a request from Mr Mtapiko, Acting Government Archivist, National Archives of Malawi, for microfilms of the Rattray and Stannus collections; lists the items of which he wants microfilms; the money is forthcoming from UBESCO; asks if they agree to the request (tp.)

282    Notes of a meeting held 28 Nov. 1986; on collaboration with the Tozzer Library (tp.)

A155/283        Beverley Emery to W.B. Fagg, 17 May 1987 – on his broken arm; encloses copy of annual report; on a meeting of the Index Committee; on the Index (tp.)

284    Museum of Mankind Library, Annual Report 1986 (tp.)

285    Audrey Gregson to all Library staff, 16 July – on the position of the RAI with regard to the Museum of Mankind Library; the correct position is that the ‘former RAI Library’ was donated to the British Museum in 1976 and incorporated into the Museum of Mankind Library (tp.)

286    Beverley Emery to Jonathan Benthall, 4 Sept. – on photographs of Presidents; on a set of the Journal of the RAI; on Mr Fagg’s computer; on other matters (photocopy; with  notes by Jonathan Benthall in response)

287    Ibid. to W.B. Fagg, 15 Jan. 1988 – encloses copies of a letter to Jean La Fontaine; the library does not wish to lose the index periodical data base; cannot decide whether to meet the Acting Librarian from Tozzer or not (tp.)

288    21 Mar. – notice of a meeting of the Museum of Mankind Library Committee on 18 Apr. (tp.)

289    Notes of the meeting on 18 Apr. 2 leaves (photocopy)

290    [Beverley Emery] to Jonathan Benthall, 1 July – asks about him using his Thames & Hudson author’s discount; on the set of Journals; on her book purchasing budget; mentions Sally Williams (tpc.)

 .1    Beverley Emery, nd – notes for a letter to Jonathan Benthall (autogr.)

291    Jonathan Benthall to Beverley Emery, 5 July – on the Thames & Hudson author’s discount scheme; encloses copy of letter he wrote to Sally Williams; on a meeting on 11 July (tp.)

292    Ibid. to W.B. Fagg, 13 Oct. – on collection of portraits; asks for a photograph (tp.)

293    Ibid. to Beverley Emery, 30 Nov. – on the Library budget for books (tp.)

294    Minutes of meeting of Museum of Mankind Library Committee on 13 Feb. 1989. 2 leaves (tp.)

A155/295        Miss S.E. Joynes to Mrs R. Poignant, 10 Mar. 1989 – on the Australian Joint Copying Project which locates and copies records in Britain that relate to Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific; on Miss Mander-Jones’ list of Archives held by the RAI; encloses a list of additional material; would like to include the RAI in the microfilming project she represents. 2 leaves (photocopy)

296    Entry on RAI from Miss Mander-Jones’ book[?] 3 leaves (photocopy)

297    List of additional RAI archives not listed by Mander-Jones (tp.)

298    Jonathan Benthall to the Hon. Librarian’s Committee, 13 Mar. – gives notice of a meeting on 28 Apr. to consider the request from the Australian High Commission to microfilm material in the RAI archives; appends copy of letter from Miss Joynes; on portrait photo of Brownlee Kirkpatrick; hopes to add a photo of Bill Fagg as soon as possible (tp.)

299    Ibid. to W.B. Fagg, 20 Apr. – refers to his health; refers to his bank manager Mr Ray; heard from Mr Rau that a trust deed had been drawn up; the proposed arrangements are similar to those outlined in letter of 14 Sept. 1980; his intention is to create a trust that will facilitated mutual cooperation between the RAI and the Museum of Mankind; overtures made to Tozzer Library are now terminated; on the RAI’s financial position; the true financial need [of the library] is beyond the RAI’s general resources; on his gratitude for W.B. Fagg’s intentions and generosity; on the contribution of Brownlee Kirkpatrick; hopes he will finalise the trust deed soon. 3 leaves (tp.)

300    Beverley Emery to Miss S.E. Joynes, 28 Apr. – refers to her letter; RAI is happy to grant permission to view those manuscripts which might be microfilmed (photocopy)

301    Jonathan Benthall to Brownlee Kirkpatrick, 5 May – puts on record that Council has no intention of parting with the manuscript collection or the house archives; on the possibility of housing the house archives, manuscript collection and photo-library in the rear annexe of [50 Fitzroy St]; in the meantime they are fully secure (tp.)

302    Ibid. to Audrey Gregson, 8 May – on putting the Museum of Mankind Library onto the agenda for the AGM; on Fellows’ interest in the Library; on the advantages users gain form the British Museum’s administration of the Library; on the under-utilisation of the Library; on a move back to Bloomsbury. 2 leaves (photocopy)

A155/303        B.J. Kirkpatrick to Jonathan Benthall, 8 May 1989 – refers to his letter of 5 May; on returning to work on the archives (tpc.)

304    Jonathan Benthall to Brian Durrans, 15 May – refers to his letter of 10 May [not held]; on the close working relationship between the Museum and the RAI; Fellows are under informed about the relationship and the benefits it brings; on the AGM; points about the Library will be made under Any Other Business rather than as a separate agenda item; asks if RAI might make a representation to the meeting of a sub-committee of the British Museum Trustees. 2 leaves (photocopy)

305    S.E. Joynes to Mr G. Powell, National Library of Australia, 22 May – in principle the RAI is agreeable to the AJCP looking at their material, listing it and filming; on details and conditions; asks if the National Library agrees to the conditions (photocopy)

306    Ibid. to Beverley Emery, 30 May – asks her to glance at copy of her letter to the National Library to see if it covers all points they discussed (photocopy)

307    Beverley Emery to Miss S.E. Joynes, 19 June – corrects some points in Miss Joynes’ letter (photocopy)

308    Miss S.E. Joynes to Beverley Emery, 29 Aug. – has had a reply from the National Library of Australia; they have raised several objections; details these; the National Library cannot agree to conditions of access as detailed by the RAI. 2 leaves (photocopy)

309    Beverley Emery to W.B. Fagg, J. Benthall, M. Carey, B.J. Kirkpatrick & R. Poignant, 11 Sept. – encloses copies of correspondence about the Australian Joint Copying Project; answers some of the points raised; suggests a compromise (photocopy)

310    Niel Sebag-Montefiore to Beverley Emery, 22 Dec. – has recently become Treasurer of the RAI; thought he should familiarise himself with the Library; asks if he can come to see her; the three ‘media’ activities of the RAI have a tendency to be fissiparous; efforts need to be made to keep them together (autogr.)

311    Beverley Emery to Prof. E. Sunderland, N. Sebag-Montefiore, R. Poignant, W.B. Fagg & J. Benthall, 8 Jan. 1990 – on an approach by the Library of African Studies, Northwestern University Library, Evanston, for a microfilm of the R.S. Rattray papers; they have agreed to the usual conditions; states those conditions; she will have to catalogue the material to provide running heads and titles to be filmed; requests approval to proceed with this project (tp.)

A155/312        Jonathan Benthall to Audrey Gregson, 8 Jan. 1990 – the new Treasurer thinks the RAI should try to maximise the ‘return’ it gets from the sum spent on the Museum of Mankind Library; asks if he could attend part of the next Library Committee meeting (tp.)

313    Ibid. to Brownlee Kirkpatrick, ibid. – refers to her letter of 5 Jan. [not held]; the RAI would be grateful for her offer to return to the archives; has tentatively earmarked two rooms at the rear of the building for the archives; on lack of money (photocopy)

314    Ibid. to Brownlee Kirkpatrick & Beverley Emery, 12 Jan. – regarding the House Archive, on an application to the Pilgrim Trust for a grant for conservation materials; asks for information; believes Council is likely to allocate funds for the House Archive if necessary (tp.)

315    Beverley Emery to Jonathan Benthall & Brownlee Kirkpatrick, 20 Feb. – on the House Archives; describes the uncatalogued material; on storage; on the existing collection; on conservation (tp.; incomplete)

316    Jonathan Benthall to Brian Durrans, 26 Feb. – last year considered convening a meeting of the RAI users of the Library; this was not done; there are problems in connection with the Library; borrowing figures have dropped; he and Niel Sebag-Montefiore would like to have a meeting with him and Audrey Gregson; on positive aspects of what has been achieved since the transfer in 1976. 2 leaves (tp.)

 .1    Ibid. to W.B. Fagg, 27 Feb. – Beverley suggested he send him a copy of this letter; on Niel Sebag-Montefiore (autogr. note)

317    Beverley Emery, nd – on the Museum of Mankind Library; the Museum is suffering severe financial restraint; it is under pressure to introduce entrance charges; the Library raises funds from photocopying and in other ways; these funds should be used for library support; a user charge should be introduced; other suggestions (tp.)

318    Niel Sebag-Montefiore to Beverley Emery, 12 Mar. – thanks her for ‘excellently thought out note’ about the Library; is sure Jonathan will discuss her proposal with her; feels her note is timely and helpful (autogr.)

A155/319        Jonathan Benthall to Audrey Gregson, 2 Apr. 1990 – refers to her letter of 27 Mar. [not held]; on a Committee meeting, part of which Niel Sebag-Montefiore will attend; summarises the main concerns; on reading access to the library; on reliability of opening hours; on sign-posting and distribution of RAI Fellowship information; after the AGM there will be a brief informal meeting of Fellows about the library. 2 leaves (tp.)

320    Notice of a meeting of the Museum of Mankind Library Committee on 21 May (tp.)

321    Minutes of the meeting on 21 May. 3 leaves (tp.)

322    Jonathan Benthall to Beverley Emery, Brownlee Kirkpatrick & W.B. Fagg, 29 May – delighted to report a grant from the Pilgrim Trust to cover the cost of conserving the RAI’s catalogued archives; the grant must not be spent on the uncatalogued part of the archive (tp.)

323    Ragnar Johnson, 27 June – on the RAI Library; on the importance of library membership and borrowing rights; this no longer works as enquiries are directed to the Students’ Room of the Museum of Mankind; on problems with acquisitions; current copies of all journals should be displayed; it is debatable whether the incorporation of the library within the Museum has led to any benefits for RAI Fellows; irreplaceable books from the RAI are loaned while contemporary replaceable Museum books are not; these books are the ‘wealth’ in every sense of the RAI. 2 leaves (photocopy)

324    Jonathan Benthall to Beverley Emery, 4 July – on the RAI field manuscript collection; she will be asked to address the Council in Nov.; asks that she circulate a summary of the main items in the collection; encloses list prepared in 1979 [see A14/6/2/16]; on the increasing attention being given to field manuscripts; on the RAI’s collection; on a plan to coordinate care of the national collections of field manuscripts. 2 leaves (tp.)

A155/325        Ibid. to Miss Jean Rankine, Deputy Director, British Museum, 19 Sept. 1990 – on the Museum of Mankind Library; refers to meeting on 21 May; there is concern that the sums allocated to the Library in the RAI budget (around £20,000 a year) are out of proportion to the benefits which Fellows receive; has no intention of reducing support for the Library; needs assistance in balancing the operating budget; on the Museum extending to Members the right to use the library without making written application; this seems to be in the interests of the Museum as well as of the RAI; has been told that the proposal has been turned down; is disappointed; hopes she will reconsider. 3 leaves (tp.)

326    Ibid., 20 Sept. – Audrey Gregson has asked for more detail on the figure of £20,000 p.a. given in his last letter; gives breakdown of the figures for 1990 (tp.)

327    Summary of Staff Meeting held on 26 Sept. 3 leaves (tp.)

328    Leaflet about the Museum of Mankind Library. 2 leaves (printed)

329    Jean M. Rankine to Jonathan Benthall, 16 Oct. – refers to his two letters; the RAI is regarded as a substantial benefactor; describes the ways in which the library has improved since 1976; on the admissions procedures; automatic access rights would result in large numbers of additional readers, which could reduce the attractiveness of the library to current users; the RAI’s contribution to the Library is valued. 2 leaves (tp.)

330    Jonathan Benthall to Beverley Emery, 24 Oct. – refers to her letter about archives [not held]; is hesitant about a meeting of the Hon. Librarian’s Committee; on various other matters (tp.)

331    Ibid. to Jean M. Rankine, 25 Oct. – refers to her letter; recognises the Museum’s commitment to the Library; cannot accept that the low utilisation of the Reading Room is a matter for satisfaction; since she is not willing to extend privileges of access to members, asks if she has any objection to the RAI promoting the borrowing rights for Fellows more actively; suggests a brochure; would also like a revised version of the one-sheet user guide which used to be circulated to Fellows (tp.)

A155/332        Ibid. to Beverley Emery, Bill Fagg, Roslyn Poignant, Brownlee Kirkpatrick & Margret Carey, 30 Oct. 1990 – encloses copy of a paper received from the British Museum, ‘Response to criticisms raised at the Annual General Meeting of the Royal Anthropological Institute, June 1990’; a summary will be given to Council; refers to his correspondence with the Deputy Director of the Museum (tp.)

333    ‘Response to criticisms raised at the Annual General Meeting of the Royal Anthropological Institute, June 1990’. 3 leaves (tp.)

334    Announcement about the Library Reserve Fund (tp. with autogr. note from Jonathan Benthall to W.B. Fagg, asking him to approve or amend the wording)

 .1    W.B. Fagg, notes on the Library Reserve Fund (autogr draft)

335    Beverley Emery to J. Benthall, M. Carey, W. Fagg, B.J. Kirkpatrick & R. Poignant, nd – on the Australian Joint Copying Project; the Mitchell Library has withdrawn from the project; encloses list of libraries being granted copies of microfilm received to date; gives her conclusions; her view is that the difficulties of pursuing the project outweigh any advantage (tp.)

336    List of manuscripts with conservation requirements (tp.)

337    ‘Miscellaneous Series Holding Institutions’[?] 7 leaves (tp.)

338    Jonathan Benthall to Beverley Emery, Niel Sebag-Montefiore, Brian Durrans & Audrey Gregson, 12 Nov. – on leaflets promoting Fellows’ and junior Fellows’ privileges at the Museum of Mankind ; encloses a draft; asks for comments (tp.)

339    Draft of the leaflet. 2 leaves (printed?)

340    Notice about letter headings; on using the term ‘Ethnography Library’ instead of ‘Museum of Mankind Library’ (tp. with autogr. notes by Beverley Emery)

341    [Beverley Emery?] to Jonathan Benthall, 22 Apr. 1991 – encloses copy of memo seemingly circulated by Audrey; discusses the term ‘Ethnography Library’ (tpc.)

342    Audrey Gregson to Prof. Amitabha Basu, 6 June – refers to his letter of 9 May [not held]; on the library; on his visit to the library (photocopy)

A155/343        Brian Durrans to Jonathan Benthall, 9 Sept. 1991 – refers to his letter of 28 Aug. [not held]; on the name of the library; his suggestions will be considered in due course (photocopy)

344    Jonathan Benthall to Brian Durrans, 26 Sept. – on the name of the library (photocopy)

345    ‘British Museum Magazine’, No. 10, Summer 1992 – article by Audrey Gregson, ‘The Ethnography Library’ on pp. 22- 23 (printed)

346    Steve Drury-Thurgood, Serials Assistant, Ethnography Library, to Pacific Manuscripts Bureau, Australian National University, 18 Aug. 1992 – on a gift copy of the journal Pambu; would like to continue to receive it; on previous issues; on the correct address (photocopy)

347    Gillian Scott, Executive Officer, Pacific Manuscripts Bureau, to Steve Drury-Thurgood, 14 Sept. – on the availability of previous issues of Pambu (photocopy)

348    Jonathan Benthall to David Boston, Hon. Librarian 1992-2001, 16 Dec. 1993 – encloses copy of a report on academic higher education libraries published by the Higher Education Funding Council for England; the most relevant sections are on p. 52 and p. 67 (tp.)

349    Copies of the relevant pages. 2 leaves (photocopy)

350    Steve Drury-Thurgood to Etniker Bizkaia, 10 Mar. 1994 – thanks them for Etniker Bizkaia no. 5-6; is sending Anthropology Today; asks for other issues; on the correct address (photocopy)

351    25 May – order form for a thesis from New Zealand on vessel forms (tp.)

352    Jonathan Benthall to Audrey Gregson, 6 Apr. – regarding the Museum of Mankind Library, the following issues will be raised when Council meets on 27 Apr.; on the name of the Library; the disposition of the Library after the move to Bloomsbury (tp.)

353    Beverley Emery to Mr Peter Gathercole, 15 June – David Boston would like to call a meeting to discuss various library matters; he is in London the week of 18 July; asks if this is possible (tpc.) [identical letter to David Zeitlyn not retained]

354    British Museum Department of Ethnography, Minutes of the Library Committee meeting held on 23 Jan. 1995. 3 leaves (tp.)

A155/355        [Beverley Emery?] to Brian Durrans, 22 Mar. 1995 – thanks him for invitation to a meeting; she has a previous appointment; on the assumption that the meeting is to do with the work stations of library personnel, makes some points (tp.)

356    Beverley Emery to Dr John Mack, Keeper, Department of Ethnography, [Mar. 1995?] – has been informed that from 1 May a work station would no longer be available for the RAI library representative within the areas occupied by the library staff of the department; on the alternative; on the financial resources devoted to library acquisitions by the RAI; the directive exemplifies the attitude adopted toward the RAI contribution to the library by the department (tp.)

357    Ibid., nd – notes on the subject of work stations; gives various options for solutions of the problems. 3 leaves (autogr. with diagram)

358    Beverley Emery to Jonathan Benthall, 28 Nov. – on various matters, including archive typing, exchange mailing list, budget 1996, on Man and JRAI archives, and Peter Gathercole. 2 leaves (photocopy)

359    Jonathan Benthall to Beverley Emery, 30 Nov. – answers the points made in her memo. 2 leaves (tp.)

360    Dr John D. Hess, Akses news, to RAI, 8 Jan. 1996 – asks for information about the Library (tp. with autogr. notes added)

361    Roslyn Poignant, nd – article on the RAI. 2 leaves (photocopy)

362    Jonathan Benthall to Roland Littlewood, Niel Sebag-Montefiore, David Boston, David Zeitlyn & Beverley Emery, 12 July – reports on a meeting with John Mack; includes draft of statement of objectives for cooperation and liaison between the British Museum and the RAI with regard to the Museum of Mankind Library. 3 leaves (tp.)

363    Sandy Macmillen, Serials Librarian, to Dawson Subscription Service, 1 Aug. – gives list of periodicals to be added to the account (tp. with autogr. notes)

364    Ibid. to Dr Julian Thomas, Southampton University, ibid. – the Ethnography Library is keen to obtain the forthcoming issues of the World archaeological bulletin (tp.)

A155/365        Jonathan Benthall to David Boston & Beverley Emery, 10 Oct. 1996 – refers to letter he wrote to John Mack; suggests a meeting to decide what position the RAI should take on a number of key issues; identifies these issues (tp.)

366    Ibid. to John Mack, 4 Oct. – Council asked him to ask for formal consultations about the Library in anticipation of the move to Bloomsbury; identifies some issues; suggests a meeting in Dec. or Jan. (photocopy); B.J. Mack to Jonathan Benthall, 22 Oct. – is in consultation about the future use of the British Museum Study Centre to which the Library will be moving; Jan. might be the earliest date at which to meet (photocopy)

367    Jonathan Benthall to Beverley Emery, 22 Oct. – on Macmillans ‘Encyclopedia of Cultural Anthropology’; suggests she offer a full page advertisement for the encyclopaedia in Anthropology Today in return for a copy for the Library (tp.)

368    Ibid. to Jean La Fontaine, David Boston, Niel Sebag-Montefiore & Beverley Emery, 17 Jan. 1997 – enclose copy of letter sent to John Mack, confirming meeting on 11 Feb. and suggesting an agenda; states some propositions; no RAI meeting necessary unless anyone disagrees with the propositions (tp.)

369    Ibid. to Dr John Mack, ibid. – on the meeting on 11 Feb.; gives suggested agenda: overview of the relationship established under the Deed of Gift; implications of the move to Bloomsbury; consequences of the transitional period and housing of RAI property (tp. with autogr. notes by Beverley Emery)

370    ‘Summary of Ethnography Library requirements in Study Centre’ (tp., incomplete)

371    Minutes of meeting held on 11 Feb. 3 leaves (tp.)

372    Jonathan Benthall to Brian Durrans, 9 May – on supplying the books for the Round Reading Room; these might be accessible only to staff; it would be sad if the new shelving arrangements made books hard to find; the RAI should be consulted about any proposal to separate a substantial part of the collection from the Department of Ethnography. 2 leaves (tp.)

373    Ibid. to Sheila Mackie, Museum of Mankind Library, 9 June – suggests an agenda for a meeting about the Library on 25 June (tp.)

A155/374        Sheila Mackie, Acting Senior Librarian, to Jonathan Benthall, 18 June 1997 – provides agenda for meeting on 25 June (tp.)

375    Notes of a staff meeting [of the British Museum?], 17 July. 4 leaves (tp.)

376    Jonathan Benthall to John Mack, 29 July – on the question of access to books to be stored in the Round Reading Room; on the RAI’s manuscript collection; on storage of part of the Library in the Round Reading Room and consequent splitting of the Library; on conservation (tp. with autogr. note to Beverley Emery)

377    Information sheet about ‘RAI Fellows’ Entitlements at the Museum of Mankind Library’ (printed)

378    B.J. Mack to Jonathan Benthall, 28 Aug. – answers the points made in his letter of 29 July on the future of the Museum of Mankind Library (tp.)

379    Jonathan Benthall to David Boston & Beverley Emery, 3 Oct. – on the future of the Museum of Mankind Library (tp.)

380    Beverley Emery to Niel Sebag-Montefiore, 27 Nov. – on the development of the former Post Office sorting office into commercial premises and the British Museum Study Centre; the planned space must house the Department of Ethnography and other departments; on the library; 1400 metres of shelving in the Round Reading Room has been designated to be filled with books from the Museum of Mankind Library; on staffing; selection of library stock to occupy each area of accommodation will not be easy; on the Round Reading Room; on a new computer system; the move cannot happen before the end of 1999; may seem reasonable that the RAI requests that its former library and donated material be kept together in the Study Centre where it would be more readily available. 4 leaves (tp.)

381    Ibid., nd – ibid. 4 leaves (tp. draft with autogr. amendments)

382    Minutes of a meeting held of 10 Dec. to discuss matters relating to the Library of the Department of Ethnography. 2 leaves (tp.)

A155/383        Jonathan Benthall to Dr R.G.W. Anderson, Director, British Museum, 28 Jan. 1998 – on problems of access to the Library at Burlington Gardens since the closure of the Museum of Mankind; it is not acceptable that this situation should continue until Apr.; it will be a disaster for the RAI if the Library service is allowed to run down during this transitional period; asks that an effort be made to keep it as a ‘going concern’; is grateful to library staff for their efforts to maintain the service to readers. 2 leaves (tp.)

384    R.G.W. Anderson to Jonathan Benthall, 3 Feb. – answers the points made in his letter. 2 leaves (photocopy)

385    Agenda for meeting on 17 Mar. to discuss library-related matters (tp. with autogr. notes by Beverley Emery)

386    Minutes of a meeting held on 17 Mar. to discuss matters relating to the Library of the Department of Ethnography. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. notes by Beverley Emery)

387    Beverley Emery to Mrs S. Harrison, Bracton Books, 18 Mar. – refers to her letter of 11 Mar. [not held]; on a book by Victor Turner; on supplying publications for the JSTOR project (tpc.)

388    David [Boston] to Jonathan Benthall, 23 June – on the Council meeting and AGM; on the Library Purchase Fund; on the Index Online; on possible dates to visit the Study Centre (photocopy)

389    Sheila Mackie to ibid., 8 July – on the library computer system (tp.)

390    Agenda for meeting to discuss library matters on 23 July (tp. with autogr. notes by Beverley Emery)

391    David Boston to Beverley Emery, 1 Oct. – on his travels; on Tom Selwyn (autogr. note)

392    Ibid. to Jonathan Benthall, ibid. – encloses copy of a previous letter in case it went astray;; is going to Australia; has contacted Tom Selwyn who is happy to help in discussions on the Library (photocopy)

393    Jonathan Benthall to Dr John Mack, 13 Nov. – on bound periodicals which contain no indication that they are the property of the British Museum; ideally there should be bar-coding or at least a stamp; now would be the obvious time to do this (tp.)

394    B.J. Mack to Jonathan Benthall, 10 Mar. 1999 – on replacing the Library’s computer system BookshelF. 2 leaves (tp.)

A155/395        Beverley Emery to N. Sebag-Montefiore, Eric Hirsch, J. Benthall, D. Boston, T. Selwyn & D. Zeitlyn, 10 May 1999 – consultation paper on the Anthropology Library computer system. 5 leaves (photocopy)

396    Jonathan Benthall to Anthony Blackstock, Finance Director, British Museum, 12 May – on the Anthropology Library computer cataloguing system; on a meeting to be held on 26 May; a good computer system will be especially necessary for the Anthropology Library which will be divided into four locations; on the Hamlyn Library; refers to the low priority given to the [Anthropology] Library; on a ‘sad’ drop in usage; refers to bequest by W.B. Fagg; on the Anthropological Index Online; on the contribution of the RAI to the British Museum. 3 leaves (tp.)

397    Ibid., 26 May – on the postponement of the meeting; hopes he and his colleagues are taking the issue seriously; on the possibility of lobbying the British Museum Trustees (tp.)

398    David Boston to Jonathan Benthall, 27 May – refers to his letter to Anthony Blackstock; refers to transfer to the new study centre providing opportunities to improve facilities and access; must not agree to any subdivision of the library stock until the new computer system has been provided; found document relating to access to the RAI Library. 2 leaves (photocopy)

399    Information sheet on access to the RAI Library, 6 Burlington Gardens (tp.)

400    Main points from meeting between the British Museum and the RAI held on 11 June; on the delays in replacing BookshelF and its non-year 2000 compliance; various options spelled out (tp.)

401    Brochure about the British Museum Study Centre (printed)

 .1    Brian Durrans, Sarah Posey, Helen Wolfe & Sara Pimpaneau to Beverley Emery, 7 June 1999 – on the Study Centre brochure (tp.)

402    Jonathan Benthall to Anthony Blackstock, 14 June – refers to meeting on 11 June; it was a relief to learn that at the time of the move of the Library the catalogue data will have been transferred from BookshelF to Unicorn; offers help if there are cash flow problems arising from the upgrading of the cataloguing system (tp.)

A155/403        John Davis, RAI President, to Graham C. Greene, Chairman of the Trustees, British Museum, 7 July 1999 – on the plan to house up to 40% of the Anthropology Library in the Round Reading Room; RAI assented to this on the assumption that there would be an adequate computer catalogue; plans for essential and urgent upgrading of the computer system have been rejected by the Museum’s capital expenditure system; there seems to be no long-term strategy for the future management of the Library; refers to offer of help regarding cash flow. 2 leaves (photocopy)

404    Beverley Emery to J. Benthall, D. Boston, T. Selwyn & D. Zeitlyn, 19 Aug. – on library stock published nineteenth century and earlier; refers to memo of 1997 suggesting that Journal material of this age be made unavailable on loan; now suggests extending the restriction of all library stock in the RAI loan collection; gives reasons why; the procedure could be quite simple (tp.)

405    Ibid. to Jonathan Benthall, David Boston & David Zeitlyn, 12 Nov. 1997 – Library has asked if RAI wishes nineteenth century journals to be available for loan; encloses a list of examples (tp. with autogr. reply by Jonathan Benthall) [referred to in previous item]

406    List of nineteenth century journals (printout with autogr. notes)

 .1    Sandy [Macmillen] to Beverley Emery, nd – note on nineteenth century journals (autogr.)

407    David Boston to Beverley Emery, 5 Sept. – proposal to restrict valuable and fragile material to reference use seems a sensible one; cannot attend Council meeting; Tom Selwyn has become an excellent spokesman on the Library (photocopy)

408    [Beverley Emery] to Jonathan Benthall, 21 Oct. – encloses set of statistics on library reader use; on the Gajdusek journals; asks him to put a note in AT regarding the restriction to reference use only of pre-1900 material (tpc.)

409    Graham Greene to ibid., 23 Nov. – refers to his letter of 5 Nov. [not held]; is delighted that the Anthropological Index Online is so successful; appreciates the importance of the Library; is anxious to get the Study Centre constructed (photocopy)

A155/410        Jonathan Benthall to President, Treasurer, David Boston, Tom Selwyn, David Zeitlyn & Beverley Emery, 24 Nov. 1999 – encloses copy of letter sent to British Museum Trustees; also copy of letter received from Graham Greene (tp.)

411    Ibid. to Ros Poignant, Tom Selwyn & Beverley Emery, 26 Nov. – encloses copy of note from Sheila Mackie about meeting on 6 Dec. (tp.)

412    Sheila Mackie to [Jonathan Benthall], ibid. – on work on the computer hardware; on topics to be discussed on 6 Dec. (email printout)

413    Beverley Hicks, Letters Page Assistant, Evening Standard, to Beverley Emery, 23 Feb. – sends copy of the letters page of 15 Feb. containing letter from Dr R.G.W. Anderson regarding the Reading Room; also sends text of article by Brian Sewell (photocopy)

414    Dr R.G.W. Anderson, ‘Reading Room is here to stay’ (photocopy)

415    Brian Sewell, ‘Keep Rembrandt’s Mother out of the Butcher’s Shop’. 3 leaves (photocopy)

416    Jonathan Benthall to David Boston, Ros Poignant, Tom Selwyn & Beverley Emery, 23 Feb. 2000 – refers to meeting on 2 Mar.; on a campaign to encourage more use of the Library; on writing a ‘brisk’ letter to BM management; includes a draft of such a letter; on RAI misgivings at the deficiencies of the computer catalogue; on misgivings about the housing of 40% of the Library in the Round Reading Room; feels that it is time for some cooperative planning; has been taken aback by delay in moving the Library from Burlington Gardens; on the campaign he is planning to remind Fellows that the Library is open; asks for assurance of active consultation so that he can justify to Fellows the acquiescence in plan to split the Library into two. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections by Beverley Emery)

417    David Boston to Ros Poignant, 28 Feb. – on a review of factors as a basis for preparing the submission; includes the review; divides the factors into positive and negative; differentiates interim operation and longer-term operation. 5 leaves (photocopy)

A155/418        Jonathan Benthall to Graham Greene, 10 Mar. 2000 – refers to previous correspondence; plans for the Study Centre have been returned to the drawing board; asks whether RAI could take part in the planning process; on plans to house 40% of the Library in the Round Reading Room; a wider concern is that planning for the future of the Library appears to be piecemeal; on the cooperation of the RAI and the Museum; on the huge contribution of the RAI; on the campaign he is planning to remind Fellows that the Library is open; asks for assurance of active consultation so that he can justify to Fellows the acquiescence in plan to split the Library into two. 2 leaves (tp.)

419    Draft of previous item. 2 leaves (tp.)

420    Jonathan Benthall to President, Hon. Treasurer, Roslyn Poignant, David Boston, Tom Selwyn & Beverley Emery, 10 Mar. – encloses copy of letter sent to the Chairman of the British Museum (tp.)

421    Graham Greene to Jonathan Benthall, 24 Mar. – the Department’s bid for the new computer system has been successful; basis of funding for the Study Centre is under review; the intention is to open it in late 2003; his offer of closer involvement in the planning process is welcomed; on the delay in moving the Department to Bloomsbury; on public acknowledgment of the RAI’s contribution to the Museum. 2 leaves (photocopy)

422    Report from Library Monitoring Group, for Council Meeting 30 Mar., Agenda Item 7. 3 leaves (photocopy)

423    Minutes from the Library Monitoring Group/British Museum Department of Ethnography meeting held at the BM 10 Apr. – on Study Centre developments; on the Round Reading Room stock split; on the new Library computer system. 2 leaves (photocopy)

424    David Boston to Dr John Mack, 5 June – on the Study Centre User Group; on opportunity to modify some of the original plans; hopes that the Anthropology Library will be given a central role; asks if RAI could take part in the planning process; it is still a matter of concern that 40% of the library stock is being stored in the Round Reading Room; the library would benefit if this 40% were reunited with the core of the collection; on the Anthropological Index Online; the RAI has a duty to do all it can to maintain the excellence nurtured over 150 years. 2 leaves (tp.)

 .1    List of attached correspondence and documents (tp.)

A155/425        B.J. Mack to David Boston, 14 June 2000 – refers to his letter of 5 June; the Study Centre Users Group is an entirely internal British Museum committee; addresses the question of reuniting the two parts of the library; ambitions for the Study Centre have evolved considerably. 2 leaves (photocopy)

426    David Boston to Dr John Mack, 6 July – refers to his letter of 14 June; on Brian Durrans, who is a Vice-President of the RAI and a member of the BM Study Centre Users Group; would welcome the invitation to look at revised plans being prepared for the Study Centre; refers to his letter on behalf of the Liaison Group; mentions other resources from the RAI being located within the framework of the BM Study Centre; these related ideas on ‘Resource Access’ deserve to be considered seriously; on establishing solutions to specific points through the Library Liaison Group. 2 leaves (photocopy)

427    Ibid. to Beverley Emery, nd – has met with Hilary Callan; hopes to have a meeting on 4 Oct. (autogr. pc)

428    B.J. Mack to David Boston, 24 July – refers to his letter of 6 July; BM’s Trustees have approved a new architect’s scheme for the Study Centre; a very complex process is underway; consultation with staff will probably take place in Sept. or Oct.; the User Group is totally an internal body; Brian Durrans did tell him about the idea of other parts of the RAI being housed in the Study Centre; there is unlikely to be much space left over once the departments are accommodated; on the transfer of books to the Round Reading Room. 2 leaves (photocopy)

429    Beverley Emery to Gustaaf Houtman, Acting Director, RAI, 15 Aug. – encloses a paper of each of the collections with which she is associated; leaves it to him and Chris Pinney to emphasise the need for the House Archives, Manuscript and Photographic collections to be together; on arrangements for consulting the collections (photocopy)

430    Information sheet on the Manuscript Collection of the RAI (tp.)

431    Information sheet on the House Archives of the RAI (tp.)

432    Information sheet on the Personal Archives of the Late William Buller Fagg, CMG, and the Library of the Late William Buller Fagg, CMG (tp.)

A155/433        David Boston to Dr John Mack, 20 Sept. 2000 – Hilary Callan was pleased with invitation to see the plans for the Study Centre; wonders if he would have time to go over the main points at the meeting of the Ethnography Department/RAI Library Liaison Committee meeting on 4 Oct.; on a piece in AT about the Library; on the effort the staff are making to ensure accessibility (photocopy)

434    Beverley Emery[?] to David Boston, 25 Sept. – has just been to a meeting of all RAI staff with the new Director; meeting on 4 Oct. holds; the move of 40% of the library to the Round Reading Room is delayed; lists some promises [she] would like to extractfrom the BM; asks if he agrees (tp.)

435    David Boston to [Beverley Emery?], nd – on cutting his hand; hopes the enclose provides a useful sample[?] (autogr. pc)

436    John Mack to David Boston, 28 Sept. – refers to his letter of 20 Sept.; plans for Study Centre continue to be complex; cannot attend the Liaison Group meeting (tp. with autogr. note)

437    Agenda for meeting of BM Ethnography Department/RAI Library Committee on 19 Oct. (tp.)

438    Minutes of meeting on 19 Oct. 2 leaves (tp.)

439    Beverley Emery, ‘About the RAI’. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)

 .1    Hilary Callan to Beverley Emery, 10 Nov. – cover note for previous item; refers to ‘edited version’ of article for AT; Gustaaf may need to edit further (autogr. note)

440    […?], nd – article[?] on the Anthropology Library. 3 leaves (tp.)

441    [Beverley Emery] to Hilary Callan, 15 Nov. – thanks her for revised draft; has checked with Brian Durrans and Sheila Mackie who have suggested some changes; outlines some of the changes she has made (tpc.)

442    Tom Selwyn, 11 Apr. 2001 – ‘Brief Report on RAI library/British Museum Anthropology Library’. 2 leaves (tp.)

A155/443        Hilary Callan to Sheila, Tom, David & Beverley, 25 Apr. 2001 – on the RAI’s wish to have input into the market research that will feed into SC planning; on stakeholder groups (email printout); Tom Selwyn to Hilary Callan, 25 Apr. – on a productive development in the BM; on being part of a stakeholder group; the RAI has a right to such a place (email printout)

444    Sheila Mackie to Tom Selwyn, 28 Nov. – asks what will be covered at the meeting (email printout); Tom Selwyn to Sheila Mackie, 28 Nov. – was under the impression that she was coming to the meeting; gives background to the meeting; makes no sense to have the meeting without her (email printout)

[A second chronological sequence of documents begins here]

445    B.J. Kirkpatrick to W.B. Fagg, 8 Feb. 1971 – planning for the Library has been progressing since Committee meeting of 11 Dec.; notes a number of items to give a view of how arrangements are progressing; on the areas available at Burlington Gardens; on removal; on the students’ reference library (tp.)

446    nd – plan of library (photocopy)

447    5 Nov. 1973 – plan of proposed library for RAI over City of Westminster Paddington Library (drawing)

448    Jonathan Benthall to W.B. Fagg, 22 Sept. 1976 – on the British Library Grant; refers to his letter of 7 Sept. [not held]; on the future growth of the Library; suggests specialising in a few chosen fields; on a campaign to induce testators to leave money to the RAI or books for the Library (tp.)

449    Invitation to W.B. Fagg to a farewell party for Miss Kirkpatrick, on 30 Sept. (tp.)

450    David M. Boston, Chairman, Library Committee, to Dr H. Hookway, British Library Board, 9 Dec. – refers to grant to the RAI library for improving the Anthropological Index and the cataloguing of the Photographic Collection; encloses report of use made of grant for 1976/77; refers to the Deed of Gift; Miss Kirkpatrick has left; W.B. Fagg has been appointed Hon. Librarian; on the Anthropological Index; on the Photographic Collection; hopes the British Library Board will approve renewed application for another three-year period of grant; further information about the Anthropological Index; further information about the Photographic Collection; on expenditure. 8 leaves (tpc. and photocopy)

A155/451        Notes on the Anthropological Index, for Library Committee meeting on 6 May 1977 (photocopy)

452    Notes on the Burton Library, for Library Committee meeting on 6 May 1977. 2 leaves (photocopy)

453    Notes on the allocation of the British Library Grant for 1977, for Library Committee meeting on 6 May 1977 (photocopy)

454    Jill Swart to W.B. Fagg, 10 Jan. 1978 – on Pan-African Congress report; on offering duplicate books for sale; on photocopying a list of her duties for Library Committee members; on a meeting to discuss book selection; on Dr Loveland (tp.)

455    23 Jan. – report on the duties of the Assistant to the Hon. Librarian to Mr Fagg and Mr Boston from Mrs Emery. 2 leaves (tp.)

456    Notes on Anthropological Index, for Library Committee meeting on 3 Feb. (photocopy)

457    Agenda for meeting of Library Committee on 15 Mar. (photocopy)

458    Notes on Anthropological Index, for Library Committee meeting on 15 Mar. 2 leaves (photocopy)

459    Agenda for meeting of Library Committee on 13 July (photocopy)

460    Notes on Subscriptions & Exchanges, for Library Committee meeting on 13 July. 2 leaves (photocopy)

461    Jill Swart to W.B. Fagg, 25 July – encloses Minutes from Committee meeting; on the Burton catalogue; on the Archive collection. 2 leaves (tp.)

462    Ibid. to Mr D. Boston & Dr R. Harvey, 27 Sept. – on Dr Stone’s request for photocopies (tp. with autogr. note)

463    J. Clyde Mitchell to Mrs Sheila T. Mackay, Museum of Mankind Library, 29 Sept. – on a journal concerned with social networks (photocopy)

464    Leaflet and order form for Social Networks. 2 leaves (photocopy)

465    Notes on Subscriptions & Exchanges, for Library Committee meeting on 10 Nov. (photocopy)

466    Jill Swart to W.B. Fagg, 4 Dec. – on the key to her filing cabinet (autogr. note)

A155/467        Ibid., 8 Dec. – on the foreword to the Burton catalogue; refers to introduction by Jan Morris (autogr.)

 .1    Ibid., nd – note referring to Burton (autogr.)

468    Jan Morris, 1978 – Introduction [to Burton catalogue?]. 2 leaves (tp.)

469    Museum of Mankind Library, 1978 – notes on acquisitions and loans to RAI Fellows. 2 leaves (photocopy)

470    Diane Barwick, Editor, Aboriginal History, to B.J. Kirkpatrick, 8 Feb. 1979 – seeks her help in obtaining information from the archives of the RAI to assist Prof. Stanner in preparing a paper; on a memorandum from the Committee on Applied Anthropology; asks some specific questions (photocopy)

471    B.J. Kirkpatrick to Jill Swart, 16 Feb. – encloses copy of letter from Dr Diane Barwick; tells her where to find answers to the specific questions; raises possibility of sending photocopies of the relevant minutes (photocopy)

472    Jill Swart to W.B. Fagg, 6 Mar. – encloses photocopies of two letters; has only found a brief reference to the Standing Committee; asks whether he could answer any of the questions; on moving to the closed stacks. 2 leaves (autogr.)

473    Gerald and Margaret Ponting to [Jonathan Benthall], 13 Mar. – on a paper published in 1912 in JRAI by Capt. Boyle Somerville; wonders if any of Capt. Somerville’s original material might still be in the RAI Library (tp. with autogr. reply by Jonathan Benthall added)

474    Audrey Gregson to Jill Swart, 13 Feb. – asks her to remind staff of the following regulations regarding security. 2 leaves (photocopy)

475    […?] to Malcolm McLeod, 14 Mar. – encloses directive from Audrey Gregson about security; being no longer housed in the Open Stacks hampers efficiency; on measures which will further hamper work (tpc.)

476    Judith Higgens to ibid., ibid. – sorry to have to write a formal note; on Mrs Gregson’s notice; does not feel she can expect visitors to be supervised by Museum staff; hopes to come to a more sensible arrangement (tpc.)

477    Ibid. to Audrey Gregson, 31 Mar. – asks for copy of official regulation relating to security; describes her procedure with visitors; anything more than a visitors’ book she finds in practice offensive (tpc.)

A155/478        Notes on Periodical suggestions, for Library Committee meeting on 5 Apr. 4 leaves (photocopy)

479    Audrey Gregson, 6 Apr. – outline of experimental co-operative book selection procedure. 2 leaves (photocopy)

480    Jonathan Benthall to Mr and Mrs Ponting, 9 Apr. – has passed their letter to the Hon. Librarian; if they do not hear from him, will have to assume that he cannot help (tpc.)

481    Jill Swart to Audrey Gregson, 25 Apr. – thanks her for notes on the joint meeting of 1 Mar.; suggests some amendments (photocopy)

482    Miss J.F. Duggan, the Campbell Collections of the University of Natal, to the Manuscript Librarian, RAI, 21 May – asks a number of questions relating to policy with regard to requests for copies of archival material. 2 leaves (photocopy)

 .1    Jill Swart to W.B. Fagg, nd – would be grateful if he would draft answers to the questions (autogr. note)

483    Jill Swart to Jonathan Benthall, 1 June – on the leaflet, RAI Fellows’ guide to the library; on the Annual Report; on the Index (tpc.)

484    Jonathan Benthall to Jill Swart, 4 June – answers her note of 1 June (photocopy)

485    [Jill Swart?] to Dr Robin Harvey, 5 June – on policy relating to the archives, manuscripts, photographic and Burton collections, and the Index; on the housing of the photographic collections (tpc.)

486    Jill Swart to W.B. Fagg, 6 June – encloses some items for his perusal; on Judith; on the problems arising from the merger (autogr.)

487    Ibid. to ibid., Jonathan Benthall & Robin [Harvey?], 11  July – on minutes; includes Appendix A on open access to shelves (tp.)

488    Jonathan Benthall to the Library Committee, 30 July – memorandum on a meeting with Malcolm McLeod on 27 July (photocopy)

489    Jill Swart to W.B. Fagg, Robin Harvey & Jonathan Benthall, 25 Sept. – proposed agenda for meeting of the Library Committee on 12 Oct. (tp.)

A155/489.1    Jill Swart, nd – note relating to Agenda item 6, ‘duties of the Secretary’ (tp.)

490    Jill Swart to W.B. Fagg, 9 Nov. – encloses Minutes and report-back of meeting with Malcolm McLeod; on the role of the Library Committee; proposes some points (tp.)

491    Ibid. to Audrey Gregson, 12 Dec. – refers to her letter of 11 Dec. [not held]; the matter is a complex one; the Library Committee is no unaware of the problems in administration faced by Library staff (photocopy with autogr. note to W.B. Fagg)

492    Jonathan Benthall, nd – memo for discussion by the Library Committee on 14 Dec.; on the role of the Library Committee; on the archives. 2 leaves (tp.)

493    Jill Swart to Jonathan Benthall, W.B. Fagg & Robin Price, [Dec. 1979] – asks them to suggest amendments; on Monica Krippner; on the letter from Mrs Wood of the M.E.G. (tp.)

494    nd – draft report of the Library Committee for 1979. 2 leaves (tp.)

495    nd – notice of RAI holdings of material relating to the Soviet Union (tp. with autogr. corrections); Jill Swart to W.B. Fagg, 15 Jan. 1980 – asks for any amendments (tp.)

496    Jill Swart to W.B. Fagg, 4 Feb. 1980 – on Miss Kirkpatrick’s bound copy of the Burton catalogue; on mailing copies of the Index leaflet (tp.)

497    Notes on Library Budget, for meeting of Library Committee on 14 Feb. 3 leaves (tp.)

 .1    Jill Swart to W.B. Fagg, 11 Feb. – covering note (autogr.)

498    Provisional agenda for Library Committee meeting on 14 Feb. (photocopy)

499    Jill Swart to Jonathan Benthall, 19 Feb. – on an invoice from the Area Museums Service (tpc. with autogr. note)

500    B.J. Kirkpatrick to Jill Swart, 22 Feb. – refers to her letter of 23 Jan. [not held]; on the Library Committee Minutes; on circulating the Index leaflet; on her return to work and possible future work in the archives (photocopy)

501    Draft Minutes of the Library Committee meeting held on 14 Feb. 4 leaves (tp.)

A155/501.1    Jill Swart to W.B. Fagg, 26 Feb. – compliments slip (tp.)

 .2    Ibid., ibid. – ibid. (autogr.)

502    Ibid. to Jonathan Benthall, 10 Mar. – points out some things which were not clear in the Teachers’ Resource Guide; provides an alternative paragraph to clarify; on the SCONUL Directory entry (tp. with autogr. note)

503    Ibid. to W.B. Fagg, 21 Mar. – encloses draft of Annual Report (tp.)

504    Ibid. to Jonathan Benthall, 31 Mar. – asks for some information from Queen Anne Street for agendas for Index and Library Committee meetings (tpc.)

505    Ibid. to W.B. Fagg, 2 Apr. – encloses amended version of Library Report for Annual Report (autogr.)

506    Jonathan Benthall to Jill Swart, 9 Apr. – raises some points for the Library Committee meeting on 23 Apr. 2 leaves (photocopy)

507    Ibid., 10 Apr. – on the Library Reserve Fund; Auditors to Hon. Treasurer, 7 July 1971 – on Library Fund (photocopy)

508    Jill Swart to Monica Krippner, 8 May – on allowing her access to the MS of Mary Edith Durham (tpc.)

509    Ibid. to Mr Spady, [12 May] – has no copy of the paper read by Katherine Dunham, nor was it published in any journal; W.B. Fagg remembers the meeting; on signatures in the meetings attendance register (tp., with tp. note to W.B. Fagg and autogr. PS to W.B. Fagg)

510    Robin Price to W.B. Fagg, 13 May – encloses his ‘broadside’ [see /150] for submission to the Extraordinary Meeting of Council; things seem to be moving in the direction that the Library Committee wants. 2 leaves (autogr.)

511    Lucy Mair to Jonathan Benthall, 17 May – makes one or two points with regard to her donation to the RAI Library; ibid., 23 May – is anxious to make sure that the Library gets the maximum benefit; on earning interest; Jonathan Benthall to Lucy Mair, 27 May – on giving the Library Committee as much interest on the donation as possible (photocopy)

512    Jonathan Benthall to Lucy Mair, 20 May – thanks her for generous gift of £2,000; suggests that for accounting purposes the donation is credited to the Library Reserve Fund (photocopy)

A155/513        Jill Swart, 22 May – notice of a special meeting of the Library Committee; suggests alternative dates (photocopy)

514    Ibid. to W.B. Fagg, 27 May – on the Dowling painting of Australian Aborigines; on a memo from Jonathan Benthall (tp.)

515    Ibid. to Library Committee, 5 June – statement of Library expenditure in 1979 Annual Report (photocopy)

516    Ibid. to R.M. Price, W.B. Fagg & M. Rowlands, 23 June – on periodicals subscriptions (tp.)

517    List of current RAI subscriptions. 6 leaves (photocopy)

518    Jonathan Benthall to Library Committee, 1 July – on Library Budget 1980 (photocopy)

519    Jill Swart to Library Committee, 2 July – on the Director’s memo of 1 July. 2 leaves (photocopy)

520    Ibid. to Robin Price, 22 June – on her salary increase (photocopy)

521    Ibid. to Mrs Noneen Purr, 2 July – ibid. (photocopy)

522    Notes on periodicals for consultation for Library Committee meeting on 16 July. 3 leaves (photocopy)

523    Jonathan Benthall to W.B. Fagg, 29 July – on attracting legacies to the Library; on Jill Swart; refers to her resignation (autogr.)

524    Jill Swart to R.M. Price, W.B. Fagg & J.C. Benthall, 7 Aug. – encloses Minutes from meeting of 16 July (tp. with autogr. note)

525    Ibid., 14 Aug. – on advertisement for Secretary to the Library Committee, to appear in the Library Association Record; supplies text for amendment or approval (tp.)

526    Ibid. to Jonathan Benthall, 18 Aug. – on the Questionnaire (tp. with autogr. note)

527    Ibid. to Library Committee, 26 Aug. – refers to her letter of resignation of 17 July; thanks them for their support; on completing the readership survey and assisting her successor in settling in (tp.)

528    Ibid. on behalf of Robin Price to Library Committee, 15 Sept. – encloses Committee’s paper for Council (tp. with autogr. note)

A155/529        Memorandum on the Library prepared for the meeting of the Council on 24 Sept. 7 leaves (tp.)

530    24 Sept. – comments on Sir Edmund’s paper[?] 3 leaves (tp.)

531    24 Sept. – comments on Jonathan’s memo (tp.)

532    24 Sept. – brief analysis of Pilot Study returns (tp.)

533    Minutes of a meeting of Council held on 24 Sept. 4 pages (tp.)

534    Robin Price to W.B. Fagg, 25 Sept. – thanks him for attending Council meeting and supporting the Library Committee’s case; appreciates his intention to make the Library one of his beneficiaries; mentions the Questionnaire (autogr.)

535    Robin Price, Sept./Oct. – draft covering letter to accompany the Questionnaire (tp.)

536    Broad overview of areas to be investigated [in the Questionnaire] (photocopy)

537    Sept./Oct., readership survey. 5 leaves (tp.)

538    Ibid., draft Questionnaire. 4 leaves (tp.)

539    Agenda for Library Committee meeting to be held on 1 Oct. (photocopy)

540    Jonathan Benthall to W.B. Fagg, 2 Oct.  – on W.B. Fagg’s idea to set up a trust; suggests meeting him for lunch with John Kusel [solicitor]; on trustees; on expenditure of the income; the trust would motivate the RAI and the Museum of Mankind to work together; W.B. Fagg’s career has uniquely spanned both organisations (autogr.)

541    Notes of a meeting at the British Museum on 6 Oct. (tp.)

542    C.R. Moss to RAI Fellows, 20 Oct. – circular letter on Legacies (photocopy)

543    Jill Swart to Mr Price, Mr Fagg & Mrs Emery, ibid. – on Special Funds (tp.)

544    Ibid. to W.B Fagg, ibid. – on duplicate books for disposal (tp.)

545    List of books offered for sale, Oct. 3 leaves (tp.)

546    Periodicals for consideration, for Library Committee meeting of 22 Oct. 2 leaves (photocopy)

A155/547        Jill Swart to W.B. Fagg, 4 Nov. – on Miss Kirkpatrick; on bills for borrowing rights; on Malcolm McLeod (tp.)

548    Ibid., 11 Nov. – refers to his broken hip; there has been a response rate of over 60% to the Questionnaire; on a dinner at Beverley’s; on her farewell party; hopes to meet with Prof. Day (tp.)

549    Michael [Day] to ibid., 20 Nov. – passes on the sympathy of Council on hearing of his accident (tp.)

550    Robin Price to W.B. Fagg, 8 Jan. 1981 – on the Library Committee holding a meeting to discuss points to put forward to accompany Jill’s Report on the Questionnaire; encloses copy of Mike Rowlands’ Recommendations; hopes he can attend the meeting; on his resignation from Chairmanship of Library Committee; Michael Rowlands will succeed him; thanks him for all his support over the past year; Mike Rowlands’ Recommendations are excellent. 4 pages (autogr.)

551    W.B. Fagg to Jonathan Benthall, nd – left hospital on 23 Dec.; on Robin’s resignation; on Mike Rowlands succeeding him; on process of electing a chairman; on the Executive Committee (autogr.)

552    Robin Price to W.B. Fagg, 30 Jan. – on still being a member of RAI Council; still wants to serve the Library commitment (autogr.)

553    Jonathan Benthall to Bryan Cranstone, 11 Mar. – on Library donations; defines what an ‘undertaking’ is; on financing the purchase of new books (photocopy)

554    Bryan Cranstone to Jonathan Benthall, 8 Apr. – answers his memo of 11 Mar. (photocopy)

555    Jonathan Benthall to W.B. Fagg, 11 May – glad he has recovered from his accident; sends a copy of the last Council Minutes; highlights some salient points; on donations; on discussing fund-raising with Roger Moss; on his thoughts about a Will Trust. 3 pages (autogr.)

556    Ibid., 21 Oct. – on a meeting involving David Wilson; has mentioned the possibility of a benefaction; suggests some details regarding a possible Will Trust; if he is not thinking along these lines, asks him to say so. 3 pages (autogr.)

557    nd – draft report on acquisitions; present system; difficulties with the present system; Museum of Mankind position; RAI position; suggestions. 3 leaves (tp.)

A155/558        nd – ‘Brief historical background to matters at present under consideration’, Agenda item 3 for meeting on ?date (photocopy)

559    Notes on Loan Servicing Charge and Museum leaflet for Fellows (tp.)

560    nd – items for discussion in Annual Report[?] (photocopy)

561    nd – notes on Budget and Expenditure, 1978 and 1979 (tp. with autogr. additions)

562    Information about the journal Aboriginal History. 3 leaves (photocopy)

563    Extracts from Library Committee Minutes, various dates (11 Nov. 1977, 3 Feb. 1978, 13 July 1978, 9 Feb. 1979, 12 Oct. 1979; includes list of current duties of the assistant to the Hon. Librarian. 3 leaves (photocopy)

564    nd – summary of subject coverage of the Museum of Mankind Library. 4 leaves (photocopy)