Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents RAI Finance Miscellaneous A142 RAI FINANCE – MISCELLANEOUS (A142 01 of 02)

/1    Cash books relating to Special Funds, 1928-59 [on shelf; inserts in box]

  1    Huxley Dinner/Lunch Book, 1928-40; Desert Fayum accounts; Notes & Queries on Anthropology, Gratis copies; Journal of the Anthropological Institute accounts (account book)

Items previously inserted between pages of A142/1/1:

 .1    nd, list of periodicals (autogr.)

 .2    14 May 1935 – bill to Dr C.T. Bertling, Java, for Proceedings of the International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, 1934

  2    Curl Account, 1949-59 (account book)

Items previously inserted between pages of A142/1/2:

.1    W.B. Fagg, Hon. Secretary 1939-56 (WBF), to Hon. Treasurer, 3 Jan. 1956 – on cheques for Curl Bequest Prize (tp. memo with autogr. notes)

.2    Marian .W. Smith, Hon. Secretary 1956-61 (MWS), to Hon. Treasurer, 31 Oct. – on honorarium to be paid to Curl judges (tp. memo with autogr. notes)

.3    5 Apr. 1957 – receipt, General Account (autogr.)

.4    MWS to Hon. Treasurer and Accountants, 8 Aug. – on honorarium to be paid to Curl judges (tp. memo with autogr. notes)

.5    17 Sept. – ibid., Revenue Account (autogr.)

.6    6 Dec. – cheque payable to Dr J. Goody

.7    16 Dec. – receipt, Endowment Fund and Development Appeal Account (tp.)

  3    Journal Editorial Fund, 1947; Metallurgy Research Fund, 1947-55; Seligman Library Fund, 1947-50; Overseas Library Account, 1948-54; Future Promises[?] Account, 1949-50; Hocart Account 1949-59 [see A121]; Rivers Memorial Fund, 1949-59 [see A24]; Coote Lake Superannuation Fund Account, 1949-57, 1958-59 [see A142/4]; Notes and Queries Account, 1949-58 (account book)

Items previously inserted between pages of A142/1/3:

.1    16 Dec. 1957 – receipt, General Account (tp.)

.2    16 Dec. 1957 – ibid. (tp.)

  4    Development Appeal Account 1949-59; Beasley Bequest Fund Bank Account 1957-59; Burton Library Fund Bank Account 1957-59 (account book)

Items previously inserted between pages of A142/1/4:

.1    1 Jan. 1952 – Barclays Bank credit slip (tp.)

.2    Ibid., Midland Bank ibid. (tp.)

.3    Ibid., Westminster Bank ibid. (tp.)

  5    Blood Group Centre, 1951-8; Deposit Account 1953-57 (account book)

Items previously inserted between pages of A142/1/5:

.1    1 Sept. 1954 – receipt for account of the Nuffield Blood Group Centre, for trip to Paris (tp.)

.2    Hon. Treasurer to Accountants, ibid. – returns receipt for cheque (tp. memo)

.3    11 Oct. – note referring to refund of £20 (autogr.)

.4    nd, Treasurer of Royal Society to RAI – encloses cheque for Wellcome Trust Grant (printed compliment slip with tp. and autogr. additions)

 /2    Balance Sheets and Accounts, 1920-23, 1926-31, 1940, 1943, 1950-52, 1954-59, 1969-70

  1    Jackson, Pixley & Co, Chartered Accountants, Accounts for 1920. 2 leaves folded (autogr.)

  2    Ibid. for 1921. 3 leaves folded (ibid.)

  3    Ibid. for 1922. Ibid. (ibid.)

.1    [end of 1922] – on retirement of R.W. Williamson, Hon. Treasurer 1913-22; comments on accounts for 1922 (tp. with autogr. corrections)

  4    Jackson, Pixley & Co, Accounts for 1923. 3 leaves folded (tp.)

  5    Jackson, Pixley & Co, Balance Sheet and Accounts for 1926. 5 leaves folded (ibid.)

  6    Ibid. for 1927. Ibid (ibid.)

.1    Treasurer’s Report for 1927. 2 leaves (tp. draft with autogr. notes)

.2    Copy of A142/2/6.1 [which is very faded]. 2 leaves (photocopy)

  7    Jackson, Pixley & Co, Balance Sheet and Accounts for 1928. 5 leaves folded (tp.)

.1    Treasurer’s Report for 1928. 3 leaves (tp. draft with autogr. notes)

  8    Jackson, Pixley & Co, Balance Sheet and Accounts for 1929. 5 leaves folded (tp.)

.1    Draft of A142/2/8. 4 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)

  9    Jackson, Pixley & Co, Balance Sheet, Revenue Account and Capital Account for 1930. 5 leaves folded (tp. with autogr. corrections)

 10    Bullen, Debenham, Harston & Bennett, [Solicitors], copy of British India Press accounts, 1931. 6 leaves folded (tpc. with autogr. additions) [Accounts relate to the publication of the Indian Antiquary. The journal appeared 1872-1933; volumes for 1925-32 were published under the authority of the RAI Council. See also A26]

 11    G.D. Hornblower, Hon. Treasurer 1928-34, 1938-40, to Messrs. Harrison & Sons Ltd., [Printers], 16 June 1931 – notifies of corrections to be made to Treasurer’s Report [not held]

.1    Ibid. to [?], 24 June – note accompanying A142/2/11 (autogr.)

 12    Jones & Peel, [Chartered Accountants], Balance Sheet and Revenue Account for 1940. 3 leaves folded (tp.)

 13    Ibid. for 1943. 3 leaves folded (tp.)

 14    Wilson, Turnbull & Company, Chartered Accountants, Balance Sheet and Accounts for 1950. 6 leaves folded (tp.) [another copy at A37/44]

 15    Ibid. for 1951. 7 leaves folded (tp.)

 16    Ibid. for 1952. 8 leaves folded (tp.)

 17    Ibid. for 1954. 7 leaves folded (tp.)

.1    Copy of A142/2/17. 9 leaves folded [last two leaves Emslie Horniman Anthropological Scholarship Fund Accounts] (tpc.)

 18    Balance Sheet and Accounts for 1955. 7 leaves folded (tp.)

 19    Ibid. for 1956. 5 leaves folded (tp.)

 20    Ibid. for 1957. 7 leaves folded (tp.)

.1    Draft of Balance Sheet, 31 Oct. 1957 (tpc.)

 21    Ibid. for 1958. 7 leaves folded (tp.)

.1    Copy of A142/2/21. 7 leaves folded (tpc. with autogr. corrections and note ‘Copy corrected by Accountants’)

 22    Balance Sheet and Accounts for 1959. 7 leaves folded (tp.)

 23    ‘Summaries of Assets and Liabilities and Movement of Capital and Income Account of each Fund and Schedule of Investments as at 31st December 1969’. 4 leaves folded (tpc.)

 24    Balance Sheet for 1970. 7 leaves (photocopy of autogr.)

 25    ‘Summaries of Assets and Liabilities and Movement of Capital and Income Account of each Fund and Schedule of Investments as at 31st December 1970’. 4 leaves folded (tpc.)

 /3    Correspondence with Wilson, Turnbull & Co., Chartered Accountants, 1953-60

  1    Douglas H.F. Wilson, Hon. Treasurer 1944-56 (DHFW), to Leslie James Bussey (LJB), Wilson, Turnbull & Co., 23 Mar. 1953 – RAI will continue to employ the firm for a year; asks whether fee could be reduced (tpc.)

  2    LJB to DHFW, 10 Apr. – reduction in fee will be considered; request for increase of fee in 1951 not implemented; therefore agreed fee actually reduced (tp.)

  3    Mrs Angela C. Bowe, Secretary to the Officers Apr. 1952-Dec. 1953, to LJB, 8 Apr. [sic] – acknowledges his letter to DHFW [A142/3/2] (tpc.)

  4    LJB to DHFW, 22 Apr. – thanks him for letter of 20 Apr. [not present]; sorry for any misunderstanding; clarifies accountancy fee and audit fee; on a possible Stock Control at Bedford Square; the expense of this. 2 leaves (tp.)

  5    J.P. Mills, RAI President 1951-53, to Angela Bowe, 16 May 1953 – returns papers to her [possibly A142/3/1-4]; has no comment; asks when Prof. Forde will be back (autogr.)

  6    Wilson, Turnbull & Co., list of subscriptions outstanding at 28 Feb. 1954. 9 leaves folded (tpc. with autogr. additions)

  7    Ibid. to [RAI], 23 Apr. 1956 – advises that new office to be opened in Ealing; LJB will continue to deal with RAI affairs (tp. with autogr. notes)

  8    DHFW to J.P. Mills, MWS and WBF, 27 Apr. – LJB has requested a float from RAI for petty cash for various groups; asks for their opinions (tpc. with autogr. response from MWS)

  9    Ibid. (tpc. with autogr. response from WBF)

 10    Lord Raglan, RAI President June 1955-June 1957, to Miss Janet Anderson, Secretary to the Officers Oct. 1955-Oct. 1957, 28 Apr. – can express no opinion on matter mentioned by Hon. Treasurer; suggests a meeting (tp. with autogr. notes)

 11    Janet Anderson to DHFW, 10 May – on petty cash spent by Library, Blood Group Centre and Administration (tp.)

 12    DHFW to [LJB], 21 June – on opening an Imprest Account at Ealing, for making Petty Cash payments (tpc.)

 13    G.W.B. Huntingford to MWS, 28 June – on a payment to be made to Ditchling Press (autogr.)

 14    MWS to DHFW, 9 July – ibid. (tpc.)

 15    LJB to Janet Anderson, 10 July – encloses cheque for Ditchling Press (tp.)

 16    Wilson, Turnbull & Co., [13 July] – invoice from Nuffield Blood Group (tp. with autogr. note)

 17    [Janet Anderson] to Messrs Richard Madley, Ltd., 30 Aug. – on a credit due to RAI (tpc.)

 18    Ibid., 11 Sept. – thanks for cheque (tpc.)

 19    Wilson, Turnbull & Co. to DHFW, 23 Nov. – on correspondence with Inspector of Taxes; encloses extract from ‘Income Tax Digest and Accountants’ Review’ (tp.)

.1    Extract from ‘Income Tax Digest and Accountants’ Review’ [enclosed with A142/3/19]. 2 leaves (tp.)

 20    [Janet Anderson] to Wilson, Turnbull & Co, 4 Jan. 1957 – on resignation from RAI of Mr A.P. Hulbert (tpc.)

 21    MWS to [George Beresford-Stooke], Hon. Treasurer 1956-62 (GBS), 8 Jan. – on petty cash cheques (autogr. with autogr. reply added)

 22    GBS to Wilson, Turnbull & Co., 8 Mar. – on authorization for the drawing of cheques (tpc.)

 23    Wilson, Turnbull & Co. to GBS, 14 Mar. – encloses copies of Schedule setting out expenditure on the Journal for 1956; some details (tp.)

.1    Journal expenditure 1956 [enclosed with A142/3/23] (tp.)

 24    Wilson, Turnbull & Co. to Janet Anderson, 27 May – encloses cheques, accounts and receipts (tp.)

 25    LJB to ibid., 24 June – encloses cheques; on Employers’ Liability adjustment premium (tp.)

 26    Wilson, Turnbull & Co. to GBS, 23 July – Janet Anderson has asked for statement to date; appears that interim accounts are required; asks for confirmation; the work will be charged separately (tp.)

 27    [Janet Anderson] to GBS, 24 July – encloses letter from Accountants; does not see that interim accounts are necessary; on Transfer Deeds; on reinvestment (tpc. with autogr. comment)

 28    GBS to Wilson, Turnbull & Co., 25 July – would be grateful for rough idea of how finances are going; no one has asked for interim accounts (tpc.)

 29    Janet Anderson to Mr Russ [of Wilson, Turnbull & Co.], 31 July – MWS will be discussing Burton Library Account and Development Appeal Account with him; asks him to bring information (tpc.)

 30    Hon. Secretary to the Trustees to GBS and Wilson, Turnbull & Co., 7 Aug. – on transfer from Horniman Fund account to RAI Revenue account (tpc.)

 31    Wilson, Turnbull & Co. to GBS, 23 Aug. – encloses statement of financial position; it is just an estimate; on the Curl Fund (tp.)

.1    Statement of financial position July 1957 [enclosed with A142/3/31] (tp.)

 32    MWS to Wilson, Turnbull & Co., 12 Sept. 1957 – on increasing B.J. Kirkpatrick’s salary (tpc.) [Miss Brownlee Jean Kirkpatrick, RAI Librarian 1948-76]

 33    Ibid. to GBS, 4 Oct. – of repaying of Janet Anderson’s superannuation payments (tpc.)

 34    Ibid. to ibid. and Wilson, Turnbull & Co., 8 Oct. – ibid.; on calculation of interest (tpc.)

 35    Wilson, Turnbull & Co. to GBS, 16 Oct. – on the Cheques Act 1957; will formal printed receipts still be necessary (tp. with autogr. notes)

 36    Ibid., 17 Oct. – on correspondence with Inspector of Taxes in regard to repayment of Income Tax (tp.)

 37    Secretary to the Officers [Miss Joan Edwards?] to Wilson, Turnbull & Co., 28 Nov. – would like copies of the correspondence with the Commissioner of Taxes (tpc.)

 38    Wilson, Turnbull & Co. to GBS, 5 Dec. – on increase of their fee (tp.)

 39    MWS to GBS, 9 Dec. – on redistributing work between Mr Russ and Mrs Owen (tp. with autogr. response added)

 40    Coutts & Co. to [MWS], 9 Dec. – at request of Wilson, Turnbull & Co., enclose an Investment List (tp.)

 41    Wilson, Turnbull & Co. to Joan Edwards, 11 Dec. – on Inter-Fund Transfers to be made by Coutts & Co.; asks for letter to be sent to Coutts & Co. signed by GBS (tp.)

 42    MWS to Wilson, Turnbull & Co., 12 Feb. 1958 – on transfer; on payment on royalties (tpc.)

 43    [Joan Edwards] to LJB, 24 Feb. – encloses accounts passed for payment by Executive Committee (tpc.)

 44    Ibid., 3 Mar. – on various payments to be made (tpc.)

 45    LJB to Joan Edwards, 4 Mar. – thanks her for letter of 3 Mar.; encloses cheques for signature in respect of the various accounts (tp.)

 46    MWS to Wilson, Turnbull & Co., 20 Mar. – on Myers Memorial Lecture; on Henry Myers Fund (tpc.)

 47    LJB to Joan Edwards, 17 Apr. – encloses fair copy of accounts for 1957; asks for a copy back after signing by [J.A. Fraser Roberts] and [GBS] (tp.)

 48    MWS to Mr Russ, 17 Apr. 1958 – on questionnaire relating to rating of premises; asks him to bring any information he has; suggests they meet (tpc.)

 49    Joan Edwards to Wilson, Turnbull & Co., 16 June – on payment of gas account (tpc.)

 50    MWS to Mr Russ, 2 July – on Burton Library Account (tpc.)

 51    LJB to MWS, 23 July – on investing funds presently held by Coutts & Co.; on interest rates paid by Coutts; advises RAI to consult a specialist firm (tp.)

 52    MWS to LJB, 25 July – had not been her intention to seek his advice; surprised at low rates of interest (tpc.)

 53    RAI to ibid., 25 July – MWS has asked for statement of monies accumulated in Endowment Fund and Development Appeal Fund; would be obliged to have a letter setting out the facts (tpc.)

 54    MWS to Wilson, Turnbull & Co., 28 July – on salary cheques (tpc.)

 55    Wilson, Turnbull & Co. to GBS, 20 Aug. – encloses cheques for signature (tp.)

 56    [?] to Mr Russ, nd – on Horniman cheques of great urgency; on accounts for payment for the Library (tpc.)

 57    MWS to Wilson, Turnbull & Co., 20 Aug. – on the crediting of two cheques to be paid into bank (tpc.)

 58    Wilson, Turnbull & Co. to MWS, 5 Sept. – thank her for memo of 4 Sept. [not held]; on cheques; on copy of accounts going to Inspector of Taxes (tp.)

 59    MWS to Wilson, Turnbull & Co., 8 Sept. – on cheques (tpc.)

 60    Ibid. to Mr Russ, 12 Sept. – on the interest on the Deposit Account of the Endowment Fund (tpc.)

 61    Ibid. to Mr Russ, 17 Sept. – on interest on shares (tpc.)

 62    Ibid. to Wilson, Turnbull & Co., 10 Oct. – on Wenner Gren Grant (tpc.)

 63    Wilson, Turnbull & Co. to Joan Edwards, 17 Oct. – on deeds held by them at Ealing (autogr.)

 64    Joan Edwards to Wilson, Turnbull & Co., 21 Oct. – asks for return of documents [referred to in A142/3/63] (tpc.)

 65    MWS to ibid., 22 Oct. 1958 – on money from Museum of Primitive Art, for Symposium; on crediting of the sum (tpc.)

 66    Ibid., 28 Oct. – on Curl Bequest Prize advertisement (tpc.)

 67    Ibid., 30 Oct. – on Brownlee Kirkpatrick’s superannuation scheme (tpc.)

 68    Ibid. to LJB, ibid. – formally records appreciation for Mr Russ’s services to RAI; wishes him well in future work (tpc.)

 69    LJB to MWS, 3 Nov. – will convey her message to Mr Russ; is confident Mr Cooke will give RAI every assistance (tp.)

 70    Joan Edwards to Wilson, Turnbull & Co., ibid. – on transfer into imprest account (tpc.)

 71    MWS to ibid., 5 Nov. – on the crediting of a cheque to be paid into bank (tpc.)

 72    GBS to LJB, 12 Nov. – is sorry Mr Russ is leaving; realizes that the work for RAI is ‘inconvenient as well as unremunerative’; is grateful; RAI might find a retired accountant to keep accounts for an honorarium, perhaps from Jan.; assumes Wilson, Turnbull & Co. would still act as auditors; asks for his comments (tpc.)

 73    MWS to Wilson, Turnbull & Co., 4 Dec. – on cheque for Hocart Bequest (tpc.)

 74    Alan McIlroy to MWS, 4 Dec. – thanks her for letter [not held] and offer to refund 25 shillings; asks her to transfer it to Endowment Fund; expresses his enjoyment of Huxley Lecture and Dinner (autogr.)

 75    MWS to Wilson, Turnbull & Co., 12 Dec. – on the transfer of 25 shillings to Endowment Fund (tpc.)

 76    Ibid., 15 Dec. – asks for two cheques for signature for J.P. Singh, Horniman student (tpc.)

 77    LJB to GBS, 16 Dec. – refers to his letter of 12 Nov. [A142/3/72]; understands that RAI has found a suitable person, who will commence work in Jan. 1959; on completion of the work on accounts for 1958; this work will be charged separately (tp.)

 78    GBS to LJB, 27 Dec. 1958 – agrees that closing of 1958 accounts will be done in 1959 and a separate account will be rendered; asks that charge be as low as possible; Mr Harper will complete the books in 1959; grateful to Wilson, Turnbull & Co. for agreeing to continue to audit books (tpc.)

 79    Stoy, Hayward & Co., Chartered Accountants, to RAI, 17 Feb. 1959 – concerning Batchworth Press Ltd.; encloses cheque (tp.)

 80    GBS to LJB, 5 Mar. – arrangements for meeting to discuss various accounts (tpc.)

 81    LJB to GBS, 10 Mar. – ibid. (tp.)

 82    Joan Edwards to LJB, 1 May – on giving Mr Coleman message about meeting GBS (tpc.)

 83    LJB to Joan Edwards, 5 May – encloses copies of accounts (tp.)

 84    MWS to LJB, 28 May – Mr Harper has been going over balance sheet; asks for further information (tpc.)

 85    Joan Edwards to ibid., 10 June – invites him and Mrs Bussey to Garden Party and AGM; wishes to confirm that Wilson, Turnbull & Co. willing to undertake audit; thanks him for figures; asks him a few more questions to help Mr Harper (tpc.)

 86    LJB to Joan Edwards, 11 June – is pleased to attend Garden Party, though Mrs Bussey cannot attend; his firm happy to continue as Auditors; Mr Coleman will bring further information she requires (tp.)

 87    Ibid. to GBS, 2 July – with reference to letter of 27 Dec. 1958 [A142/3/78]; encloses charges for preparation of accounts; fee is 50 guineas; hopes this is satisfactory; encloses note of annual charges (tp.)

 88    Joan Edwards to LJB, 7 July – acknowledges his letter (tpc.)

 89    Brownlee Kirkpatrick to Mr Harper, 16 July – asks if cheque was received from WBF for Overseas Library books, after 23 Oct. 1951 (tp.)

 90    Joan Edwards to LJB, 16 July – asks him about the cheque from WBF [see A142/3/89]; Mr Harper does not have the books covering this period; asks for carbon copies of claims made for tax refund on covenanted subscriptions; Mr Harper will be glad to have answers to his questions of the week before (tpc.)

 91    LJB to Joan Edwards, 23 July 1959 – he cannot trace the cheque; encloses the only ledger he still had, as he returned other old books at the Garden Party; gives answers to Mr Harper’s questions (tp.)

 92    Ibid. to GBS, 17 Mar. 1960 – encloses draft accounts prepared by Mr Harper; they differ in some respects from accounts prepared by his clerk; GBS may like to discuss them (tp.)

 93    GBS to LJB, 22 Mar. – was not aware that LJB’s clerk was preparing draft accounts; asks that any corrections be discussed with Mr Harper (tpc.)

 94    LJB to GBS, 30 Mar. – encloses accounts; asks for fee of 145 guineas (tp.)

 95    GBS to LJB, 7 Apr. – returns copies of accounts for signature (tpc.)

 96    LJB to GBS, 13 Apr. – returns the documents; asks for his office copies (tp.)

 97    GBS to LJB, 22 Apr. – Joan Edwards will send office copies (tpc.)

 98    LJB to GBS, 1 June – acknowledges receipt of cheque; sorry to hear that RAI is changing Auditors (tp.)

 /4    Correspondence concerning Coote Lake Superannuation Fund, 1939-56

  1    Miss E.F. Coote Lake to Dr H.S. Harrison, RAI President 1935-37, 3 Nov. 1939 – her brother left a sum of money to RAI to form Superannuation Fund for the staff; asks him to see Council about alternative ways of creating a pension fund; Minute 2v of Council Meeting, 23 Mar. 1943 on a revised scheme for the fund (tp. copies) [see CM/72/3, ff. 411-13; for the amendment made on 25 May, see CM/72/4, f. 415]

  2    23 Mar. 1943 – draft of Minute 2v, as at 142/4/1 (tpc. with autogr. notes)

  3    nd – copy of Resolutions passed by Council on 23 Mar. and 25 May 1943. 2 leaves (tpc.)

  4    RAI Assistant Secretary to Messrs. Lovell, Son & Pitfield, 27 Feb. 1940 – on holding stock [in the Coote Lake Fund] (tpc.)

  5    Angela Bowe to T. Walter Howland, Kimber Bull & Co. (TWH), 9 Feb. 1953 – returns draft of letter to Messrs. Lovell, Son & Pitfield [not held]; on suppressing Miss Stallman’s name in the letter [Felicia Stallman, Assistant Secretary 1942-52 (FS)]; includes final paragraph suggested by DHFW (tpc.)

  6    Miss Coote Lake to the President [J.P. Mills], 14 Apr. – on letters to RAI regarding departure of FS and the use of the Superannuation Fund; presumes that conditions are not being carried out as stipulated; protests against misuse of the Fund; asks for explanation (tp. copy) [see CM/82/7, f. 690]

  7    John L. Myres to WBF, 21 Apr. – Miss Coote Lake ‘disturbed’ by an act of RAI in relation to her brother’s pension fund; the President has not given an explanation; as he does not know the President personally, is writing to WBF (autogr.)

  8    Ibid., 22 Apr. – sorry to have bothered him; the enquiry is partly answered by Council Minutes just received (tpc.) [see CM/82/6, f. 685; for references to previous letters from Miss Coote Lake see CM/82/5, f. 683]

  9    Lord Raglan to WBF, 24 Apr. – cannot be at Council meeting; sorry that Miss Coote Lake is ‘carrying on so’; gives advice (tp.)

 10    J.P. Mills to WBF, 26 Apr. – encloses draft of letter to Miss Coote Lake [A142/4/11]; object is to cast the blame on the informant; lawyers should see it; has written to Raymond Firth and Sir Robert Hyde (autogr.)

 11    Ibid. to Miss Coote Lake, nd –

 12    J.P. Mills to Miss Coote Lake, nd, – acknowledges her letter of 14 Apr. [A142/4/6] which was laid before Council [on 23 Apr.]; on the payment to Miss Stallman; explains that the payment was in accordance with conditions of fund; expresses regret that her ‘informant’ led her to believe that RAI had abused the generosity of her brother and herself (autogr. draft, with autogr. notes by WBF)

.1    WBF, ibid. – paragraph to be inserted in J.P. Mills’ draft letter [A142/4/12] (autogr.)

 13    J.P. Mills to Miss Coote Lake, nd – draft letter incorporating his draft and that of WBF [A142/4/12, A142/4/12.1] 2 leaves (tp. copy)

 14    J.P. Mills to WBF, 29 Apr. 1953 – thanks him for letter [not held]; returns draft [presumably A142/4/13, written by WBF] has cut one sentence ‘which might add fuel to the tiresome fire’; if WBF and DHFW do not wish to re-revise it, it can go to TWH (autogr.)

 15    TWH to Angela Bowe, 4 May – thanks her for proposed draft letter to Miss Coote Lake; returns it with slight corrections [not held]; asks for copy of letter which goes to Miss Coote Lake as he promised her solicitors Messrs. Lovell, Son & Pitfield a copy; will retain original correspondence for the time being (tp.)

 16    J.P. Mills to Miss Coote Lake, 5 May – final version of letter answering the points raised in her letter of 14 Apr. [A142/4/6] (tp. copy)

 17    Ethel John Lindgren to ibid., 18 May – thanks her for letter of 20 Apr. [not held]; would have answered sooner had she not learned that many other members of Council had heard from her in similar terms and that the matter would be discussed in Council meeting; Miss Coote Lake to be informed of Council’s opinion; would not be correct to express an opinion; assures her that the Officers have acted in good faith (tpc.)

 18    Angela Bowe to TWH, 10 June – encloses a letter from WBF [A142/4/19]; encloses copy of letter sent to Miss Coote Lake [A142/4/16]; perhaps he should retain the original correspondence permanently (tpc.)

 19    WBF to ibid., ibid. – encloses letter from Miss Coote Lake [A142/4/20]; final meeting of Council is the next day; Officers would prefer not to comment on her statements without TWH’s advice, although it is not likely he will be able to give advice before tomorrow (tp. copy)

 20    Miss Coote Lake to J.P. Mills, ibid. – his letter of 5 May [A142/4/16] and Treasurer’s Report for 1952 confirm that the Fund has not been used in accordance with conditions; on the meaning of the word ‘superannuation’; on details of FS’s pension; title of fund a Superannuation Fund, not a Retirement Bonus; on taxation issues; once again protests most strongly against misuse of the Fund (tp. copy)

 21    TWH to Angela Bowe, 11 June – thanks her for letter [A142/4/18] with enclosures; is in touch with Messrs. Lovell, Son & Pitfield with regard to the letters [A142/4/16, A142/4/20] (tp.)

 22    Ibid. to WBF, ibid. – refers to his letter enclosing that of Miss Coote Lake [A142/4/19, A142/4/20]; advises as to a response (tp.)

 23    Angela Bowe to TWH, 12 June 1953 – thanks him for letters to herself and WBF (tpc.)

 24    J.P. Mills to Miss Coote Lake, 18 June – her letter of 10 June [A142/4/20] was laid before Council; they feel that nothing can be added to his letter of 5 May [A412/4/16] except that they do not admit all or any of the alleged facts set out in her letter; they cannot agree that there has been any misuse of the Fund; suggests that she instruct her solicitors, should she wish to pursue the matter further (tpc.)

.1    Ibid., nd – draft of A142/4/24 (tp. and autogr.)

 25    Angela Bowe to TWH, 19 June – encloses copy of letter from J.P. Mills to Miss Coote Lake [A142/4/24] (tpc.)

 26    nd – notes on the Coote Lake Superannuation Fund; refers to discussions and resolutions of Executive Committee meetings and Council meetings, 7 Nov. 1939-4 Nov. 1954. 4 pages (autogr.)

 27    LJB to DFHW, 9 Feb. 1955 – Inspector of Taxes requires further information on the Coote Lake Superannuation Fund (tp.)

 28    John Kusel, Kimber Bull & Co., to Nancy Gee, Acting Secretary to the Officers Oct. 1954-Oct. 1955, 17 Feb. – thanks her for letter of 14 Feb. [not held]; encloses formal reply [A142/4/29]; refers to some of the earlier correspondence relating to the Fund; returns packet of original correspondence (tp. with autogr. note)

 29    Kimber Bull & Co. to ibid., ibid. – thank her for letter of 14 Feb. [not held] enclosing letter from Messrs Wilson Turnbull & Co to DFHW [A142/4/27]; there is no Deed of Gift in respect of the Fund; on other points raised in that letter (tp.)

 30    DFHW to LJB, 19 Feb. – replies to points raised in his letter of 9 Feb. [A142/4/27] (tpc.)

 31    Kimber Bull & Co. to Janet Anderson, Secretary to the Officers Oct. 1955-Oct. 1957, 4 June 1956 – have received her letter of 31 May with enclosed copy of proposed letter to Miss Kirkpatrick [not held]; under terms of the Fund it would be wrong to use capital to purchase annuity for Miss Kirkpatrick; not possible for Council to decide in advance whether payment could be made under the conditions specified; therefore the proposed letter does not satisfy the conditions of the gift. 2 leaves (tp.)

 32    Ibid., 8 June 1956 – further points on the purchasing of an annuity for Miss Kirkpatrick (tp.)