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Correspondence and papers. 1948-61.


MWS            Dr Marian W. Smith, RAI Hon. Secretary 1956-61
RS                The Royal Society
WBF            William B. Fagg, RAI Hon. Secretary 1939-56


  1    Scientific Information Conference, 19 May 1948-12 Apr. 1949

 1a    Applications for funding, 1940-50

  2    Government Grant for Scientific Publications and Grants for the Assistance of Libraries, 13 June 1951-26 July 1961

  3    Copyright Act 1956, Jan.-Mar. 1957

  4    1951 Scheme for Science Centre, South Bank – Correspondence 1957, 1958

  5    Ninth and Tenth Pacific Science Congresses, Correspondence 9 July 1957-11 Apr. 1961

  6    RS Tercentenary, July 1960

  7    Rating and Valuation Bill, 1960-61

  8    Miscellaneous

  1/    Scientific Information Conference, 1948-49

  1    WBF to Joint Committee for Anthropological Research and Teaching, 19 May 1948 – circular enclosing papers relating to the Scientific Information Conference; PS refers to International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences to be held in August (tp.) [enclosed papers not held; for the Joint Committee, see A58]

  2    The Royal Society Scientific Information Conference / Recommendations adopted by the Conference / 21 June-2 July. 19 pages (printed booklet)

  3    The Royal Society Scientific Information Conference Paper No. 21, N.W. Pirie, ‘Note on the Simultaneous Publication of Papers at Two Different Levels of Completeness’. 3 pages (printed pamphlet)

  4    E.J. Salisbury, Secretary, The Royal Society, to the President, RAI [C. Daryll Forde, President 1947-49], 21 Dec. – brings to his notice some of the recommendations of the Scientific Information Conference; mentions financial assistance, precis journals, reviews, reports, lectures, printing etcetera; asks that these recommendations be considered; asks that any steps taken which seem desirable be communicated to the Royal Society by 31 Mar. 1949. 2 leaves (tp.)

  5    D.C. Martin, Assistant Secretary, RS, to the Editor, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Society, 29 Dec. – encloses copy of recommendations made at the Conference [/1/2]; on consultative committees of editors; would be glad of any comments on the recommendations (tp.)

  6    Ibid. to WBF, 27 Jan. 1949 – asks whether RAI has produced any pamphlet of directions to contributors; if so, would be grateful for two copies (tp.)

  7    WBF to Dr Martin, 5 Mar. – regrets that earlier replies to his two letters [/1/5, /1/6] were not sent; RAI does not have in place any consultative committee of editors; RAI has not yet published ‘directions to authors’ although he has it in mind; Sir Edward Salisbury’s letter of 21 Dec. [/1/4] is ‘under active consideration’ (autogr. draft)

  8    D.C. Martin to WBF, 8 Mar. – the information given in his letter [/1/7] will be considered by the Information Services Committee (tp.)

  9    WBF to [C.] Daryll Forde, 27 Mar. – apologises for not sending papers sooner but they did not seem very urgent; on the recommendations made by the Scientific Information Committee; in his opinion, the most relevant proposal is that regarding consultative committees of editors; suggests the involvement of the Joint Committee for Anthropological Teaching and Research; thinks the matter could be disposed of ‘in a few minutes’ at Council meeting on 5 [Apr.] (autogr.)

.1        WBF, nd – ‘Observations on Roy. Soc. letter of 21/12.48’; gives opinions on recommendations relating to précis journals, financial assistance to Editors, lists of new titles, reviews (autogr.) [presumably enclosed with /1/9]

 .2    pencil draft of /1/9.1 (autogr.)

 10    Meyer Fortes to WBF, 2 Apr. – thanks him for letter of 30 Mar. [not held]; thinks his idea about a sub-committee of the Joint Committee a good one; agrees that the publication of lists of contents of forthcoming journals an excellent idea; makes a couple of other points (autogr.)

 11    E.J. Salisbury & D. Brunt, Secretaries, The Royal Society, to WBF, 12 Apr. – on recommendation made at the Conference regarding authors’ providing synopses; forwards a guide on the subject (printed with the exception of the recipient which is tp.)

 .1    ‘Guide for the Preparation of Synopses’ (printed leaflet) [enclosed with /1/11]

 1a/    Applications for Funding, 1940-50

  1    A.R. Radcliffe-Brown, RAI President 1939-41, to WBF, 3 May 1940 – enclosed letter [not held] should be referred to the Executive; on need to know how the RAI is being affected by the war (autogr.)

  2    Ibid. to the Secretary, RS, 8 July – writes to make application for a grant in aid of the RAI’s publications; refers to their letter inviting RAI to supply particulars of the effects of the war; reports on these effects in terms of membership, publications, and postage; applies for grant of £100. 4 leaves (tp. with autogr. additions)

  3    Ibid. 9 pages (autogr. draft in WBF’s hand)

  4    Partial text of ibid. 3 leaves (tp.)

  5    Ibid. 5 pages (autogr. draft in WBF’s hand)

  6    WBF, nd – notes relating to /1a/2. 4 leaves (autogr.)

  7    Partial text of /1a/2 (tp.)

  8    WBF to A.R. Radcliffe-Brown, nd – text of telegram about address (autogr.)

  9    A.R. Radcliffe-Brown, 8 July – has sent letter to RS; on his address (autogr.)

 10    K.M. Martindell to WBF, 16 May 1941 – encloses copy of letter to RS from last year; encloses proof of balance sheet; on ordering reprints for Fellows (tp.)

 11    WBF to the Secretary, RS, 23 May – submits facts in support of an application for a grant of £150 in aid of RAI’s publications; refers to letter of 8 July 1940; gives comparison of RAI’s position a year ago with that of today, with regard to membership, publications and postage; on the premises and the Library; encloses balance sheet. 3 leaves (tp.)

 12    nd – ibid. 5 pages (autogr. draft)

 13    18 May – ibid. 5 pages (autogr. draft)

 14    K.M. Martindell to […?], 20 May – encloses draft letter, to be returned to WBF with corrections etc. (autogr.)

 15    Draft of /1a/11, marked ‘Read by HJB’. 3 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)

 16    H.J. Braunholtz to WBF, 21 May – thinks the letter to RS is excellent but would prefer it shortened somewhat; on the Library and on insurance for books; is in favour of further evacuation; on meeting for lunch (autogr.)

 17    Draft of /1a/11, marked ‘Read by WLH’. 3 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)

 18    W.L. Hildburgh to WBF, 21 May – encloses draft of letter to RS; most of his corrections are just suggestions, but one change he considers important; thinks books should be moved out of Bedford Square as soon as possible; on bombing in the area; on insuring the books (autogr.)

 19    Draft of /1a/11, marked ‘Read by EJL’. 3 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)

 20    J.D. Griffith Davies, RS, to WBF, 26 May – his application will be considered in July (tp.)

 21    Ibid., 18 July – Council has awarded a sum of £150 towards the cost of RAI’s publications (tp.)

 22    WBF, nd – notes for reply to /1a/21 (autogr.)

 23    Ibid. to [J.D. Griffith Davies], 22 July – refers to his letter of 18 July; expresses gratitude; outlines what such help means for the RAI (autogr. draft)

 24    K.M. Martindell to WBF, 24 July – refers to RS grant; on othe RAI matters (autogr.)

 25    WBF to the Secretary, RS, 11 May 1942 – applies for grant in aid of the publications of the RAI; refers to grant of year before; in spite of this, the RAI suggered financial loss on the publications; balance sheet will be forwarded; the extension of the war into the Far East has aggravated the position; on the importance of maintaining the publications; makes formal application for grant of not less than £150 (tpc.)

 26    Ibid. to J.D. Griffith Davies, 5 July 1943 – applies for grant in aid of the publications of the RAI; refers to grant of £200 of the year before; attaches report by Hon. Treasurer; RAI’s financial position remains a cause of alarm; on increasing and improving services in directions which do not require great monetary outlay; gives some examples; refers to the publications; hopes his Council will allocate a sum of not less than £150. 3 pages (tpc.)

 27    Ibid. to the Secretary, RS, 5 June 1944 – applies for renewed grant in aid of the publications of the RAI; refers to his letter of 5 July 1943; on difficulties with the printers of JRAI; the financial difficulties of the RAI grow greater each year; hopes that Council will award a grant of not less than £100 (tp.)

 28    Ibid., 13 June 1945 – applies for renewed grant in aid of the publications of the RAI; President and Council are ‘deeply sensible’ of the support given since 1941; on Man; on JRAI; the United States Government has given support and encouragement to anthropology for certain war purposes; applies for grant of £100 (tp.)

 29    Ibid. to [the Secretary, RS?], June 1946 – applies for renewed grant in aid of the publications of the RAI; on the JRAI; on retirement of Dr Lindgren as Editor; encloses copies of three most recent issues of Man; on J.L. Myres’ wish to retire as Editor; encloses accounts; trusts that increased help may be made available this year (autogr. draft)

 30    Ibid. to the Secretary, RS, 12 June 1947 – applies for grant in aid of the publications of the RAI; refers to grants of £100 in previous years; gives reasons for increased expenditure; this year exceptionally Council feels bound to ask for £250; on JRAI; on Man; on the general financial position of the RAI; on the Library; encloses issues of JRAI and Man, and copy of accounts for 1946. 4 pages (tp.)

 31    Ibid., 14 June 1949 – applies for grant in aid of the publications of the RAI; on the JRAI; on Man; forwards copies of both for inspection; on the general financial position of the RAI; applies for grant of not less than £150. 2 leaves (tp.)

 32    Ibid. to [the Secretary, RS?], 15 June – refers to possibility of applying for small grants from the Parliamentary Grant-in-Aid in respect of library needs; applies for a grant of £100 towards cost of reorganisation of RAI’s Library; describes the Library; RAI now has a qualified librarian with one assistant; on need for additional Assistant Librarian; the present application is made because of the extra expenditure (tp.)

 33    Ibid., ibid. 3 pages (autogr. draft)

 34    Ibid. to the Secretary, RS, 15 June 1950 – applies for a grant in support of publications from the Parliamentary Grant-in-Aid of Scientific Publication; wishes to forgo any award in respect of the Library; describes the state of JRAI and Man; describes the general financial position; refers to grant of $5000 from the Viking Fund [cross ref.?] for the Library; applies for grant of £300. 3 pages (tp.)

 35    Ibid., nd. 4 leaves (autogr. draft)

 36    nd – notes for appeal letter (autogr. draft, in WBF’s and unknown hands)

  2/    Government Grant for Scientific Publications and Grants for the Assistance of Libraries, 1951-61

  1    ‘Government Grant for Scientific Publications – Copy of Application Form sent to Royal Society – 13th June, 1951’. 2 leaves (tp. draft with autogr. corrections by WBF)

  2    D.C. Martin to WBF, 12 July – RS has awarded a grant of £100 from Scientific Publications Grant-in-aid (tp.)

  3    ‘Government Grant for Scientific Publications – Copy of Application Form sent to Royal Society – 13th June, 1952’. 3 leaves (tp.)

  4    D.C. Martin to WBF, 17 July – RS has awarded two grants from Scientific Publications Grant-in-aid: £150 for publications, £50 for library expenditure (tp. with autogr. note ‘Congratulations. Mr Fagg’)

  5    ‘Government Grant for Scientific Publications – Copy of Application Form sent to Royal Society – 15th June, 1953’ (tp.)

  6    14 June – [contains text to be included on RS application form] (tp. with autogr. corrections by WBF)

  7    D.C. Martin to WBF, 15 July – RS has awarded two grants from Scientific Publications Grant-in-aid: £150 for publications (not to be regarded as ‘annual subvention’), £50 for library expedenditure (tp.)

  8    ‘Government Grant for Scientific Publications – Copy of Application Form sent to Royal Society – 16th June, 1955’. 2 leaves (tp.)

  9    29 June – letter in support of the RAI’s application (tpc.) [probably from Prof. C.D. Darlington, Botany Dept., University of Oxford – see accompanying card /2/9.1]

 .1    Prof. Darlington’s card (printed)

 10    D.C. Martin to WBF, 14 July – RS has awarded two grants from Scientific Publications Grant-in-aid: £150 for publications, £100 for library expenditure (tp.)

 11    WBF to D.C. Martin, 19 June – writes to apply for grant in aid of the Library; outlines financial predicament of the Library; all purchases and all binding suspended due to retrenchments; hopes for a grant of £100 (tp., marked in pencil ‘spare’)

 12    D.C. Martin to WBF, 13 July – RS has awarded two grants from Scientific Publications Grant-in-aid: £300 for publications, £100 for library expenditure (tp.)

 13    27 July – ‘Notes on an Informal Meeting to discuss Publication and Sales Promotion of Scientific Journals (tp.)

 14    7 Dec. – ‘Minutes of Meeting to discuss Problems of Publication & Sales Promotion of Scientific Periodicals’. 2 leaves (tp.)

 15    C.M. Hutt, Pergamon Press, 16 Jan. – ‘Report on the Publications of the Royal Anthropological Institute’. 3 pages (tp.; Hutt’s address added in pencil)

 16    18 Feb. – ‘Notes of Meeting to discuss Problems of Publication and Sales Promotion of Periodicals of the Royal Anthropological Institute (tp.)

 17    D.C. Martin to MWS, 18 July – RS has awarded two grants from Scientific Publications Grant-in-aid: £400 for purpose set forth in application, £100 for support of Library (tp.)

 18    Joan Edwards, RAI Administrative Secretary, to the Secretary, RS, 5 Apr. – asks for copy of the application form (tpc.)

 19    15 June – ‘Government Grant for Scientific Publications’ – [contains text to be included on RS application form]. 5 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections); 3 leaves of additional corrected text of leaves 4 & 5 (tpc.)

 .1    RS application form. 4 pages (printed)

 .2    Ibid. (different dates). 4 pages (printed)

 20    D.C. Martin to [MWS], 14 July – RS has awarded two grants, one of £200, one of £100; refers to expectation that no further applications would be received from RAI (tp.)

 21    MWS to D.C. Martin, nd [acknowledged 25 Nov. see card, /2/21.1] – refers to letter of 16 July [not held]; lets him know present position regarding in particular staff salaries; points out that this year RAI is no applying for a grant in respect of publications (tpc.)

 .1    RS acknowledgment card (pc)

 22    D.C. Martin to MWS, 17 Dec. – RS has awarded grant of £200 from Libraries Assistance Grant-in-aid (tp.)

 23    nd, RS note enclosing cheque for £200 (printed and tp.)

 24    [MWS] to RAI Accountant, 6 Jan. – attaches RS cheque (tpc.)

 25    4 June – MWS to D.C. Martin, 4 June – makes application for grant-in-aid of Library; explains the rising costs of the Library; mentions the cataloguing of Sir Richard Burton’s library (tpc.)

 26    D.C. Martin to [MWS], 7 July – RS has not made an award from Scientific Publications Grant-in-aid; has awarded £200 from Libraries Assistance Grant-in-aid (tp.)

 27    A.H. Christie, RAI Hon. Secretary 1961-70, to D.C. Martin – has succeeded the late Dr Smith as Hon. Secretary; submits request for grant-in-aid of Library; explains financial position of Library; deficit is higher than in previous years; drive to establish Endowment Fund is under way (tpc.)

 28    D.C. Martin to [A.H. Christie], 13 July – RS has awarded grant of £200 from Libraries Assistance Grant-in-aid; this will be the final grant (tp.)

 29    nd, RS note enclosing cheque for £200 (printed and tp.)

 30    [A.H. Christie] to RAI Accountant, 26 July – attaches RS cheque (tpc.)

  3/    Correspondence concerning the Copyright Act, 1956

  1    Jan. 1957 – RS Information Services Committee, ‘Fair Copying Declaration and List of Publishing Organizations Subscribing to it’, 3rd edition. 15 pages (printed pamphlet)

 .1    March – D.C. Martin, cover note accompanying pamphlet (tp.)

 2    D.C. Martin to MWS, 7 Mar. – encloses draft with comments on proposed regulations made under terms of Copyright Act by the Board of Trade; RS invited to make comments on draft regulations; asks for any views to be sent by 16 Mar. (tp.)

 .1    RS, 13 Feb. – ‘The Copyright (Notice of Publications) Regulations, 1957’ made by Board of Trade, 2nd Draft [enclosed with /3/2] (tpc.)

 .2    RS, 21 Feb. – ‘The Copyright (Libraries) Regulations, 1957’ made by Board of Trade, 2nd Draft [enclosed with /3/2]. 3 leaves (tpc.)

 .3    RS, 7 Mar. – ‘Comments on Board of Trade Regulations for Photocopying under Copyright Act of 1956’
  3    MWS to C.C. Martin, 15 Mar. – raises some points in relation to RS comments, although not sure that they will be useful; asks for a copy of the RS’s Fair Copying Act (tpc.)

  4    D.C. Martin to MWS, 19 Mar. – is grateful for her letter of 15 Mar; encloses copy of pamphlet on Fair Copying Declaration (tp.)

  4/    1951 Scheme for Science Centre, South Bank – Correspondence 1957, 1958

  1    D.C. Martin to Lord Raglan, RAI President 1955-57, 14 Feb. 1957 – refers to reconsideration of 1951 Science Centre, South Bank, scheme; asks whether RAI is in favour of the scheme; in particular asks whether lack of accommodation hampers or will hamper the functions of RAI; suggests meeting (tp.)

 .1    RAI Accommodation Requirements extracted from report submitted to Ministry of Works in 1951 (tpc.)

  2    G.L. Brown [Sir Lindor Brown], RS Secretary, to J.A. Fraser Roberts, RAI President 1957-59, 23 Oct. 1958 – includes extract from Hansard, 30 July 1958, which makes plain the Government’s intention not to proceed with the plan to build a science centre on the South Bank; emphasises that the decision not to proceed was made independently of the RS; notes that the Scientific Societies Accommodation Committee will now be dissolved; emphasises the continuing support by RS of learned societies outside of Burlington House. 2 leaves (tp.)

  3    J.A. Fraser Roberts to Sir Lindor Brown, 4 Nov. – in response to his letter [/4/2] affirms RAI’s continuing interest in the general aims of the Scientific Societies Accommodation Committee; greatly appreciates the continued support from the RS (tpc.)

  5/   Ninth and Tenth Pacific Science Congresses, Correspondence 1957, 1961

  1    MWS to D.C. Martin, 9 July 1957 – refers to Anthropology and Social Sciences program [see /5/4] at the coming meeting of Ninth Pacific Science Congress in Bangkok; asks what representation has been arranged from UK (tpc.)

  2    D.C. Martin to MWS, 11 July – names the Delegates to the Pacific Science Congress; as Dr E.R. Leach is going as a contributor, consideration is being given to including him in RS delegation (tp.)

  3    A.R.M. Murray, Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, to MWS, 24 July – has heard from RS that Dr Leach will attend the Congress under their auspices; on possible financial support from the Colonial Office (tp. with autogr. note by MWS)

  4    Programme for Anthropology and Social Sciences at Ninth Pacific Science Congress, 18 Nov. -9 Dec. (tpc.)

  5    D.C. Martin to MWS, 8 Feb. 1961 – informs her of Tenth Pacific Science Congress to be held in Honolulu, 21 Aug.-5 Sept; RS will send delegates led by Sir Alister Hardy; refers to planned book exhibition; response to request for suitable publications disappointing; asks whether she can suggest any titles which might be included under Anthropology and Social Sciences (tp. with autogr. draft notes added in unknown hand)

 .1    7 Nov. 1960 – ibid. to members of Pacific Science Committee, enclosing circular regarding book exhibition (tpc.) [enclosed with /5/5]

 .2    19 Oct. 1960 – Pacific Science Committee circular on exhibit of publications at Tenth Pacific Science Congress (tpc.) [enclosed with /5/5]

 .3    List from British Museum (Natural History) of Pacific Science publications (tpc.) [enclosed with /5/5]

  6    [Joan Edwards] to D.C. Martin, 15 Feb. 1961 – informs him of MWS’s illness, hence her reply; attaches list of books; also includes articles from Man and Journal; RAI happy to provide copies (tpc.)

 .1    Lists of books and articles. 3 leaves (tpc.) [enclosed with /5/6]

  7    D.C. Martin to Joan Edwards, 17 Feb. – suggestion will be most useful; sends best wishes to MWS (tp.)

  8    Ibid. to RAI, 10 Apr. –gives general details about the Congress and the book exhibition; would like to include an article from the Journal; after the Congress the publications will be given to University of Hawaii or Bishop Museum, Honolulu; asks that RAI would make this gift (tp.)

  9    Joan Edwards to D.C. Martin, 11 Apr. – RAI happy to send the issue of the Journal, which will later be deposited in a library in Hawaii (tpc.)

  6/    Royal Society Tercentenary, July 1960

[The RAI’s congratulatory address in Latin was presented to the Royal Society on its tercentenary by Dr J.A. Fraser Roberts, Past President, on behalf of the President, Council and Fellows.]

  1    D.C. Martin to [Dr Audrey I. Richards], RAI President 1959-61, 25 Feb. 1960 – describes the celebration to take place in July; extends invitation to the opening ceremony; RS will be pleased to receive formal congratulatory messages, to be displayed on 18 July (tp.)

  2    MWS to D.C. Martin, 3 Mar. – will be in touch regarding the invitation; informs him that the RAI will present a formal message on 18 July (tpc.)

  3    Societati Regali Institutum Regale Anthropologicum salutem. July 1960. 22 in. [Another 5 copies, 3 signed, are stored in the map cabinet: Signed: Audrey I. Richards, Praeses; Marian W. Smith (A Secretis)]. See Report of the Council, July 1960 – June 1961, p. 1 and Man, July 1960, p. 97 for a copy of the address.

  4    Draft of the address [/6/3]. 2 leaves (tp)

  5    Another draft of the address [/6/3]. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)

  6    Another draft of the address [/6/3]. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)

  7    Another draft of the address [/6/3]. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections by John N. Dark)

 .1    John N. Dark to WBF, 9 July – explains some of the amendments he has made to the Latin address [/6/7]

  8    Draft of the address [/6/3]. 2 leaves (autogr. by WBF)

  9    Another draft of the address [/6/3]. 2 leaves (autogr. by WBF)

 10    19 July – programme for the formal opening ceremony (printed)

 11    22 July – programme for a premiere of films (printed)

 .1    Invitation card to a representative of the RAI to attend the premiere of films [see /6/11]

 12    25-29 July – programme for Tercentenary Celebrations Exhibition. 15 pages (printed)

  7/    Rating and Valuation Bill 1960-61

  1    RAI Hon. Treasurer to Secretaries of RS and British Academy, 18 Nov. 1960 – expresses support for the Committee set up to consider the Pritchard Report (tpc.)

  2    D.C. Martin to RAI, 13 Jan. 1961 – attaches document outlining action taken by RS/British Academy Committee dealing with Rating and Valuation Bill; suggests RAI might write in support, indicating what effect payment of rates would have on RAI’s activities (tp.)

  3    RS, nd – ‘Notes made by Joint Royal Society/British Academy Rating Committee in preparation of a Letter to the Minister for Science signed by Lord Adrian on 9 January 1961’; includes list of Committee members. 2 leaves (tp. circular)

  4    RAI Administrative Secretary to RAI Hon. Treasurer, 30 Jan. – gives information from Mr Smith of Rating Department concerning rateable value of RAI premises; outlines future charges should the Bill become law (tpc.)

  5    WBF to D.C. Martin, 1 Feb. – refers to note in The Times concerning Rating and Valuation Bill [see/7/8]; concerned that the note does not mention RAI; RAI has no direct contact with the House of Commons but past President Lord Raglan may be able to help (tpc. with autogr. note)

  6    Ibid. (tpc. with a different autogr. note)

  7    The Times, 30 Jan – ‘Rating under Review’; letters from John Fernald, RADA, and A.M. Alfred (newspaper cutting)

  8    Ibid., 1 Feb. – ‘Rates Exemption Move for Societies’ (newspaper cutting)

  9    Ibid., 10 Feb. – ‘”State should pay Societies’ Rates” / Proposed Change in Valuation Bill’ (newspaper cutting)

 10    [Ibid.?], 13 Feb. – ‘Rating of Learned Societies’, letter from C.F.A. Pantin, Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge (newspaper cutting)

 11    [Ibid.?], 24 Feb. – ibid., letter from H. Bondi, Royal Astronomical Society

 12    Secretaries of RS and British Academy to RAI, 6 June – refers to letters of 13 Dec. 1960 [not held] and 13 Jan. [/7/2]; report on delegation from RS and British Academy to Government ministers; ministers took the view that it would be wrong to amend the Bill; after the Bill becomes law the finances of learned societies should be reviewed; societies expected to try to seek relief from rating authorities; after revaluation of premises in 1962 committee intends to approach government again to show how increased rate will affect learned societies (tp. circular)

  8/    Miscellaneous 1952-60

  1    nd – ‘President of Royal Society re-elected’ (newspaper cutting) [Sir Cyril Hinshelwood was RS President 1955-60]

  2    E.J. Salisbury & D. Brunt, Secretaries, RS, to RAI, 12 Mar. 1952 – on rising cost of journals; on economy in the use of paper (tp. circular)

  3    19 June 1956 – list of ‘Fellows of the Institute who are also Fellows of the Royal Society’ (tp. with autogr. note)

  4    D.C. Martin to MWS, 5 Nov. 1957 – enclose notice concerning travelling expenses (tp.)

 .1    RS, nd – notice concerning travelling expenses [enclosed with /8/4] (tp. circular)

 .2    RS, nd – application form for travelling expenses [enclosed with /8/4] (printed)

  5    RS, Dec. 1958 – ‘Regulations of the Scientific Relief Fund’

  6    MWS to D.C. Martin, 4 June 1960 – seeks a grant towards publication of the proceedings of symposium on Domestication: Man and Cattle, held 24-26 May [see A134]; encloses programme and list of participants; cost of publication will be high; any help would be deeply appreciated (tpc.)