Abbie, Andrew Arthur “collection” (MS 423)

Home Archives & Manuscripts Manuscript Contents Abbie, Andrew Arthur “collection” (MS 423)

Letters and papers concerning the life and work of Professor Sir Grafton Elliot Smith (1871-1937), with additional material on the work of Professor A.A. Abbie and Dr Una Fielding. 1895-1969.

Various materials. Various sizes.

Handwritten, typewritten, printed, microfilm and photographs.

The British Library Manuscript collection and others hold correspondence and papers by/on GES.

Presented by Mrs Ruth Abbie, October 1977.

Contents :

/1 Correspondence from Sir Grafton Elliot Smith

/2 Elliot Smith papers varia

/3 Microfilm

/4 Elliot Smith fragmenta

/5 Elliot Smith and family correspondence to Andrew Arthur Abbie

/6 Obituaries

/7 Oration by Andrew Arthur Abbie

/8 A.A. Abbie correspondence

/9 Letters from Grafton Elliot Smith to Professor Dubois

/10 Dr Una Fielding: correspondence and papers

/11 Publications

/12 Miscellaneous material


AAA Andrew Arthur Abbie

KJA K.J. Andrews

RA Professor Raoul Anthony

RB Dr Robert Broom

GGC George G. Campion

DJC Professor Daniel John Cunningham

VMC V.M. Coppleson

ED Prof. Eugène Dubois

WRD Warren R. Dawson

WF Sir Walter Fletcher

AHG Dr Alan Henderson Gardiner

HBG Dr Henry Brougham Guppy

ACH Dr Alfred Cort Haddon

RH Dr Rendel Harris

WJ Dr Wilfrid Jackson

AK Sir Arthur Keith

SML Dr Sylvester Maxwell Lambert

CM Charles Marmoy

DAM Donald A. Mackenzie

NWGM Professor N.W.G. Macintosh

HJEP Harold John Edward Peake

WJP Dr William James Perry

WPP William Plane Pyecraft

RR Ralph Reader

WHRR Dr William Halse R. Rivers

CGS Professor Charles Gabriel Seligman

GES Sir Grafton Eliot Smith

WAS W.A. Selle

WT Sir William Turner

GV Mr Guthrie Vine

JTW Professor James Thomas Wilson

ASW Sir Arthur Smith Woodward

AJEC Alexander James Edward Cave

/1 Photocopies of the correspondence of Sir Grafton Elliot Smith, FRS, chiefly consisting of original letters to various correspondents made by me in 1937 when preparing to write my biography of Elliot Smith, with some original letters interspersed; 446 documents in all [signed] Warren R. Dawson. Transcribed by Warren R. Dawson. Numbered 1-661A, MS 423/1/26 unnumbered, photos. 25 x 20 cm. Handwritten unless stated otherwise. 1 p. unless stated otherwise. Descriptions abbreviated but principle points covered. Held as microfilm see MS 423/3/1

/1 Photocopy of a photograph of Grafton Elliot Smith by F.W. Schmidt, Manchester. Head and chest. 15 x 11 cm

/2 Professor Raoul Anthony (Paris), 18 letters, 1911-1935. Numbered 3-23


.1 GES to RA, 14 Nov. – acceptance and thanks for Prix Fauvelle nomination; will send papers for the Société d’Anthropologie de Paris; will visit him in Paris en route to Egypt

.2 Ibid., 11 Dec. – thanks for day in Paris; pleasure at work on comparative anatomy of the brain; date of next visit to Paris; requests compliments to M. Boule and view of skull brain-cast of Anoplotherium


.3 Ibid., 7 Jan. – regrets cannot visit Paris; delayed in Egypt; will return directly to Manchester

.4 Ibid., 28 Jan. – hopes to visit Paris at Easter to study brain of Anoplotherium; requests MSS of RA translation of GES paper on the Australian brain; cheque from Société d’Anthropologie de Paris to go to Manchester; will send papers to Dr Santa Maria

.5 Ibid., 11 Feb. – thanks fro completion of all requests in letter of 28 Jan.; informs of election as President of Anthropology section at the British Association

.6 Ibid., 3 June – requests 1000 separata extra; glad RA coming to Dundee meeting and will give paper

.7 Ibid., 29 July – receives résumés of RA and Dr Santa Maria; pleased to see La Quina brain; requests Chapelle aux Saints brain also; RA to speak in French; suggests lantern slides; enquires if GES note on Tasmanian brain published; invites RA to visit

.8 Ibid., 19 Aug. – discusses arrangements as hosts for Dundee meeting; regrets Chapelle aux Saints skull is unavailable; Prof. Keith to bring Gibraltar cast; will send sketches of sulci of Chapelle aux Saints skull for criticism. 2 leaves

.9 Ibid., 2 Oct. – posts specimen of Notorycties from Prof. Baldwin Spencer; requests brain of either Sirenian; thanks RA for efforts at Dundee; requests cast of La Quina brain

.10 Ibid., 21 Nov. – notes list of marsupilia requested by RA; almost impossible to get; requests replica or photograph of La Quina brain; tells of pre-Heidelberg skull found in England


.11 Ibid., 21 Mar. – apologizes for delay in replying due to excess work in medical school; delight at RA article in Journal of Anatomy which GES revised; acknowledges honour as corresponding member of the Ecole d’Anthropologie; will prepare article on brain of fossil man; has written on fossil skull found at Boskop; presented account of Talgai skull; discusses war effort of both


.12 Ibid., 15 June – thanks for lithograph of Sisyphus by Madame Anthony; sends summary for French translation


.13 Ibid., 6 Jan. – New Year greetings; memoir on Rhodesian and Piltdown brains not yet published


.14 Ibid., 30 June – introduces Dr Claire Weekes collecting lizard specimens in southern France; glad to have Professor Kiss visit


.15 Ibid., 19 May – acknowledges possibility of award of Legion d’Honneur; informs of pending knighthood in forthcoming birthday honours


.16 Ibid., 23 May – informs of appointment as RAI representative at tercentenary of National Museum of Natural History, Paris; regrets diabetic condition presents difficulties; presents address he would have given in Paris; requests advice on non-attendance

.17 Ibid., 17 June – regrets cannot attend Tricentenaire in Paris due to ill health

.18 Ibid., 14 Dec. – thanks for support in being offered a French honour; mentions cooperation with Laboratoire d’Anatomie Comparée in Paris; delighted with forthcoming visit of RA; sends Huxley lecture. 2 leaves

/3 Dr A.M. Blackman. 1 letter, 1918. Numbered 23-4

.1 GES to Dr A.M. Blackman, 27 July 1918 – thanks for article reprints; apologises for inability to send copy of Incense and Libations; congratulations on award of D. Litt.

/4 Dr Robert Broom, FRS, 37 letters, 1896-1930. 1 p., numbered 25-80


.1 GES to Dr Robert Broom (RB), 10 Mar. – requests head or brain of Miniopterus

.2 Ibid., 23 Mar. – requests bats’ heads; discusses preservation techniques; Dr Brown going ‘home’

.3 Ibid., 27 Mar. – thanks for head; will depart on S.S. Himalaya on 11 Apr.; affinities of cheiroptera; Hill studying placenta of bats; requests copies of all RB papers

.4 Ibid., 28 July – invites to London; news from Hill; requests reprints of papers

.5 Ibid., 30 July – acknowledges note

.6 Ibid., 18 Aug. – catching up on reading; brain material Royal College of Surgeons; unable to recover own papers; Nythosaurus brain-cast; papers for Journal of Anatomy; brains of Cheiroptera and Miniopteris [sic]. 2 leaves

.7 Ibid., 2 Sep. – paper for Journal of Anatomy; accepted as ‘Research student’, St John’s College, Cambridge; offer of frontal phalangista; wants bats’ brains. 2 leaves

.8 Ibid., 14 Sep. – thanks for publications; wants to see Jacobson’s organ work; sending paper on brain of Wilson’s platypus; corrected proofs for Journal of Anatomy and Physiology

.9 Ibid., 7 Oct. – letter sent on by Dr Proudfoot; started work in Laboratory; scraps of Australian bat brain and analysis; Miniopterus material; British bats; nervous system of Notoryctes; Cheiroptera; Selenka’s paper; advises against sending MS to QJMS. 2 leaves

.10 Ibid., 11 Dec. – phalanges of animals between 1 and 4 inches; wants Nyctophilus head; glad RB working with Beard; hears from Hill and Howes; reprints of Beard’s papers; date of departure for Africa; received proofs of Wilson and Hill’s memoir on dentition of Perameles


.11 Ibid., 5 June – thanks for specimens; MS of ‘Bibliography’ sent to Sir William Turner; coronoid discovery; chrysochloris; Hill arrival; Haswell and Howes elected FRS; reading paper at anatomical congress in Dublin

.12 Ibid., 3 Sep. – attends meeting in Montreal of the British Association and British Medical Association; travels in Canada; proofs of Jacobson’s Organ paper; will send Linnean paper; Chrysochloris brains; meeting in Dublin in June when Sir W. Turner praised Brown’s paper. 2 leaves

.13 Ibid., 12 Nov. – bony nodules of Chrysochloris skull; to consult Dr Gadow; will send Anat. Anzeiger; lecturing for Macalister; fornix of Nyctophilus; Howe’s paper on brain of Edentata; Brown proofs sent to Edinburgh; thanks for paper on the Organ of Jacobson in Marsupials; heads of Chryrsolchloris; technical methods for preservation of brain. 2 leaves

.14 Ibid., 30 Dec. – papers on marsupial development; Hill’s paper on placenta of Perameles; Ziehen’s monograph on Monotreme and Marsupial material; Leuhe of Stockholm acquires pregnant Chaeropus; osseous nodule in skull of Chrysochloria; Gadow comment; writing paper on central nervous system of Edentates; death of Jeffrey Parker in New Zealand. 2 leaves


.15 Ibid., 4 Feb. – paraffin work; celloidin embedding; skull of Chrysochloria and hyrax; work of Gadow; RB paper to Howes; sends reprint on Nyctophilus; Hill to return to Sydney; Haswell coming to UK; Haswell and Parker text book; Turner has not returned proofs of RB paper; International Zoological Congress in Cambridge; Howes interested in RB palaeontological work in South Africa; literature of Insectivora. 2 leaves

.16 Ibid., 7 Oct. – thanks for reprints; praises ‘O. of J.’ paper; RB leaving Garies; glad to have brain of Hyrax; finished Edentate brain paper; hopes to see RB in London

.17 Ibid., 30 Oct. – brain of Orycteropus or Manis; arrival of Anat. Anzeiger; wants paper on a fossil Orycteropus by Andrews of the British Museum; Smith Woodward’s book on palaeontology; best wishes for luck in South Africa


.18 Ibid., 20 Mar. – sends effusions on brains of Edentata and Monotramata; lacks S. African address; brain specimens of Hyrax; working on brain problems and some pathological work; favourable notices on ‘O. of J.’ paper. 2 leaves

.19 Ibid., 15 May – finds memoirs on fossil beasts; comments on Edentate paper; receives photograph

.20 Ibid., 26 Aug. – thanks for reprints; will look up literature as requested; brain of Hatteria; catalogue of brains at College of Surgeons


.21 Ibid., 28 Jan. – elected to Fellowship of St John’s College; moved rooms; lost list of references; requests another; bad news of events in South Africa; J.P. Hill married


.22 Ibid., 6 Sep. – Macroscelides brain; reading proofs of description of all mammalian brains in College of Surgeons; brain casts of mammals in British Museum and some Eocene cranial casts; brains of the Lemurs and fossils; Forsyth Major promises Malagasy insectivore brains; glad to have paleontological papers and shoulder girdle paper; leaves for Cairo; account of Boer experiences

.23 Ibid., 25 Dec. – receives Macroscelides brain; cerebral commissures; comparative sketches showing Metatherian likeness; requests permission to publish. 3 leaves, drawings


.24 Ibid., 15 May – receives three Macroscelides brains; bone-hunting in Upper Egypt; Andrews found new Ungulates, several Creodonts and new reptiles

.25 Ibid., 9 Sep. – Sydney in August; notes RB remarks on affinities of Lacertilia with Sphenodon; Howes published notes on Macroscelides without showing GES proofs; nothing Negroid about prehistoric people; discusses work of Wilson, Hill and Baldwin Spencer. 2 leaves

.26 Ibid., 5 Nov. – receives three latest RB memoirs; work on 64 cases of prehistoric remains from Upper Egypt with some 2000 year old brains; 38 drawings for Sphenodon paper; has cholera; RB conclusions of Lacertilian resemblances to Sphenodon; would like embryonic stages of lizards and ripe embryo of Zenurus; more work on Macroscelides. 2 leaves


.27 Ibid., 2 Mar. – sent Lemur brain paper; apologises for misspelt name; going to Upper Egypt to report historic and prehistoric burials; Andrews collecting in the desert; just ‘done’ brain of Zenglodon; seen latest RB paper. 2 leaves

.28 Ibid., 4 Apr. – receives reptilian embryos; Andrews bringing in Eocene mammalian; 1000 human skeletons from Upper Egypt; unrolled best preserved mummy of Thothines IV; trying for post in Dublin; dealing in antiquities of Grahamstown. 2 pp.


.29 Ibid., 9 Jan. – notes steam of RB literature; news via Osborn, Watson and Hill; awarded Royal Society medal; lecture in Portsmouth; control of lengthened limbs; three lectures given University of London; endless work at University of Manchester; RB visit to England; wants specimens for F. Wood Jones. 3 leaves

.30 Ibid., 3 Mar. – RB appointed Croonian lecturer of the Royal Society; work of Watson

.31 Ibid., 10 May – welcome to London; advice on Croonian lecture


.32 Ibid., 28 Feb. – remarks about Evanthropus; limited fossils at Manchester; glad of more

.33 Ibid., 24 Mar. – postcard; glad lecture done; send to Royal Society; off to examine in Glasgow


.34 Ibid., 8 June – congratulations to RB for admission to Royal Society; received papers; developing Institute of Anatomy at University College, London; been to America; hopes to make J.P. Hill Professor of Embryology, put Watson in Hill’s place; J.T. Wilson has Chair of Anatomy, Cambridge


.35 Ibid., 25 Nov. – RB reprint of Taungs skull; brain of Caenolestes; Miss Obenchain to send monograph; will contact Zoological Society re RB paper; comments on Orycteropus. 2 leaves. Originally typewritten


.36 Ibid., 11 Dec. – RB paper to Zoological Society; conclusions re Taungs skull


.37 Ibid., 22 May – requests RB support for election of Dart to Royal Society; pruning Dart’s manuscript; excellent RB appendix. Originally typewritten

/5 George Campion, L.D.S., 33 letters, 3 replies and 1 enclosure, 1921-1936 numbered 81-123


.1 GES to George G. Campion (GGC), 5 May – been in Holland; visited Rivers in Cambridge; will consider GGC view of Rivers

.2 Ibid., 14 Oct. – not free for a meeting at present; Rivers and GES advocating role of instinct and fighting ‘sense data’ concept; apologises for any offence

.3 Ibid., 4 Dec. – returns MSS with apologies for delay; overworked


.4 Ibid., 2 July – distressed at GGC hemiplegia; will write introduction to GGC book; will emphasize points of agreement and wider implications of new researches in neurology. Originally typewritten

.5 Ibid., 31 July – cannot write 100 pages for a volume in part-authorship as fully contracted to own publishers for a year; possibility of a brief note

.6 GGC to GES, 21 Oct. – 10th anniversary of hemiplegic attack; can now walk with a stick; wants two or three page note on relation of recent neural research; reading C.S. Myers’ lecture ‘The absurdity of any mind-body relation’; metaphysical smokescreen

.7 GES to GGC, 28 Oct. – encloses rough sketch of argument for comment

.8 Ibid., 8 Nov. – willing to write contribution to GGC volume in consideration of new discoveries in anatomy including knowledge on thalamus and hypothalamus; waiting for lead from GGC. Originally typewritten

.9 GGC to GES, 11 Nov. – story begins with final chapter of William James’ Textbook of Psychology; first expression of feeling of need of elements of thought and consciousness; appeared 20 years later in chapter in Some problems of Philosophy; Bergson showed concepts were not static; in 1923 Spearman noticed concepts varied the course of time; the GGC book and later paper on Organic growth of the concept as a fact of Intelligence; took 40 years to reach a simple proposition which squares with Heads’ Neural schema; leads to mental and physical minima as James desiderated; The Thalano-cortical circulation of neural impulse; further theories of effective elements from thalami and sub-thalamic organs. 3 leaves

.10 GES to GGC, 28 Nov. – intrigued with the problem; has assimilated the essential idea and is working on it

.11 Ibid., 30 Nov. – sends rough draft and sketches; needs further development; riveted interest in GGC illuminating idea on reading quoted papers; vision of coordinated work; will elaborate rough notes when GGC views received; will interpret process of conversion

.12 H.A. Harris to GGC, 20 Dec. – writes on GES behalf for inability to work for next few weeks; suffered a slight seizure affecting the left hand

.13 Ibid., 22 Dec. – conveyed wishes to GES; GES must not work for some weeks; Harris will help where he can


.14 GGC to GES, 29 June – notes received in November are great; real outline of neural processes in beginning of the psycho-genetic processes of man’s mind; known as ‘instincts’; sheds light on obscured universe of thought; ‘mind’ can be equated with ‘action’; Myres guilty of equating ‘mind’ with ‘life’; discusses Tylor and Alexander; interested in GES theory in relation to Head’s statement; long discussion of ‘neural schemata’, thalami and imagery; sent notes to Stopford for comment; will recompense cost of diagrams. 3 leaves

.15 GES to GGC, 6 July – requests return of his MSS with comments so he can continue revision

.16 Ibid., 19 July – acknowledges receipt of manuscript; thanks for sending book

.17 Ibid., 22 Sep. – thanks for gifts; protests book as conjoint affair; insists book is by GGC

.18 Ibid., 28 Nov. – thanks to GGC and Stopford; wants to see prologue; will write the discourse in case Nature wants it; finished afternoon talks


.19 Ibid., 1 Jan. – sends tickets for the Discourse; will return the Prologue; has not approached Ogden and sends Ogden address; accepts lunch invitation

.20 Ibid., 16 Jan. – hopes tickets from R.I. received; honing Discourse; glad Ogden contacted

.21 Ibid., 5 Feb. – regrets GGC illness; will publish revised paper as special supplement in Nature; will send reprint

.22 Nancy Williamson for GES to GGC, 25 Feb. – returns Prologue; will send copy of Evening Discourse in Nature; thanks for appreciation

.23 GES to GGC, 28 Feb. – sent three copies of Nature reprints and reprint for R.I.; diabetes diagnosed and going to hospital; will send Ogden agreement

.24 Ibid., 28 Mar. – has signed contract with Kegan Paul and informed Royal Institute; encloses letter from Harvey Cushing

.25 Ibid., 6 Apr. – wants Harvey Cushing’s letter and document; encloses R.I. permission for use of Discourse; contract with Kegan Paul

.26 Ibid., 4 May – accepted change of title suggested by Kegan Paul; rejects financial bargaining; has returned from hospital stay; requests GGC to send R.I. documents to Kegan Paul

.27 Ibid., 25 July – proofs returned; R.S.M. to deal with bibliography which has reliable bibliographer

.28 Ibid., 29 Aug. – encourages plan for Stopford to write for Manchester Guardian; GGC in Stratford

.29 Ibid., 13 Oct. – congratulations on publication by Kegan Paul; copies to R.I. and U.C.L.; gives list for review copies; supposes Times Literary Supplement will slang GES contribution

.30 Ibid., 2 Dec. – review by Pear disregarded by M.G.; had interview with Morning Post over President of Royal Society’s reference to Adrian’s demonstration of currents in the brain; showed reporter the book and GES view


.31 Ibid., 9 Jan. – received enclosure from Brash; requests copy of book to Dorothy Davison who provided the diagrams; notes ungenerous comments of TLS; Stopford’s Vice Chancellorship

.32 Ibid., 20 Feb. – discusses reviews including one by Richard Berry in Eugenic Review; badgered by the Press

.33 Ibid., 25 Feb. – returns gratifying review; decries Berry’s review in Eugenic Review and criticizes Berry’s quality

.34 Ibid., 13 Apr. – sends an American reaction; gives Polish gentleman GGC address to send evidence of plagiarism; encloses letter from David Sherdowsky to GES, 4 Apr. 1935 – has read The natural history of thought which is theory similar to own; behaviourology theory; suggest GES read E.J. Kenepf’s book; wants GGC address. 2 leaves

.35 Ibid., 1 July – accepts lunch invitation; wanted to go to Manchester dinner in Stopford’s honour but forbidden by doctor; embarrassed by having to refuse

.36 Ibid., 18 Sep. – been in hospital again; Kegan Paul muddling charges and accounts

.37 Ibid., 1 Nov. – approves suggested reply to a review; wonders if comment is worthwhile


.38 Ibid., 21 Feb. – man from Holland; wants to see David Sherbowsky notes and Myers’ criticism; notice by Lydiard Horton of Neural Basic to be sent but not received; demonstrating neurology

/6 Professor D.J. Cunningham, 1 letter (original) 1907, 1 reply 1909. Numbered 124-128

.1 GES to Prof. Daniel John Cunningham (DJC), 19 Dec. 1907 – returned from Nubia; Neill & Co want proofs returned; has put first part in order; wants figures 13 and 15 from part two inserted; withdraws comments on illustrations; wants fig. 9 on glazed paper. 3 leaves (copy of original letter)

.2 DJC to GES, 4 Mar. 1909 – sends confidential information that chair of Anatomy at Manchester University is vacant; to be elected by process of selection; suggests letter to Prof. Macalister to promote GES interests; extends invitation for visit to Helouan near Cairo. 2 leaves

/7 Sir Walter Fletcher, 1 letter [1925?] numbered 129-132

.1 GES to Sir Walter Fletcher, [possibly Jan. 1926?] – extensive tour of the Pacific by Embree, newly appointed head of Human Biology Dept. at Rockefeller Foundation; parlous state of anthropology in Oxford and Cambridge; Haddon’s resignation from Cambridge; enthuses on prospect of promoting A.V. [sic] Deacon to be in charge at Cambridge; gives encomium of Deacon’s career; will report on progress after Embree meetings. 3 leaves. Typewritten

/8 Dr Alan Gardiner, 17 letters 1911-1934, numbered 133-156


.1 GES to Dr Alan Henderson Gardiner (AHG), 29 Dec. – sorry to have missed him in Egypt; asks if he will consider Professorship of Egyptology in Manchester; if agrees gives addresses


.2 Ibid., 30 Jan. – glad of AHG visit in Manchester; invites AHG to reception of Classical Association to meet all important University and City people

.3 Ibid., 19 Feb. – information re the eating of mice; queries a meaning of liver from Turin papyrus paper for journal

.4 Ibid., 11 Mar. – Hogg’s death caused GES work on Journal of the Oriental Society; appointment to staff before Senate; suggests title of ‘Reader’ or ‘Lecturer’ rather than Professor; requests lecture to Oriental Society on subject of AHG choice; would like pictures from Theban tombs shown at the Royal Society Soirée. 2 leaves

.5 Ibid., 4 Apr. – delighted to have AHG at Manchester; Royal Society accepts pictures for soirée and suggests raising campaign for Theban tombs; GES President of Anthropological Section of the British Association meeting at Dundee where Reisner, Quibell and Firth will speak; requests 500 words on Theban tombs for the meeting; Burrows in Athens; thanks for generosity to Manchester Oriental Society


.6 Ibid., 18 Feb. – requests publication source of Life and Death; do Egyptians attach significance to stone seats or thrones; use of stone seats by tribes influenced by Egypt important; were early Egyptians aware of sexual intercourse resulting in propagation of children; Hebrew literature does not recognise this till late; how did uraeus become adopted as token of royalty; association of sun and serpent

.7 Ibid., 3 Mar. – remarks of Maspero; Reutter’s book; Reisner’s Boston Bulletin; sends address of John Cooke, artist

.8 Ibid., 22 Mar. – sends de Reutter and Reisner; wants comment on Egyptian inscriptions; similarities of Nahua and Egyptian funerary rites

.9 Ibid., 2 May – thanks for book which has direct bearing on GES work; unable to make much progress due to staff losses

.10 Ibid., 4 Aug. – discusses statue-making and mummification; date correction; knowledge of art of writing; working as a physician treating nerve shock in military hospital; dream-states. 2 leaves


.11 Ibid., 15 May – Robert Mond to contact re Miss Davison painting of Theban tombs; taken charge of John Leigh Memorial Hospital treating shell-shock

.12 Ibid., 22 Nov. – apologises for inability to render financial aid; Jesse Howorth subscription; psychological analysis of ancient myths; mistakes by philologists; writing book The story of the flood; studying Destruction of mankind. 2 leaves


.13 Ibid., 11 Dec. – to impress on Lord Carnarvon the importance of technique of embalming of mummies in Tutankhamen tomb; plea for x-rays if royal mummies not unwrapped; stresses importance of find

.14 Ibid., 21 Dec. – lunching with Lythgoe; wants to see Carnarvon; sends C.S. Myers’ address


.15 Ibid., 6 June – pleads for Tutankhamen’s royal mummies to be studied by competent anatomist which Carter’s choice, Derry, is not; essential to adequately examine by modern methods; the royal mummies in Cairo Museum; will expose Derry’s incompetence at Public Discourse to the British Association. 2 leaves

.16 Ibid., 13 June – expresses disappointment with arrangements for study of mummies by, and relationship with, Carnarvon, Carter, Lythgoe and Petrie; British Association requested GES to give account of scientific work on mummies without knowing he was excluded; discusses association with the press; attempts to help have been misunderstood so will cease work on Egyptology. 3 leaves


.17 Ibid., 6 June 1934 – acknowledges congratulation on Birthday Honours; overwhelmed by expressions of friendship; happy with recall of AHG collaborator from Philadelphia by Oxford

/9 Dr Henry Guppy (John Rylands Librarian), 41 letters 1915-1934, numbered 157-200


.1 GES to Dr Henry Brougham Guppy (HBG), 20 Feb. – lists books for reading at forthcoming visit

.2 Ibid., [15 Mar.] – changes title of lecture to ‘The influence of ancient Egypt in the Far East’

.3 Ibid., 27 Apr. – introduces W.J. Perry

.4 Ibid., 7 July – will give next lecture with lantern slides ‘The influence of the Egyptian practice of mummification in the history of civilization’ or ‘Mummies and temples’

.5 Ibid., 28 Aug. – work caused delay of completion of MSS; will post Monday next

.6 Ibid., 18 Sep. – sends MSS in rough form; offers illustrations later

.7 Ibid., 8 Oct. – apologises for crudity of sketches; will add further drawings

.8 Ibid., 14 Oct. – requests illustration made into special plates


.9 Ibid., 16 Feb. – considers stiff covers for published lecture; asks for 50-60 copies unbound; suggests binding with this year’s lecture in one volume

.10 Ibid., 22 Feb. – acknowledges suggestion not possible; agrees last year’s lecture issued in stiff covers. Originally typewritten


.11 Ibid., 19 Feb. – MSS delayed; hopes to send in fortnight; suggests Perry for lecture on war and civilization; offers to give up own lecture in favour of Perry

.12 Ibid., 21 Feb. – thanks for agreeing to Perry lecturing on war and delaying MSS; discusses theories of warfare

.13 Ibid., 1 July – thanks for reading MSS; offers to reduce size by 40-50 pages for Bulletin; going to Scotland then will rework MSS; will keep dates for own lecture and Perry’s; search for a book

.14 Ibid., 5 July – confirms description as W.J. Perry, British Association

.15 Ibid., 12 July – nearly finished MSS revision; has to go away for two weeks; MSS return delayed

.16 Ibid., 8 Aug. – reduced MSS by 30 pages; if more required will prune in slip proof; will send MS of Dragons and Aphrodite when required

.17 Ibid., 18 Sep. – requests library subscribe to Journal of the Polynesian Society and back issues. 2 leaves

.18 Ibid., 15 Oct. – agrees to preside over apple celebration and Dr Rendel Harris’s entertainment


.19 Ibid., 18 Jan. – confirms Rest days by Hutton Webster should be in library; bringing MSS on visit to library next week

.20 Ibid., 25 Mar. – will send reduced Dragon MS; would like third lecture included; suggests two lecture volume be titled Gods and dragons; Birth of Aphrodite could appear later; away for two weeks; give Dr Mingana or Dr Rendel Harris information on seven headed dragon; will send maps, diagrams, negatives and corrected text of Incense and libations

.21 Ibid., 14 Apr. – sends revised proofs of Dragons and Rain Gods; will write legends for plates; will send copy of Incense and libations and The birth of Aphrodite; joint volume to be called The evolution of the dragon; Dr Rivers delighted with his lecture at the Library

.22 Ibid., 8 June – requests HBG number plates; will finish Aphrodite MSS

.23 Ibid., 24 July – home after three months away; returns proofs and thanks for patience; still working on Aphrodite; glad Rivers will lecture again

.24 Ibid., 27 July – address in November called The meaning of myths without lantern slides; has completed MS of The birth of Aphrodite [sent 13 Aug.]

.25 Ibid., 24 Aug. – delivered MS of Aphrodite; will write lecture before delivery; suggests archaeological report for John Rylands Library

.26 Ibid., 10 Sep. – visiting Dr Rivers; wants proof of Dragons for Dr Rivers; thanks for acquiring Biologia Centrali-Americana

.27 Ibid., 24 Sep.-23 Dec. – letters re proofs [listed by date only without text]

.28 Ibid., 9 Dec. – sends MSS of preface to Dragons; includes new reference on ‘fravishis’

.29 Ibid., 23 Dec. – corrections to proofs agreed; thanks for forbearance


.30 Ibid., 28 Apr. – sends letter from Professor of Sinology, University of Leiden re Evolution of the dragon

.31 Ibid., 1 May – corrected proofs returned; informs of honours conferred on Dr Rivers; regretfully refuses lecture in November due to uncertain circumstances; suggests Mr Pear as good lecturer on psychological subjects

.32 Ibid., 5 June – requests copy of Evolution of the dragon for J.S. Harry Hirtzel, Bruxelles; attended conference in Cambridge


.33 Ibid., 18 Oct. – asks for copy of John Rylands Catalogue of Coptic Papyri as gift or loan; conveys gratitude of Hof. Bibliothek to HBG

.34 Ibid., 17 Nov. – has been approached by Methuen to rearrange and rewrite Evolution of the dragon; asks copyright implications; requests unbound copies for rearrangement

.35 Ibid., 27 Nov. – agrees new introduction and final chapter would suffice; requests 400 copies be released to a publisher

.36 Ibid., 10 Dec. – thanks for two copies; Methuen will not proceed while John Rylands holds 500 copies; new edition will have to wait till present edition is exhausted

.37 Ibid., 26 Dec. – preparing book of Fitzpatrick Lectures by Dr Rivers at Royal College of Physicians, 1916-17; asks permission to include Mind and medicine lecture by Rivers delivered at John Rylands; Oxford and Cambridge University Presses have agreed


.38 Ibid., 28 Oct. – asks if copies of Evolution of the dragon exist – Note by HBG: 70 copies …

.39 Ibid., 5 Nov. – negotiations concerning reduces cost of remainder of The evolution of the dragon with examples of other publishers’ reductions


.40 Ibid., 4 Aug. – requests copy of Dr Mingana’s The early spread of Christianity … for lectures GES giving in Peking


.41 Ibid., 28 Aug. – thanks for kind mention in Bull. J.R.L.; requests Moulton volume be sent

.42 Ibid., [31 Aug.] – thanks for Moulton memorial articles

/10 Dr A.C. Haddon FRS, 2 letters and 3 replies 1911-1932, numbered 201-207


.1 Dr Alfred Cort Haddon (ACH) to GES, 1 Dec. – Miss Whitehouse to assist GES with proposed book; doubts Algerian dolmens do not date from Bronze Age; wants daughter Kathleen to work on recently found collection of mummified dogs


.2 GES to ACH, 13 Nov. – regrets missed meeting at tea; urged Prime Minister of Australia to establish Chair of Anthropology at University of Sydney; suggested A. Radcliffe Brown for the job; hopes Rockefeller Foundation will help with fieldwork in Australia


.3 ACH to GES, 18 Oct. – thanks for copy of letter to High Commissioner for Australia; busy with future of Ethnological Department in University of Sydney; Radcliffe Brown has antagonised members of University of Sydney; has done little fieldwork and reportedly he has not supported impressive fieldwork of assistants, Powdermaker, Firth, Elton, Hart Melville, McConnel; Radcliffe Brown started Oceania and organised training of cadets and officers for Papua New Guinea; disappointment at Radcliffe Brown leaving Australia; failure to develop ethnology in Sydney; Radcliffe Brown left through ill health and need to write books; will attend RAI meeting. 2 leaves

.4 GES to ACH, 19 Oct. – reports Bruce has written to Prime Minister in Canberra to save Anthropology Department in Sydney; GES wrote to Senate at Sydney University to support anthropology and Elkin for the chair; regrets Radcliffe Brown did not secure support in the University and perceived attitude to fieldwork. Originally typewritten

.5 ACH to Registrar, University of Sydney, 23 Oct. – requests letter placed before Senate; uneasy about future of Dept. of Anthropology; praises valuable expeditions from the Department; enters plea to keep Dept. of Anthropology going with help from Rockefeller Foundation

/11 Dr Rendel Harris, 1 letter 1922, numbered 208-209

.1 GES to Dr Rendel Harris, 20 Jan. 1922 – informs in contact with Prof. Netolitzky; requests Dr Harris send copy of book Ascent of Olympus with reference to use of mice. Originally typewritten

/12 Dr Wilfrid Jackson, 4 letters and 1 reply 1919-1932, numbered 210-215


.1 GES to Dr Wilfrid Jackson (WJ), 11 Nov. – refers to occurrence of white around pupil of human eye in different races as discussed at RAI; sent a copy of WJ book to Mr C.E. Fox, Solomon Is., who has collection of shell customs and beliefs


.2 Ibid., 10 Jan. – encourages work relating to distribution of pearls in various countries; requests lantern slides from journals and gives list


.3 Ibid., 27 Oct. – writing review in Nature of work by Dr Inbelloni; requests views on the Manchester School; note from WJ re journal reference


.4 WJ to GES, 29 Aug. – discusses dental mutilation; quotes references

.5 GES to WJ, 30 Aug. – thanks for reminder of forgotten facts; reassesses notes

/13 Sir Arthur Keith FRS, 18 letters (original) and 2 replies 1907-1934, numbered 216-261A


.1 GES to AK, 3 Dec. – discusses health; thanks for work of Wood Jones in Nubia; Reisner is irritating and is only accurate archaeologist; disappointed that Shattock is to succeed Stewart; would have liked post himself; will try for Glasgow; reflects on his teaching work in Egypt; will take any available teaching job in Great Britain; will take news to Wood Jones. 8 leaves. GES handwriting

.2 Ibid., 27 Dec. – glad AK is applying for conservatorship of Hunterian collection and hopes will defeat Shattock; GES may apply himself; Wood Jones leaving and hopes he will work on comparative problems; asks AK to hunt for a replacement; asks AK as editor for MS submitted to J. Anat be acknowledged by postcard; values not to be placed on proof parcels; editor to use discretion re illustrations to save costs; hopes to start scientific journal in Cairo. 8 leaves. GES handwriting

.3 Ibid., nd – GES application for Conservator of Museum of Royal College of Surgeons. 2 leaves. Printed, GES handwriting


.4 Ibid., 17 Feb. – congratulates AK on appointment as Conservator at RCS; informs he has missed post at Glasgow; praises work of Wood Jones. 3 leaves. GES handwriting

.5 Ibid., 26 Feb. – thanks for information re job at the London, but not enough salary; Wood Jones standing; Glasgow post uncertainties. 3 leaves. GES handwriting

.6 Ibid., 28 Mar. – Wood Jones has returned for a month; hopes to keep him for Nubian Expedition work at RCS; giving all pathological side to Wood Jones; hopes Nubian pathological specimens are presented to RCS Museum; asks if donation can be shown at annual exhibition; hopes to share anthropological and domestic animal material. 5 leaves. GES handwriting


.7 AK to GES, 2 Dec. – describes anatomy of Sussex woman’s skull and reconstruction by Barlow. 2 leaves. Transcribed


.8 GES to AK, 26 Nov. – Hunter wants plates added to Potts’ paper for the Journal; pleased Barclay-Smith is not resigning as Secretary. Typewritten

.9 Ibid., 12 Dec. – passed token of appreciation to Mrs Hunter; refers to loss of Johnnie Hunter; will he write piece for Nature. 2 leaves

.10 Ibid., 24 Dec. – thanks for notice in Nature; GES has written obituaries in The Lancet and BMJ; praises Hunter; expense of Potts’ plates and Bosch fund; proposes Hunter memorial volume and wants use of blocks; Wilson and Stopford propose a committee for memorial fund; shocked by Hunter’s death; names various people carrying on his important work

.11 Ibid., 24 Dec. – regrets American College of Surgeons has usurped Hunter’s work in surgery, gynaecology and obstetrics


.12 Ibid., 17 Aug. – will help meeting at Leeds; ideas on cortical function; physiologists neglecting structure and phylogeny; full discussion of the diffusion of culture next summer. 2 leaves

.13 GES to Lady Keith, 5 Nov. – regrets AK unwell; passes on regret at AK’s absence by various people; Latimer in Southern Sudan recovering from Malaria. 2 leaves


.14 AK to GES, 12 Apr. – Miss Tildesley has found British Association report of 1912 and is looking for Sakara mummy; thanks for J. of Egyptian Archaeology. Transcribed


.15 GES to AK, 11 May – received letter from President of Rockefeller Foundation and Director of China Medical Board asking to send representatives to AK to wind up research in Peking caused by death of Davidson Black; proposes Solly Zuckerman; GES coping with diabetes. 3 leaves

.16 Ibid., 24 May – received visit from Drs Tisdale and O’Brien and decided Wood Jones should be allowed to continue work uninterrupted; agreed to persuade Zuckerman to devote two years to Peking; will report to Rockefeller Foundation; letter from Davidson Black; discusses future of his children in Peking; discusses health. 2 leaves. Typewritten

.17 Ibid., 4 June – thanks for congratulations on honour; had visit from Alan Gregg, Rockefeller Foundation, and they will look after finances of Mrs Davidson Black; praises Freddie. 2 leaves

.18 Ibid., 15 Oct. – letter of condolence for loss of Celia and attendance at funeral. 2 leaves

.19 Ibid., 28 Dec. – notes J. of Anatomy recognition of AK work; son Arthur working in Buckston Brown laboratories; asks for help with results of Steniach II operation. 2 leaves

/14 Dr Lambert, 1 draft letter (original) 1936, numbered 262-264

.1 GES to Dr S.M. Lambert, 10 Feb. 1936 – notified people and culture of people of Rennell and Bellona are facing extinction; GES, Chairman of International Standing Committee for Preservation of Nature in the Pacific, will invite Dr Peter Buck to investigate and report to next meeting of the Pacific Science Congress. 2 leaves (copy of original letter)

/15 Donald A. Mackenzie, 14 letters 1917-1932, numbered 265-285


.1 GES to Donald A. Mackenzie (DAM), 25 July – thanks for notes; sends notes from himself and Blackies from Piltdown

.2 Ibid., 30 July – thanks for further notes; warns against Frazerism in argument; discusses Egyptian painting of New Empire with use of grey and green; green colour related to death. 2 leaves


.3 Ibid., 2 Sep. – colour symbolism; discussion of green; approves MS and suggests amendments; warns Psychology of all races is disappointing; Rendel Harris stirred by letter

.4 Ibid., 14 Sep. – comments on a book on Pupul Vuh and creation which mentions green


.5 Ibid., 18 May – received book History of America; son stirred by glorious idea; going to see Rivers in Cambridge

.6 Ibid., 15 June – mourns death of Rivers; has searched through proofs; DAM encouraging GES son to learn typewriting for journalism career; second sight experience; article to appear in Illustrated London News; describes manner of Rivers’ death. 2 leaves

.7 Ibid., 29 Dec. – discovery of Tutankhamen’s tomb; prepared new edition of The ancient Egyptians; impressed by Colour symbolism; R.A.S. Macalister is not a heavy-weight; Professor Grierson’s interest in DAM; requests hotel booking for forthcoming Edinburgh visit. 2 leaves


.8 Ibid., 2 May – thanks for notice of book; looks forward to publication of DAM books; reviewing Dixon’s nonsensical book; brochure on Tutankhamen to appear; has written article for Wonders of the past; announcement of Perry’s book; wants him to go to Pan-Pacific Conference in Sydney; will teach at University of California

.9 Ibid., 24 Dec. – congratulates DAM on two splendid volumes and thanks for their gift


.10 Ibid., 24 June – thanks for DAM book and offers congratulations; used slides of Gunderstrup bowl for 1917 Ryland lecture but omitted it from The evolution of the dragon; criticism of M; In the beginning published next week; Perry to write a book. 2 leaves


.11 Ibid., 16 Feb. – book has received critical reviews in America; Marett and Oxford will also criticise; praises DAM book on American myths; looks forward to Polynesia and Scottish themes; deplores work of Lewis Spence by p. 341 on totem as placenta important; London anthropologists becoming amenable; awarded Gold Medal of Royal College of Surgeons; wishes DAM presence in London. 2 leaves

.12 Ibid., 3 Mar. – thanks for quotations; conversion of Gordon Childe who quotes GES and DAM views as own; Observer has Human history as bestseller

.13 Ibid., 8 Mar. – going to Glasgow for a lecture; eulogising article from Sydney on Gordon Childe discussed; Perry resumed work in South Africa; discusses Hocart; good review in Jewish Guardian. 2 leaves


.14 Ibid., 26 Sep. – Dawson entertained by Cambridge Ancient History; GES and Perry reference to it aroused reaction; has sent of MS of The diffusion of culture which consists of analysis of writings of Robertson, Prescott and Tyler; has been re-reading DAM books on myths and suggests a general conclusion volume

/16 Harold J.E. Peake, 2 letters and 1 reply 1926, numbered 286-291


.1 GES to Harold John Edward Peake (HJEP), 13 Nov. – Gompertz showed HJEP document on Reisner Expedition in Upper Egypt which throws doubt on date of cemetery; long discussion on cemetery excavation and findings; surprise at statement that culture came from Syria to Egypt in middle pre-dynastic; Syria and Mesopotamia had no trace of civilization till six centuries later. 4 leaves. Typewritten

.2 HJEP to GES, 15 Nov. – Gompertz document is an MS not for publication; contains extracts and points for further enquiry; declares his cause is to ascertain truth; has not consulted survey of Nubia. Typewritten

.3 GES to HJEP, 17 Nov. – sorry for using ‘cause’ rather than ‘attitude’; concerned by repression of Egyptian evidence and speculations about Syria; GES is to discuss psychological phenomenon in forthcoming book; topic needs clear thinking. Typewritten

/17 Dr W.J. Perry, 147 [148] letters 1914-1918, numbered 292-473


.1 GES to Dr William James Perry (WJP), 30 Nov. – would like to see work on megaliths


.2 Ibid., 5 Jan. – interested in work from Oldham and Brockwell; GES working on Piltdown; ‘heliolithic’ folk in Punjab; Masters’ appreciation of racial features of statues; Dr Zwaan’s book

.3 Ibid., 7 Jan. – discusses Donald Mackenzie’s Indian myth and legend, p. xxx; influence of Egypt on India and Mesopotamia in India. Originally typewritten

.4 Ibid., 26 Jan. – sends part of WJP MSS; will send Brockwell’s letter

.5 Ibid., 1 Feb. – returns rest of MSS and two books; book on phallism; WJP MSS convincing and a complement to Rivers’ work

.6 Ibid., 3 Feb. – sent Sun and serpent to Brockwell; will lecture Oriental Society and Rylands Library; Journal of Ethnological Society 1869-70 full of interest; stone seats

.7 Ibid., 5 Feb. – received interesting document; mammae on megalithic monuments; early numbers of J. Anthrop. Inst. crammed with interesting material; present work futile; WJP work will link up channels of material

.8 Ibid., 8 Feb. – forwarded letter to Harold Cox; regrets WJP did not review Rivers; excellent article on Lot’s wife; Brockwell’s concept of sexual intercourse in Old Testament incorrect; Rivers’ Melanesian work fits; GES has information on mummifying, tattooing, ear-piercing, massage and circumcision in megalithic area; Canary Is. practiced Egyptian embalming; local chief sits on stone seat

.9 Ibid., 10 Feb. – Rylands lecture to be published; discussion re circumcision, incision, Rivers’ work and stone burial; agrees scheme for conjoint work; collecting maps for distribution of subjects [as letter 8 Feb. 1915]; Burmese syncretism; Hodson’s work on mummification in Assam; Rendall Harris work; Nias people status with Egyptian chin tuft beards. 2 leaves

.10 Ibid., 15 Feb. – returns MSS and Brockwell; conjoint work process; history of massage and chin-tattooing; stone seat in Nature; received MSS from Hocart

.11 Ibid., 15 Feb. – discusses Grant Allen’s Evolution of the idea of god; lecturing at Literary & Philosophical Society and will be published

.12 Ibid., 18 Feb. – Harold Cox comment; Oriental Society lecture success; Frazer to reconsider his position; Rivers’ book; new Egyptian evidence of treatment of the head and incision; chain of mummification from Egypt to Peru is complete; fruitful reading of history of the Phoenicians; early Mediterranean wanderers of same physical type as Polynesians as canoes also. 1 drawing. 2 leaves

.13 Ibid., 27 Feb. – lecture on mummies at Literary & Philosophical Society; research on boats, drinks, beds and more; paper on cult of Dionysos by J. Rendel Harris; serpent and sun in Egypt; wants WJP opinion of Rivers or Hocart for Professorship of Comparative Religion. 2 leaves

.14 Ibid., 8 Mar. – sends abstract of mummy paper; important material found in London; Frazer and ethnologists in error re Osiris; recruited Dr Alan Gardiner for Egyptian funerary beliefs

.15 Ibid., 16 Mar. – Phoenicians in Giza population; intrusions into Central America after heliolithic pioneers; Zimbabwe Phoenician story; Irish mythological cycle. 2 leaves

.16 Ibid., 22 Mar. – returns fatuous letter; suggests discussion with Seligman, WJP, Hocart and Rivers; finishing MS with time-table of flow of people from Egypt; pre-Aztec funerary ritual account matches Egyptian one; wanderers pack up XXI Dyn. C. 900 BC; telephone call from Haddon. 2 leaves

.17 Ibid., 1 Apr. – working on Mummy MS; expects onslaught post publication; Rivers found dolmens in Melanesia; nothing from Seligman

.18 Ibid., 7 Apr. – sent off MSS; will improve map; Piltdown skull; contemplates simple narrative on heliolithic migration. 2 leaves

.19 Ibid., 11 Apr. – Spence a stimulus; suggests reading Bancroft’s 5 volumes and early volumes of Anthropological Institute; MS at printers; evidence from Piltdown research; snake and crocodile connections; Zwaan review in Man

.20 Ibid., 15 Apr. – interesting theory in J. Walter Fewkes, Ridgeway essay, Zelia Nuttall, L’Anthropologie; Egyptian seats evidence on monuments, also Babylonia; sun and serpent associations; Alan Gardiner on Egyptian notions of death. 2 leaves

.21 Ibid., 9 May – grant dilemma affecting Rivers and work scheme of WJP and Cambridge; awaiting proofs; reads Ezekiel; will deal with terrace cultivation and stone seats at British Association; nothing from Seligman. 2 leaves

.22 Ibid., 17 May – sends Crooke’s address; interest in Bombay Anthrop. Soc. J.; Seligman and Joyce hopeless; Rivers informs WJP migration postponed but will visit; irrigation distribution hopeful; Rivers objects to term ‘heliolithic’; sent maps to Joyce

.23 Ibid., 18 May – multi-source references to pearls; proofs received; regrets necessary condensing; young American ethnologists influenced with ideas in Melanesian society

.24 Ibid., 22 May – Nuttall’s paper; pearl references; will present scheme and distribution maps to British Association; sent bombshell article to Science ‘on the origin of the pre-Columbian civilization of America’; likes WJP gold and pearl motive; will present theory to Eugenic Association

.25 Ibid., 23 May – theories of Phoenicians as distributors and traders which Rawlinson and Rivers agree; evidence from mines and previous stones; proofs sent; query writing a primer Ancient mariners. 2 leaves

.26 Ibid., 24 May – received instructive maps; discusses Rawlinson; Phoenicians went everywhere but set up colonies for loot hence heliolithic widespread; wants book on symbolism; tackle Gowland re Japan, Korea and China. 2 leaves

.27 Ibid., 26 May – wants Zelia Nuttall’s papers; outline plan for Ancient mariners; journals have a lot on mines, metals, precious stones; working on Piltdown

.28 Ibid., 29 May – Rivers thinks distribution of megaliths and mines needs adjustment; position of Arthur Evans & co on Minoans and Myceneans; Mediterranean complex

.29 Ibid., 6 June – Zelia Nuttall’s article links with own work including swastika; navigation and philological connections

.30 Ibid., 11 June – Manchester University politics; British Association lecture showing Perry’s map and general evidence; WJP to deal with Heavenly Twins, Loot Motive, &c; proofs to Seligman

.31 Ibid., 15 June – not yet studied maps; WJP assured on latest findings which will be contentious; Rivers’ interest; slides and maps

.32 Ibid., 18 June – Siret’s articles; proofs sent; finishing Piltdown; stonework more recent than accepted by Oxford

.33 Ibid., 25 June – details of argument to Seligman; notes on afterbirth; question of ashes; bleeding bows; fire-squirts, &c carried East by heliolithic people; western spread of iron, mining and smelting; Frazer’s information; sketched scheme of Ancient mariners to University Press; George Unwin, Professor of Economic History has vast knowledge of trading for WJP to tap. 2 leaves

.34 Ibid., 26 June – splendid material on Colchians and will ask Unwin; discusses proofs

.35 Ibid., 3 July – useful book on lake dwellings; Hornell’s book links Mediterranean with Indonesia and American and his distribution in India, Assam and Tibet agrees with map; uses of shell connected with sun-worship &c

.36 Ibid., 19 July – Reuther’s book on mummification fits Canary Islands; The dawn of history by J.L. Myres useful

.37 Ibid., 20 July – sent abstract to E.N. Fallaize; good Folk Lore article by WJP; short article on megalith-question to Oriental Society; paper on Phoenicians to Eugenics Society Journal; writing Rylands lecture; wants lantern slide material

.38 Ibid., 23 July – useful to have prepared statement on controversial matters; can do slides at 24 hour notice; to go to military hospital for summer; Lit. & Phil. paper published and will send a copy; WJP wedding

.39 Ibid., 24 July – recommend book by Unwin called The periplus of the Erythraean sea by Schoff; full of ancient intercourse which must be read before writing Ancient mariners

.40 Ibid., 26 July – sending library copy of Periplus; to work as a physician; making lantern slides of maps; sending effusion copies for WJP to deal with and has sent 30 copies himself

.41 Ibid., 29 July – discusses Periplus; WJP must send extract to Fallaize; doing psychology on soldiers in shock

.42 Ibid., [29 Aug.] – magnificent maps; writing Rylands lecture attributed to WJP; painted lantern slides; requests opinion on Seligman’s stuff and asks for its return. 2 leaves

.43 Ibid., [3 Sep.] – splendid WJP MSS; doubts a real discussion; Crooke not coming; shell bangles fit India map

.44 Ibid., [19 Sep.] – should read Buckland in J.A.I. vol. 14 on use of metals and megalithic architecture in Ireland; also p. 227 of Westminster Review, Jan. 1875

.45 Ibid., 22 Sep. – Rivers suggests sending WJP paper to Lit. & Phil. at once who will print it, but leave out terramara and amber as too complex

.46 Ibid., 24 Sep. – agrees should send whole paper; Mediterranean literature fearfully involved but could be systematized; lends British Association reports for Evans’ & co’s viewpoint; wants pearl shell map for paper; has written rejoinder to Peet’s note in Man, p. 157

.47 Ibid., 28 Sep. – received MSS plus copy for Haddon which Lit. & Phil. have authorized for publication; GES will add some clauses and write a commentary as an appendix re amber and terramara; working with Rivers

.48 Ibid., 3 Oct. – redrew WJP maps and made wall maps for meeting; someone else reading paper with 10 pages of comment by GES; Hartland letter; talked with Unwin; read Berard’s Phoenicians and lots of old journals on importance of Phoenicians’ hunt for metals and precious stones; went to Rylands lecture on Crete; saw pictures of tomb with stone seats as example of Egyptian tomb-type; plans for Ancient mariners; Moulton to talk on bearing of his work and theirs. 2 leaves

.49 Ibid., [4 Oct.] – WJP work magnificent; examining Glasgow students; Black Sea stuff useful; pile dwellings

.50 Ibid., [5 Oct.] – Siret’s article answers mother’s brother’s argument; Scotch stuff fits Iberian and good for book

.51 Ibid., 7 Oct. – Watson read WJP paper which raised discussion; Watson raised points and thinks terramara past is a red-herring but WJP must decide; pearl-shells on East African coast; Gowland refers to early methods of smelting copper which should be emphasized

.52 Ibid., 9 Oct. – sorry to worry WJP about Watson’s comments; will send proofs of paper; researching American information

.53 Ibid., 12 Oct. – diagram being corrected and Periplus reference will be added to proofs; good Indonesian results; has sent off Ryland proofs with Joyce pictures; encloses gem from Fallaize; appreciative notice on Melanesian society in Eugenics Review; hopes book nearing completion

.54 Ibid., 16 Oct. – proofs sent to Lit. & Phil.; recommends book Elurgius Agricola de re metallica; excellent editorial on GES Lit. & Phil. paper

.55 Ibid., 17 Oct. – new map on India to be sent; to look through sent material; GES added ‘remark’ on paper

.56 Ibid., 18 Oct. – encloses Rivers’ letter who is against WJP letter to M.G.; proofs sent for reference inserts; GES show pictures at Lit. & Phil. of winged discs from Egypt to America

.57 Ibid., 19 Oct. – Rylands and Colchian material; Bosanquet’s purple, Evans’ ewe-lambs, stone seats and Southern Arabian terraces; Myres and Herodotus; note in Sergi Jubilee volume; American support for their cause. 2 leaves

.58 Ibid., 23 Oct. – career and enthusiasm of Watson; recommends book by Avenzande la Grancière on study of beads from megalithic; Phoenician traffick in the Black Sea and amber; stone tombs and burials in Urals, Ob and Altai; Todas book by Rivers on mummification; extraordinary letter from Fallaize. 2 leaves

.59 Ibid., 30 Oct. – Fallaize’s game with statement for Nature; information from conchologists on spread of Phoenician exploitation of pearl-shell and purple

.60 Ibid., 31 Oct. – papers sent for correction; Fallaize criticism

.61 Ibid., 2 Nov. – Russian literature search and Watson palaeontology; recommends Minn’s Greek and Scythians

.62 Ibid., 12 Nov. – Fallaize note in Nature; letter by GES to Nature re Indian elephant representations on Central American temples; Rivers’ interest; Indian currency and book by Terrien de La Couperie; Watson help

.63 Ibid., 21 Nov. – Rivers awarded Royal medal; evidence of symbolism, elephants, cowries by researchers; early trade expeditions to China; lecture on ships to Egypt and Oriental Society; La Couperie references. 2 leaves

.64 Ibid., 23 Nov. – New Zealand sun cult and megalith explanation; elephant material to appear in Nature; boat lecture; Siret book

.65 Ibid., 30 Nov. – reprints from Association section; elephant associations; conchologists work on gods and snail shells; boat material; encloses letter from Skinner of Wellington Museum, New Zealand. 2 leaves

.66 Ibid., 15 Dec. – convincing WJP chapter on western source of Indonesian objects; elephant story in Nature and Lit. & Phil. Society; checked WJP manuscript and sent to Rivers; invitation for weekend; Prof. C.G. Seligman’s article. 2 leaves


.67 Ibid., 7 Jan. – Jackson article on shell things; letters in The Athenaeum and Nature and screed in Man; requests use of WJP terrace and stone seat material; attribution of Ancient mariners; memoir by Reinach; monograph by Laufer on Cambodian diamond. 2 leaves

.68 Ibid., 10 Jan. – WJP letter and notes for Lit. & Phil.; WJP declines association with book; diamond book; head-hunting at Glastonbury; Jackson publishing on shell-trumpets and purple; Rivers may be shocked by Feb. issue of Man

.69 Ibid., 22 Jan. – visit confusion; Marett reply; second elephant article not published by Nature; written article on nerve-shock; Piltdown scrap; Rivers visit confirms risk to WJP of co-authorship; to concentrate on Indonesia

.70 Ibid., 7 Feb. – wants terraces published; will screen lantern slides and maps; military aristocracy; Rivers’ responses to The Athenaeum correspondence; preparing Rylands lecture on burial customs; elephant interest growing; use of GES and WJP theories by psychology; Laufer book on chain armour

.71 Ibid., 10 Feb. – Rylands lecture delivered; paper for printing is delaying publication but sends a copy; Piltdown; Boyd Dawkins exploded over terraces

.72 Ibid., 27 Feb. – splendid WJP warfare should be published; important articles by A. Reinach; requests information on frogs; good review by Marett

.73 Ibid., 28 Feb. – sends WJP manuscript to Rivers; suggests publication in Manchester University Press; discusses warfare in Egypt; pre-civilization warfare in America unknown; Reinach literature

.74 Ibid., 4 Mar. – will write to Reinach for reprints; sends proofs and Rivers’ letter; suggests popular book

.75 Ibid., 6 Mar. – proofs sent to Lit. & Phil.; dispute over origin of Yanesei culture; book on Chinese dragons linked with rain-gods, Nagas, split-stones, gold and pearls; Rylands lecture by Rendel Harris; weekend invitation. 2 leaves

.76 Ibid., 10 Mar. – examining work; sends Harris’ lecture proofs for Rivers; lectures of Egyptologist Blackman; screed from Maudslay re American problems; suggests Breasted’s History of Egypt; evidence from Predynastic graves and fighting. 2 leaves [next sheet missing]

.77 Ibid., 21 Mar. – sending Meyer’s Ancient history; Rendel Harris enthused by early Egypt

.78 Ibid., 22 Mar. – sends letters; mouse pursuit with R.H.; Lancashire folklore full of Egyptian, Indian and classical things

.79 Ibid., 3 Apr. – Jackson on pearls and shell-currency; Nagas cowrie use; head-hunting and cowrie connected from France to America; culture-phrases as basis of educational theory at Manchester University; Pears’ course on social psychology; Sir A. Evans of the Society of Antiquaries questions journal exchange

.80 Ibid., 22 Apr. – reading accounts of early maritime exploits; note on Neolithic Age; queries progress of military aristocracy; British Association meeting; invitation during term

.81 Ibid., 2 May – will try to visit WJP in Pocklington; to visit Rivers; offered paper ‘the working of the human mind’ to RAI, but pre-booked by Haddon talk on New Guinea canoes; requests copies of all WJP papers for James A. Robertson and H. Otley Beyer; requests papers on terraces for himself

.82 Ibid., 9 May – met Rivers whose paper on Taro is going to Lit. & Phil. Society; Rivers suggests Dutch work at Doré Bay in New Guinea by Lorenz

.83 Ibid., 13 May – Rivers and Doré Bay research; McDougall and influence on article for Anthropological Institute on ‘working of the human mind’ and will use Joyce and Spinden also; working on Ancient mariners; Haddon affected by WJP terraces work; American book by Ellwood agrees with their theory and then repudiates it; London physician on trephining. 2 leaves

.84 Ibid., 15 May – Peake’s letter; sends Marett’s letter; undecided on talk for RAI on 13 June; Jackson research on pearls; De Visser book on dragons; soul-stuff

.85 Ibid., 13 May [sic] – Jackson exploiting pearls; working on book on beads; RAI meeting lapsed; to visit 10 June; reprints to Unwin and Jackson; sent slides to Prof. Armitage

.86 Ibid., 31 May – Rivers gave paper; Marett and Pacific discussion; Haddon lecture at RAI confirms views; writing history of navigation for Manc.Egy.Oriental Journal; writing on incense and libations for Rylands; to lecture on dragons at Rylands; to lecture on psychology and ethnology for RAI

.87 Ibid., 27 June – prepares lecture ‘Incense and libations’; visit to Glasgow and Edinburgh; requests visit to Pocklington, 6 July; Jackson’s excavations at Chiriqui; connection between Evil Eye, facial expression and petrifaction stories; origin of tree-worship and sky-world. 2 leaves

.88 Ibid., 30 June – sends Perry’s papers to Mr F.J. Richards, Vellore who has a lot of relevant information; struggling with ships

.89 Ibid., 3 July – annoyed with Jackson’s material sent to the society; Oldham’s death; added notes to Perry’s pages

.90 Ibid., 12 July – wrestling with first ten chapters of Perry’s book; thanks for visit; notes from Mackenzie about cows and milk in Highland folklore; MSS gone to press; Miss Start set to work on Coptic and Burmese textiles by Ling Roth; Haddon asked her to work on Borneo textiles; GES asks her opinion of Peruvian textiles; going to Piltdown

.91 Ibid., 18 July – MSS progressing; Perry advised to prepare book on warfare with maps; reading Buckle’s History of civilization; hopes he will visit Manchester

.92 Ibid., 19 July – been ill at Piltdown; three Americans want publications

.93 Ibid., 10 Aug. – sending MSS to Harold Cox; assesses Hewitt’s two volumes; New York Geographical Journal has article on Peruvian terraces; Unknown Mongolia by Douglas Carruthers; ten-tribe notions

.94 Ibid., 14 Aug. – sends on drawings; Rivers pleased with four chapters; decides to present whole book with drawings and maps to Press; requests Perry to send papers to Mr J.R. Fowler, Mauritius

.95 Ibid., 21 Aug. – sorry Perry cannot come to Coxwold; discusses Hewitt’s book; received K.R. Vanna Raja publication; Rivers will not approve house-stuff; independent agriculture development

.96 Ibid., 2 Sep. – sent Rivers WJP warfare paper; no response; review of Osborn’s book; Origin of the Pre-Columbian civilization of America published in Science; Petrie writes criticism in Ancient Egypt about gold and pearls; Henry Balfour criticizes work in J. of Egy. Arch. 2 leaves

.97 Ibid., 5 Sep. – discusses presentation of controversial material; will send Johnson’s Uganda; sends screed in Amer. Mus.Bulletin; dragon research led to evolution of the devil story

.98 Ibid., 7 Sep. – wants pictures of dragons and elephant-headed gods; Chinese watercolour in Rylands of dragon and conventional Satan; Book of Revelations says the dragon was Satan; Science article; excellent research by Perry; A.B. Cook’s Zeus proves elephant’s spiral is horn of Ammon; Rivers to visit

.99 Ibid., 13 Sep. – received MSS, and elephant and dragon material; Rivers visiting Layard; opinions of Marett and Oxford

.100 Ibid., 18 Sep. – encloses letter; Rivers’ visit; send publications to Sir H.H. Johnston; has found paper by Zelia Nuttall on many Mexican subjects; got Mexican elephant for Lombok catalogue

.101 Ibid., 4 Oct. – Rivers introduced importance of blood element; sketch of boat-building to printer; Lord Bryce interested in theories and invited GES to address the British Academy; will send him WJP warfare; working on WJP MSS

.102 Ibid., 6 Oct. – sent ‘warfare’ to Lord Bryce; will address British Academy on 29 Nov.; to speak at RAI on previous evening; will send Asiatic volume by Helmholt; paper on mound excavations in America; Rivers’ ‘blood-letting’ theme leads to primitive body juice, libations, incense, tree-sap, circumcision, mutilations, fertilising fluid, soul-substance, etc.; rites and ceremonies in East Africa, India and America; ka and Egyptian soul-stuff; finishing book on shell-shock. 3 leaves

.103 Ibid., 14 Oct. – suggests books by Czapli?ka, British Museum guide to the Bronze Age collections, Unknown Mongolia by Douglas Carruthers and paper by Baelz in Zeit.fur.Ethnolgie

.104 Ibid., [page 1 missing, about 29 Oct.] – further discussion on early beliefs, soul, blood, dragons, cowrie shells, etc., worldwide; difficulties in preparing dragon lecture. 2 leaves

.105 Ibid., 4 Nov. – sent Hewitt books; still working on dragons; spoke with Blackman about Egypt and associated stories

.106 Ibid., 14 Nov. – MSS received; criticism in Science on Origin of the Pre-Columbian civilization; no contact with Rivers

.107 Ibid., 19 Nov. – sending Jackson’s and GES papers; book to be presented to Press Committee with Rivers’ support; botanist working on rice and coconuts; preparing paper on boats with query on origin of double canoe; sent Rivers list of queries

.108 Ibid., 21 Nov. – requests illustration of islands with megalithic things and without for screed to RAI; gold mines in Celebes; sending journal

.109 Ibid., 23 Nov. – lack of information on gold and pearls in Australia; thanks for Indonesian data; MSS handed to the Press and drawings to be redone; Manchester to buy Ling Roth’s library; Jackson’s work on cowries and conch shells affects Puranic theology among Maya; needs to talk to WJP re McDougall. 2 leaves

.110 Ibid., [25 Nov.] – discusses forthcoming visit to WJP; MSS with University Press; Jackson found complex Indian pictures in Mexico; paper on boats published; work on Ancient mariners; withdraws resignation from RAI; going to Oxford; Yanesei business and Chinese civilization. 2 leaves

.111 Ibid., 14 Dec. – week-end planned visit upset by graduation ceremony and conference attendance; report on RAI lecture with disappointing discussion; no discussion after British Academy lecture; Oxford visit talks; distribution maps at Pitt Rivers Museum; their influence on ‘primitive Aryan culture’; GES and WJP publications selling well; Todd promoting their work in Science

.112 Ibid., 17 Dec. – busy with War Office work; sending Oldham; connections between dragons and Aryans and Yenesei problem; purchase of Ling Roth library; sending copies of WJP Lit. & Phil. paper to America

.113 Ibid., 22 Dec. – De Morgan’s reports on the Caucasus and Persia on megaliths and mines missed connection with Yenesei; need to start work on general megalithic book

.114 Ibid., 26 Dec. – going to Ireland to lecture; need for discussion on Yenesei Asiatic problem; evolution of currency


.115 Ibid., 9 Jan. – returned from Ireland; to offer Warfare MSS elsewhere; suggests Rivers recommends it to Hibbert Journal; to discuss Yenesei problem; Haddon letter enclosed

.116 Ibid., 25 Jan. – article on ships needs improving; useful Baltic material; WJP progress on warfare; Science Progress promoting GES and WJP material; Publications Committee to meet soon

.117 Ibid., 12 Feb. – news from Knight; Chairman of Press approves MSS content but wants style improved which GES will do; Golden Age and warfare

.118 Ibid., 19 Feb. – sending three chapters of MSS with suggestions for revision; studying early Asiatic history, bronze-working and jade; has written introduction to Jackson’s book on shells; Japanese shell trumpet

.119 Ibid., 21 Feb. – Rylands wants WJP to give lecture on ‘War and civilization’ now and ‘Priesthood’ later; off to Oxford and wants map of megalithic monuments in Central and Eastern Asia

.120 Ibid., 27 Feb. – thanks for information; MSS returned without comments; suffering knee injury; Press wants to rename book using megaliths in title; encourages WJP to rewrite MSS; good reception and following discussion of lecture in Oxford including Marett and Balfour; deputy of Ashmolean attacked megalithic map of Spain. 2 leaves

.121 Ibid., 2 Mar. – to send MSS to GES for reread; Rivers interested in Golden Age; connections between Longmans, Manchester Press and Edinburgh Magazine might help with their publications; Oxford meeting has resulted in sale of 50 copies of Rylands lecture

.122 Ibid., 4 June – occupied with series of University conferences and General Medical Council; wife ill; send MSS with figures and maps and GES will prepare it for press; reprints; Harold Cox has returned the ‘Golden Age’; Rivers to try Hibbert Journal; British Academy to print lecture; Rylands to print two lectures; Jackson to work on octopus and swastika; working on Indonesian soul-idea, frogs and mice. 2 leaves

.123 Ibid., 6 June – unable to visit Pocklington; pleased with interest of Munn; Indian megaliths; ‘Golden Age’ has gone to the Hibbert; to send MSS for revision and notes on mummification

.124 Ibid., 7 June – Munn advised to publish in Man or Lit. & Phil.; requests note on Celebes and Philippines; GES to find quotations

.125 Ibid., 12 June – pleased Hibbert has taken MSS with new title; Harold Cox did not comment on MSS via Longmans; map of Eastern Cheshire with megaliths and copper mines; sending MSS to printer; treatment of corpse in Melanesia; Maya design with swastika; octopus and elephant-god; shock book

.126 Ibid., 24 July – encourages WJP to start on book with maps for publishers Blackie & Sons; at Piltdown but found nothing

.127 Ibid., 30 July – recommends article by F. Nau in Annales du Musée Guimet, 1913 on terraces; letter from Mackenzie on shell cults and pearl rivers in Scotland; gold in Sutherland; copper-mines in Ross-shire

.128 Ibid., 27 Aug. – birth of WJP daughter; reading Beuchat and Mackenzie; received galley proofs of book and sent to Rivers. 2 leaves

.129 Ibid., 3 Sep. – sent 20 slips to Rivers which reads well; comment in second edition of Migrations; recommends Benedict article; screed on Fleure; influence of gold; writing Birth of Aphrodite and will include WJP Indonesian story

.130 Ibid., 12 Sep. – sending marked proofs; reports of terraces in Northern Korea and Manchuria to be mapped; has written criticism of Frazer on mandrakes

.131 Ibid., 13 Sep. – more proofs send; sent draft of Frazer criticism to be forwarded to Rivers and possibly Frazer; this to be next Rylands lecture

.132 Ibid., 15 Sep. – asks WJP to read Vech 1894 article on mandrakes; Science article on Cretan labyrinth in America; potter’s wheel traced back to Egypt

.133 Ibid., 18 Sep. – thanks for Siret book; encloses letter from Skinner; letter from Freire Marreco on terraces; working on mandrakes

.134 Ibid., 22 Sep. – encouraging comments on book which raises interest; suggests writing preface; struggling with Dutch articles

.135 Ibid., 26 Sep. – proofs returned publisher; Rivers agrees WJP should deal with mines and warfare possibly with book on principles; invention of bronze in S.E. Caspian; Hercules Read views on Yenesei problems

.136 Ibid., 9 Oct. – Kelly has nothing on the Yalu but has pictures and information on Celebes and Seran, terraces in Malay Peninsula; Amer.Anth article on Mongolia; more reading

.137 Ibid., 12 Oct. – immersed in conferences; good Asiatic map; comments on reading; visit with Spence

.138 Ibid., 21 Oct. – approves book dedication to Rivers; urges writing a preface

.139 Ibid., 26 Oct. – mandrake research associates many aspects; Rivers wants points clarified in preface; Knight’s vagueness; primitive ideas on death; printing of Rylands lecture

.140 Ibid., 30 Oct. – musical theory influences; Egyptian harp still in use in Burma

.141 Ibid., 16 Nov. – sending 64 pages of proofs; finished Aphrodite lecture connecting various aspects; protests of Japanese Minister of Education on misunderstanding of their religion

.142 Ibid., 10 Dec. – explains attitudes with McKechnie and Rivers over WJP book; comments on preface

.143 Ibid., 24 Dec. – looking forward to WJP MSS; received proofs of Incense and libations; writing up lectures on Ancient mariners; Spence is enthusiastic covert; has received Munn MSS; discusses failings of Did the Phoenicians discover America? By a Scotsman; unhappy with WJP preface; GES has rewritten it. 2 leaves


.144 Ibid., 4 Jan. – commends WJP lecture; preparing Dragons and rain gods for press; ‘fear of the dead’ argument with Donald Mackenzie; has Rivers’ Fitzpatrick lectures; will post WJP MSS

.145 Ibid., 14 Jan. – proofs sent to McK.; thunderbolt story with four implements amalgamated as thunder-weapon; dragon material sent to printers

.146 Ibid., 2 Feb. – looking forward to WJP visit; has seen Rivers in Hampstead; wants Rylands lecture by Rivers on Dreams and primitive culture; showed Rivers Maudslay’s Atlas of Central America referring to elephants and cows; thunder bolt research leading to mythological morass and winged-disc clues

.147 Ibid., 7 Feb. – discussions at the Lit. & Phil.; sends notice of a GES address to pave way for later WJP Rylands lecture

.148 Ibid., 9 Feb. – welcomes WJP; Lowie book makes recantation on ethnological question referring to Rivers work; Rivers silent on Incense and libations

/18 W.P. Pyecraft, 1 letter 1926, numbered 474-477

.1 GES to W.P. Pyecraft, 15 July 1926 – returns Rhodesian remains manuscript; suggests full description rather than views of the objects in the Museum; remove references on objects by others; anatomical points not discussed sufficiently; offers help in amending report. 3 leaves. Typewritten

/19 Dr W.H.R. Rivers, 9 letters (original) 1911-1916. Given to me by Lady Elliot Smith, July 1937 WRD, numbered 478-496


.1 GES to Dr William Halse R. Rivers (WHRR), 14 Oct. – thanks for compliments on book; acknowledges errors; discusses points on migration and cultural diffusion; invitation from Egyptian Government to settle Nubian affairs. 3 leaves

.2 Ibid., 16 Oct. – agrees A. Lang presidency of Section H; physical characteristics of Todas, Armenoid features, and associations; racial problems of India and Malay Peninsula, Todas and Pamir. 3 leaves


.3 Ibid., 12 Dec. – received WHRR MSS; expresses lucid and cogent point of view with application to megaliths; Dundee discussion results in interest of some people in Polynesian aspects; would like to write short statement to accompany MSS; asks requirements for Ridgeway Festschrift. 3 leaves


.4 Ibid., 20 May – discusses report of Comparative Religion Chair Committee to Senate re appointment; GES suggested WHRR for Chair which was well received and Senate referred suggestion back to the Committee; hopes WHRR will agree about 30 lecture in the year on social organisation and primitive religion. 3 leaves

.5 Ibid., 23 May – appointment question discussion on 31 May; thinks a double dose of lectures could be given in one term; neurological work difficult to accommodate but neurological hospital at Manchester might suffice; GES will suggest McC for temporary appointment with hope for WHRR in the future; regards to Head; discusses Perry’s point about pearls; article for Sergi festschrift compared migrations to the East with those to the Spanish main. 3 leaves

.6 Ibid., 1 June – invitation to stay while Manchester discusses Comparative Religion arrangements at special meeting; Committee to invite WHRR to undertake lectures for a year. 2 leaves

.7 Ibid., 3 June – sorry about difficulties; meeting next Tuesday; queries interest in taking Myers’ place; maybe David Orr could be suggested. 2 leaves

.8 Ibid., 4 Oct. – Rous wanted by War Office in France; his departure affects Maghull work; Rous writing WHRR to leave Scotland and save Maghull; Bryce says opening of Scottish shock hospital uncertain; Perry thinks his warfare papers crude; Bryce article on War and social progress feeling towards Perry’s point of view; to send Bryce a copy of Perry’s article. 3 leaves [incomplete]


.9 Ibid., 4 Nov. – glad new hospital is propitious in giving time for ethnology; discusses idea of starting journal on ethnology which would benefit interests of the Institute [RAI?]; Franco-Prussian war promoted anthropological societies and journals; Institute seems to be objecting; Keith, Nature article and Wright business; Pear has MSS on shock; visit from Blackman with useful discussions and report of views of Oxford people. 3 leaves

/20 Prof. C.G. Seligman, FRS, 19 letters, 5 replies and 2 enclosures 1915-1935, numbered 497-538


.1 GES to Prof. Charles Gabriel Seligman (CGS), 24 June – thanks for criticisms of proofs; discussion of common and widespread cultural features; totemic use of snake in Egypt; misconception about tattooing; viscera thrown into the sea and placenta; Rivers ancestral home idea; use of red paint; disputes psychological method of arguing; artificial civilization and acculturation; Torres Straits embalming. 4 leaves

.2 Ibid., 2 July – memoir already rewritten and pruned; thanks for familiar references which add little but confirm hypothesis on origin of mummification; Purari skulls; the thunderbolt and Perry’s work; useful Doughty reference; memoir soon to be published and glad of criticism. 2 leaves

.3 Ibid., 6 July – describes physical characteristics of four negresses in Archaic Nubian cemetery which Derry failed to complete; discusses Pygmy connection and bones held in University College or the Royal College of Surgeons; x group males show negroid traits and gives some measurements; discussed Nubian pygmy question and Derry’s notes; Reisner material and burials in pottery coffins from South India; will ask Malinowski to look for material; requests conch-shell information. 3 leaves


.4 Ibid., 5 Dec. – agrees to be Chairman of group of Human Biology at RAI; long discussion on origin of term ‘human biology’ attributed to Embree, resulting in Yale Institute of Human Relations, an unsatisfactory result. 2 leaves [Originally typewritten]

.5 CGS to GES, 7 Dec. – thanks for agreement to Chair group; regrets 1924 and 1927 scheme torpedoing; writing to Miss Tildesley [attached to MS 423/1/20.4]

.6 Ibid., 31 Dec. – apologises for failure to discuss first meeting of Human Biology group and pleads for GES to rethink resignation of Chairmanship as only person with sufficient standing. 2 leaves


.7 Ibid., 2 Jan. – praises GES for withdrawing resignation and agreeing to Chairmanship [extract attached to MS 423/1/20.6]

.8 GES to CGS, 24 Feb. – sends copy of statement at Human Biology Research Committee next week; GES son appointed as District Commissioner of Upper Sobat Area by Sudan Government entailing difficulties with Abyssinians; wants information concerning Anuak

.9 CGS to GES, 25 Feb. – agrees statement excepting phrase ‘this deplorable negligence’; suggested E.S. should bring Zuckerman, Harris and Hogben [précis attached to MS 423/1/20.8]

.10 General discussion as to the purpose, scope and procedure of the Committee, to be opened by the Chairman, Prof. G. Elliot Smith, Royal Anthropological Institute, Human Biology Research Committee. 2 leaves

.11 GES to CGS, 5 Mar. – first meeting to be opened by Haldane discussing blood groups and race and invited several named people; second meeting on standardisation of measurement with Tildesley and Dudley Buxton; discusses dubious actions of J.L. Myres; Council’s attitude to the group and possibility of creating a new society; the group is important to the RAI and Keith’s influence should be publicly aired. 2 leaves [Originally typewritten]

.12 Ibid., 9 June – personal and confidential report on University College anthropology; Perry unlikely to receive Rockefeller Foundation help, and he is unfit for the work of the next session; on Perry’s resignation, GES plans to recommend a Readership in Human Biology with cultural things to CGS; hopes to secure Zuckerman for primate studies [Note attached from CGS suggesting Malinowski be informed]

.13 Ibid., 11 June – going to Ireland and Cambridge; agrees Malinowski can be told at his extreme discretion to avoid unpleasant complications

.14 Ibid., 13 Oct. – GES has written to Senate of University of Sydney re Elkin and to Mr Bruce, High Commissioner for Australia in London re Dept. of Anthropology at urging of Radcliffe Brown to save the Department and support; explains Radcliffe Brown’s lack of tact and fieldwork; discusses Radcliffe Brown’s unpopularity and its effects; writing to ask Rockefeller Foundation if they will help rescue the Dept. of Anthropology; encloses document and requests strict confidentiality; postscript re Elkin’s claims as Murray pushing man from Papua. 2 leaves [Originally typewritten]. Labelled strictly confidential

.15 GES to The Rt. Hon. Stanley M. Bruce, 13 Oct. – reminds of 1924 plea to establish Dept. of Anthropology at a Australian University and willingness of Australian Government to accept a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation for this purpose; agrees work of the department has been disappointing; it is essential to continue research of aboriginal populations of Australia, Papua and New Guinea; appreciates financial constraints; now pleads for continuation of the Department and financial support of Rockefeller Foundation and the Australian Government; Vice Chancellor of Sydney now in America trying to avert closure. 3 leaves


.16 GES to CGS, 27 Apr. – illness of CGS; GES unwell; Latimer tells of capture of old Anuak who stole crown jewels; wireless installed at Akobo; Australian Government to maintain Anthropology Dept for five years

.17 Ibid., 13 Dec. – Shellshear is a candidate for Chair of Anatomy at Bristol and asks permission to use CGS as referee


.18 Ibid., 18 Apr. – requests CGS visit to discuss Tuesday’s meeting and Zollschan address; Latimer leaving Akobo; proposing RAI Fellowship of Shinji Nishmura

.19 Ibid., 7 July – congratulations on B.H. list; attendance of Fleure & Co; Shellshears in London; Seligman Scottish holiday and Emeritus Professorship

.20 CGS to GES, 24 July – commends Morant’s paper in Man; suggests Race and Culture Committee make a statement in view of ‘state of things’ in Germany, the Aryan fallacy, and International Congress; sending copy to Firth. 2 leaves

.21 GES to CGS, 26 July – has urged Committee to send paper analogous to Morant’s; writing essay on ‘The Aryan problem’ for Rationalist Annual; Committee is preparing concise statement; is giving address to Section A of the Congress on duties of anthropologists in this matter

.22 CGS to GES, 13 Aug. – pleased with resolution passed by Section quoted in Observer but upset by the Bureau scrapping it from the Conseil permanent and suggests powers of the Bureau be considered before next Congress; discusses Keith’s notion on race and nation and Jews holding apart

.23 GES to CGS, 15 Aug. – agrees Bureau must be prevented from abuse of power; Keith’s confusion regrettable; encloses Lips’ letter; Latimer coming home from Addis Abeba; requests name of journal by Workers’ Educational Association; note of reply, 22 Aug.

.24 Ibid., 23 Aug. – thanks for name, The Highway; information on Lips; stirring of Aryan nonsense

.25 CGS to GES, 15 Sep. – telegram from University of Chicago to support Weidenreich for China studies; as GES has supported Zuckerman for post, requests advice

.26 GES to CGS, 17 Sep. – Zuckerman to remain in England; agrees Weidenreich has qualities for Peking job and Franco-German complex with Teilhard de Chardin, Graban and Sinanthropus skeletons; seeing Latimer and Evans Pritchard; will write to China Medical Board; asks for copy of Royal Society of Arts lecture. 2 leaves

.27 Ibid., 24 Sep. – sent cable to New York ‘confidently recommend Weidenreich’ and writing to Greene in Peking; message to Latimer


.28 Ibid., 13 Nov. – wants to help German doctor now barred from research as engaged to daughter of a Jewess in Bonn

.29 Ibid., 16 Nov. – discusses circumstances of persecution of research doctor at Pathological Institute of Bonn; giving Huxley lecture; regrets missing Lloyd Roberts lecture by CGS

/21 Sir William Turner FRS, 1 letter (from), 1898, numbered 539-540

.1 William Turner (Prof. of Anatomy, University of Edinburgh), 26 Apr. 1898 – reference and recommendation for appointment of GES to conduct research under the foundation endowed by the Grocers’ Company

/22 Guthrie Vine, 1 letter 1919, numbered 541-2

.1 GES to Guthrie Vine, 30 June 1919 – requests copy of Chinese watercolour reproduced in The evolution of the dragon by permission of Mr Guppy

/23 Prof. J.T. Wilson, FRS, 52 letters, 2 replies and 1 enclosure 1896-1936, numbered 543-655


.1 GES to J.T. Wilson (JTW), Apr. – experiences on board RMS Himalaya; reports day in Melbourne with Spencer, Notoryctes, Sminthopsis and Choeropus; paper on lungs of Ceratodus; Alex Hill paper and work; thanks Martin and JTW for help. 3 leaves

.2 Ibid., 7 Sep. – visiting anatomical schools of Great Britain; leading anatomists at Oxford meeting of the Anatomical Society, Cunningham and Thomson; describes Edinburgh visit, Turner meeting and paper, Hepburn; at Oxford meets Paterson, Fawcett, Birmingham; at Cambridge meets Dr Barclay Smith, Macalister and Hill; offer of post of demonstrator at Cork declined; contacts with Howes and Broom; enquires about research conditions at Oxford and Cambridge; Dr Donald Macalister guided membership of St John’s College and begins at Cambridge 1 Oct.; requests news of Sydney. 4 leaves

.3 Ibid., 14 Sep. – asks JTW for testimonial, also Anderson Stuart; cycling with Proudfoot

.4 Ibid., 1 Oct. – describes Cambridge work, Sir H. Flower and Macalister, McBride, Howes and work on marsupials; asks for bat brains. 2 leaves

.5 Ibid., 18 Nov. – work in physiological lab with H.K. Anderson and Langley; mentions Hardy, Gaskell and Prof. Foster, Gladon, Shipley, Lister and Bles; Newton invitation to Ray Club; Macalister’s anthropometric work; Egyptian history and other subjects; need for research on soft parts of Australian Aboriginal; paper for Linnean Society; note for Anat.Anzeiger; work on Echidna brain and Notoryctes; JTW paper and Lankester; describes work with Howes and Marett Tims; will send his reprints; missing Sydney. 4 leaves

.6 Ibid., 21 Dec. – testimonial received; considering application to vacant Chair of Anatomy, King’s College; returned proofs of JTW paper with many corrections to Lankester; work on teeth by Tims and Dr Forsythe Major; Broom to South Africa; discussed brain work and publications of Semon and Ziehen on Marsupials and Monotremes with greetings to Haswell and Spencer; discusses Christmas events, Physiological Society meeting, Melbourne chair, Howes’ work at South Kensington, and visits by Liversidge and Lloyd. 4 leaves


.7 Ibid., 27 Jan. – acquisition of reprints of JTW paper; GES will send copies to tooth specialists; will apply for Chair of Anatomy at Cardiff; Stirling and fossil bird; read paper on ‘Origin of the Corpus Callosum’ at Linnean Society to be published; Howes better; Studinêka’s paper; Broom in South Africa. 2 leaves

.8 Ibid., 25 Feb. – reprints sent; discussions with Gadow; meets Stirling; describes Cardiff application, his many testimonials and other applicants; condolences on JTW father’s death; thanks Hill for bats’ brains. 2 leaves

.9 Ibid., 27 May – sends reprints to people JTW requested; will proof read Hill’s paper; proof reading his own Linnean Society paper and one for Broom; bats’ brains from Broom and Hill; Haswell and Howes elected FRS; describes Caldwell’s material and possible use; to read paper on the fornix at next month’s meeting of the Anatomical Society in Dublin; rejected for Cardiff post through lack of testimonials from Sydney; will ask Stuart and Haswell; gives news of Mills, Tidswell, Flashman, Dick and Millard; Martin’s debut in Melbourne; thanks for proof corrections for Trans Medical Congress. 4 leaves

.10 Ibid., 5 Oct. – reports on Dublin success at meeting; describes voyage to British Association meeting and subsequent festivities; meets Stuart; news of Proudfoot, Hill, Krause, Dick, Millard and Tidswell; to demonstrate and give course of 12 lectures at Cambridge; financial difficulties; sending photographs; has charge of Central Nervous System papers for the J. of Anat. & Physiol. 4 leaves

.11 Ibid., 13 Nov. – sending reprints with Dick; J. of Anat. paper well-received; discusses others in preparation; degeneration work on the hedgehog; Edinger invitation to work in Frankfurt Saukenbergischer Institute; hopes for University Demonstratorship and gives details of structure; Hill’s term of office ending; Sydney travelling scholarship ending; news of Broom; David’s work on Funafuti; research on ornithorhynchus; paper for QJMS; Flashman’s thesis; Stuart and his demonstrator; application for ‘Research Certificate’; dissecting Chaenopus. 4 leaves


.12 Ibid., 25 Apr. – discusses Hill; paper on Edentate brain in Linnean Transactions; lectures for Macalister; demonstrator to Michael Foster; applied for Grocer’s Scholarship; receiving Cambridge BA; Neurological Society; brother’s medical course; Colette, Cook and Halliday preparing D.P.H. 3 leaves

.13 Ibid., 15 June – scholarship from the British Medical Association; Cambridge Press invitation to write book on Comparative Anatomy of the Brain; met Lorrain Smith in Belfast; Cunningham says JTW soundest anatomist from Edinburgh; Anatomy text by Cunningham, Thomson, Paterson, Robinson and Dixon; Haswell news. 2 leaves


.14 Ibid., 5 Feb. – research with Mott at London County Asylums laboratory; material transferred to Cambridge for more work; Macalister and Linnean address; paper on ornithorhynchus; edentate paper; Retzius correspondence; preparing thesis for Fellowship; work on Marchi method of degeneration from haemorrhage into optic thalamus; Prof. MacLaurin to visit Sydney; Sydney chemistry professorship vacancy; Rutherford to McGill; vacant Cambridge Chair of Pathology; congratulations on JTW marriage. 6 leaves

.15 Ibid., 9 Feb. – Rivers asks JTW to measure skulls in Macky Museum

.16 Ibid., 10 Nov. – elected Fellow of St John’s; praises Macalister’s support; hopes to visit Sydney; cataloguing at College of Surgeons; book agreement with Edward Arnold


.17 Ibid., 17 Jan. – proposed by Cunningham for Chair of Anatomy in Chicago; working as University Demonstrator; Hill in Scotland; talk of war

.18 Ibid., 19 Apr. – decided against Rush College in Chicago; examination of every mammalian brain at College of Surgeons provides basis for many papers; work on Hatheria; preparing volume on morphology of the brain; hopes to be appointed Senior Demonstrator; plans trip to Sydney; wants ornithorhynchus heads. 2 leaves

.19 Ibid., July – note re Macalister’s letter; leaving Cambridge [filed with MS 423/1/23.20]

.20 A. Macalister to GES, 4 July – suggests application to Professorship of Anatomy in Cairo working on bodies and founding a Museum. 2 leaves [filed with MS 423/1/23.19]

.21 GES to JTW, 16 Oct. – married in England; arrived in Cairo; describes Cairo; history of Arab hospital; founding new medical school and hospital; learning Arabic; thanks for material being sent. 3 leaves

.22 Ibid., 27 Nov. – thanks for brains of ornithorhynchus and echidna


.23 JTW to GES, 21 Jan. – on holiday in Tasmania; resigned as secretary of the P.A.H.; finished models; requests paper for Linnean Society to facilitate a Corresponding Membership. 2 leaves

.24 GES to JTW, 24 Feb. – received reprints; sent 300 pp of MS to College of Surgeons; publisher wants book as yet not begun; Tidswell visit; glad JTW shedding extraneous duties; describes Nile travels; will write up monotremes and marsupials for Linnaean Society; Edinger praise; hopes to rejoin Society. 3 leaves

.25 Ibid., 18 July – recommends Pigg for pathology post in Sydney and gives description of his career and work. 2 leaves

.26 Ibid., 21 Nov. – thanks for brain of Perameles; apologises for unsent paper; writing paper on Lemurs’ brains; revision of College of Surgeons work; working on bones of prehistoric and XII dynasty people for annual report; desiccated brains; Martin visiting; asks for news of Sydney and pathology post. 2 leaves


.27 Ibid., 21 Mar. – in Upper Egypt for two months working on some thousand skeletons of all periods from a cemetery; sent off four papers for publication; writing paper on brain of Sphenodon

.28 Ibid., 22 Aug. – finished description of 600 mammalian brains in College of Surgeons Museum; papers on Lemurs and Eocene mammalia; saw Cunningham and Symington; possible FRS nomination; to write series of papers on brains; short of time. 2 leaves


.29 Ibid., 4 Aug. – sent copies of two papers; four papers in An.Anzeiger soon; writing a morphology of the human brain

.30 Ibid., 20 Oct. – wants to hear news of Wilson, Hill and Flashman; has seen no papers; been working on human brains; Broom at Stellenbosch; has two boys


.31 Ibid., 5 Jan. – thanks for book gift to son; visit by Stuart and Rev. John Ferguson; promises contributions to anatomical museum; Flashman’s book remarks; finished account of Egyptian brain; opposes Cunningham’s conclusions; name to appear on cover of J. Comparative Neurology; asks whether JTW will publish work on platypus embryos and microcephalic brain; Howes health. 2 leaves

.32 Ibid., 1 Feb. – returning J. Comp. Neurology; sending three GES papers; keeping Kölliker’s platypus work; reinvestigating occipital region; three papers on calcarine region to be published; comparative Affenspatte research; human brain anomalies; Egyptian anthropology; Stuart visit; JTW memoirs. 2 leaves

.33 Ibid., 4 Apr. – afflicted by visitors; his invitation to serve on International Commission of ‘Hirnforschers’; describes sections of the Commission; will visit London and Paris and Testut in Lyons; working on cerebral sulci. 2 leaves

.34 Ibid., 8 May – letter of introduction re Dr Frank C. Madden on visit to Sydney; to London for International Commission


.35 Ibid., 6 Jan. – regrets JTW cannot visit Cairo; career of Symmers; applicants for King’s College Chair; salary rise for anthropology work; talks with Barraclough; discusses difference of opinion with D.J. Cunningham; suggest JTW visit Keith and Macalister in England, Keibel in Freiburg, Bolk in Amsterdam and Retzius in Europe. 3 leaves

.36 Ibid., 29 July – going to Marseilles, Lyons and Geneva

.37 Ibid., 14 Aug. – three day visit to Streeter in Geneva; wants news of JTW doings in England

.38 Ibid., 23 Nov. – excavating in desert; writing book on dissertation of brain; invites JTW to Cairo; vacant Melbourne Chair; JTW paper at the Anatomical

.39 Ibid., 23 Dec. – glad JTW coming to Cairo; gives instructions for trip from Port Said; asks if JTW will chaperone Miss Stoney to Cairo; news of Pain


.40 Ibid., 21 June – reports on Anatomical Society meeting in Belfast; election of successor to McKendrick; Cleland to retire in Scotland; will send paper on parieto-occipital region

.41 Ibid., 22 Oct. – thanks for JTW papers; reports contacts with Cleland, Graham Kerr and Cunningham; contest for Chair in Glasgow and campaigns of Paterson, Bryce and Mackay; discusses own campaign; thinks JTW would fill post perfectly; news of Hill and Willey. 3 leaves


.42 Ibid., 5 Feb. – congratulations on JTW son; collecting testimonials from JTW, Macalister, Waldeyer, Retzius, Lord Cromer and H.F. Osborn; Cleland still holding Glasgow Chair; reports recent visit of Parliamentary Secretary to the Secretary of State for Scotland and hopes to use influence for Chair application; sending Kölliker paper; photographs from Geneva; written paper on brain casts of Lemuroids; discusses references and papers on parieto-occipital region and gives own description of dissection in detail; hopes to go to International Zoological Congress in Boston as Osborn’s guest; Rutherford appointed Professor of Physics at Manchester. 5 leaves, illus.

.43 Ibid., 26 Mar. – problem with sending skeletons but sending three from Quibell at Sakkara; GES nominated by Council of the Royal Society; Cleland not retiring from Glasgow for two years

.44 Ibid., 27 July – in Belfast to British Medical Association meeting; will send Nubian material with full provenance and references in January; will not publish paper on fused atlas, but is reading a paper at meeting; nomenclature of pelvic fascia; read paper on anatomical localizations of the human cortex; Sheffield discussing pelvic supports; hopes JTW will visit Glasgow or London. 2 leaves


.45 Ibid., 12 Apr. – finished fieldwork of the Nubian Survey of 6000 corpses with Wood Jones and asks JTW if he would like any of it; sending first and second Bulletins of the Nubian Survey; heavy work load; going to Ireland for summer; supposes Bryce will go to Glasgow; Keith at Royal College of Surgeons Museum; boom in human embryology in Britain. 2 leaves


.46 Ibid., 3 Mar. – sends congratulations on JTW election to the Royal Society sponsored by Haldane; Young has resigned the Chair at Manchester

.47 Ibid., 19 June – leaving Cairo to take up position in Manchester; asks if JTW will allow his name to go forward for possible openings at Glasgow, Edinburgh or Oxford; JTW owes duty to British anatomy to return

.48 JTW to GES, 1 June – thanks for GES kindness and support; congratulates on Manchester appointment; busy with family and military duties. 2 leaves


.49 Ibid., 27 Sep. – sorry to miss GES in Birmingham; thinks Piltdown mandibular features are simian; wants to meet and talk in Edinburgh


.50 GES to JTW, 23 Nov. – Committee recommends to Senate the appointment of S. Johnston for Zoology Chair in Sydney; wonders if he should apply for post in Sydney when JTW retires; financial difficulties in Great Britain. 2 leaves


.51 Ibid., 25 Jan. – discusses University vacancies, possible offers and urges JTW to return to boost anatomy; discarded deanship and war hospitals; preparing four Croonian lectures for Royal College of Physicians; eldest son at Cambridge; financial difficulties. 2 leaves


.52 Ibid., 16 Nov. – sends copy of his recommendation to V.C. of Bristol to invite Shellshear; will not ask JTW for testimonial

.53 Ibid., 19 Nov. – sorry to mislead over testimonial; meant only to save additional work; distress at Master’s death; will go to funeral


.54 Ibid., 19 June – thanks for congratulations on French decoration; Kathleen improving in health and moved house; Madge Nosworthy visit to see publication of treatise on Paget’s disease by Keith Inglis

.55 Ibid., 30 June – thanks for biography published in the Journal; a concert in nurses’ home arranged to celebrate eulogy; J.P.H. persuaded College to pay for GES books; Keith Inglis in Sydney; invited to go to Edinburgh for Hogmanay; wife convalescing at Broadstairs urging him to write a volume of reminiscences. 2 leaves

/24 Sir Arthur Smith Woodward, FRS, 2 letters 1924-1930, numbered 656-658

.1 GES to Sir Arthur Smith Woodward (ASW), 5 Dec. 1924 – asks amount of remuneration for Dubois rights of reproduction of skeletal cases; offers congratulations on Knighthood and [note by ASW ‘same royalty as to B.M.’]. Typewritten

.2 Ibid., 28 Dec. 1930 – study of ancestor worship in China; texture of diploe and forms of bones similar to Piltdown with cranial capacity of 960 cc; new material found

/25 The French Consul in London, 1 draft letter, original, 1935, numbered 659-661A

.1 GES to Your Excellency, 11 Sep. 1935 – gives life history; born in Grafton, NSW; MD at University of Sydney; Fellow of St John’s College, Cambridge; Prof. of Anatomy in Egyptian School of Medicine; wrote Catalogue General of Museum dealing with Royal Mummies; Anglo-Iberian Society lecture 1931; lectured École de Médicin, Paris; lectured University of Utrecht and Groningen; lectured University of Copenhagen; awarded third class of the Osmanich order; wrote catalogue of collection of brains, Museum of Royal College of Surgeons; Royal College of Surgeons medal for work in Natural History Museum in Paris [incomplete]. 3 leaves

/26 [7 letters to A.J.E. Cave]. Unnumbered

.1 GES to A.J.E. Cave (AJEC), 15 Dec. 1933 – encourages AJEC to apply for Chair of University of Bristol [and testimonial enclosed] testimonial re AJEC for the Chair of Anatomy, University of Bristol [and response] Martin, Nicol and AJEC on short list; none appointed; records fate of applicants. 2 leaves

.2 Ibid., 12 Sep. 1934 – sends Aveius Kappers to Sanson re Near East; Prof. Seligman to call; Miss Davis to reply to Lockhart not prepared to give time [filed with MS 423/1/26.3]

.3 Ibid., 16 Nov. 1934 – invites AJEC and wife to Manchester University dinner; Mrs Elliot Smith will attend; wants answer to invitation [filed with MS 423/1/26.2]

.4 Ibid., 16 Dec. 1934 – congratulations on appointment; Provost to release AJEC Jan. 1935; discusses leaving with Kirk; will come to College to see Miss Holt [filed with MS 423/1/26.6]

.5 Ibid., 10 Feb. 1935 – asks AJEC to represent him at Leslie Mitchell funeral as GES going to Beattie’s lecture at Royal College of Surgeons

.6 Ibid., 11 Dec. 1935 – University of Queensland founded Chair of Anatomy and asked GES for recommendations; suggested two Australian anatomists and AJEC; thinks AJEC should stay at Lincolns Inn Fields [filed with MS 423/1/26.5]

.7 Ibid., 30 Mar. 1936 – hopes Bart’s appoints John Kirk; hopes AJEC will return to University College; Durward candidate for Leeds job

/2 Photocopies of Elliot Smith papers varia: [List of contents]. Pp. 1-95, numbered 1-2. Transcribed by Warren R. Dawson. Handwritten and 1 p. unless stated otherwise. 25 x 20 cm. Held as microfilm see MS 423/3/1

/1 Autobiography, numbered 3-10, 10a, 11. 10 leaves

/2 [Transcript by me of the foregoing and of some others which were returned], numbered 12-29

.1 The pilgrimage of an anatomist: written on 3 sheets of paper headed Queen Mary’s Hospital, Sidcup], numbered 12-13. 2 leaves

.2 Written on the sheets of paper headed Institute of Anatomy, University College, numbered 14-21. 8 leaves

.3 Written on paper headed Queen Mary’s Hospital, Sidcup, numbered 22-23. 2 leaves

.4 Written on paper headed Queen Mary’s Hospital, Sidcup. The beginning is missing, numbered 24-25. 2 leaves

.5 [Written on 3 sheets of blank foolscap], numbered 26-27. 2 leaves

.6 [Written on 5 sheets of blank quarto paper ‘The papers of autobiography were written early last year [1936] at 62 Albert Road’ – note by Lady Elliot Smith], numbered 28-29. 2 leaves

/3 Draft letter GES to Dr C.M. Hincks, 20 Jan. 1926 – development of anthropology and psychiatry; rescue physical anthropology from anthropometrists; correlate biological and cultural aspects of anthropological enquiry; services of Rivers; proposes laboratories for Comparative Neurology, Experimental Psychology, and Geography to study different peoples and their cultural beliefs; publications numbered 30-35. 6 leaves. Typewritten with manuscript annotations

/4 Resolutions, August 1934. [Passed by the Royal Anthropological Institute on fallacious use of the term Aryan], numbered 36.

.1 Race and culture [by] G. Elliot Smith, 1934, numbered 37-40. 4 leaves. Typewritten

/5 The examination in anatomy for the fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons of England: to the Editor of the Lancet, [by] G. Elliot Smith, published vol. 2, 25 Oct. 1913, p. 1227, numbered 41-42. 2 leaves. Typewritten

/6 Letter from GES to F.J. McKenna, Private Secretary to the Prime Minister of Australia, 21 Apr. 1935 – enclosing memorandum as arranged with Mr Lyons on 16 Apr. on problems which Prof. Elkin, University of Sydney, asked him to submit, numbered 43

.1 Memorandum to the Prime Minister of Australia from Sir Grafton Elliot Smith FRS, numbered 44-50. 7 leaves

.2 There is page numbered ‘51’ on the reel of negatives

/7 Pioneering in Egyptian anthropology: lecture for University College Hull; by Sir Grafton Elliot Smith, numbered 52-69. i, 17 leaves. Typewritten pp. 15-17 [some pages missing]. Notes of a lecture which he was not well enough to deliver

/8 Letter from Dr Robert Broom to Lady Elliot Smith, 12 Jan. 1937 – condolences on death of GES; associations with GES; visit to London; possesses GES letters; naming fossil Elliotsmithia, numbered 70-71. 2 leaves

/9 Letter from Prof. J.T. Wilson to Mr Dawson, 4 Aug. 1937 – Cave and Harris involved with GES anatomical work; encloses two photographs of Smith, Hill and Wilson in 1895, numbered 72. [nos. 73-4 missing]

.1 Smith, Hill and Wilson, standing outside tent on hunt for ornithorhynchus, 1895. 1 photograph. 17 x 22 cm

.1a Another copy

.1b Photocopy of photograph, unnumbered

.2 Smith, Hill and Wilson, on hunt for ornithorhynchus, 1895. 1 photograph. 14 x 18.5 cm [see MS 423/4/11]

/10 Letter from Prof. J.T. Wilson to Mr Dawson, 26 Oct. 1937 – arrange with Hugh Gatty for use of block, numbered 75

/11 Letter from Hugh Gatty to JTW, [25 Oct. 1937] – Lady Elliot Smith has asked for permission fro Mr Dawson to use copy of the Eagle; no objection providing permission printed; waiting instructions, numbered 76. 2 leaves

/12 Letter for Hugh Gatty to Mr R. Dawson, 28 Oct. 1937 – sending block of Elliot Smith to Jonathan Cape to be returned to Cambridge University Press, numbered 77. 2 leaves

/13 Letter from Gertrude to Lady Kathleen Elliot Smith, 20 Apr. 1937 – gives three memories of association with Grafton concerning study and singing, numbered 78-80. 6 leaves

/14 Obituary notices from various newspapers. Photocopies. Various sizes [see MS 423/6]

.1 Obituary of Sir Grafton Elliot Smith: pioneer work in anthropology. London, The Times, 2 Jan. 1927. 2 leaves, photograph [see MS 423/6/4]

.2 Sir Grafton Elliot Smith by Prof. J.T. Wilson. [4 Jan. 1937][filed with MS 423/2/14.1]

.3 Sir Grafton Elliot Smith: funeral notice [undated][filed with MS 423/2/14.1]

.4 Elliot Smith: [funeral notice, undated][filed with MS 423/2/14.1]

.5 Obituary: first man to x-ray a mummy: Sir G. Elliot Smith’s discoveries: famous physiologist’s work in Egypt. [London, The Daily Telegraph, 2 Jan. 1937]. Photograph. [see MS 423/6/3]

.6 Death of famous scientist: Sir Grafton Elliot Smith: anthropologist and anatomist. [Glasgow, Glasgow Herald, 2 Jan. 1937]. 2 leaves, photograph

.7 Death of famous anthropologist: Sir G. Elliot Smith: went to examine the Peking man. [Johannesburg, Star, 2 Jan. 1937][filed with MS 423/2/14.7]

.8 Grafton Elliot Smith: Dr R. Broom’s tribute: great work done in anatomy. [4 Jan. 1937]. 2 leaves. [filed with MS 423/2/14.7]

.9 Death of famous evolution expert. [Rand Daily Mail, 2 Jan. 1937][filed with MS 423/2/14.8]

.10 The death of a Great British anthropologist and authority on ancient man: the late Sir Grafton Elliot Smith. [London, The Illustrated London News, nd], photograph. [filed with MS 423/2/14.8-.9]

.11 Sir Grafton Elliot Smith, FRS: obituary notice. [London, Nature, 9 Jan. 1937, pp. 57-60]

.12 Sir Grafton Elliot Smith, MD, FRS, Litt.D., D.Sc., FRCP: obituary [London], British Medical Journal, 9 Jan. 1937, pp. 99-101, photograph

.13 Sir Grafton Elliot Smith, MD, Sydney, FRCP, Lond., FRS; obituary. The Lancet, 9 Jan. 1937, pp. 113-14, photograph

.14 Grafton Elliot Smith: obituary, by J.L. Shellshear. The Medical Journal of Australia, 20 Feb. 1937, pp. 307-10

.15 Sir Grafton Elliot Smith: obituary, by A.J.E. Cave. The British Medical Journal, 16 Jan. 1937, pp. 149-50 [circular on]

/15 [Circular on] the Elliot Smith Memorial Fund announcing the unveiling of a bronze bust of GES, by Prof. J.T. Wilson; signed J.P. Hill, H.H. Woollard, 7 Apr. 1938

.1 Photograph of the bronze bust of Sir Grafton Elliot Smith. 17 x 12 cm

.1a Another copy

/16 Grafton Elliot Smith standing examining a skull in his laboratory. 1 photograph. 16 x 11 cm

/17 Grafton Elliot Smith seated at his desk with skulls and casts in his laboratory. 1 photograph. 9.5 x 12 cm

/18 Portrait of Grafton Elliot Smith, head and shoulders. 1 photograph. 12 x 8 cm [Portrait used in obituaries][see also MS 423/3/3 frames 11-12]

/3 35mm microfilm negative. 1 reel in a box and 6 sectional rolls

/1 Papers of Sir Grafton Elliot Smith held by Prof. A.A. Abbie, Adelaide University. [This reel contains the papers MS 423/1-2]

/2 Elliot Smith fragmenta. [This roll contains the papers MS 423/4/1-9]

/3 Elliot Smith fragmenta. [This roll is in 7 fragments of which there are no photocopies, except photographs see MS 423/4/10-11]. 27 frames as listed.

6 frames of photograph of GES working in his laboratory

4 frames of photograph of GES working in his laboratory at higher resolution [see MS 423/7/24]

2 frames of photograph of GES used in obituaries [see MS 423/2/14.1,.5-.6,.10,.12-.13,.18; 2/18]

3 frames of card ‘with love to you and Ruth’ by GES [see MS 423/7/27]

1 frame of Fig. 2, The visuo-auditory band

1 frame of Fig. 3, The parietal areas [see MS 423/7/23]

1 frame of photograph of Dr William Brown, Dr Rivers, Dr Elliot Smith, Military Hospital, Maghull, 1915. [see MS 423/4/10]

1 frame of ‘The idea of the supernatural in human development’ by Prof. G. Elliot Smith [see MS 423/7/26]

1 frame of drawing of T.S. hippocampus of middle of hippocam commissure and platypus [see MS 423/7/20]

1 frame of drawing of Echidna to show the shape of the cavity of s. vent [multiple cross sections of the brain][see MS/423/7/19]

1 frame of drawing of brain of young female chimpanzee [see MS 423/4/12, 7/21; see also roll MS 423/3/4 frame 1]

1 frame of drawing of large broken skull, College of Surgeons [see MS 423/7/29; see also MS 423/3/7 frame 8]

1 frame of drawing of Pitheus, Labrens, Callithrope [see also MS 423/3/7 frame 7]

1 frame of drawing of Sagittal section mesial hemisphere wall. Perameles. Weigert Paul stain [see MS 423/7/30]

1 frame of photograph of G. Elliot Smith, J.P. Hill, J.T. Wilson, hunting for platypus in camp of the Duckmalsi River, Blue Mountains, N.S.W., September 1895 [see MS 423/2/9.2 and MS 423/4/11]

1 frame of drawing of The design upon ancient American stela B at Copan [see MS 423/7/25]

/4 Elliot Smith fragmenta. [This roll contains the papers MS 423/4/12-28]

/5 Elliot Smith fragmenta. [This roll contains the papers MS 423/4/29-40]

/6 Elliot Smith fragmenta. [This roll contains the papers MS 423/4/41-63. There are some duplicate frames]

/7 Elliot Smith fragmenta. [This roll contains the papers MS 423/4/64-90. There are some duplicate frames]

/4 Photocopies of Elliot Smith fragmenta. Transcribed by Warren R. Dawson. Handwritten and 1 p. unless stated otherwise. 25 x 20 cm. Photographs. Held as microfilm see MS 423/3/3-7

/1 ‘Nor need we consider the supernatural element in the higher religions’: [draft text]. Numbered 2

/2 ‘In achieving this same purpose of promoting immortality. Most of the games, the music for example the people of Borneo’: [draft text]. 2 leaves numbered 3-4

/3 ‘Which the historian Lecky called ‘the emergence of the spirit of truth’’ numbered 2

/4 ‘Hence many of these comforting traditions survived into the age of reason’: [draft text]. Numbered 2

/5 ‘Existence was prolonged indefinitely. Stairs, ladders, ropes are among the earliest mythological devices’: [draft text]. Numbered 31

/6 ‘Excellence and in religious literature of untarnishable integrity and immortality’: [draft text]. Numbered 10

/7 ‘He was the state and not only the giver of life to the community’: [draft text]

/8 An enquiry into the nature of the brain of primitive man, with special reference to the cranial cast and skull of Eoanthropus. A typescript dealing with the Piltdown skull and brain cast, corrected by Elliot Smith’s hand (perhaps intended for Man, 1916, vol. 16). 7 leaves. Typescript

/9 The war and the working of the human mind. An article in MS written some time during the First World War (1914-18), ? ever published. 7 leaves

/10 Dr William Brown, Dr Rivers, Dr Elliot Smith, Military Hospital, Maghull 1915. 1 photograph. 25 x 20 cm

.1 Another copy. 1 photograph. 25 x 20 cm

/11 G. Elliot Smith, J.P. Hill, J.T. Wilson, hunting for platypus, in camp on the Duckmalsi River, Blue Mountains, N.S.W., September 1895. 1 photograph. 20.5 x 25 cm

/12 Brain of young female chimpanzee. 3 drawings on 1 sheet [see MS 423/7/21]

/13 Chimpanzee ‘nearly adult’ male, died in London Zoo 1883. 3 drawings on 1 sheet

/14 Chiromys, College of Surgeons. 3 drawings on 1 sheet

/15 [Brain]. 1 drawing

/16 Manatus ninnquis? 1 drawing

/17 Dorsal surface of brain of Pithecia, Fig. 66. 1 drawing

/18 Frog, Fig. 4. 1 drawing

/19 Porpoise. 3 drawings on 1 sheet

/20 [Brain]. 1 drawing [see MS 423/4/21 and/64]

/21 [Enlarged copy of MS 423/4/29]

/22 Cercopithecus patas? 1 drawing

/23 Propithecus diadema, mesial aspect of right cerebral hemisphere. 1 drawing

/24 Langur 7.1.07. 3 drawings on 1 sheet

/25 Dasyurus. 1 drawing [see MS 423/4/28]

/26 Propithecus, pl. 86, fig. 3. 1 drawing [see MS 423/4/27]

/27 [Enlarged copy of MS 423/4/26]

/28 [Reduced copy of MS 423/4/25]

/29 De Visser p. 75 ‘The garial also belongs to the dragons’: [quotation]

/30 ‘The use of the sling in Mexico’: [quotation]

/31 ‘The important evidence derived from the study of tattooing’: [note]

/32 Denmark, Middle Iron Age 450-700 AD: [quotation]

/33 Cook pp. 428-429: [note]

/34 Heads of discussion. MS draft (unfinished) for an article on Piltdown ‘man’. i, 4 pp.

/35 ‘The results of this investigation go to prove that the relatively small brain of Eoanthropus’: [draft text]

/36 ‘The importance of discrimination’: [draft text]

/37 ‘The nervous system is composed essentially of a series of strands’. An undated and unfinished MS in Elliot Smith’s handwriting, possibly intended for the Textbook of Anatomy which he undertook to write, but never did write. 5 pp.

/38 The idea of the supernatural in human development, by Prof. Gr. Elliot Smith, FRS. Undated MS drafts (two preliminary and incomplete, one final and complete) for a lecture or pamphlet on the Idea of the Supernatural. 6 pp. [see MS 423/7/26]

/39 The idea of the supernatural in human development. 2 pp.

/40 The idea of the supernatural in human development

/41 Helmolt’s The world’s history, 1904, Vol. II, Chap. IV, Prof. Dr Emil Schmidt, pp. 518-19: [quotation]. 4 pp.

/42 ‘The irrigation system of Mesopotamia’: [quotation], Creswell p. 69

/43 ‘At end of Chap. 3’: [note]

/44 ‘In the year 1839 John Lloyd Stephens published a book’: [note]. 2 pp.

/45 ‘Seemed that the only kind of attack likely to meet with any success ancient American monuments Indian elephant’: [quotations]

/46 ‘Even Clark Wissler, who obstinately refuses to recognize the pan-pipes of Peru and Brazil pan pipe of Melanesia’: [quotations]

/47 ‘She was given of good luck in games in Egypt Osiris, in Mexico Mictlantecutli’: [draft text]. 3 pp., numbered 210-12

/48 ‘K.A.L. Creswell has discussed the important part played by the neglect of artificial irrigation’: [draft text]. 2 pp.

/49 ‘G.S.M. Birdwood – The industrial arts of India. The Eighth Vedic. Bancroft’: [quotations]. 2 pp.

/50 ‘W.H. Miner, The American Indians North of Mexico’: [quotations]. 5 pp.

/51 ‘So far I have been unable to make use of my opportunities of observation’: [quotation]

/52 ‘Mr Mann’s letter serves as a reminder of the significance of Scotch pictures of the elephant’: [draft text]

/53 ‘Mingana, In Semitic languages the vulva is called ‘the giver of life’: [note]

/54 Maspero, p. 159: [quotation]

/55 ‘Hopkins contrary to the general belief (2000 or 3000 BC) believes Rig Veda [quotations]

/56 ‘My addition to the exactitude with which Indian motives’: [note]

/57 ‘In describing the stucco used in the Cambodian temples’: [note]

/58 ‘H. Brugech, Die Sage von den geflügelten’: [quotation]

/59 ‘Ellis, Ashanti, she people’: [references]

/60 ‘L. Delaporte, Voyage Aug. Cambodge’: [note]

/61 ‘Miss A.W. Buckland, The serpentine in connexion with primitive metallurgy’: [quotation]

/62 ‘By studying the evidence’: [note]

/63 ‘The probability that the great civilizations of Western Asia’: [notes]

/64 [Brain]. 1 drawing [see also MS 423/4/20-21]

/65 Propithecus diadema pl. 86, fig. 2. 5 drawings on 1 sheet

/66 Moschus moschiferus N.S. 3 drawings on 1 sheet

/67 Skull of propithecus coronatus juv. 15 days

/68 Fortsythe Meyer’s specimens of Propithecus diadema. 5 drawings on 1 sheet

/69 Gorilla, figure 34. 1 drawing

/70 Pithecus Labrens Callithrip. 3 drawings on 1 sheet [see MS 423/7/22]

/71 College of Surgeons, large broken skull 257, Propithecus verransii. 2 drawings on 1 sheet [see MS 423/7/29]

/72 ‘Glenoid car. layer extending nearly full width of the zygomatic process’: [note]

/73 [Cross section of brain], fig. 6. 1 drawing

/74 Foetal platypus, fig. 48. 1 drawing

/75 [Cross section of brain of monotreme or marsupial?]. 1 drawing

/76 [Cross section of brain of monotreme or marsupial?]. 1 drawing

/77 Scheme of some of the fibre tracts in the ant. ext. of the mesial hemisphere wall of a monotreme or marsupial. 1 drawing

/78 Portion of a coronal section through the rt. cerebral hemisphere of a Monitor. 1 drawing

/79 Amnocoetes, fig. 5-6. 2 drawings on 1 sheet

/80 Fig. 20, sagittal section – platypus brain. 1 drawing

/81 Fig. 50, T.S. cerebrum of foetal platypus. 1 drawing

/82 Platypus, fig. 30, horizontal section through the hippocampal commisure. 1 drawing

/83 [Enlarged section of platypus brain?]. 1 drawing

/84 [Cross section of platypus brain?], fig. 20. 1 drawing

/85 [Cross section of platypus brain?] fig. 3. 1 drawing

/86 [Enlarged cross section of platypus brain?], fig. 4. 1 drawing

/87 [Cross sections of brain]. 16 drawings on 1 sheet

/88 [Cross sections of brain]. 15 drawings on 1 sheet

/89 [Cross sections of brain]. 13 drawings on 1 sheet

/90 [Cross sections of brain]. 22 drawings on 1 sheet

/5 Letters from Grafton Elliot Smith (GES) and his family to Andrew Arthur Abbie (AAA) 1933-60. Various sizes. Handwritten unless stated otherwise


/1 GES to AAA, 27 Aug. – thanks for dinner party and cigars on behalf of himself and his wife. 2 leaves. 17.5 x 13.5 cm

/2 Ibid., 28 Sep. – received MS and is editing it; legends to go into text; somatic-striatum and olfacto-striatum terms; reading Joe’s proofs on Bushman’s brains; Sudanese brain. 2 pp. 17.5 x 13.5 cm

/3 Ibid., 13 Dec. – asks AAA to compile a bibliography of Joe Shellshear’s writings. 1 p. 14 x 10.5 cm


/4 GES to W.A. Selle (WAS), Registrar, University of Sydney, 31 Jan. – praises work of AAA; informs Professor of Anatomy, University of Cambridge anxious to employ AAA; requests permission for AAA to stay in England; asks that University of Sydney support AAA. 2 leaves. Typewritten. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/5 WAS to GES, 12 Mar. – will submit letter to Senate, University of Sydney and Trustees of Walter and Eliza Hall Trust; pleased for AAA success. 1 p. Typewritten. Note on reverse GES to AAA – encloses letter fro AAA information; regrets AAA illness. 26 x 20.5 cm

/6 WAS to GES, 27 June – congratulates on Knighthood; Trustees release AAA from obligation to return to Sydney; hears AAA wants to return to Sydney; forthcoming vacancy in Senior Lectureship; Burkitt suggests AAA spends third year of Fellowship in Sydney and then will recommend for Anatomical staff. 1 p. Typewritten. 26 x 20.5 cm

/7 Kathleen Elliot Smith to AAA, 18 July – apologises for cancelling Friday night engagement; GES concerned about opening Address at Congress; hopes to see AAA and Ruth before they leave for Sydney. 3 pp. 18 x 13.5 cm

/8 GES (tp.) AAA, 8 Aug. – encloses Selle’s letter; thanks for gift of flowers and fruit from Ruth; asks AAA to visit; Keith disagrees with GES and he has replied to The Times published tomorrow. 2 pp. 18 x 13.5 cm

/9 Margaret Ashby to AAA, 17 Aug. – wishes au revoir and speedy return; congratulates Ruth on results of exam published in BMJ; hopes Australia appreciates value of AAA; A.K. been unwell; reminiscences on last Royal Society meeting; extends hospitality. 2 pp. 23 x 18 cm

/10 GES to AAA, 8 Nov. – congratulates on Echidna brain paper in Philosophical Transactions; hopes AAA settled in Sydney; Harris has made a good start in Cambridge. 1 p. Typewritten. 25 x 20 cm

/11 Ibid., 19 Nov. – thanks and praise for AAA P.R.S. paper and Phil. Trans. paper; Le Gros Clark talk at U.C.L.; Cave working well; thanks for comments on brain catalogue; Cave may go to Royal College of Surgeons as Assistant Conservator; Mrs Ashley wants to see Royal wedding; Manchester University dinner; Mrs Fletcher Shaw died. 4 pp. 18 x 13.5 cm


/12 Ibid., 16 Jan. – sends New Year wishes; refers to Appleton offer and pleads AAA to come to Harris or GES for a job; Cave gone to Royal College of Surgeons; regrets to hear of AAA appendicitis; asks AAA to call on GES sister; GES doing neurology course. 3 pp. 17.5 x 13.5 cm

/13 Ibid., 18 Feb. – congratulates AAA on award of Symington Prize; GES sent report of award to University of Brisbane [sic]; thanks for receipt of koala; GES retirement and search for new home. 2 pp. 17.5 x 13 cm

/14 Kathleen Elliot Smith to AAA, 30 Oct. – thanks for letter and paper; GES spent five weeks in Scotland; returned with cerebral injury and in University College Hospital for three weeks; return of diabetes; nursing at home; sent AAA paper to Dr Fielding who will discuss with GES if necessary; wants AAA to contribute to memorial volume of the Anatomical Journal; GES officially retires Sep. 1936; cannot work at present; his staff helping; hopes AAA will visit again. 4 pp. 18 x 13.5 cm

/15 GES to AAA, 30 Nov. – queries resignation of Joe and if H.K. is liked; GES leaving this session; negotiations with Kings College; hopes AAA will come to London; feels lazy with so much to do; done nothing to the Catalogue; hopes AAA working on brain in Sydney. 2 pp. 17.5 x 13.5 cm

/16 GES to Registrar, University of Queensland, 16 Dec. – informs AAA award of Symington Prize by Council of Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland; recommends AAA to University when choosing a professor of Anatomy; awarded Ph.D. at University of London for same work and memoirs of Royal Society of London. 1 p. Typewritten. 25 x 20 cm

/17 He disregarded his brother’s warning: engine running in closed garage. London, The Daily Mirror, [27 Dec. 1935]. Newspaper cutting reporting inquest on Stephen Elliot Smith, son of GES. 13 x 13 cm


/18 GES to AAA, 15 Jan. – grateful for sympathy; son Arthur looking after them; discusses anatomical posts and applicants at Brisbane and Hong Kong; application by Durward for Trinity College Dublin; Woollard selected for University College London; UCL thought AAA lacked teaching experience. 4 pp. 17.5 x 13 cm

/19 Ibid., 3 June – agrees AAA stay in Sydney to work on magnificent material; writing autobiographical notes; describes appointment process at Bart’s and Leeds; praises AAA work on Prototherian cortex; nephew in competition with Ruth; congratulates on news [baby?]; Kathleen injured in gas explosion; soon to return to Primrose Hill; received Legion of Honour by French President; Latimer leaving the Sudan; will send photograph of Diploma of Chevalier of the Order; will send testimonial for Adelaide application. 5 pp. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/20 Ibid., 31 June – congratulations on birth of daughter Jill; recommends Adelaide post; will speak to Woollard who is advising Adelaide. 2 pp. 25.5 x 20.5 cm


/21 Kathleen Elliot Smith to AAA, 3 Feb. – thanks for condolences; lonely life without Graf; convalescing at Broadstairs; hopes AAA lives up to GES expectations and love; GES wanted AAA back in England; thanks for photograph of daughter. 2 pp. 16.5 x 12.5 cm

.1 Lady Elliot Smith and her sons thank you for your kind sympathy, January 1937. 1 card. 9 x 15 cm

/22 Lilian Elliot Smith to AAA, 16 May – thanks for article on GES work in Australian National Review; regrets GES diverted from anatomy to anthropology; Arthur Elliot Smith to marry his cousin Nancy Williamson; sends regards to Ruth and Jill. 2 leaves. 20.5 x 13 cm [see MS 423/11/3]


/23 Kathleen Elliot Smith to AAA, 28 Jan. – congratulations on new daughter; staying in Limassol, Cyprus with sister to convalesce; thanks for article on GES; gives news of Arthur; anatomical career; news of John Kirk, Woollard, Wood Jones, Joe Shellshear, Hill, Barclay Smith; regrets AAA returned to Australia; suggests he write to Harris and Le Gros Clark; news of Ashby family; sends greetings for 1938; wants photograph of baby; speaks of loneliness; visited Cairo; relived old times and met old friends. 8 pp. 18 x 14.5 cm


/24 Ibid., 14 Feb. – thanks for box of preserved fruit; in Radcliffe Hospital for haemorrhoids; last year appendicitis; to convalescent home for two weeks; letter of introduction to Robert Porter whom she has not yet met; hopes AAA fully recovered from illness. 3 pp. 20.5 x 12 cm


/25 Ibid., 16 Feb. – thanks for Oration; asks for copy to be sent to son Latimer at Southmoor School; had slight stroke; introduced niece and family Mr and Mrs MacNeille MacCormick living in South Australia. 2 pp. 24.5 x 20 cm

/6 Newspaper cuttings of obituary notices published at the time of the death of Sir Grafton Elliot Smith. Various sizes [see MS 423/2/14]

/1 Sir G. Elliot Smith ill. [Sydney, The Sun, 29 Dec. 1936]. 4 x 5 cm

/2 Grafton-born scientist died at 65. [Sydney, The Sun, 3 Jan. 1937]. 5.5 x 5.5 cm

/3 First man to x-ray a mummy: Sir G. Elliot-Smith’s discoveries: famous physiologist’s work in Egypt. [London, The Daily Telegraph, 2 Jan. 1937]. 1 phot. 41 x 6 cm [see MS 423/2/14.5]

/4 Sir Grafton Elliot Smith: pioneer work in anthropology. [London, The Times, 2 Jan. 1937]. 1 photograph 56 x 6 cm [see MS 423/2/14.1]

/5 Sir G. Elliot Smith: death of scientist: born in N.S.W. [Sydney, Sydney Morning Herald, 4 Jan. 1937]. 1 photograph 38 x 6 cm

/6 A great Australian. [Sydney, Sydney Morning Herald, 13 Feb. 1937]. 49 x 6 cm

/7 Visit to Cairo: Grafton Elliot Smith (by C.B.F.). Sydney, Sydney Morning Herald, 13 Feb. 1937. 55 x 6 cm

/8 The late Sir Grafton Elliot Smith. [Sydney, Australian Pharmaceutical Notes and News, 10 Mar. 1937, pp. 88-9]. 27.5 x 18 cm (p. 1), 10.5 x 9 cm (p. 2)

/7 Sir Grafton Elliot Smith: The Twelfth Annual Post Graduate Oration of the Post-Graduate Committee in Medicine, University of Sydney delivered in the Great Hall on May 20, 1959 by Andrew Arthur Abbie. This oration is delivered to commemorate those who has advanced the art and science of medicine in New South Wales. Drafts, papers and photographs. Some are on film MS 423/3/3

/1 Draft text. 48 pp. Handwritten. 34 x 21 cm

/2 Draft text with headings. 13 leaves. Typewritten with handwritten amendments. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

.1 Another copy of draft MS 423/7/2. 13 leaves. Carbon typewritten. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/3 Draft acknowledgements. 1 p. Typewritten with handwritten amendments. 33.5 x 21 cm

/4 Acknowledgements. 1 p. Handwritten. 34 x 21 cm

/5 References: [introduction]. 1 p. Handwritten. 34 x 21 cm

/6 Draft references. 6 leaves. Typewritten with handwritten amendments. 33.5 x 21 cm

/7 [Abbie jottings]. 1 p. Handwritten. 34 x 21 cm

/8 Draft text. 44 leaves, numbered 1-3, 2, 3-42. Typewritten with handwritten amendments. 33.5 x 21 cm

/9 Draft text. 41 leaves. Typewritten with handwritten amendments, including reverse of leaf 19. 33.5 x 21 cm

/10 Draft text. 41 leaves. Typewritten with handwritten amendments. 33.5 x 21 cm

/11 Draft appendix I: pioneering in ethnology. 8 leaves. Typewritten with handwritten amendments. 33.5 x 21 cm

/12 Draft appendix II: the University of Sydney. 3 leaves. Typewritten with handwritten amendments. 33.5 x 21 cm

/13 Draft acknowledgements. 1 p. Handwritten. 34 x 21 cm

/14 Draft references. 5 pp. Handwritten. 34 x 21 cm

/15 Draft introduction, text, part of appendix I and II, references, legends to illustrations. 73 leaves, numbered 1-59, 65-6, 74, 76-86. Typewritten with handwritten amendments. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/16 Sir Grafton Elliot Smith: Twelth [sic] Annual Post-Graduate Oration by A.A. Abbie, Department of Anatomy, University of Adelaide, 1959. [i], 1-59, 65-6, 74, 76-86 leaves. Typewritten. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/17 Another copy of MS 423/7/16. [i], 1-82 leaves. Carbon typewritten with a few handwritten amendments. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/18 Elliot Smith in the University College, London, days. Probably taken in the early 1930’s. Photograph by Russell & Sons, Baker Street, London. Figure 1. 1 portrait photograph, head and shoulders, mounted. 26.5 x 22 cm

.1-.4 4 copies of MS 423/7/18. Unmounted. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/19 Preliminary sketches of the brain of the echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus) on University of Sydney notepaper with dating 189- probably about 1895. Figure 2. 1 photograph of 9 drawings on 1 sheet, mounted. 22.5 x 26.5 cm

/20 Section of the hippocampal commissure of the platypus (ornithorhynchus anatinus), also probably about 1895. Figure 3. 1 photograph, mounted. 26.5 x 22 cm

/21 Preliminary sketches from the brain of a chimpanzee for the College of Surgeons catalogue, about 1900-1901. Figure 4. 1 photograph of 3 drawings on 1 sheet, mounted. 26.5 x 22.5 cm [see also MS 423/4/12]

/22 Preliminary sketches of the brain of cercopithecus sabaeus for the catalogue. Figure 3. 1 photograph of 3 drawings on 1 sheet, mounted. 26.5 x 22.5 cm [see also MS 423/4/70]

/23 The human cortical pattern as determined by Elliot Smith, 1907. Figure 6. 1 photograph of 2 drawings on 1 sheet, mounted. 26.5 x 22.5 cm

/24 Early Manchester days, circa. 1911. Figure 7. 1 photograph, mounted. 22.5 x 25.5 cm

/25 A Mayan ‘elephant’. Figure 8. 1 photograph, mounted. 26.5 x 22.5 cm

/26 First page of an MS draft. Figure 9. 1 photograph, mounted. 26.5 x 22.5 cm [see MS 423/4/38]

/27 Elliot Smith’s signature from a personal letter dated November 19, 1934, nearly two years after his first stroke. Figure 10. 1 photograph, mounted. 23 x 28 cm

.1 Another copy of MS 423/7/27. 1 photograph. 20.5 x 25.5 cm

/28 Annual Post-Graduate Oration: Sir Grafton Elliot Smith, by A.A. Abbie, MD, BS, D.Sc., Ph.D., FRACP, Professor of Anatomy, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, S.A. Reprinted from the Bulletin of the Post-Graduate Committee in Medicine, University of Sydney, vol. 15, no. 3, June 1959, pp. 101-50, figs. Handwritten annotations pp. 104, 114, 137, 147. 23.5 x 15 cm

.1 Another copy of MS 423/7/28. Handwritten corrections pp. 104, 147. Front cover signed A.A. Abbie

/29 College of Surgeons. Large broken skull 257. Propithecus verreauxi. 1 photograph of 2 drawings on 1 sheet, mounted. 26.5 x 23 cm. This was not used as an illustration in the published oration [see MS 423/4/71]

/30 Fig. 39, sagittal section, mesial hemisphere wall Perameles, Weigert-Pal stain. 1 photograph, mounted. 22.5 x 26.5 cm. This was not used as an illustration in the published oration

/8 Letters and papers written or received by Professor A.A. Abbie (AAA), 1955-68. Photographs. Various sizes. Typewritten and 1 p. unless stated otherwise


/1 V.M. Coppleson (VMC) to AAA, 28 Oct. – invitation to be orator for a future Oration ‘Dr Grafton Elliot Smith’ to be delivered 1958 or 1959. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/2 AAA to VMC, 8 Nov. – honoured to accept, as knowledgeable on subject; date of Oration could be sooner. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/3 VMC to AAA, 14 Nov. – thanks for acceptance; the Committee will reconsider the year for the Oration. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/4 Ibid., 19 Dec. – the Committee decided the Oration would be the Twelfth to be given, May 1959 at 8.15 pm of about 50 minutes duration and to be about 6,000 words with supper afterwards; publication should be as delivered and submitted to Post-Graduate Committee Bulletin; 6th and 7th Orations enclosed; will request personal invitation list end of 1958. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/5 The life and work of William Redfern: Sixth Annual Post-Graduate Oration, by Edward Ford, delivered on April 29, 1953. (Reprinted from Bulletin of the Post-Graduate Committee in Medicine, University of Sydney, vol. 9, no. 1, 1953, pp. 1-36. 23.5 x 15 cm

/6 The life and times of William Bland: Seventh Annual Post-Graduate Oration, by A.M. McIntosh, delivered on May 5, 1954. (Reprinted from Bulletin of the Post-Graduate Committee in Medicine, University of Sydney, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 109-52. 23.5 x 15 cm


/7 AAA to VMC. 4 Jan. – thanks for date fixture and copies of past Orations; notes need for invitation list; will begin compiling data for the Oration. 25.5 x 20.5 cm


/8 VMC to AAA, 2 June – confirms date and arrangements for the Twelfth Annual Post-Graduate Oration; offers cost of fares and living expenses in Sydney; encloses invitation list and arrangements for Eleventh Oration. 2 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/9 Oration invitation list. 2 leaves. 34 x 20.5 cm

/10 The Post-Graduate Committee in Medicine, the University of Sydney, in the presence of His Excellency, The Governor of N.S.W., Eleventh Annual Post-Graduate Oration. 3 leaves. 33.3 x 20.5 cm

/11 David S. Macmillan, University Archivist to AAA, 16 July – has been researching material on GES; searched Senate Minutes 1894-6; Dictionary of Australian Biography; Minutes of Faculty of Medicine 1920’s; photographs with Miss Hunter, Librarian of the Department of Anatomy; files of University Administration on Chair of Anthropology; papers with Professor Macintosh; enjoyed lecture on Macleay. 2 leaves. 26 x 21 cm

/12 AAA to D.S. Macmillan, 21 July – thanks for information; will write to Miss Hunter and Professor Macintosh. 25.5 x 20 cm

/13 Ibid., to Professor N.W.G. Macintosh (NWGM), 21 July – requests loan of any material that would be useful in preparation of the Oration. 25.5 x 20 cm

/14 NWGM to AAA, 24 July – will send material which he thinks will be disappointing; timely reminder to select a page for display by Ted Ford. 20.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/15 VMC to AAA, 11 Aug. – encloses preliminary draft of Oration procedure. 26 x 20.5 cm

/16 Preliminary draft only of Twelfth Annual Post-Graduate Oration. 4 leaves. 33.5 x 21 cm

/17 NWGM to AAA, 8 Aug. – encloses index of GES material; will send all on loan; midst of Medicine III examinations; designing conversion of 4 rooms; Wilson Museum refurbished; received GES material in 1956; refers to Professors Dart and Shellshear; display of material and collection of GES publications; Professor E. Ford has examined it; good original drawings; mainly emotional material; originally offered to Professor Burkitt who did not proceed; asked Assistant Registrar to intercede at University level in 1955 and all future negotiations conducted through Registrar’s Office. 2 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm

/18 AAA to NWGM, 28 Aug. – involved with ANZAAS; thanks for GES material which looks promising. 25.5 x 20 cm

/19 AAA to Dr S.A. Smith, 24 Sep. – informs of Oration and requests details of earlier days of GES; schooling, family background; would like documents treated in confidence; has written to Arthur Elliot Smith without response. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/20 VMC to AAA, 10 Oct. – encloses draft of invitation card to Oration; requests degrees or diplomas AAA wants added to his name; wants projection needs later. 26.5 x 20.5 cm

/21 Draft of invitation card. 26 x 21 cm

/22 AAA to VMC, 15 Oct. – approves draft; does not want Degrees or Diplomas included; wants 35 mm projector. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/23 VMC to AAA, 23 Oct. – acknowledges letter. 26 x 20.5 cm

/24 Dr S.A. Smith to AAA, 3 Nov. – delighted AAA giving Oration; thinks insufficient recognition of GES work on cerebral morphology; no surviving material on early years; destroyed his letters; will remind Arthur; gives discursive history of his brother from personal memory; from birth to days in Egypt; mentions G.G. Taylor inaccurate Syme Oration; W.H.R. Rivers connections; Wood Jones; possible connection with George Elliot. 10 pp. Handwritten. 26 x 20.5 cm

/25 AAA to A. Elliot Smith, 3 Dec. – reminds of earlier letter re Oration; perhaps not received; would like information on GES earlier days; Lady Elliot Smith unwell. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/26 Ibid., to Dr S.A. Smith, 3 Dec. – reminder of last letter; asks for information for Oration. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/27 AAA to Dr A.S. Smith, 12 Dec. – thanks for notes on life of GES and obituary notice by J.T. Wilson. 25.5 x 20.5 cm


/28 NWGM to AAA, 25 Feb. – agrees to publication of items of Elliot Smithsonia. 20.5 x 13 cm

/29 D.S. Macmillan to AAA, 27 Feb. – pleased GES material interesting; agrees to publication if acknowledged to archives of University of Sydney. 26 x 20.5 cm

/30 VMC to AAA, 30 Apr. – encloses tentative draft for Twelfth Oration arrangements; requests invitation list; confirmation of projector; NWGM in Dais party; encloses expenses cheque. 2 leaves. 26.5 x 20.5 cm

/31 Tentative draft 1st April 1959. Twelfth Oration. 2 leaves. 33.5 x 21 cm

/32 [Amendment of arrangement of] Twelfth Oration. 3 leaves. 34 x 21 cm

/33 AAA to VMC, 5 May – thanks for draft; suggests Dr S.A. Smith be asked if further relatives should attend; confirms projector; thanks for funds for travel and accommodation. 25.5 x 20 cm

/34 C. Harvey to AAA, 14 May – regrets he and wife Laura cannot attend Oration as going to College of Physicians Meeting in Adelaide where hopes to meet AAA. 12.5 x 20.5 cm

/35 Webb Haymaker to AAA, 15 May – thanks for invitation; regrets will be missing a real event. 27.5 x 21.5 cm. Handwritten

/36 K.J. Cable to VMC, 8 May – recently completed account of history of Sydney High School of which GES was a foundation pupil; may be of use to AAA. 20.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/37 AAA to K.J. Cable, 25 May – received letter from Post Graduate Committee; unsuccessful in making contact in Sydney; grateful for information on GES for publication. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/38 Godfrey Harris to AAA, 26 May – suggests photograph of GES as a prosecutor in Medical School at Sydney University worth including in published Oration. 22.5 x 17.5 cm. Handwritten

/39 NWGM to AAA, 1 June – cannot find prosecutor photograph; earliest photograph is 1905; no specimen in the Museum bearing GES name; did prosecutorship exist in 1905; hopes to look through old calendars but many lost or destroyed. 26 x 20 cm

/40 Ibid., 4 June – lists 6 points about career of GES 1889-1905. 26 x 20.5 cm

/41 K.J. Andrews (KJA), Headmaster, Sydney High School to AAA, 5 June – GES educated at the school; school wants to place bronze plaque in the Great Hall of School; Mr Mezaros to execute the bronze; asks for portrait in profile of GES for Mr Mezaros. 26 x 20.5 cm

/42 AAA to KJA, 17 June – encloses two photographs of GES referred to by Dr S.A. Smith; pleased by proposed memorial. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/43 K.J. Cable to AAA, 30 June – encloses draft of early chapter of My history of Sydney High School; finds nothing to add to Wiedersehn’s account of Smith; useful background of GES education. 26 x 20.5 cm

/44 [Reference to] H.H. Weidersehn, An outline history of the Sydney High School, 1883-1933. 20.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/45 The history of the Sydney Boys’ High School by K.J. Cable, MA (Syd et Cantab.), Lecturer in History, University of Sydney. Chapter two: the foundation. 27 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm

/46 AAA to NWGM, 3 July – disappointed that no photograph of GES as Prosecutor could be found; GES must have been a Prosecutor; asks to be informed of future material. 25.5 x 20 cm

/47 AAA to K.J. Cable, 7 July – thanks for Chapter two of The history which clarifies points; pleased to know of Wiedersehn’s book; will send copy of Oration when published. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/48 Ralph Reader (RR), Hon. Editor to AAA, 17 July – encloses galley proofs of Oration for correction; to confirm 200 reprints wanted. 26.5 x 20.5 cm

/49 AAA to RR, 23 July – returns corrected proofs; confirms 200 reprints wanted; has eliminated a number of editorial emendations to AAA original text; serious complaint about editorial emendation to verbatim quotations which must be restored to AAA originals; appendix I and II have been altered and must be reproduced exactly as written; complains about editorial influence. 2 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/50 RR to AAA, 30 July – received corrected galley proofs; defends the sub-editing of Mr G. Preston; many alterations were the typesetter’s errors; original typescript had typist’s errors which were corrected as were those in Appendices; only textual alterations were conjunctions; will print exactly as AAA amendments; will send page proofs after 3 Aug. but if AAA absent the editor will check against original MS; apologies for difficulties. 2 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm

/51 AAA to RR, 31 July – will be in Arnhem Land; happy for editor to correct page proofs. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/52 A.P. Elkin, University of Sydney to AAA, 21 Oct. – thanks for reprint of Oration; lunched daily with GES, Perry and Hooke 1925-27; uninterested in people professionally until proven contribution to make them would give support and appreciation; GES father taught at Wollombi before GES birth; pleads AAA vote in Senate quinquennial elections to avoid Government interference. 2 pp. 20.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/53 Warren R. Dawson (WRD) to AAA, 28 Nov. – thanks for reprint of Oration; praises AAA evaluation of scientific significance of GES anatomical and neurological work; discusses hostility to Keith; knew GES since Manchester days; holds 100 letters from GES to himself and copies of 450 to others plus various MSS; recently received letter from Lady Elliot Smith in indifferent health; has copy of photograph on p. 104 given in 1924. 2 pp. 24.5 x 20 cm. Handwritten

/54 AAA to WRD, 8 Dec. – thanks for generous comments; agrees no hostility to Keith; would like copies of material held by WRD as wants to write something more and include Australian material; hopes to be in England 1960 and would like to visit WRD; between them hopes to achieve a definitive biography and scientific appreciation. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/55 WRD to AAA, 20 Dec. – GES material at AAA disposal but bound with all WRD MSS destined for the British Museum; looks forward to meeting AAA; suggests sending copy of Oration to Lady Elliot Smith; Sir Wilfrid Le Gros Clark refers to GES and Keith estrangement; holds letters from Robert Broom. 1 p. 24.5 x 20 cm. Handwritten


/56 KJA to AAA, 10 May – possesses bronze portrait medallion of GES by Mr Meszaros; invites AAA to unveil the medallion sometime before November when in Sydney and give an address; thanks for photographs and returns them; if cannot do unveiling invited to visit school at any time. 26 x 20.5 cm

/57 Grafton Elliot Smith at Manchester sometime between 1910-13. 1 portrait photograph, head and shoulders in profile. Photograph used for bronze medallion at Sydney High School. 13 x 10 cm

/58 Another copy of MS 423/8/57

/59 WRD to AAA, 5 July – pleased to have AAA visit this month and will meet the train. 16.5 x 10 cm. Handwritten

/60 Ibid., 7 July – misunderstood date; invited 12th or 15th for lunch; allow 2 ½ hours by road; confirm day of visit. 16.5 x 10 cm. Handwritten

/61 Margaret Ashby to AAA, 7 July – thanks for Oration on Uncle Graf; Rutherford greeted GES as ‘My Lord Bishop’; information on GES of a chatty nature; letters sent to America about the Copan elephant; Lady Elliot Smith has had chicken pox and shingles; hopes to see Andrew and Ruth. 3 pp. 17.5 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/62 WRD to AAA, 9 July – expected for lunch 15th. 16.5 x 10 cm. Handwritten

/63 Ibid., 22 July – pleased AAA has made microfilms; looking forward to lunch visit. 16.5 x 10 cm. Handwritten

/64 Ibid., 24 Aug. – sorry AAA cannot visit again; enjoyed discussions on GES; looks forward to detailed memoir. 2 pp. 16.5 x 10 cm. Handwritten

/65 Ibid., 26 Nov. – informs of article by T.H. Pear containing reminiscences of GES published in JRAI vol. 90, part 2, pp. 227-37; speaks of labyrinthitis operation and unsteadiness. 24.5 x 20 cm. Handwritten [see MS 423/11/11]

/66 AAA to WRD, 1 Dec. – thanks for reference to Pear’s paper; sends wishes for recovery; visited Vienna, Athens, Nairobi and Johannesburg after England; happy recollections of visit to WRD. 26 x 20.5 cm

/67 AAA to KJA, 1 Dec. – had hoped to visit school but so much work after absence that he regrets not able to visit at a useful time; hopes to see plaque on next visit to Sydney and see past records of GES time at Sydney High School; apologises for inconvenience. 26 x 20.5 cm

/68 Bryan Gandevia to AAA, 5 Dec. – thanks for letter; hopes AAA may complete a more elaborate study of GES; requests copy of an illustration of GES handwriting to add to collection of handwriting of historically significant books he owns. 24 x 20.5 cm

/69 John L. Thornton, Medical College Library, St Bart’s Hospital, 9 Dec. – thanks in anticipation for copy of Oration; has no historical papers of his own but is sending a few others he has collected and a biography of John Abernethy. 24 x 20 cm. handwritten

/70 Alan M. Chesney to AAA, 30 Dec. – thanks for copy of Oration; recalls GES lecture at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine on ‘The significance of Sinanthropus’ on 8 Dec. 1930; hopes AAA will visit again. 28 x 21.5 cm


/71 Charles Marmoy (CM), Thane Librarian, University College London to AAA, 12 Jan. – requests copy of Oration for library recommended by John Thornton; has photograph taken with Prof. Woollard in July 1921; not much time for medical history but wrote first account of ‘Auto-Icon’ of Jeremy Bentham in Medical History, vol. 2; AAA there in 1933 but not back since and would welcome a visit; has seen Prof. Anrep; tells of changes in Gower Street and forthcoming plans at University College. 24.5 x 20 cm [see MS 423/11/8]

/72 AAA to CM, 17 Jan. – supposes many meetings as left in Aug. 1934; sending copy of Oration; glad to have paper by Jeremy Bentham; hopes to use photograph mentioned by CM in future work; revisited University College in 1950 where he spent time with Professors J.P. Hill and J.Z. Young. 25.5 x 20 cm

/73 CM to AAA, 7 Feb. – looks forward to receiving the Oration; welcome to use the photograph and is sending a copy; offers assistance in searching information about GES; College did not receive any of GES original material. 24.5 x 20 cm

/74 WRD to AAA, 13 Feb. – asked for extra copy of Pear’s paper; pleased to hear AAA has GES letters to Dubois whom GES met in 1929 at Java Congress; will send copies of any important ones from own collection of 100 letters; has not had a Christmas reply from Lady Elliot Smith; still unsteady on feet. 24 x 20 cm. Handwritten

/75 Dick Hooijerth to AAA, 28 Apr. – thanks for batch of reprints; observes nucleus of book on GES in Oration; hopes letters sent last year and Dubois reprints will be useful; he doubts Dubois lent the Pithecanthropus fragment to GES but probably an early endocast; West Indian fossils exciting; ground sloths and armadillos providing a lot of research work; John Huizinga to open new institute. 29.5 x 15 cm

/76 KJA to AAA, 2 June – would like to hold unveiling of bronze portrait-plaque of GES on 29 June and hopes AAA might be able to do unveiling and give address; if cannot come apologises for asking Sir Earle Page to unveil plaque; hopes AAA will visit some time. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/77 AAA to KJA, 7 July – impossible to visit Sydney on 29 June; excellent suggestion for Sir Earle Page to unveil plaque; wish successful ceremony and will visit when in Sydney. 26 x 20.5 cm

/78 CM to AAA, 19 July – apologises for delay in sending copy of photograph; original dated 21.7.1921; copy somewhat larger than original and higher contrast. 20.5 x 16.5 cm

/79 Grafton Elliot Smith and H.H. Woollard sitting in a garden, dated 21.7.1921 from original held by Charles Marmoy. 1 photograph. 15.5 x 11.5 cm

/80 AAA to CM, 8 Sep. – thanks for photograph; apologises for delay as on field expedition in northern Australia. 26 x 20.5 cm

/81 [Reference notes on GES], by AAA. 18.5 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten


/82 Graeme Pretty, South Australian Museum to AAA, 24 July – encloses copy of Spencer’s letter to Marett; cannot find letter of Radcliffe Brown but will send when it turns up. 2 leaves. 21 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/83 [Copy] W.B. Spencer to Dr Marett, London, 24.6.27, titled Diffusion – thanks for lecture; compliments on polite remarks re GES; thinks GES bumptious and GES and Perry obsessed with diffusion; confesses Rivers’ ‘Melanesians’ is unsatisfactory and bewildering. 26 x 20.5 cm

/84 Grafton Elliot Smith 1892-1896, by Falk Studios, Sydney. 1 portrait photograph, head and shoulders. 12 x 8 cm

/9 Photocopies of letters from Grafton Elliot Smith to Professor Eugène Dubois, 1913-37. Various sizes. Supplied by Dr D.A. Hooijer, Royal Museum of Natural History, Leiden, 1960 [see MS 423/8/75]

/1 GES to Prof. Eugène Dubois (ED), 20 Mar. 1913 – thanks for message via Dr Arïens Kappers; promised Dr Smith Woodward to write report on brain cast of Sussex skull; hope ED will write his report on Pithecanthropus brain soon which they discussed in 1898; will use ED report for his paper but if not issued will write second report dealing with comparisons of the two casts. 2 leaves. 25.5 x 20 cm. Handwritten

/2 Ibid., 27 Nov. 1924 – been in America and Oceania; thanks for two Pithecanthropus memoirs; Prof. Fairfield Osborn says ED sending replicas of endocranial cast to America; hopes ED will consider sending casts to GES. 2 leaves. 25 x 20 cm. Handwritten

/3 Ibid., 26 Jan. 1925 – sorry for delay in negotiations with Barlow; John Hunter came from Australia to give lectures and died so GES had to prepare lectures for publication and deal with his affairs. 1 leaf. 25 x 20 cm. Handwritten

/4 Ibid., 5 Jan. 1931 – glad to receive reference to skull of Sinanthropus; GES writing on impressions of material in China and will send a copy; so far only head found and some new specimens; discusses at length comparisons of Peking skull and Pithecanthropus; is giving lecture on skull soon and when published will send a reprint. 2 leaves. 25 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/5 Ibid., 22 Jan. 1931 – had no replies from people he asked about Australian Aborigines’ body weights but will write again in particular to Prof. Wilkinson; suggests ED write to Prof. Neville Burkett in Amsterdam; would like account of circumstances of ED’s refusal of prosecutorship in Amsterdam to go to Java to search for human fossils; GES writing history of discovery of human fossil remains and wants to include this and discovery of Pithecanthropus. 2 leaves. 25 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/6 Ibid., 17 Feb. 1931 – thanks for account of history of discovery which GES will have typed and return a copy. 1 p. 22.5 x 17.5 cm. Handwritten

/7 Ibid., 16 Mar. 1931 – been to Scotland, Wales and Leeds but will send typed copy tomorrow; has made some slight verbal changes and left account unchanged; hopes to send small book on ‘The search for man’s ancestors’ to printers at end of month. 1 p. 25 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/8 Ibid., 25 July 1932 – congratulates ED on recovering parts of three more thigh bones of Pithecanthropus; English anatomists claiming thigh bone found in 1892 at Trinil cannot belong to same individual as calvaria; International Congress in London and asks if GES can use information in letter or read a note on ED’s behalf with photographs if possible; sending pair of femora of an Australian Aboriginal man. 1 p. 25 x 20 cm. Handwritten

/9 Ibid., 2 Aug. 1932 – regard femora as gift to Institute at Leyden; thanks for communication in English and Dutch; an announcement to be made at International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences; regrets there are no photographs. 1 p. 25 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/10 Ibid., 8 Aug. 1932 – Mr Barlow has shown GES letter referring to visit of Prof. Shellshear to ED bringing Wadjak skulls; showed cast of femur of Pithecanthropus to Congress and new femur find which provoked little discussion except for Prof. Weiner and Weidenreich; privately great interest was displayed. 2 leaves. 25 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/11 Ibid., 28 Sep. 1932 – Prof. Shellshear has delivered Wadjak jaws; casts to be made available. 1 p. 25 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/12 Ibid., 12 Sep. 1936 – supported ED request to Dr Broom for a cast of interesting latest discovery in South Africa. 1 p. 22.5 x 17 cm. Handwritten

/13 Ibid., ? 1937 [sic] – ED writing article on Pithecanthropus for Royal Anthropological Institute; GES to write to Dr Harrison, President who could expedite publication; Dr Broom is well aware of importance of South African fossils to ED; apologises for not replying re address of Dr Pinkley who is on way to Manila. 2 leaves. 22.5 x 17 cm. Handwritten

/10 Letters, papers, obituaries by and about Dr Una Fielding, 1936-1969. Various sizes

/1 Una Fielding to AAA, 1 Oct. 1936 – acknowledges congratulations on Readership; congratulates on birth of daughter; discusses life in Broadstairs setting up new flat; requests photograph of baby. 4 pp. 18 x 11.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 Ibid., 10 Jan. 1937 – gives news of GES death; saw Lady Elliot Smith afternoon before and gives account of last week of GES life; died peacefully; Lady Elliot Smith very interested in AAA; discusses merits of GES obituaries; regrets loss of friend and will dedicate book to GES; influenza epidemic ending. 2 pp. 23 x 17.5 cm. Handwritten

/3 Ibid., 5 Nov. 1948 – thanks for reprints; Assistant Professor of Anatomy in Alexandria, Egypt; had been acting head of Dept. of Anatomy for seven years until J.Z. Young appointed Professor; chose Anatomy Dept. instead of Asst. Prof. of Physiology taking in histology and neurology; wants to improve preclinical studies and curriculums in anatomy; discusses teaching special aspects of anatomy; wants increase in living body knowledge and parasitology; discusses each anatomy Dept. of University of London wanting to set independent courses; wants to do experimental work on gekkos. 8 pp. 20 x 13 cm. Handwritten


/4 Sir Thomas Holmes Sellors, President, Royal College of Surgeons to Rev. Mr Fielding, 19 Aug. – condolences on sister’s death; services career and work in the Museum highly valued. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/5 Dr Una Fielding: research in anatomy [obituary], by B.D.W. London, The Times, 21/8/69. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Photocopy

/6 Una Lucy Fielding: [obituary], by J.D. London, The Lancet, 30 Aug. 1969, p. 499. 1 p. 27 x 19 cm. Photocopy

/7 Una Lucy Fielding: [obituary]. [London], British Medical Journal, 30 Aug. 1969 and obituary MS 423/10/6. 1 p. 31 x 20.5 cm. Photocopy

/8 Another copy of MS 423/10/7. Photocopy of p. 537, British Medical Journal, 30 Aug. 1969. 1 p. 28 x 20.5 cm

/9 Morris G. Fielding to Miss Mouret, The Mitchell Library, 23 Oct. – visit by Mr Blanton; four of his sisters have had cancer; Ruth wants to write a biography of Una but is unreliable after a breakdown; would like Mrs Blanton to visit again; has two letters from Una and some maps of Mr Gosset. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/10 Ronald R. Wintor, Editor, Medical Journal of Australia to AAA, 11 Nov. – has seen obituary notices of Dr Una Fielding; would like to publish an appreciation of distinguished Australian graduate; encloses obituary notice from The Times [see MS 423/10/5]; invites AAA to write article. 1 p. 25.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten. [Notes by AAA in manuscript on reverse]

/11 AAA to Dr Ronald R. Winton, 19 Nov. – happy to accept invitation to write an obituary notice of a great friend. 1 p. 25.5 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/12 Morris G. Fielding to AAA, 24 Nov. – encloses photostats of Una’s death in London; Mrs Blandon from the Mitchell Library copied papers and letters he held; sister Ruth wrote a life and sent it to The Australian Encyclopaedia giving AAA as reference; encloses notes [see MS 423/10/13] and hopes AAA will write a scientific account of her life; will give assistance; supplies personal referees. 2 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/13 Notes on Dr Una Fielding, Sir Grafton Elliot Smith, French cave tour 1913, Abbé Breuil and Sergeant R.G.W. Gosset found documents on caves in France 1916; life of Mr Gosset in New Zealand; life during First World War. 1916, by Morris G. Fielding. 2 leaves. 33.5 x 21 cm (i), 26 x 20.5 cm (2). Typewritten

/14 [Notes on Una Fielding], by AAA. 1 p. 12 x 9 cm. Handwritten

/15 Una Lucy Fielding, BA, BSc, MB, ChM (Sydney) 1888-1969: [draft copy] by AAA. 3 pp. 33 x 20 cm. Handwritten [see MS 423/10/17]

/16 AAA to Ronald R. Winton, 25 Nov. – encloses obituary notice on Una Fielding; returns Times obituary. 1 p. 25.5 x 20 cm. Typewritten [see MS 423/10/17]

/17 Una Lucy Fielding, BA, BSc, MB, ChM (Sydney), (1888-1969): [obituary notice]. 3 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/18 AAA to Rev. N.G. Fielding, 26 Nov. – thanks for information on Una; sending copy of obituary notice for Medical Journal of Australia; regrets writing a book beyond AAA in terms of time and difficulty. 1 p. 25.5 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/19 AAA to Miss Jessie Dobson, Royal College of Surgeons, 26 Nov. – compliments on Lancet obituary assumed written by her; AAA just finished obituary for Med.J.Aust; Lancet version says Una Fielding completed revision of the GES catalogue in the Hunterian Museum; asks for a copy. 1 p. 25.5 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/20 Jessie Dobson to AAA, 2 Dec. – thanks for appreciation of notice; revision of neurological catalogue in typescript and propose to incorporate it in new edition of the non-Hunterian specimens in the Museum; asks if wants to wait for published copy or would like a Xerox copy now. 1 p. 25.5 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/21 AAA to Jessie Dobson, 9 Dec. – will wait for printed version; thanks for offer of Xerox copy. 1 p. 25.5 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/22 Una Lucy Fielding: [obituary], by Prof. A.A. Abbie. From: The Medical Journal of Australia, 13 Dec. 1969, pp. 1227-8. 27.5 x 21 cm [see MS 423/10/15,/17]

/23 Morris G. Fielding to AAA, 22 Dec. – thanks for Una obituary notice in Med.J.Aust.; delighted with the detail; sending copy to the Mitchell Library. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Handwritten

/24 Miss M.E. Parker to AAA, 23 Dec. – enquires how to acquire a copy of the British Medical Association Journal for 30 Aug. 1969; knew Dr Una Fielding at Crosby Hall and wants account of her life and photograph; mutual friend suggested she ask AAA. 2 leaves. 17 x 11 cm. Handwritten

/11 Publications by various authors, 1916-1972. Various sizes

/1 The origin of the pre-Columbian civilization of America, by G. Elliot Smith. Reprint from: Science N.S., Vol. 44, no, 1128, 11 Aug. 1916, pp. 190-5, map. 27 x 20 cm. Printed

/2 The ancient Egyptians and the origin of civilization: preface by G. Elliot Smith. London, Harper, 1923, 2nd ed. pp. v-ix. 25.5 x 20 cm. Printed

/3 The diffusion of culture, by A.A. Abbie. Reprint from: The Australian National Review, vol. 1, no. 5, 1 May 1937, pp. 16-19 [see MS 423/5/22]. 25 x 15.5 cm. Printed

/4 Smith, Sir Grafton Elliot. 2 leaves. [London, Who’s Who, 1937]. 33.5 x 21 cm. Typewritten

/5 Smith, Sir Grafton Elliot (1871-1937), edited by Warren R. Dawson. From Dictionary of Australian biography, L-Z, vol. 2, pp. 329-332. Sydney, Angus and Robertson, 1949. 6 leaves. 25.5 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/6 The life and times of Dr George Bennett, by V.M. Coppleson. Reprint from: The Medical Journal of Australia, 20 Aug. 1955, pp. 273-8. Sydney, Australian Medical Publ. Co., 1955. 27.5 x 21.5 cm. Printed

/7 Kon-Tiki explorer solves riddles of Easter Island. From: The Sydney Morning Herald, 26 Feb. 1957. 2 leaves. 33.5 x 21 cm (1), 26 x 20.5 cm (2). Typewritten

/8 The ‘auto-icon’ of Jeremy Bentham at University College London, by C.F.A. Marmoy. Reprint from: Medical History vol. 2, no. 2, 1958, pp. 1-10, 4 figs. 24.5 x 17.5 cm [see MS 423/8/71]

/9 J.L. Shellshear, DSO, MD, MS: [obituary], by L.T.R. From British Medical Journal, 16 Aug. 1958, pp. 453-4. 27.5 x 20.5 cm. Printed

/10 The rontgen rays. From: Australian Medical Gazette, 20 July 1896, reprint from: The Medical Journal of Australia, 23 Jan. 1960, pp. 144-5. 1 p. 25 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/11 Some early relations between English ethnologists and psychologists, by T.H. Pear. Reprint from: Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, vol. 90, pt. 2, 1960, pp. 227-37 [see MS 423/8/65]. Annotations by W.R.D. 24.5 x 18.5 cm. Printed

/12 Another copy of MS 423/11/11. 13 pp. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten carbon copy

/13 Another copy of MS 423/11/11. 13 pp. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/14 Deaths: Smith – Stewart Arthur Smith, on February 5, 1961 at Sydney. From The Medical Journal of Australia, 18 Feb. 1961, p. 272. 27.5 x 20.5 cm. Printed

/15 The historical and prehistorical background of ankylosing spondylitis, by P.A. Zorab. In Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, vol. 54, no. 5, 1961, pp. 415-20. London, Royal Society of Medicine, 1961. Annotations. 24.5 x 17.5 cm. Printed

/16 Stewart Arthur Smith: [obituary]. From: The College Newsletter, vol. 1, no. 5, July 1961, p. 2, phot. Sydney, Royal Australian College of Physicians, 1961

/17 Obituary: Stewart Arthur Smith. From: The Medical Journal of Australia, 17 Feb. 1962, pp. 259-62, phot. 27.5 x 20 cm. Printed

/18 Obituary: Earle Christmas Grafton Page. From: The Medical Journal of Australia, 12 May 1962, pp. 731-4, phot. 27.5 x 20.5 cm. Printed

/19 Annual Post-Graduate Oration: Henry Grattan Douglas, by K.B. Noad. From: The Medical Journal of Australia, vol. II, no. 16, 20 Oct. 1962, pp. 609-18, figs. 27.5 x 20 cm. Printed

/20 Obituary: Sir W. Le Gros Clark, by [J.S. Weiner]. From: Nature, vol. 232, 6 Aug. 1971, pp. 429-30. 2 leaves. 28 x 20 cm. Photocopy

/21 Grafton Elliot Smith: a centenary. From: The Medical Journal of Australia, 14 Oct. 1972, p. 860. 28 x 20 cm. Printed

/12 Miscellaneous material. Various sizes

/1 On a mummy belonging to the Wellcome Museum unwrapped at University College, 18 Feb. 1930, by W.R.D. 1 p. 20.5 x 16.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 Harris, Elliot Smith, W.R. Dawson preparing an autopsy of Egyptian mummy, 1930. 1 photograph. 12 x 17 cm, mounted on card. 16.5 x 21.5 cm [Faked mummy, 18/2/1930]

/3 Mummy in cartonnage casing before opening. 1 photograph. 20 x 5.5 cm, mounted with MS 423/12/4 on card. 20 x 25 cm. [Faked mummy 18/2/1930]

/4 Mummy in cartonnage casing before opening enlarged without head and chest. 1 photograph. 20 x 7.5 cm, mounted with MS 423/12/3 on card, 20 x 25 cm. [Faked mummy 18/2/1930]

/5 The mummy after opening. 1 photograph. 6.5 x 20 cm, mounted on card, 20 x 25 cm. [Faked mummy 18/2/1930]

/6 A mummy from Darnley Island, Torres Straits, in the Macleay Museum, University of Sydney, May 1962. 1 photograph. 25 x 10 cm, mounted on card, 34 x 22 cm [see Man, N.S. 4:1]

/7 Ann Mozley, Adolph Basser Library to AAA, 4 May 1964 – centre for preservation of private papers of Australia’s distinguished scientists; Mr Warren Dawson informs AAA has microfilm of GES papers; has collection of letters from GES to Prof. J.T. Wilson 1896-1936; requests copy of microfilm for deposition; interested to learn AAA planning extension of the Oration. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/8 AAA to Ann Mozley, 12 May 1964 – agrees to send copy of microfilm of Warren Dawson’s GES material; requests payment for expense of copy to be made by Barr Smith Library; wants to write GES biography but lacks time. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/9 Ann Mozley to AAA, 27 May 1964 – glad to learn that copy can be obtained; charge cost to Australian Academy of Science Basser Fund; will arrange their material to be available to AAA on loan. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/10 N. Stockdale, Librarian, University of Adelaide to AAA, 18 June 1964 – returns negative microfilm of papers of GES; The Public Library of South Australia has made copy for Basser and will invoice cost. 1 p. 25.5 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/11 Ann Mozley to AAA, 17 July 1964 – received microfilm of GES material; has GES autobiographical and other memoranda; Library Committee expresses thanks; J.T. Wilson correspondence on microfilm 1896-1936 is reproduction of microfilm material held by AAA; invitation to visit the Library. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/12 Publications of Sir Grafton Elliot Smith: photocopy of card catalogue entries held in the Library, Centre of Anthropology, British Museum formerly Library of the Royal Anthropological Institute. 6 leaves. 29.5 x 42 cm

/13 Publications of Sir Grafton Elliot Smith: computer print out of catalogue entries held in the British Museum library system on 29 Apr. 2004. 11 leaves. 29.5 x 21 cm

/14 Portrait (head and shoulders) of Grafton Elliot Smith. Label on back: Grafton Elliot Smith, MA, Litt.D., D.Sc.M.D.. Ch.M. FRCP, FRS. Professor of Anatomy, University of London. Born 15 Aug. 1871, died 1st Jan. 1937. Huxley Lecturer 19[35]. 15.5 x 12.25 in (framed), 7.5 x 5.5 in (subject). Black and white photograph. [see A70/4/6]