The Patron’s Medal

Home Awards Honours The Patron’s Medal

The Patron’s Medal is awarded from time to time for distinguished services to Anthropology and to the Institute.

A recommendation shall be made to the Patron by the Council on the recommendation of the Committee on Honours and Awards.

Design of the Medal

The design of the Medal by the late Christopher Ironside incorporates the following:

(a) Adam and EveHumankind 
(b) A lamb with a cross on a crescent moon with a pentacle enclosedReligion and Magic 
(c) A cogwheel and hand-axeIndustry and Crafts 
(d) The caduceus of Hermes Irismegistos (Thoth)Science 
(e) Janus headHistory 
(f) Three groups of figures1. Authority and the Law
2. Exchange, Commerce and Finance
3. Internal and External Strife
(g) A child with a skullRites de Passage 
(h) Appollo’s lyreThe Arts 
(i) A sheaf of corn and a bullAgricultural Domestication