Minutes, correspondence, papers, and publications. 1929-34, 1948-62, 1969-70.
Council appointed an Exploratory Committee ‘to consider means of promoting the ethnological study of Great Britain’ in June 1948 which was replaced in Dec. 1948 by a joint standing committee with representatives from other interested bodies. The following year in Apr. 1949, the Committee was formally named the British Ethnography Committee and charged to investigate the possibilities of establishing a Museum of English Life and Traditions. Prof. H.J. Fleure was the convenor and Chairman of both committees and T.W. Bagshawe, Deputy Chairman, later Chairman in 1950. During 1949-50, A scheme for the development of a Museum of English Life and Traditions and Suggestions concerning classification, storage, and labelling of objects illustrating English life and traditions were published. After the Committee’s application to the Pilgrim Trust for financial assistance was refused in Feb. 1952 (see A59/7), T.W. Bagshawe resigned as Chairman, and Prof. Fleure again resumed the Chairmanship from 1953-4 when Sir Robert Hyde succeeded him and the committee was enlarged. A series of public lectures was arranged in 1954 (see A59/10).
In 1958, with Adrian Digby as Chairman, the Committee recommended the revision and expansion of the membership and the setting up of at least two subscription-committees, including one on material culture and another on social anthropology. Adrian Digby was Chairman of the Material Culture Sub-Committee and J.G. Jenkins, Hon. Secretary; its policy being to coordinate the regional collections of folk material and the setting up of a central archive. Under Dr V.G. Sheddick, Hon. Secretary – Convenor of the Social anthropology Sub-Committee, the sub-committee’s aim was to compile a list of individuals and institutions engaged in social studies of British community life and to compile a selected annotated bibliography of published and unpublished work relating to social structure and organization (see Report of the Council, 1958-9).
This committee was replaced in 1960 with a small exploratory committee consisting of Miss Beatrice M. Blackwood, Adrian Digby (Chairman), Mrs Ellen Ettlinger, and Miss Barbara Jones and charged with advising Council on ways the RAI could contribute further to such studies (see Report of the Council, 1960-1). From 1961-2 names of Committee members only appeared in the Report of the Council; thereafter there were no further references to the committee. See also Council minutes, 8 June and 7 Dec. 1948, CM/77/9, f. 534 and CM/78/3, f. 546; 8 Feb. and 5 Apr. 1949, CM/78/5, f. 554 and CM/78/7, f. 562; 13 Nov. 1951, CM/81/2, f. 642; 4 Mar. and 6 May 1952, CM/81/6, f. 654 and CM/81/8, f. 660; the last reference to the Committee was on 11 Oct. 1962, CM/92/1, f. 160 where names only of those appointed to the committee are listed.
Prior to the appointment of the British Ethnography Committee in 1948, the RAI was interested in establishing a folk museum. Following Sir Henry Miers’s report to the Carnegie United Kingdom Trustees in 1928 and the report of the Royal Commission on National Museums and Galleries in 1929, Council appointed a Folklore Museum Sub-Committee in Apr. 1929 with H.J.E. Peake, Dr H.S. Harrison, W.W. Skeat, Miss M. Edith Durham, and the officers ex officio as members (see Council minutes, 30 Apr. 1929, f. 123). In May inquiries were made about Chiswick House being available for a folk museum (see Council minutes, 28 May 1929, f. 124). Sir Henry Miers and Dr R.E. Mortimer Wheeler were co-opted in June (see Council minutes, 25 June 1929, f. 126) and on 29 Oct. representatives were appointed from the Royal Society, Society of Antiquaries, Folk-Lore Society, Zoological Society, Museums Association, Society of Arts, and the London Museum. The committee resolved to ask the government about implementing the proposals of the Royal Commission and whether a site could be made available in Regents Park. A deputation was received by the Minister of Education, an announcement made in Parliament, and an official committee set up to examine the project (see Report of the Council, 1930, p. ix). However, there was no further reference to the Folklore Committee in the Report of the Council, 1931 or in the following years. For information on these efforts to establish a folk museum see ‘A plea for a museum of English life and traditions’ by T.W. Bagshawe, Advancement of Science, 1950, vol. 7, no. 25
Sir John L. Myres informed T.W. Bagshawe in Mar. 1949 of the RAI’s earlier interest in a folk museum and sent him his file on the subject (see A59/2/38, A59/3/47 and A59/9/15). There were further references to Sir John’s file in Dec. 1954 when inquiries were made as to its whereabouts. Mr Bagshawe stated that he had given the file to the Assistant Secretary with the instruction that it was to be placed with the papers of the British Ethnography Committee (see A59/9/14-15). There was no trace of these papers either in 1954 or in 1993 when the papers of the British Ethnography Committee were archived. However, the papers were subsequently located, and are catalogued as A59/18.
Members of the Committee
TWB Thomas W. Bagshawe (1901-76). Vice Chairman, 1948-50, succeeded Prof. H.J. Fleure as Chairman, 1950-2; RAI Vice President, 1953-5; founder (1927) and Director, Luton Public Museum
BMB Miss Beatrice M. Blackwood (1889-1975), Demonstrator in Ethnology, Pitt-Rivers Museum, Oxford; RAI Council 1939-63 passim, Vice President 1957-60
HJB H.J. Braunholtz (1888-1963), Keeper, Dept. of Oriental Antiquities and Ethnography 1938-45, and Dept. of Ethnography 1945-53, British Museum; RAI Honorary Editor 1925-34, President 1941-3
AD Adrian Digby (1909-), Keeper, Dept of Ethnography, British Museum, 1953-69; Chairman of the expanded Committee 1958-60; RAI Vice President 1961-9 passim
HJF H.J. Fleure, FRS (1877-1969), formerly Prof. of Geography, University of Manchester; RAI President 1945-7; Convenor and Chairman 1948-50, 1953-4
HSH Dr H.S. Harrison (1872-1958), Curator, Horniman Museum; RAI President 1935-7
WLH Dr W.L. Hildburgh, FBA (1876-1956), authority on amulets, generous benefactor to the Victoria & Albert Museum; President, Folk-Lore Society; RAI Council member 1917-47 passim
JMM Dr J.M. Mogey, Reader in Geography, Reading University
ICP Dr Iorwerth C. Peate, Keeper, St Fagan’s Castle, National Museum of Wales
RAS Raphael Arthur Salaman, (1906-93), author of Dictionary of Woodworking Tools, 1975, and Dictionary of Leather-Working Tools, 1986
RUS R.U. Sayce, Director, University of Manchester Museum; RAI Honorary Editor 1935-8
BZS Mrs Brenda Z. Seligman (1886-1965), joint author of Pagan tribes of the Nilotic Sudan, 1932; The Veddas, 1911; editor of Ainu creed and cult by N.G. Munro, 1962; member of RAI Council, 1926-65 passim, Vice President 1946-9, 1950-3, 1957-9
Later members of the Committee, 1951-9
Prof. E.G. Bowen, University College of Wales, Aberystwyth; Mrs Ellen Ettlinger; Dr R. Frankenberg; J.W.Y. Higgs, Curator, Museum of English Rural Life, Reading University; Sir Robert Hyde (1878-1967), Director, Industrial Welfare Society, Chairman 1954-8; Miss Barbara Jones; Dr J. Littlejohn; W.T. O’Dea, Keeper, Science Museum; Dr Alwyn Rees; Lord Rennell of Rodd; Sir E. John Russell (1872-1965); Dr V.G. Sheddick, University of Durham; Dr F.G. Vallee, School of Scottish Studies, Edinburgh; see Report of the Council, 1959/60-1962 for further names
Officers of the RAI, ex officio members of the Committee:
WBF William B. Fagg, CMG (1914-92), Keeper, Dept. of Ethnography, British Museum 1969-74; RAI Hon. Secretary 1939-56, Honorary Editor Man 1947-65
CDF C. Daryll Forde FBA (1902-73), Prof. of Social Anthropology, University College London; RAI President 1947-9
JPM J.P. Mills, ICS (1890-1960), Hon. Director of Ethnography for Assam 1930; Advisor to the Bengal Government on administration of the Chittagong Hill Tracts 1935, etc.; Reader, School of Oriental and African Studies 1948-55; RAI President 1951-3
DHFW D.H.F. Wilson (d. 1974), RAI Hon. Treasurer 1944-55
FS Miss Felicia Stallman, RAI Assistant Secretary 1941-52
Other abbreviations
A scheme A scheme for the development of a Museum of English Life and Traditions. RAI, British Ethnography Committee 1949; previously published in Man, Apr. 1949, article 49
Suggestions Suggestions concerning classification, storage, and labelling of objects illustrating English life and traditions. RAI, British Ethnography Committee 1950
1/ 1948
2/ 1949
3/ 1950
4/ Aug. 1949–May 1950. Viewing property
5/ 1951, Jan.–Oct.
6/ 1951, Aug.–Dec. Application to the Pilgrim Trust
7/ 1952. Rejection of application by the Pilgrim Trust
8/ 1953
9/ 1954
10/ 1954, 16 Feb.–27 Apr. Six public lectures
11/ 1955
12/ 1956–62
13/ 1949–52. Expenses, device and sales of Suggestions
14/ Minutes etc.
15/ Sub-Committees
16/ Publications
17/ 1969-70
18/ 1929-34
19/ Newspaper cuttings
20/ Miscellaneous
1/ 1948
1 HJF to RUS (and ICP), 16 June – informs him of appointment of Exploratory Committee; asks for his views (tpc.)
.1 Ibid. to WBF, 17 June – suggests Horniman as Treasurer of RAI; protest by Institute of Electrical Engineers; mentions letters to RUS and ICP about Material Culture proposal [A59/1/1] (autogr. pc.)
2 FS to HJF, 16 July – lists names of those appointed to the Exploratory Committee on Material Culture by Council (tpc.)
3 FS to TWB and others appointed to Committee, 16 July – outlines aims of committee; hopes he will agree to serve (tp.) [Similar letter to AD not retained]
4 ICP to FS, 19 July – agrees to serve (tp.)
5 TWB to FS, 19 July – ibid.
6 RUS to FS, 19 July – willing to join Committee subject to the approval of the Folk-Lore Society of which he is a Council member; considers cooperation between this Society and RAI necessary (autogr. with autogr. note by FS)
7 RAS to FS, 20 July – agrees to serve (tp.)
8 HJB to FS, 20 July – ibid. (tp.)
9 JMM to FS, 21 July – ibid. (autogr.)
10 FS, on behalf of HJF, to TWB (and other members of the Committee) 27 July – members thanked for agreeing to serve; representatives of the Horniman and Pitt-Rivers Museums desirable; requests news (tpc.)
11 HJB and ICP note their agreement on RAI carbon of 27 July, a-b
12 TWB to FS, 28 July – agrees to suggestion (tpc.)
13 RAS to FS, 31 July – wishes to know who has already been appointed before giving opinion (autogr.)
14 FS to RAS, 5 Aug. – names of Committee members sent (tpc.)
15 HJF to WLH, 28 Sept. – has met Mrs Ellen Ettlinger (EE), (RAI Fellow and Folk-Lore Society member), who indicated Prof. H.J. Rose’s concern that information should be supplied and queries answered; has already discussed joint circular by RAI and Folk-Lore Society; has urged British Association to set up a Standing Committee to help delegates; suggests weekend conferences to promote local study (tp. copy)
16 FS to WLH, 13 Oct. – sends invitation to serve on Committee (tpc.)
17 HSH to HJF, 20 Oct. – probably unable to attend Committee meeting; encloses views (autogr.)
18 TWB to HJF, 22 Oct. – has been introduced to the Regional Director, Arts Council, by the Curator of Norwich Museum; advised to contact the Arts Director (tp. with autogr. note by HJF); on verso FS to TWB, 29 Oct. – notice of meeting on 6 Dec. (tpc.)
19 Ibid. to FS, 22 Oct. – on his availability for meetings (tpc.)
20 Ibid. to HJF, 25 Oct. – quotes from letter from Miss Barnard of Norwich Museum on meeting Mary Glasgow of Arts Council; explains that he has retired from business so has some time to devote to a Folk Museum (tpc.)
21 HJF to E. Salter Davies, Carnegie United Kingdom Trust, 9 Nov. – outlines Committee’s proposal to create a Standing Committee of the RAI, Folk-Lore Society, the Scottish Society of Anthropology and Folklore and other institutions; wishes to encourage collection of implements; asks if he, with his Carnegie Trust and other connections would meet some Committee members. 2 leaves (tp. copy with autogr. note)
22 E. Salter Davies to HJF, 24 Nov. – Carnegie Trust most interested in proposals; Carnegie Trust concerned with helping existing museums and the Pilgrim Trust with new museums; suggests an approach to the latter (tp.)
23 Leaflets of the Joint Committee of the Museums Association and the Carnegie United Kingdom Trust (2 printed leaflets)
24 HJF to Dr Thomas Jones, CH, 26 Nov. – encloses copies of letter to E. Salter Davies and his reply; asks for comments (tpc.)
25 Lord Kilmaine, Secretary, Pilgrim Trust to HJF, 30 Nov. – correspondence forwarded by Thomas Jones; wishes to learn more of proposal; suggests meeting (tp. with autogr. notes by FS)
26 AD to HJF, 1 Dec. – encloses draft suggestions on possible form of English Ethnography Museum; has asked WBF to duplicate and circulate to members of BEC (autogr. with autogr. note by HJF asking that a typed copy be sent to Secretary of Pilgrim Trust)
.1 AD, ‘Plan for a Museum with dispersed Storage for Folk Material’ [enclosed with A59/1/26; see A59/14/2.2]. 2 leaves (tp. draft with autogr. corrections)
27 Note on Council’s decision, 11 Dec., on Committee’s recommendation of a Standing Committee (autogr. by FS)
28 TWB to FS, 12 Dec. – is taking over from HJF while he is abroad; requests names, addresses, etc. of Committee members (tp.)
29 RAS to FS, 16 Dec. – has met Dr Haden Guest, MP, Secretary, Leverhulme Research Fellowships, who is interested in Committee’s aims; Dr Haden Guest wishes to speak to Charles Key, Minister of Works (tp. with autogr. sentence)
30 TWB to FS, 17 Dec. – encloses draft of his A scheme [not held] (see A59/1/35) (tp. with autogr. note)
31 [Ibid.] to AD, 17 Dec. – he and HJF met secretary of Pilgrim Trust; TWB has prepared general scheme; would be grateful for any comments (tpc.)
32 FS to TWB, 21 Dec. – acknowledges letter of 17 Dec. (tp.)
33 TWB to FS, 23 Dec. – encloses copy of his reply to RAS, A59/1/34 (tp. with autogr. note)
34 TWB to RAS, 23 Dec. – sees no reason why Dr Guest should not discuss scheme with the Minister of Works; will send copy of A scheme once draft is approved (tp. copy)
35 TWB to HJF, 27 Dec. – encloses copy of draft A scheme; reports on RAS’s letter (tp. with autogr. comments)
2/ 1949
1 TWB to WBF, 4 Jan. – HJF has written about draft of A scheme; on alterations for his approval; would like to get Constitution and A scheme printed as a form of ‘Bible’; believes he can find anonymous individual to cover cost of printing (tpc.)
2 FS to TWB, 5 Jan. – encloses draft [not held] with comments. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. additions)
.1 TWB, comments on A59/2/2, incorporated into his reply (A59/2/3) (tp.)
3 TWB to FS, 6 Jan. – comments on points in draft raised by FS; not happy with some of the wording; suggests Committee meeting; feels A scheme should be available as soon as possible (tp.)
4 Ibid. – HJF suggests Prof. H.J. Rose for the Committee; asks if the latter could be the Scottish representative (tp.)
5 Ibid. – willing to preside over joint meeting of RAI and Folk-Lore Society if required (tp.)
6 James Arnold Frere, Bluemantle, College of Arms, to TWB, 21 Jan. – on cost of design for badge; has a leather-covered Grant Box if TWB would like it (autogr.) (see A59/13/1b)
7 TWB to James A. Frere, 22 Jan. – hopes he approves of new letter-paper; will write about design as soon as Committee has approved it; would like the Grant Box (tpc.)
8 TWB to FS, 27 Jan. – asks for original draft of A scheme (autogr.)
9 RUS to TWB, 27 Jan. – cannot attend meeting on 1 Feb.; comments on ‘statement of aims’ [draft of A scheme, enclosed with Agenda; see A59/14/3.2] (autogr.)
10 ICP to FS, 27 Jan. – cannot attend meeting on 1 Feb.; comments on draft of A scheme (autogr.)
.1 Copy of ICP’s comments (tpc. with autogr. notes) [wrongly dated 1948]
11 JMM, The University, Reading, to TWB, 29 Jan. – cannot attend meeting on 1 Feb.; has no comments on the draft of A scheme; mentions Stendall’s open air museum in Belfast (tp.)
12 TWB to ICP, 30 Jan. – good of him to go through draft so thoroughly; looking forward to ICP’s lecture on 16 Feb. to Folk-Lore Society (tpc.)
13 Ibid. to RUS, 31 Jan. – agrees with him about comment on draft; Folk-Lore Society have allowed RAI eight extra pages; on ideas for filling these pages (tpc.)
14 Ibid. to James A. Frere, 2 Feb. – BEC has given permission to go ahead with the badge design; asks to see a rough sketch before the drawings are finished; RAI proposing to print the full scheme in Man, of which he encloses a copy; plans to make off-prints; asks advice on colour of cover board (tpc.)
15 James A. Frere to TWB, 3 Feb. – has given instructions to artists; will send sketch when it is ready; Bedfordshire pedigree will be ready soon (autogr.)
16 TWB to FS, 4 Feb. – thanks her for amended copies of A scheme; asks about missing letter from RAS containing a comment on draft Scheme (tpc.)
17 Ibid. to RAS, 11 Feb. – refers to letter written by RAS; TWB has not received it, nor does FS have it; refers to the comment on draft contained within it; asks for suggested alternative wording (tpc.)
18 FS to TWB, 11 Feb. – encloses draft minutes of Committee; asks for their return approved or amended; a letter from RAS was posted to TWB on 28 Jan.; she does not have it (tp.)
19 HJF, Alexandria, to FS, 13 Feb. – thinks a Racialist Committee was formed at Brussels; was then concerned about the revision of the constitution of the Congress and its relation with the International Council of Scientific Unions (see A62/8/12-13); comments on journey by flying boat; letter enclosed for G.D. Hornblower; wishes to know about covenanted subscriptions (autogr.)
20 RAS to TWB, 14 Feb. – repeats his point that museum must reflect town trades as well as rural ones; suggests additional paragraph; encloses note on a Museum of Trades (tp. with autogr. notes)
.1 Note on a Museum of Trades [enclosed with A59/2/20]. 3 leaves (tp.)
21 TWB to RAS, 17 Feb. – thanks him for letter and note on Museum of Trades; A scheme now in hands of printers; small alteration relating to town as well as country can be made; however major changes cannot be made at this stage; the additional paragraph somewhat controversial (tpc.)
22 FS to TWB, 19 Feb. – encloses draft Agenda for meeting on 25 Mar. [see A59/14/4.1]; will circulate it unless he wishes to add anything (tp.)
23 RAS to ibid., 19 Feb. – on the type of people who visit museums; the scheme must not be too academic; regrets that his previous letter was lost [see A59/2/16, /17 & /18] (autogr.)
24 TWB to RAS, 22 Feb. – at Luton more people visit temporary exhibitions than permanent collections; will bring RAS’s letter up at Committee meeting for discussion (tpc.)
25 FS to HJF, 22 Feb. – no information on covenants available (tpc.)
26 RAS to TWB, 28 Feb. – thinks that the gist of his suggestion would be considered important by Government dept.; is compiling material for illustrated Dictionary of hand tools; would like to discuss it; has had offer from publisher (tp.)
27 TWB to RAS, 2 Mar. – glad that he is hopeful of having his book published; cannot help at the moment; is writing a thesis on a similar subject; does not wish to be influenced; also short of time; hopes that RAS will not think him awkward (tpc.)
28 BMB to TWB, 3 Mar. – mentions her friend Miss Jocelyn Morris, Curator of Warwick Museum; Miss Morris very interested in scheme for museum of English life; would be prepared to help in any way she could; BMB suggests TWB might write to Miss Morris (tp.)
29 TWB to Miss Jocelyn Morris, 4 Mar. – BMB has told him of her interest in the English Museum; A scheme should be published soon; he will send her a copy (tpc.)
30 TWB to FS, 6 Mar. – discusses details of offprint of A scheme (tp.)
31 TWB to James A. Frere, 7 Mar. – asks how the artist is getting along with the design for badge; has just received proofs so publisher will soon need copy for the cover (tpc.)
32 James A. Frere to TWB, 10 Mar. – apologises for delay; encloses two rough designs [not held]; as soon as he has them back will press on with the finished design; asks his opinion on colouring (autogr.)
33 TWB to James A. Frere, 13 Mar. – specifies preference for design; raises one query; suggests colours (tpc.)
34 James A. Frere to TWB, 17 Mar. – apologises for delay; has at last sent design to TWB (autogr.)
35 BMB to TWB, 19 Mar. – sends suggestions which might form basis for discussion; system based on the one used at the Pitt Rivers Museum; Mr Bradford has suggested collecting contemporary items, such as glass; has been talking to Sir John L. Myres (JLM), who told her that several attempts were made in the past to get something similar going; among papers at RAI will be found a scheme drawn up by HM (tp.) (see A59/18)
36 Ibid., 21 Mar. – since posting her letter it occurs to her that glass is not a good example, as it is the province of the Victoria and Albert Museum; perhaps household implements or toys could be collected (autogr. pc.)
37 TWB to BMB, 22 Mar. – her letter ‘cheering’; will bring suggestions before Committee; idea of collecting contemporary things important; is writing to FS to ask her to look out HM’s scheme (tpc.)
38 Ibid. to FS, 22 Mar. – reports JLM and others had attempted similar schemes in the past; one drawn up by HM (see A scheme, p. 4 and A59/18); design for cover received from College of Arms (tp.)
39 List of names for circularization of ‘Schemes for study’ and dates of despatch 29 Mar. – 9 May (tpc. with autogr. notes)
40 ‘Museum cataloguing’ by R. Hull, Presidential address, South Midlands Federation, Ipswich, Apr. 1949. 5 pages (mimeo.)
41 FS to TWB, 2 Apr. – enclose draft of Minutes of Committee meeting for approval; is proceeding with production of offprint (tp.)
42 TWB to FS, 5 Apr. – returns draft minutes with comments (tp.)
43 Wm Clowes & Sons Ltd, Beccles, 6 Apr. – estimate for reprint from Man, Apr. 1949, A scheme; pull from device attached
44 FS to TWB, 7 Apr. – encloses estimate for pamphlet; it seems expensive; asks his ‘verdict’; asks about pulls; WBF away until 19 Apr. so they cannot wait for his opinion (autogr.)
45 ‘[A] scheme for the development of a Museum of English Life and Traditions’. 4 pages (mimeo. with autogr. corrections) [referred to in Minutes of 1 Feb. 1949: see A59/14/3.2; see also A59/16/3-A59/16/3.3]
46 Ibid. – corrected proofs. 3 leaves (with autogr. slip attached)
47 Ibid. – proof correction (see also autogr. slip, A59/2/46)
48 Ibid. – copy for cover and prelims
49 TWB to FS, 10 Apr. – returns Clowes’s estimate for offprint of A Scheme from Man (see A59/2/43); mentions number of copies and pulls from blocks (tp.)
50 BMB to TWB, 23 Apr. – has just returned home from holiday; ‘horrified’ to find box of material on British Ethnography; thought she had made it clear that she was not available until after Easter; will look at it soon; apologises for delay (tp.)
51 TWB to BMB, 25 Apr. – assures her there is no hurry about the ‘box of tricks’ (tpc.)
52 Ibid. to FS, 3 May – asks if letter of 25 Apr. received [not in file; ?10 Apr.] requesting pulls; information required for Folklore (tp. with autogr. note)
53 Ibid. to Donald Benjamin Harden, Recorder, Section H, British Association for the Advancement of Science, 3 May – raises possibility of giving paper to his section of the British Association; had originally decided not to go to Newcastle; however if it will help he can offer a paper; suggests some titles (tpc.)
.1 Note on ‘A Plea for a Museum of English Life and Traditions [enclosed with A59/2/53] (tp. with autogr. corrections)
54 D.B. Harden, Recorder, Section H, British Association for the Advancement of Science, Dept. of Antiquities, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, to TWB, 4 May – will gladly fit TWB into the programme of Folk-Lore session on 2 Sept.; states which subject he would prefer; asks for synopsis; is grateful (tp.)
55 RAS to TWB, 9 May – has passed papers [for Suggestions] to WBF; appears to be some lack of definition in the classification, as in the examples he has copied; refers to BMB’s comment; Luton classification too simple; they might base theirs on St Fagans (tp. with autogr. PS)
.1 Examples of classification [enclosed with A59/2/55] (tp.)
56 TWB to RAS, 12 May – interested that he is of same opinion; ICP’s classification is ‘about what we want’; on Luton museum classification (tpc.)
57 Ibid. to FS, 13 May – will convey her thanks to anonymous donor; returns two proofs of lectures given to RSA; returns some French literature lent by WBF; asks her opinion about distribution of reprints in view of para. 8 of A scheme (tpc.)
.1 Proofs of papers to be read before RSA [probably enclosed with A59/2/57]
a on 6 Apr. – ‘The Story of a Local Museum’
b on 11 May – ‘Museum Display’
.2 RSA circular, 24 Feb. – on lecture series [A59/2/57.1a & b were part of the series]
.3 Invitation card for the first lecture, ‘The Functions of a National Museum’, 9 Mar.
.4 Works in French [probably enclosed with A59/2/57]:
a Marcel Maget, 29 Aug. 1945, ‘Etude de l’equipement materiel: la monographie d’objet’. 15 leaves (tp.)
b Georges Henri Rivière, 17 Apr. 1946, ‘Instructions provisoires pour la constitution de collections museographiques d’ethnographie française’. 2 leaves (tp.)
c Ibid., ‘Notes sur les caractères esthétiques de la maison rurale française. 19 leaves (tp.)
d Ibid., ‘Réflexions sur le mobilier rural traditionnel en France’. 6 pages (printed). With covering letter, Georges Henri Rivière to HJF, 26 Nov. 1946, which also refers to A59/2/57.4e
e ‘Bulletin des musées de France’, July 1946; contains article by Georges Henri Rivière, pp. 26-34. 40 pages (printed)
f Georges Henri Rivière, 4 Dec. 1946, ‘Instructions museographiques’. 22 leaves (tp.) With covering letter from Georges Henri Rivière, 9 Jan. 1947
g Maps, plans, diagrams in French. 7 leaves
.5 JLM to WBF, 13 May 1946 – Rivière has sent copies of the enclosed which ought to be considered by ‘survivors’ of the Folk Museum Committee [possibly refers to one of the items A59/2/57.3; also refers to the earlier Committee – see A59/18] (autogr.)
58 FS to TWB, 17 May – on best way to distribute reprints; accompanying letter to be drafted (tp.)
59 Ibid., 18 May – on proofs of A scheme; on position of list of Committee members (autogr.)