Minutes, correspondence, papers, and publications. 1929-34, 1948-62, 1969-70.
11 VGS to members of the sub-committee, 30 Sept. – attaches news sheet of social research activity in the field of British community life (tp.)
.1 News sheet referred to in A59/15/11 (tp.)
.2 Newspaper report on research of the Institute of Community Studies [referred to in A59/15/11.1] (newspaper cutting)
12 VGS, 31 Mar. 1960 – progress report for the year ending 31 Mar. 2 leaves (tp. copy with autogr. note ‘not for publication’)
Material Culture Sub-Committee
13 JGJ, Honorary Secretary, to MWS [and presumably to other members of sub-committee], nd – first meeting will be held during first week in Jan. [1959]; asks members to let him know which day is convenient; list of members and proposed agenda enclosed (tp. with autogr. note by MWS) [similar letter to WBF not retained]
.1 List of members and proposed agenda enclosed with A59/15/13 (tp.)
14 JGJ, nd – notice of meeting 2 Jan.; agenda (tp.)
15 Minutes of meeting 2 Jan. 2 leaves (tp.)
16 JGJ, nd, – notice of meeting 17 Apr. (tp. with autogr. notes)
17 Minutes of meeting [17 Apr.] 2 leaves (tp.)
18 17 Apr. – report. 2 leaves (tp.)
19 Notice of meeting 6 May 1960; agenda (tp.)
20 nd – memorandum reviewing aims and achievements of sub-committee; comments invited from members, after which agenda and date of next meeting will be fixed. 3 leaves (tp.)
21 JGJ to MWS [and presumably other members], July – information circular on points raised at meeting 6 May, including: compilation of research register; putting on lectures (tp.)
.1 Questionnaire on research work and possible lecturers [perhaps enclosed with A59/15/21] (tp.)
22 Notice of meeting 7 Sept.; agenda (tp.)
16/ Publications
1 ‘A schedule of Edward Lovett’s collection of implements and appliances of savage and of civilised man … forming the nucleus of a folk museum’ with ‘Outline of working scheme for proposed folk museum’ and copy of a supporting letter from A.C. Haddon, nd (printed and mimeo.)
2 `A scheme for the development of a museum of English life and traditions’ a memorandum prepared by the British Ethnography Committee of the Institute in collaboration with the Folk-Lore Society, Man, Apr. 1949, no. 49, pp. 41-3
3 Ibid. – offprint from Man, Apr. 1949 (4 copies) (see also A59/2/45-A59/2/48)
.1 Proof of A59/16/3. 2 leaves (printed with autogr. corrections)
.2 Draft of A59/16/3. 6 leaves (tp. with autogr. additions )
.3 Suggestions by WBF on draft of A59/16/3. 3 leaves (tp. with autogr. additions)
4 ICP, ‘The Folk Museum’, JR Soc. Arts, vol. 97, no. 4803, 9 Sept. 1949, pp. 794-806
.1 Proof of A59/16/4 (printed)
5 `A folk museum for England’, JR Soc. Arts, vol. 98, no. 4808, 18 Nov. 1949, pp. 22-3
6 `A plea for a museum of English life and traditions’ by TWB, paper delivered to Section H (Anthropology and archaeology), British Association, Newcastle, 2 Sept. 1949 – offprint from Advancement of Science, vol. 7, no. 25, 1950 (2 copies)
7 Suggestions concerning classification, storage, and labelling of objects illustrating English life and traditions, 1950
8 Luton Public Museum, a temporary Guide, Mar. 1944
17/ 1969-70
1 AHC to Mrs Fleure, 7 July 1969 – on behalf of the RAI offers deepest sympathy on the death of HJF; regrets that the blood group survey was not completed in time for him to see it published; appreciates the inspiration and advice offered by HJF (tpc.)
2 TWB to AHC, 27 Sept. – encloses HJF’s papers for archives (tp.); reply, 29 Sept., [not retained]
3 Ibid. to Barbara Bentley, Administrative Secretary, 11 May 1970 – refers to publicity in newspapers about establishment of the Weald and Downland Open Air Museum; encloses cutting [A59/17/4]; refers to passing on of HJF’s papers connected with the formation of an English Museum; project also involved the BEC; suggests that the Director of the Open Air Museum should receive copies of A scheme, Suggestions, and ‘A plea for a Museum of English Life and Traditions’ (tp.)
4 ‘Appeal for open air museum’, West Sussex Gazette, 7 May (newspaper cutting)
5 Barbara Bentley to TWB, 28 May – confirms that RAI has copies of A scheme and Suggestions, but not ‘A plea’; once she has a copy and has discussed it with WBF will write to Open Air Museum; is particularly interested in past existence of the BEC; hopes to revive interest in this aspect (tpc.)
6 TWB to Barbara Bentley, 6 June – suggests there may be a copy of ‘A plea’ among papers from Mrs Fleure; refers to picture he commissioned; feels that the Weald and Downland Open Air Museum will need more money than they think (tp.)
18/ 1929-34
1 22 July 1929, E.N. Fallaize, Hon. Secretary, 1920-31 (ENF) to The Times, – ‘A National Open-Air Museum’ (newspaper cutting)
2 12 Nov. – Minutes of meeting of RAI Folk Museum Sub-Committee; discussion of possible sites; a further sub-committee to prepare memorandum on character of the museum. 2 leaves (tp.)
.1 ibid., pencil notes of same (autogr.)
3 19 Nov. – Notice of meeting of Folk Museum Sub-Committee, 26 Nov.
4 26 Nov. – Minutes of meeting of RAI Folk Museum Sub-Committee; on sites; on the memorandum; resolution to approach Government and Prime Minister. 3 leaves (tp.)
5 ENF to JLM, 27 Nov. – encloses copy of Minutes; asks for Chalmers Mitchell’s letter (tp. with autogr. PS)
6 HM to ibid., 30 Nov. – on lease and rent of Royal Botanic Garden (autogr.)
7 Richard M. Dawkins, Exeter College, Oxford, to ibid., 4 Dec. – has forwarded his letter to the Folk-Lore Society (tp. with autogr. additions)
8 Dr R.E. Mortimer Wheeler (MW) to ibid., 9 Jan. 1930 – Office of Works favourable regarding use of Botanic Gardens for a Folk Museum; a visit has been arranged; asks whether JLM can come (tp. with autogr. additions)
9 Ibid., 22 Jan. – reports progress; on visit; deputation to Minister of Education to be arranged; everything going well (tp. with autogr. additions)
10 Ibid., 13 Feb. – he will arrange a date for discussion with Minister of Education; asks when JLM might be free ((tp. with autogr. additions)
11 Ibid., 18 Feb. – confirmation of meeting with Minister of Education on 21 Feb. (tp.)
12 ENF to [JLM], 20 Mar. – notice of meeting of Folk Museum Committee on 26 Mar. (tp. with autogr. additions)
13 MW to ibid., 9 Apr. – sends him documents and plans [not held] which JLM can use in approaching the Rockefeller Foundation; lists documents sent (tp. with autogr. additions)
14 Dr F.A. Bather, Editor, The Museums Journal, (FAB) to MW, 24 Apr. – on articles and reviews relating to Folk Museums which will appear in May number of The Museums Journal; asks about extras copies (tpc.)
.1 The Museums Journal, Vol. 29, No. 11, May 1930. 2 copies (printed)
15 Ibid. to JLM, 26 Apr. – encloses copy of letter to MW [A59/18/14] (autogr. with JLM notes of reply appended)
16 Ibid., 26 Apr. – on contents of May issue of The Museums Journal; on extra copies and their cost (autogr.)
17 MW to JLM, 30 Apr. – asks if there is any news from ‘Rockefeller people’ (tp. with JLM autogr. notes)
18 Lord Onslow to ENF, 23 July – things not very hopeful; difficulty of finding funding; on possible sites (autogr.)
19 JLM to the Secretary to the Rockefeller Trustees, Paris, 15 Aug. – refers to press reports concerning Government decision relating to land adjacent to Regents Park currently leased to Royal Botanical Society; refers to project of RAI and other societies to establish a Folk Museum; on possibility of using the Botanic Garden site; on plans for the museum; on funding; Committee hopes to present report at meeting of British Association for the Advancement of Science in Bristol on 4 Sept.; asks whether this is a matter which could be submitted to the Rockefeller Trust in further detail; asks if there any representatives of the Trust in the UK who could be approached; lists some members of the committee. 4 pages (autogr. carbon)
.1 Cuttings relating to Botanic Gardens and possible Folk Museum: The Telegraph, 12 Aug.; The Times, 12, 14, 15 & 18 Aug.; Western Mail 13 Aug. (newspaper cuttings)
20 JLM to MW, 15 Aug. – refers to report in The Times that Government has decided to ‘throw open’ the Botanic Gardens on expiry of lease; asks if he has any information about prospect of Folk Museum there; informs him of preliminary approach to Rockefeller Trust; in view of discussion to be had at British Association meeting, asks whether it would be a good idea to ask The Times to publish an article on the project; asks MW if he would write it (autogr. carbon)
21 FAB to JLM, 18 Aug. – has seen reports in the papers about the Folk Museum and a ‘mysterious’ £50,000; asks if anyone knows anything about this; suggests asking MW; cannot attend British Association meeting but sends his approval (autogr.)
22 Sir Charles Trevelyan, [President of the Board of Education], and George Lansbury [First Commissioner of Works], H.M. Office of Works, to ibid., 19 Aug. – Royal Commission on National Museums and Galleries recommended that a Folk Museum should be established; a Committee is to be set up; Sir Lionel Earle is to be Chairman; JLM invited to join (tp.)
23 MW to JLM, 19 Aug. – will try to write article for The Times during the next few days; asks about the best modus operandi for the British Association meeting; will send copies of the memorandum together with maps etc.; lists documents to be sent [similar to those listed in A59/18/13]. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. PS)
24 JLM to George Lansbury, 20 Aug. – accepts with pleasure the invitation to join the Committee; refers to proposed discussion of the project at the British Association meeting in Sept.; wonders if the Office of Works or Board of Education should be represented there; encloses copy of programme [not held] (autogr. carbon)
25 Selskar M. Gunn, Vice-President, The Rockefeller Foundation, to JLM, 26 Aug. – acknowledges his letter of 15 Aug; is forwarding a copy to the New York office; seems improbable that the Foundation would be interested but will let him know as soon as he has a reply (tp.)
26 Edward Muir, Secretary of Folk Museum Committee, H.M. Office of Works, to JLM, 21 Aug. – Sir Charles Trevelyan and George Lansbury very pleased that JLM has agreed to serve on the Committee; they do not think it necessary to send a representative to the British Association meeting; will write again about first meeting of Committee (tp.)
27 JLM to [Edward Muir], 30 Aug. – in preparing for British Association meeting, seeks advice as to how far reference should be made to George Lansbury’s views and wishes, as they have been reported in the press; asks whether the establishment of the Folk Museum Committee has been officially published; the RAI committee had already collected material; presumes there is no objection to such material being used (autogr. carbon)
28 Major A.G. Church, MP, Press Bureau, British Association, to JLM, 30 Aug. – asks that copies of his contribution to the discussion on ‘A Proposed National Folk Museum’ be available in typescript beforehand; in addition to the full text, asks for a summary (tp.)
29 JLM to MW, 30 Aug. – tells him of British Association request (see A59/18/28); they should decide what each one will say at the meeting; proposes a division of the subject; will send copies to Bristol; refers to Folk Museum Committee and JLM’s question to the Secretary (see A59/18/27); suggests MW might get in touch with the Committee (autogr. carbon)
30 JLM, ‘The Folk Museum: its Scope and Methods’; the substance of a paper read at the British Association’s meeting in Bristol, 4 Sept. 11 leaves (autogr.)
.1 W.N. Edwards, Natural History Museum, to The Times, 12 Sept. – refers to discussion at British Association meeting (newspaper cutting)
31 Dr Vaughan Cornish, ‘The Roman Wall and a National Park for Central Britain’, paper read at the British Associations’ meeting in Bristol, 4 Sept. (printed)
32 16 Sept. – British Association for the Advancement of Science compliment slip, listing members of ‘Committee on Recommendation for Folk Museum in Botanical Gardens’ (printed slip with tp. and autogr. text)
33 Edward Muir to JLM, 17 Sept. – on return from leave horrified to find letter of 30 Aug. [A59/18/27] unopened; apologises for the oversight (tp.)
34 JLM to Edward Muir, 17 Sept. – thanks him for his note [A59/18/33]; his absence was no inconvenience; refers to counter-attack by botanists; refers to sites; suggests meeting of the committee soon (autogr. carbon)
35 [Sir R. Gregory], Editor, Nature, to JLM, 17 Sept. – on the suggestion by Recorder of Section H that HM’s paper might be published in Nature (tp.)
36 Lord Onslow to ENF, 17 Sept. – enquires whether further progress has been made in regard to site for the museum; on relative merits of Whipsnade and Botanical Garden sites; on Skansen Museum in Stockholm (tp.)
37 JLM to HM, 18 Sept. – on reaction to HM’s paper, read by JLM at British Association meeting; on the botanists; on fresh allusion to Whipsnade in The Times; has sent the text of the paper to Nature (autogr. carbon); on verso, ibid. to Sir R. Gregory, 18 Sept. – on HM’s paper, which is too long for Man; JLM passing it on to Nature (autogr. carbon with comment in ink)
38 HSH to JLM, 18 Sept. – pleased to serve on Committee; on dates for a meeting (autogr.)
39 Sir R. Gregory to ibid., 18 Sept. – on dates for a meeting; thinks the memorandum makes an excellent statement of the case; on the Stockholm museum (tp.)
40 Arthur William Hill, Director, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, to JLM, 18 Sept. – on dates for a meeting (tp.)
41 JLM to Charles Tate Regan, [Director, Natural History Museum], 19 Sept. – thanks him for letter [not held] about Folk Museum Committee; it will be discussed carefully; clarifies that no building would be re-erected at the Museum unless it was in danger of collapse or destruction; on the Botanic Garden site; no reason why botanical work being carried out at the Garden should not continue (autogr. carbon)
42 Ibid. to ‘Stratton’, 19 Sept. – refers to an interview; on meeting of Botanical Gardens committee on 29 Sept.; on the ‘Botanical counterproposal’; on Whipsnade site; on Oxford seismology (autogr. carbon)
43 Ibid. to Lord Onslow, 19 Sept. – ENF has passed on his letter [A59/18/36]; on fresh developments since British Association meeting; the joint Committee of learned societies favours the Botanical Gardens site; Board of Works and Board of Education favourable; folk Museum committee being constituted; on Whipsnade; on the objections of botanists to use of Botanical Gardens; have had to proceed independently of ‘Mr Wellcome’ [Henry Solomon Wellcome (1853-1936), who gave evidence to the Royal Commission on National Museums and Galleries 1928-29]. 4 pages (autogr. carbon)
44 Charles Tate Regan to JLM, 20 Sept. – letter to The Times [A59/18/30.1] not inspired by him although he agrees with most of it; mentions the botanists and Lansbury (autogr.)
45 JLM to Reginald Ruggles Gates, 20 Sept. – asks about area in Botanical Gardens used for cultivation and research; explains that Folk Museum project would not interfere with this (autogr. carbon)
46 HM’s secretary to JLM, 22 Sept. – HM away; acknowledges letter of 18 Sept. [A59/18/37]
47 Sir R. Gregory to ibid., 22 Sept. – on arrangements for printing HM’s paper in Nature; no space for the appendix so he will return it (tp.)
48 Edward Muir to ibid., 22 Sept. – may not be possible to have a meeting very soon; future of Botanical Gardens will not be settled until after the committee has reported (tp.)
49 JLM, 25 Sept. – notes on Folk Museum for meeting of ‘B.A. Committee of Council’ (autogr.)
50 Ibid. to Prof. Edward James Salisbury, University College London, 29 Sept. – explains plans for Folk Museum in Botanical Garden and objections from botanists; he does not think that the Museum would interfere with botanical research; however seeks advice on this point (autogr. carbon)
51 Edward Muir to JLM, 6 Oct. – meeting of Folk Museum Committee will be on 16 Oc. (tp. with JLM autogr. note)
52 Ibid., 8 Oct. – sorry JLM cannot attend meeting; will be happy to see him on 11 Oct. (tp.)
53 Ibid., 10 Oct. – encloses papers relating to Folk Museum Committee (tp.)
.1 Folk Museum Committee, Terms of Reference and list of Members [enclosed with A59/18/53] (tp.)
.2 Statement of information for the Committee [enclosed with A59/18/53]. 2 leaves (tp.)
.3 Extract from the Report of the Royal Commission on National Museums and Galleries [enclosed with A59/18/53]. 2 leaves (tp.)
54 11 Oct., Nature, No. 3180, Vol. 126, ‘An English Folk Museum’, pp. 557-59. 2 leaves (printed)
55 11 Oct., Nature, No. 3180, Vol. 126, ‘Folk and Open-air Museums’ pp. 584-85 [abridged from HM’s paper at British Association meeting]. 2 leaves (printed)
56 Frank L. Cobb, Iver, to the Secretary, RAI, 15 Oct. – S.F. Markham of Museums Association suggested he write; is interested in the projected open-air museum; enquires about possibility of finding a post there; describes his previous work experience; describes the Nomadic Club which he runs (autogr.)
57 JLM to Frank L. Cobb, 17 Oct. – Secretary has passed on his letter; the Museum is not yet at a stage at which staff need be considered; is interested in the Nomadic Club; suggests they might meet; on Iver (autogr. carbon)
58 Frank L. Cobb to JLM, 20 Oct. – sends him the current programme of the Nomadic Club; making arrangements to meet; on Iver church (tp.)
.1 The Nomadic Club programme, Sept. to Dec. [enclosed with A59/18/58] (printed)
.2 Application form for membership of the Nomadic Club [enclosed with A59/18/58] (printed)
59 Edward Muir to JLM, 24 Oct. – thanks him for note enclosing letter from Rockefeller Foundation [not held]; meeting last week concluded that the Botanic Gardens site was the only one worth considering; in consultation with MW he is to draw up rough scheme of costs etc. before funding can be considered (tp.)
60 HM to ibid., 6 Nov. – now returned from America can answer letter of 18 Sept. [A59/18/37]; thanks him for the trouble he took with the paper for Nature; has heard no more about Committee appointed by Trevelyan and Lansbury. 2 leaves (tp.)
61 JLM to HM, 7 Nov. – hopes Sir R. Gregory has returned the appendix to him; reports on the one meeting of the Board of Works Committee (autogr. carbon)
62 Edward Muir to JLM, 16 Dec. – second meeting of the Folk Museum Committee will be on 6 Jan. 1931; will circulate some papers after Christmas (tp.)
63 Ibid., 1 Jan. 1931 – encloses papers for the meeting (tp.)
.1 Folk Museum Committee, Notes of the First Meeting [enclosed with A59/18/63].4 leaves (tp.)
.2 Draft Scheme for an English Folk museum in St. John’s Lodge and the Royal Botanic Gardens, Regent’s Park [enclosed with A59/18/63]. 7 leaves (tp. with autogr. notes)
64 Dr Vaughan Cornish, ‘The Purpose of National Parks’ 6 Jan. (printed)
.1 ‘National Parks/Evidence submitted to the Government Committee on National Parks on behalf of the Council for the Preservation of Rural Wales’ (printed booklet with autogr. note ‘from Vaughan Cornish’)
65 G.R. Carline, Keeper, Bankfield Museum, Halifax, to JLM, 29 Jan. – sends some notes and suggestions for the proposed museum [not held]; will send some literature on the subject later (tp.)
66 JLM to G.R. Carline, 31 Jan. – thanks him for ‘memorandum’; on dance aspects of folk lore at other exhibitions; is sending his memorandum to other members of the Committee; there may be a chance to publish it later in Man (autogr. carbon)
67 Ibid. to ‘Howarth’, 1 Feb. – sends the Benn correspondence about Discovery [not held]; on the running of Discovery (autogr. carbon)
68 ‘A National Folk Museum/Government Committee to Advise’, The Times, 3 Feb.; ‘Ye Village Streets’, The Times, 5 Feb. (2 newspaper cuttings)
69 Edward Muir to JLM, 7 Feb. – thanks him for letter and enclosures [not held]; hopes to circulate the revised scheme soon (tp.)
70 Ibid., 13 Mar. – encloses the revised draft scheme; apologises for delay; asks for observations as soon as possible; once the views of the Treasury and the Board of Education are known, another meeting will be called (tp.)
.1 Revised Draft Scheme for an English Folk Museum [enclosed with A59/18/70; revised version of A59/18/63.2]. 11 leaves (tp. with autogr. notes)
71 JLM to Edward Muir, 15 Mar. – has no amendments to suggest to revised draft (autogr. carbon)
72 Edward Muir to JLM, 9 May – next meeting to be held 18 May; notes one alteration made to draft; draft sent to the Treasury and the Board of Education; their views will be put to the Committee; two suggestions made by Board of Education if the larger scheme could not be achieved. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. notes)
73 Ibid., 14 May – encloses notes of last meeting of Committee (tp.)
.1 Folk Museum Committee, Notes of the Second Meeting [enclosed with A59/18/73].4 leaves (tp.)
74 J.B.T. Mackay, Edinburgh, to JLM, 31 May – refers to report of proceedings of British Association meeting concerning the Folk Museum; asks how the matter now stands; asks about whether it will cover England only or the whole of Britain (tp.)
75 Edward Muir to ibid., 5 June – encloses copy of minutes of last meeting which JLM was unable to attend (autogr.)
.1 Folk Museum Committee, Notes of the third meeting [enclosed with A59/18/75].6 leaves (tp.)
76 J.B.T. Mackay to JLM, 20 June – thanks him for letter of 2 June [not held] and for information about the Museum, which is to include exhibits from Scotland; he protests strongly; no attempt has been made to discover opinion of Scotland; RAI has not consulted the Edinburgh and Lothians branch; English Board of Works and Board of Education cannot speak for Scotland; he will quote JLM’s letter; on the relative financing of museums in England and Scotland; refers to ‘bloated parasitism’ of England. 2 leaves (tp.)
.1 Numerical calculations relating to financing of museums [referred to in A59/18/76] (autogr.)
77 JLM to J.B.T. Mackay, 25 June – cannot allow him to make any public use of his previous letter; it was written for his personal information only and without reference to the questions he now raises; would have consulted Edinburgh and Lothians branch of the RAI if it would have served any useful purpose (autogr. carbon)
78 Edward Muir to JLM, 4 July – returns the correspondence enclosed with letter of 25 June [not held]; has shown it to Sir Lionel Earle; the Committee was to consider a Folk Museum for England only, therefore Mr Mackay has no grievance (tp.)
79 JLM to J.B.T. Mackay, 6 July – has enquired informally about the scope of the proposed Museum; Committee was to consider a Museum for England only; apologises if he has inadvertently misled him by using the word ‘national’ (autogr. carbon)
80 Edward Muir to JLM, 25 Nov. – encloses draft of a short report is to be presented to the President of the Board of Education and the First Commissioner of Works; would be glad to have observations on it; in present financial circumstances collection of exhibits cannot begin (tp.)
.1 Draft Report of Folk Museum Committee [enclosed with A59/18/80]. 11 leaves (tp.)
81 JLM to Edward Muir, 26 Nov. – thanks him for letter and enclosure; thinks the draft is excellent and has nothing to add; hopes it might be published (autogr. carbon)
82 Maud Karpeles to JLM, 10 Feb. 1934 – refers to letter in The Times of 8 Feb. from Mr S. Jackson Coleman [attached], urging institution of a national folk lore museum and asking interested parties to contact him; asks him about the previous scheme; asks if he advises taking any action with regard to Mr Coleman; on international folk dance festival. 2 leaves (tp.)
83 HM to ibid., 14 Feb. – thanks him for sending Miss Karpeles’s letter; had seen correspondence in The Times but did not think anything would be gained by pursuing it; willing to help at any time (tp.)
84 Maud Karpeles to ibid., 15 Feb. – thanks him for letter [not held]; doubts whether any more will be heard from Mr Coleman; would still like to know how the matter of the Museum stands; hopes to give performance of folk dances to International Congress of Anthropology (tp.)
85 JLM to Maud Karpeles, 16 Feb. – sends her in confidence HM’s letter; no notice need be taken of the letter to The Times; on the dance display at the Congress (autogr. carbon)
19/ Newspaper cuttings
1 Pilgrim Trust, vol. CI, no. 2628, 30 May 1947, ‘The Pilgrim Trust’
2 The Times, 13 Jan. 1949, ‘Future of Houses of Historic Interest’
3 Ibid., 12 Feb., ‘Nature Conservancy Formed’; ‘Protection of Wild Life’
4 Country Life, 6 May, ‘Folk Museums and Folk Parks’
5 Daily Telegraph, 6 June, ‘Ham Estates to be sold’
6 Ibid., 27 Sept., ‘Picture Record of Britain’
7 The Times, 12 Nov., ‘Preservation of Countryside’
8 Everybody’s, 4 Feb. 1950, ‘He founded a one-man Museum’
9 The Times, 15 Apr., ‘English Country Houses / A List for Visitors’
10 Ibid., 18 Apr., ‘English Country Houses / A Supplementary List’
11 Eastern Daily Press, 5 July, ‘A Farming Whipsnade?’
12 The Times Literary Supplement, 8 Sept., review of Suggestions
13 Manchester Guardian, 25 Oct. 1952, letter from J.F. Wolfenden on ‘Reading Museum’ [see also A59/7/19]
14 17 Feb. 1954, ‘Folk Museum by “urgent” need’
15 Manchester Guardian, 20 Feb., letter from Frank Atkinson on ‘Open Air Folk Museum’
16 1958/59[?], ‘Welsh Museum gets higher grant’
17 nd, ‘Survey of Museums in Provinces’
18 nd, ‘A giant relief map of England and Wales’
20/ Miscellaneous
1 Postcard (to Mrs Fagg) of Welsh national costume, from Rhuddlan, Flintshire, 1948
2 WBF to HJF, nd – on the BEC; on its relations with local museums; on its relations with the British Museum (autogr. draft) [post 1948; it refers to S.F. Markham, Directory of Museums and Art Galleries in the British Isles, London, 1948]
3 ‘Some Notes on the Presentation of the Case for the Establishment of a Museum of English Life & Tradition’, nd. 3 leaves (tpc. with autogr. note ‘Sir R. Hyde’s Memorandum’) [1952[?]; it refers to the accession of Elizabeth II]
4 MWS, nd – on discussion by members of the Material Culture Sub-Committee on avoidance of the word ‘folk’ (autogr. note) [post 1958 when the sub-committees were set up]
5 Notes on towns and villages to be included in the Museum of English Life & Tradition, nd. 3 leaves (tp. with autogr. notes by TWB) (see the watercolour drawing H289, referred to in A59/2/144)
6 ‘The Museum of English Rural Life’, nd (printed leaflet)
7 ‘Archaeology, Ethnology and Folk-Life’, nd, a bibliography. 5 leaves (tp.)
8 WBF, nd, suggestions relating to A59/20/7. 2 leaves (tpc.)
9 Ibid., notes on journal articles and lectures. 2 leaves (autogr.)
10 Ibid., notes on documentation of items collected; list of names on verso (autogr.)
W.B. Fagg Papers combined with RAI files.
[See also article by Peter Riviere, ‘Success and failure: the tale of two museums’ from Journal of the History of collections, vol. 22 no. 1 (2010) pp. 141-151; copies in filing cabinet under ‘other information’.]