Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents British Joint Committee for Anthropological Teachng and Research A58 BRITISH JOINT COMMITTEE FOR ANTHROPOLOGICAL TEACHING AND RESEARCH (A58 02 of 05)

Letters, minutes and papers. 1914-63.

There were discussions at the British Association meeting at Birmingham on 12 Sept. 1913 on suggestions for a school of applied anthropology. At its meeting in 1914, the British Association appointed a committee to ‘devise practical measures for the organisation of anthropological teaching at the universities.’ The RAI Committee was associated with it and both Committees met under the chairmanship of Sir Richard Temple.

Following these discussions in 1914, the British Association at their meeting in Glasgow in 1922 recommended that there should be a central organization responsible for coordinating anthropological studies between universities, institutions, and societies and that the RAI should be asked to fulfil this role. The Joint Committee was appointed on 17 Apr. 1923 and the first meeting took place on 29 May 1923 with Sir Hercules Read as permanent Chairman. The last meeting of the Committee was on 11 Mar. 1947 and of the Sub-Committee on 16 July 1948. The Report of Council for 1947/8 records that no meetings were held; business was conducted by correspondence which seems to have been the case thereafter. The Report for 1948/9 records no meetings were held. There is no reference to the Committee in the Reports for the years 1949/50 – 1956/7, 1958/9 – 1964. The Report for 1957/8 records that the quinquennial appointment of representatives to the Committee was made and that it had been called ‘upon for a decision recommended to the Council by the Ethnographic Film Committee’ on recognition as a national committee (see CM/57/2, Item 4). The final reappointment of representatives to the Committee was for 1958/62. In a letter dated 16 Dec. 1963, the Hon. Secretary wrote that the Committee had been discontinued in early 1963 (see 58/2/25/11).

Papers of the Appeal and Research Committee (Chairman, Sir Arthur Keith) are also included for 1927/8 (see 58/2/7-9). This Committee was a Sub-Committee of Council not of the Joint Committee (see 58/2/8/7 for relationship) and was appointed to raise a capital fund for anthropological research ‘especially in the Dependencies of the British Empire’.

Sir John Myres prepared a file in June 1931 including papers from his personal file while he was President (1928-31). His file and subsequent papers are included in this archive.

A58/ (cont.)

See Man, [Nov.] 1913, No. 102, pp. 185-92, ‘Suggestions for a School of Applied Anthropology’ by Sir Richard Temple; Man, [Mar.] 1914, No. 35, pp. 57-72, ‘Anthropological Teaching in the Universities’; JRAI, Vol. 53, 1923, Report of the Council for 1922, pp. 5-6, ‘The Teaching of Anthropology and the Establishment of a Central Bureau’ which had been under consideration at the British Association meeting in Edinburgh, 1921; Man, July 1923, No. 70, ‘An Imperial Bureau of Anthropology and the Extension of Anthropological Studies’; and JRAI, Vol. 54, 1924, Report of the Council for 1923, pp. 5-6 ‘Central Bureau for Anthropology’. See also A56.


HB Henry Balfour, FRS (1863-1939), Curator, Pitt-Rivers Museum, University of Oxford; RAI President, 1903-4

BA British Association for the Advancement of Science

WBF William B. Fagg, RAI Hon. Secretary 1939-56

ENF E.N. Fallaize (d. 1957), RAI Hon. Secretary 1920-31

AK Sir Arthur Keith, FRS, FRCP (1866-1955), Master, Buckstone Browne Research Farm, Royal College of Surgeons; RAI President, 1913-16

PFK Percy F. Kendall (1856-1936), Prof. of Geology, University of Leeds

BM Bronislav Malinowski (1884-1942), London School of Economics, later Prof. of Anthropology, University of London

JLM Sir John L. Myres, FBA, OBE (1869-1954), Wykeham Prof. of Ancient History, University of Oxford; RAI President, 1928-31; founder and editor of Man

WJP W.J. Perry (1887-1949), Reader in Cultural Anthropology, University College London

GP-R Capt. G.H.L.F. Pitt-Rivers (1890-1966), owner and Director, Pitt-Rivers Museum, Farnham

CHR Sir (Charles) Hercules Read, FBA (1857-1929), Keeper of British and Mediaeval Antiquities and Ethnography, British Museum; RAI President, 1899, 1917

CGS Prof. Charles Gabriel Seligman (1873-1940), RAI President 1923-25

GES Sir Grafton Elliot Smith (1871-1937), Prof. of Anatomy, University College London

RT Lieut.-Col. Sir Richard Temple (1850-1931)

58/9/    1928. Appeal and Research Committee. Drafts of Research and Education Fund Appeal

[For AK’s draft, see 2/8/38]

  1    First draft by GP-R, 5 leaves (tpc.)

  2    JLM’s draft after consideration of GP-R’s draft. 7 leaves (tpc.)

  3    Ibid. 5 leaves (autogr. by JLM)

  4    GES’s alternative draft. 6 leaves (tp. with autogr. annotations by GES and JLM)

  5    Revised version by combination of drafts. 5 leaves (tpc.)

  6    Version made by combining the drafts of JLM and GP-R: abbreviated form as draft letter to The Times [see 2/12/29]. 7 leaves (tpc.)

10/    1928. Coordination of archaeological work in one centre in London

  1    Wm Rushton Parker, (WRP), MD, Royal Institution to ENF, 24 July – if the RAI can assure him that definite steps will be taken towards establishing an archaeological centre he will ask the Provost of University College London to postpone his plans for at least a year (autogr.)

  2    Sir Charles Marston (1867-1946) to WRP, 25 July – able to attend meeting [of the Provost’s Committee] in Sept. (tp.)

  3    WRP to ENF, 26 July – has written to the Provost asking him to cancel the Sept. meeting; has also written to Petrie and Marston; prefers not to join committee (autogr.)

  4    Ibid., 27 July 1928 – has seen the Secretary, British Museum; Museum still has plenty of room; have been considering the removal of ethnography to a new museum and other plans; considers RAI should make their plans known (autogr.)

  5    Prof. Sir Flinders Petrie, FRS, FBA (1863-1942), Prof. of Egyptology, University College London to ENF, 27 July – has heard of RAI plans; does not wish to work against what affects his interests; considers some understanding desirable (autogr.)

  6    WRP to ENF, [30 July] – some of Miss Caton Thompson’s finds [from Fayum Expedition] may be due to him; would be glad if RAI would accept them (autogr. pc)

11/    1928. Joint Committee. Desirability of an anthropological union under the International Research Council (IRC)

  1    ENF to JLM as representative of the BA and other representatives on the Joint Committee, 1 May – no recognized official channel for contacts between countries; asks for views on the desirability of asking for the inclusion of anthropology under the IRC (tpc., autogr. annotations by JLM); see Council Minutes, 30 Oct., f. 109

 a        Duplicate (tpc.)

 b        First draft (tp. with amendments by ENF)

 c        Second draft (ibid.)

  2    Prof. Sir Flinders Petrie to ENF, 2 May – approves suggestion (autogr.)

  3    David Hepburn, Prof. Emeritus of Anatomy, University College, Cardiff to ENF, 3 May – strongly supports suggestion; has retired (autogr.)

  4    Edward Fawcett, FRS, Prof. of Medicine, University of Bristol to ENF, 3 May – approves suggestion (tp.)

  5    Sir E.H. Minns, FBA (1874-1953), Disney Prof. of Archaeology, University of Cambridge to ENF, 3 May – approves suggestion but thinks A.C. Haddon, Reader in Anthropology would be the correct representative (autogr.)

  6    Prof. J.C. Brash [see 2/8/13 for details] to ENF, 3 May – approves suggestion (tp.)

  7    Prof. R.W. Reid [see 2/4/10 for details] to ENF, 3 May – approves suggestion (autogr.)

  8    AK to ENF, 3 May – approves suggestion (autogr.)

  9    Geo. G. Chisholm, Royal Scottish Geographical Society to ENF, [4 May 1928] would give his support but has forwarded letter to Sir Everard im Thurn, now Chairman (autogr. pc)

 10    Ernest A. Gardner (1862-1939), Yates Prof. of Archaeology, University of London, South Kensington to ENF, 4 May – approves suggestion (autogr.)

 11    BM to ENF, 4 May – approves suggestion; considers IRC will not recognize ‘enemy’ science, German, Austrian, and Hungarian; it is not international; anthropology is ‘beyond this lamentable stage’ (autogr.)

 12    C.S. Myers to ENF, 4 May – approves suggestion; comments on the best way of achieving this (tpc.)

 13    Secretary, Folk-Lore Society to ENF, 5 May – matter will be discussed at next Council; has every reason to believe suggestion will be approved

 14    HB to ENF, 6 May – approves suggestion; if there are difficulties suggests RAI should be centre for general official recognition as a Bureau of Ethnology or Anthropology (autogr.)

 15    Sir Theodore Morison, Principal, Armstrong College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne to ENF, 7 May – approves suggestion; comments on the value pooling information and enlisting the interest of local administrations (tp.)

 16    CGS to ENF, ibid. – asks for information on Royal Commission on Museums if he is to represent RAI; requires more information on IRC as the Director, London School of Economics has asked him to explain the matter (tp.)

 17    ENF to Prof. David Hepburn, University College of South Wales, ibid. – replies to 2/11/3; hopes he will continue to represent his university (tpc.)

 18    Ibid. to Prof. E.H. Minns, ibid. – replies to 2/11/5; Haddon already on Committee; hopes the advantage of an archaeological representative will be put to the Board when considering the matter (tpc.)

 19    Secretary of Council, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin to ENE, 8 May – Council approves suggestion (tp.)

 20    ENF to CGS, 8 May – replies to 2/11/16; encloses RAI memorandum to Museum Commission; RAI wishes to stress inadequacy of provision for ethnographical material; suggests he emphasizes use of museums in teaching; outlines RAI’s views on IRC (tpc. and tp.)

 21    H.J. Fleure (HJF) [see 2/5/1 for details], Hon. Secretary and Editor, Geographical Association to ENF, 8 May 1928 – approves suggestion; thinks position of German speaking anthropologists should be considered; no political problems should limit a scientific international organization (tp.)

 22    ENF to HJF, 10 May – glad of his views on IRC; the Germans are divided; Richard Thurnwald section is in favour; will consider whether IRC is best method of securing the RAI aims before deciding (tpc.)

 23    Sir William H. Beveridge (1879-1963), Director, London School of Economics to ENF, ibid. – not in a position to form a judgement; inclines to favour proposed course (tpc.)

 24    GES to ENF, ibid. – delayed reply to letter of 1 May [see 2/11/1]; matter discussed at Royal Society Council; does not think the proposal will serve any useful purpose; could not attend Rivers Memorial meeting; in agreement with proposed action (autogr.)

 25    Illegible signature, Harrietsham, Kent to ENF, ibid. – approves suggestion (autogr.)

 26    WJP to ENF, 14 May – GES has informed him of his letter; agrees with him [see 2/11/24] (tp.)

 27    CGS to ENF, 16 May – in general approves suggestion; has suggested to Beveridge he should reply in the same way [see 2/11/23] (tp.)

 28    Secretary, Society of Antiquaries of London to ENF, 17 May – Royal Society Council approves suggestion provided prehistoric archaeology is included (tp.)

 29    List of replies to inquiries on establishment of an Anthropological Union under the IRC, 28 May by JLM (autogr )

 30    Secretary, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland to ENF, 25 June – approves suggestion (tp.)

 12/    1929. Joint Committee. Consideration of draft appeal

  1    Agenda for Joint Committee on 15 Jan. – to consider public appeal for funds and best course to secure an improved anthropometric method (tpc.); see Minutes, /3/4

  2    Draft of Anthropological Research Fund Appeal. 5 leaves (tpc.) [see also 2/9/5]

  3    CGS to ENF, 7 Jan. – outlines criticisms of draft [2/12/2] (tp.)

  4    Miss M.L. Tildesley, Royal College of Surgeons to ENF, 9 Jan. 1927 – afraid her suggestion [on anthropometric method] may be referred to a sub-committee and the decision delayed until after publication of her paper; the British decision would then be ineffective; suggests how this may be avoided (autogr.); see ‘Racial anthropometry: a plan to obtain international uniformity of method’, JRAI, Vol. 58, 1928, pp. 351-61; and Minutes, /3/4, f. 9

  5    GES to ENF, 9 Jan. – regrets cannot attend meeting; draft requires drastic alteration; outlines some of his criticism; has gone over it with WJP so that he may make further suggestions to strengthen it (tp.); see Minutes, /3/4, ff. 8-9

  6    Prof. R.W. Reid to ENF, 9 Jan. – regrets cannot attend meeting; returns draft with minor alterations [not present]; supports any steps to improve anthropometric method (autogr.)

  7    GES to ENF, 11 Jan. – on looking into the draft again considers it needs rewriting; encloses his first revision [see 2/12/8] (autogr.)

  8    GES’s revision of draft (tpc. with autogr. alterations by GES)

  9    Sidney H. Ray (1858-1939), student of Oceanic languages, RAI Vice-President, 1919 to ENF, 14 Jan. – regrets cannot attend meeting; endorses draft but sends one suggestion; comments on neglect of languages; just heard of an unknown Papuan language (autogr.)

 10    Prof. Arthur Robinson to ENF, 14 Jan. – regrets cannot attend meeting; Edinburgh University in sympathy with appeal (autogr.)

 11    Draft minutes of meeting, 15 Jan. by ENF and JLM (autogr.)

 12    Minutes of the meeting, 15 Jan. (tpc.); see also /3/4

 13    Draft [2/12/2] considered by Committee. 5 leaves (tpc. with autogr. amendments by JLM)

 14    Copy of resolution passed by the Joint Committee on 15 Jan., on amounts collected from proposed appeal to be held in trust by the RAI as a Research Endowment Fund, 17 Jan. – approved by JLM for BA, 18 Jan. (mimeo. with autogr. annotations by JLM)

 15    Ibid. by Reginald A. Smith for British Museum, 18 Jan. 1929

 16    Ibid. by Harold J.E. Peake
 17    Ibid. by G.D. Hornblower (GDH), RAI Treasurer, 19 Jan. 1929 (with autogr. annotation by GDH)

 18    ‘Racial anthropometry: a plan to obtain international uniformity of method’ by M.L. Tildesley, JRAI, Vol. 58, 1928, pp. 351-61 – offprint

 19    GDH to ENF, 20 Jan. – inquires as to how much of the Treasurer’s report should be read at the AGM; and whether figures should be distributed to those present (tp. with autogr. annotation by GDH)

 20    Private secretary to Sir William Beveridge to ENF, 21 Jan. – approves resolution

 21    ENF to JLM, 24 Jan. – question of whether RAI should go outside its function in providing immediate benefits and promoting objects of public utility; thinks vote of Fellows should be obtained; comments on reasons for Fellows resigning (tp. with autogr. annotations by JLM)

 22    ENF to GES, 31 Jan. – Committee agreed GES’s draft was the more effective document; if he agreed, it was thought it would best be submitted as a letter following the appeal in The Times; as appeal has been approved by all parties, he proposes to see The Times about a publication date

 23    ENF to JLM, ibid. – comments on the amalgamation of the Rockefeller Foundation Trustees and the Laura Spelman Trustees; has broached the question of a further grant; asks for JLM’s views; refers to possible meeting with — Howarth and — Barnard; encloses copy of final form of appeal; asks him to make any necessary alterations; encloses suggested amendment by Mrs B.Z. Seligman (tp. with autogr. annotations by ENF and JLM)

 24    GES to ENF, 1 Feb. – regrets the Committee decided to issue the draft appeal as circulated; thinks it ‘a damp squib’; prefers to withdraw his and WJP’s draft for the present (autogr.)

 25    ENF to JLM, 5 Mar. – enclosed appeal now finalised; asks him to sign and return it for AK’s signature (tp., last page of letter with autogr. annotations by JLM on ‘spadework in support of appeal’ and ENF)

 26    JLM to ENF, 6 Mar. – inquires as to follow up after The Times letter appeal (autogr. with autogr. annotation by JLM dated 21 July 1931)
 27    ENF to JLM, 8 Mar. 1929 – thanks him for two letters; W. Ormsby Gore prefers to send his letter direct; thinks Lord Onslow (1876-1945) would prefer to do the same; mentions GES’s views; and possible individuals who would write follow up letters; considers an open letter to selected individuals would be useful (tp.)

 28    W. Ormsby Gore [see 2/12/27] to ENF, 11 Apr. – approves appeal with reservations; comments on references to Colonial Governments and the well-being of their people (tp.)

 29    Copy of letter to The Times appealing for funds. 6 leaves (tp. signed by JLM)

13/    1930-1, 1940, 1947. Joint Committee. Agenda and minutes; see also /3 for minute file

  1    Agenda for meeting, 14 Jan. 1930 – on the international position of anthropological studies (tpc. with autogr. annotations by JLM); see Minutes, /3/5, ff. 10-11; see also A62/13; for the Committee’s report to Council, see Council Minutes 21 Jan. 1930, A:10/4/2/4

         .1    ‘Memorandum on International Organisation in Anthropology’. 6 leaves (tp.); see Minutes /3/5, ff. 14-18

  2    Ibid., 17 Mar. 1931 – on International Congress [see A62]; organization of the study of Indian peoples and cultures; Ancient Monuments bill (tp. with autogr. annotations by JLM); see also 2/14/2

  3    Minutes of meeting, 17 Mar. (tpc.); see also Minutes /3/8, ff. 19-20

  4    Agenda for meeting, 26 May – on proposed invitation to International Congress to meet in London; and anthropological training of Colonial civil servants (tpc.)

  5    Minutes of meeting, 26 May (tpc.); see also Minutes, /3/10, f. 21

  6    Agenda for meeting, 23 June – consideration of draft on anthropological training of Colonial civil servants; and Council’s resolution to issue a joint invitation with the Society of Antiquaries to invite the new International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences to meet in London in 1932 (tpc.); see Council minutes, 24 June 1930, ff. 146-7

  7    Minutes of meeting, 23 June (tpc.)

  8    Notice of meeting on 30 April 1940 (tpc.) [/3/19]

  9    Agenda for meeting, 30 Apr. (autogr. by WBF)

10    Notice of meeting on 11 Mar. 1947; Agenda (tpc.) [/3/22]

         .1    Ibid. (autogr. by WBF)

 11    Minutes of meeting, 11 Mar. 2 leaves (tpc.) [/3/24]

 12    Minutes of Sub-Committee appointed on 11 Mar. to consider British membership of Permanent Council of the International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. 2 leaves (tpc.) [/3/25]

13a/    1930-31. Memorandum on Anthropological Training for Colonial Civil Servants

  1    C.W. Hobley to the President [JLM], 23 Sept. 1930 – forwards a memorandum, for consideration of Council

  2    C.W. Hobley, 23 Sept. – Memorandum on ‘Royal Anthropological Institute and Applied Anthropology’. 6 leaves (tp.) [enclosed with 2/13a/1]

  3    JLM to C.W. Hobley, 27 Sept. – has read his Memorandum; is in general agreement; will bring it before Council; asks if he will give a lecture on the topic of the Memorandum (autogr. carbon)

  4    C.W. Hobley, Oct. – ‘Proposals for the Application of Anthropology to Native Administration’. 6 leaves (tp. with autogr. additions and note ‘Supplementary to Memorandum addressed to Pres. Royal Anthrop. Inst Sept. 23rd 1930’)

  5    L.H. Dudley Buxton to JLM, 2 Oct. – has passed Hobley’s letter to the Secretary of the Tropical Af[r]ican Services Course; on ‘Malcolm’ incorporating in University of Oxford (tp. with autogr. notes on Hobley added by JLM, dated 27 Oct. & 12 Jan. 1931)

  6    JLM to C.W. Hobley, 15 Oct. – asks what steps the RAI should take to ‘develop the technique of practical anthropology’; asks if he will write an article for Man, or contact people personally; on links between the RAI and other organisations (autogr. carbon)

  7    CGS to JLM, 30 Oct. – encloses note from Labouret [not held]; on Sub-Committee set up to consider Hobley’s proposal; the situation with [Lord] Lugard is ‘a little delicate’; thinks it would be unwise to write to Lord Lugard before meeting of Sub-Committee (tp. with autogr. PS

  8    JLM to CGS, 1 Nov. – on summoning the Secretaryship Committee; on the financing of a part-time post in the Library; on the ‘Hobley project’; on a special African issue of Man (autogr. carbon)

  9    CGS to JLM, 10 Nov. 1930 – ‘Remarks on Mr. Hobley’s Two Letters’; identifies most important paragraph of first letter; on dichotomy between anthropology of the field-worker and applied anthropology; second letter mentions Colonial Office consideration of study leave for officials; more on applied anthropology. 5 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)

 10    Ernest Haddon to JLM, 23 Nov. – his father [A.C. Haddon] has shown him the correspondence about the RAI and applied anthropology; on the International Institute of African Languages and Cultures (IIALC); on the RAI’s Journals; other matters concerning African colonies. 6 leaves (tp.)

 11    A.C. Haddon, 24 Nov. – his comments on Mr Hobley’s proposals; more attention should be given to applied anthropology; on the IIALC. 2 leaves (autogr.)

 12    BM to JLM, 9 Dec. – read the two memoranda by Hobley [2/13a/2 & /4] ‘with great interest’; on the IIALC and its relation to the Joint Committee; RAI should work in co-operation with universities of Oxford, Cambridge and London. 2 leaves (tp.)

 13    C.W. Hobley to ibid., 14 Dec. – thanks him for the comments made by CGS, A.C. Haddon, BM and Ernest Haddon; agrees that his ‘No. III’ be published in Man [see 2/13a/33]; answers some of the comments made. 3 pages (autogr.)

 14    JLM to C.W. Hobley, 16 Dec. – thanks him for comments; on publication of his article (autogr. carbon)

 15    Lord Raglan (1885-1964), RAI President 1955-7, to JLM, ibid. – has read the file with ‘great interest’; has come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as ‘applied anthropology’; on colonial civil service is taking the view of anthropology which the Army takes of military history. 2 leaves (tp.)

 16    Lord Raglan, nd – ‘Memorandum on the teaching of Anthropology to members of & candidates for the Colonial Civil Service’; describes the Committee as set up; includes list of questions to be considered in the preparation of a report. 3 leaves (tpc.)

 17    Ibid. 4 leaves (tp. draft)

 18    JLM to Lord Raglan, 7 Jan. 1931 – his letter was most helpful; Executive Committee unanimous that Lord Raglan should be asked to chair Committee to consider the Hobley dossier, and report to Council and Joint Committee, which can bring any suggestions to the notice of the Colonial Office; on his suitability for the role (autogr. carbon) [see Council Minutes, 13 Jan. & 24 Feb. 1931, for members of the Committee]

 19    Rev. Edwin W. Smith to JLM, 8 Jan. 1931 – regrets being unable to accept nomination [to Council]; encloses a typed letter; is writing an introductory volume for a series to be published by the IIALC; will restate the necessity of anthropological study etc. (autogr.)

 20    Ibid., ibid. – thanks him for the papers; quotes from Government’s Memorandum on Native Policy; the statement might be made the basis of an appeal from RAI to Colonial Office; agrees with almost all of what Mr Hobley says; adds something regarding missionaries; RAI and IIALC are complementary; it would be a good thing if the Joint Committee took up the matter. 4 leaves (tp.) [enclosed with 2/13a/19]

 21    Lord Raglan to ibid., ibid. – is honoured to be appointed Chairman; asks for some information; proposes to send out his questionnaire [see 2/13a/16]

 22    JLM to Rev. E. Smith, 9 Jan. – sorry that he cannot accept invitation to serve on Council; encloses ‘budget of paper’ for his opinion; refers to fresh representation to Government on subject of anthropological training (autogr. carbon)

 23    Nature, 10 Jan. – letter from T.C. Hodson; reply from B. Codrington (printed)

 24    JLM to Lord Raglan, 15 Jan. – thanks him for consent to chair the Committee on Mr Hobley’s proposals; answers his questions; on BA organizing a discussion on the Education of Native Races; he will be invited to take part; suggests Ernest Haddon could act as a Secretary in the preparation of the report (autogr. carbon)

 25    Lord Raglan to JLM, 18 Jan. – is going to prepare memorandum and a list of questions, to be circulated among the Committee (autogr.)

 26    James G. Frazer to C.W. Hobley, 19 Jan. – agrees with what he says in letter of 17 Jan. [not held] on the importance of anthropology as an aid to good government of native races; trusts that RAI will lay his views before Government (autogr.)

 27    BM to JLM, ibid. – will put himself at Lord Raglan’s service (tp.)

 28    JLM to Lord Raglan, 21 Jan. – has received introductory memorandum and questionnaire [2/13a/16]; will send his replies in a few days (autogr. carbon)

 29    BM to Lord Raglan, ibid. – encloses questionnaire with replies; agrees that there is no valid distinction between ‘academic’ and ‘applied’ anthropology (autogr.)

 30    Ibid., 21 Jan. 1931 – questionnaire with answers [enclosed with 2/13a/29] (tpc. with autogr. answers)

         .1    nd – extracts from letters from BM to Lord Raglan [2/13a/29] and from Lord Raglan to JLM [2/13a/15] (autogr. by WBF)

 31    A.C. Haddon to JLM, 23 Jan. – thanks him for Lord Raglan’s Memorandum and questionnaire; he and Ernest [Haddon] will discuss it; Ernest Haddon honoured by suggestion that he should act as Secretary; he would like to know what it would entail; on JLM’s review of Human History in Nature (autogr.)

 32    JLM to Lord Raglan, nd – Ernest Haddon is happy to act as Secretary (autogr. carbon)

 33    C.W. Hobley, ‘Practical or Applied Anthropology. Some of the Problems’ – proof copy of article published in Man, Vol. 31, Feb. 1931, Item 22. 2 leaves [see 2/13a/13] (offprint)

 34    CGS to Lord Raglan, 6 Feb. encloses questionnaire with replies; agrees that there is no dichotomy between the applied and the scientific branch (tp.)

 35    Ibid., nd – questionnaire with answers [enclosed with 2/13a/34]. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)

 36    Lord Raglan to JLM, 17 Feb. – has only had two replies to questionnaire, from CGS and BM; is surprised that he has not had more (autogr.)

 37    A.C. Haddon, nd – answers to questionnaire. 2 leaves (tp.)

 38    Ernest Haddon, nd – ibid. 3 leaves (tp.)

 39    C.W. Hobley, nd – ibid. (tp.)

 40    Lord Raglan to JLM, 3 Mar. – C.W. Hobley included list of people for co-option, some of whom are not RAI members; encloses his letter [not held]; Hans Visscher declined to join Committee; has heard from the Haddons (tp.)

 41    JLM to Lord Raglan, 7 Mar. – returns Hobley’s letter; non-members may submit memoranda; their help can be acknowledged in the report; suggests he meet Hans Visscher; Hobley has heard about Lord Raglan’s remarks about applied anthropology (autogr. carbon)

 42    Lord Raglan to JLM, 11 Mar. 1931 – is sorry that Hobley ‘has taken offence’; spells out the purpose for which the Committee was set up; he welcomes suggestions from others, but is diffident in asking serving officials to criticize the administration of which they are members (tp.)

 43    C.W. Hobley to ibid., 12 Mar. – thanks him for letter of 8 Mar. [not held]; sees his point about co-option of non-Fellows of RAI; thinks some non-Fellows should be asked for their views; he hears that a Committee is sitting at the Colonial Office on training for civil servants; perhaps they could be asked not to report until the RAI has given its views (autogr.)

 44    J.H. Driberg to Lord Raglan, 25 Mar. – encloses questionnaire, together with his views on applied anthropology (tp.)

 45    J.H. Driberg, nd – answers to questionnaire. 2 leaves (tp.)

 46    Ibid., 25 Mar. – discusses four points which arise from Mr Hobley’s papers and the attached correspondence; disagrees with Lord Raglan that there is no such thing as ‘applied anthropology’; appends a report which he submitted at the request of the Association of Scientific Workers on the teaching of anthropology. 4 leaves (tp.)

 47    Ibid., nd – ‘Report on Ethnological Education and Research’ [referred to in 2/13a/46]. 9 leaves (tp. with autogr. note at end)

 48    Lord Raglan to JLM, 30 Mar. – on arrangements for a meeting; is seeing CGS, whom he will consult; more cohesion and co-operation needed in anthropology (autogr.)

 49    JLM to CGS, 31 Mar. – hopes that he and Lord Raglan can plan the course of the enquiry about Colonial Officers; on the opinions of various people; Joint Committee should be summoned soon, and an approach made to Colonial Office; asks if they could meet (autogr. carbon)

 50    Ibid. to Lord Raglan, 12 Apr. – suggests some works by RT which might be of use; the Committee will meet on 21 Apr. (autogr. carbon)

 51    Ibid. – notes for ‘Raglan’s Committee’, 21 Apr. 2 leaves (autogr.)

 52    Ibid. to Lord Raglan, 24 Apr. 1931 – encloses draft of notes of the Committee’s findings; did not have a copy of Hobley’s memorandum; has not used Driberg’s commentary, which is ‘ill-informed’; asks him to ‘pass a severe pen’ over the draft and return it; hopes that it will be ready for Council meeting in May (autogr. carbon)

 53    AK to JLM, 14 May – sorry that he cannot attend Council meeting [on 19 May]; believes that training in anthropology should be compulsory for Colonial civil servants (autogr.)

 54    CGS to ibid., 15 May – has looked through the uncorrected draft of the report of Raglan’s Committee; makes a suggestion regarding section 6; suggests that Ernest Haddon be invited to attend Council meeting [on 19 May] (tp.)

 55    nd – ‘Report of the Committee on the Training of Colonial Civil Servants in Anthropology’. 9 leaves (tpc.) [accepted at Council meeting of 19 May – see CM/10:4, ff. 172-3]

 56    Ibid. – draft. 4 leaves (tpc. with autogr. annotations by JLM)

 57    Ibid. – ibid. 4 leaves (tpc. with autogr. annotations by E. Haddon, C.W. Hobley and JLM)

 58    Ibid. – ibid. 4 leaves (tpc. with autogr. annotations by T.C. Hodson and JLM)

 59    BM to JLM, nd, Memorandum – refers to letter of 19 May [not held] regarding deputation to the Secretary of State for the Colonies; the Report recommends training, which is already being done; it might seem irrelevant to Colonial Office to discuss matters with the RAI on which they already co-operate with the universities; suggests Joint Committee bring about consensus and co-operation between universities where anthropology is taught; it should also gain co-operation of Colonial Office concerning the teaching of anthropology; this is his personal opinion; he has not had a chance to consult the Board of Studies; urges that a deputation to the Secretary of State would be premature. 2 leaves (tp.)

 60    JLM to Lord Raglan, 22 May – the Report was adopted by Council on 19 May and sent to the Joint Committee; Council approved plan of submitting the Memorandum to the Colonial Office (autogr. carbon)