Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents Anthropological Index A141 ANTHROPOLOGICAL INDEX (A141 04 of 07)

See also A114/16

An Index to Current Periodicals, a quarterly index to articles appearing in journals received in the RAI Library, was first proposed at a Library Committee meeting on 24 Nov. 1961 (see LC/1/1, f.2.) A specimen issue, covering periodicals received between Jan. and Mar. 1962, was distributed in the summer of 1962. The Anthropological Index was then published between 1963 and 1994 in annual volumes, each comprising four quarterly parts and an author index. In 1976 the RAI Library was transferred to the Museum of Mankind by Deed of Gift, and the Index then covered the periodicals taken in the merged library. In the 1980s and 1990s production of the Index was gradually computerised, and the index eventually went live online as the Anthropological Index Online in 1998. Volume 32 (1994) was the last volume to be produced in hard copy. See also A77/16

Editors of Anthropological Index were as follows:
Vol. 1 (1963)–Vol. 14, Part 2 (1976): Brownlee J. Kirkpatrick, Librarian, 1948-76 (BJK)
Vol. 14, Part 3 (1976)–Vol. 17, Part 2 (1979): Judith Higgens (JH)
Vol. 17, Part 3 (1979)-Vol. 20 (1982): Kenneth A. Forrest (KAF)
Vol. 21 (1983)-Vol. 22, Part 3 (1984): Judith Morris (JM)
Vol. 22, Part 4 (1984): JM and David M. Jones (DMJ)
Vol. 23 (1985)-Vol. 24 (1986): DMJ
Vol. 25 (1987)-Vol. 31 (1993): Karen Godden (KG)
Vol. 32 (1994): Hon. Editor David Zeitlyn, Dept. of Social Anthropology, UKC (DZ); Co-Editors Janice Archer (JA) and Damaris Dodds (DD)

The Index was published by various firms over the years: Lithofax Ltd. (1963-65); Smethurst (1967-68); Unwin Brothers Ltd. (1968-71); Mansell Publications (1972-80); L & T Press Ltd. (1980-85); Chameleon Press Ltd., Wandsworth (1985-94). Typesetting was done by Light Touch, Chepstow, from 1988. Printers’ brochures from Unwin Brothers Ltd, Headley Brothers Ltd, The Invicta Press, Ashford, Kent, and Mansell Publications have not been retained. Estimates, invoices and other correspondence from these and other printing firms, 1962-96 (Richard Madley Ltd., London; F.J. Parsons, London; Avon Litho Ltd., Stratford-upon-Avon; Clarke Doble & Brendon Ltd., Devon; The British National Bibliography, London; William Clowes & Sons, Beccles; The Blackmore Press, Shaftesbury; Sasor, London; Henry Ling Ltd., The Dorset Press, Dorchester; G.K. Hall & Co., Boston, Mass.; Olivers Printing Works Ltd., Battle; L & T Press Ltd., Luton; Echo Press Ltd., Loughborough; Norman W. Hardy Printing Group, London; Doppler Press, Brentwood, Essex) has been selectively retained.

Various documents relating to Anthropological Literature, published by the Tozzer Library at Harvard University, have not been retained, viz. photocopies of:

Anthropological Literature – Journals Indexed (to end 1985)
Volume 11 Cumulative List of Journals Indexed (1989)
Volume 12 Cumulative List of Journals Indexed (1990)
Volume 13 Cumulative List of Journals Indexed (1991)
Volume 14 Cumulative List of Journals Indexed (1992)
Volume 15 Cumulative List of Journals Indexed (1993)
[Volume 16] List of Journals Indexed (1994)
Series Indexed in Anthropological Literature, May 20, 1998
Journals Currently Reviewed for Indexing by Anthropological Literature, May 20, 1998.
Journals Currently Indexed in Anthropological Literature, June, 1998.

Photocopies of articles, or extracts of articles, as follows, have likewise not been retained:

Margaret Currier, ‘Problems in Anthropological Bibliography’, Annual Review of Anthropology, vol. 5 (1976), pp. 18-19

Richard Harris, ‘Will a new way of transcribing make Chinese any less inscrutable?’ The Times, 27 July 1977

David Henige, ‘Taking Arms against a Sea of Scholarship: Serial Bibliographies and Indexes of Interest to African Historians’, History in Africa, vol. 10 (1983), pp. 114-15

Carol Joiner, review of AI in ANSS currents, Vol. 7, no. 1 (May 1992), pp. 3-7

Deborah Lynne Wiley, ‘From Print to Internet … Can the traditional abstracting and indexing service survive?’, Database, December 1994, pp. 18-24

Ellen Sutton and Lori Foulke, ‘Coverage of Anthropology by major electronic indexes: a comparison’, Reference Services Review, vol. 27, no. 2 (1999), pp. 134-57


1 Correspondence etc. 1962-69

2 Advertising 1965-66

3 Correspondence etc. 1970-74

4 Correspondence etc. 1975-79

5 Correspondence etc. 1980

6 Correspondence etc. 1981

7 Correspondence etc. 1982

8 Correspondence etc. 1983

9 Correspondence etc. 1984

10 Correspondence etc. 1985

11 Correspondence etc. 1986

12 Correspondence etc. 1987

13 Correspondence etc. 1988-89

14 Correspondence etc. 1990-94

15 Correspondence etc. 1995-96

16 Correspondence etc. 1997-2001

17 Appeals for Voluntary Subscriptions, 1998 & 1999

18 Funding: British Academy Grants 1973, [1981, 1985]

19 Funding: British Library Board Grants 1975-80

20 Funding: other sources

21 Museum of Mankind Library Committee

22 AI and AIO Sub-Committees

23 Software etc.

24 Retrospective conversion

25 Miscellaneous

Abbreviations – general

AI: Anthropological Index

AIO: Anthropological Index Online

AL: Anthropological Literature [TL publication]

BA: British Academy

BL: British Library

BLB: British Library Board

BM: British Museum

LC: RAI Library Committee

MoM: Museum of Mankind, Dept. of Ethnography, British Museum

TL: Tozzer Library, Peabody Museum of Archaeology, Harvard University

UCL: University College London

UKC: University of Kent at Canterbury

Abbreviations – people

JCMB: Jonathan Charles Mackenzie Benthall, RAI Director 1974-2000

HRB: Prof. H. Russell Bernard, Dept. of Anthropology, University of Florida, Gainesville; chair of Commission on Documentation set up Nov. 1979 under auspices of IUEAS (International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences)

DMB: David M. Boston OBE, Director, Horniman Museum 1965-93; RAI Council 1963-6, 1969-72, 1975-7, Vice-President 1972-5, 1977-80

DRB: Dr Don R. Brothwell, Principal Scientific Officer and Head of Anthropology at the British Museum (Natural History) 1961-1974

JB: Joan Burridge, Library Staff May 1970-75; sometime AI Advisory Editor

MC: Max Carocci, AIO indexer and editor (1997-present)

AHC: Anthony H. Christie, RAI Hon. Sec. 1961-70

ADC: Miss A.D. Crews, BL

JD: Prof. John Davis, Head of Dept. of Social Anthropology, UKC

AVSR: Anthony V.S. de Reuck, RAI Hon. Treasurer 1970-73

BD: Dr Brian Durrans, Deputy Keeper, MoM, from 1979

BE: Beverley Emery, Assistant to Hon. Librarian, Library Officer 1983-2002

EE: Edward Evans, Librarian, TL, 1985-88

WBF: W.B. Fagg, CMG (1914-92), Keeper, Dept. of Ethnography, British Museum, 1967-74; RAI Hon. Sec., 1939-56, Honorary Editor of Man, 1947-65

AG: Audrey Gregson, Librarian, MoM, retired Apr. 1996

RGH: Dr Robin G. Harvey, Chairman of LC 1970-78

JLF: Jean La Fontaine, RAI President 1985-87

ERL: Prof. Sir Edmund R. Leach, FBA (1910-89), President, 1971-5, Council, 1946-67 passim, Vice-President, 1964-6, 1969-70, Chairman, Sub-Committee of the Executive Committee, 1945-9, Chairman, Executive Committee, 1948-55

RL: Prof. Roland Littlewood, RAI President 1994-97

STM: Sheila T. Mackay, Library staff from July 1966; sometime AI Advisory Editor

SM: Sheila Mackie, Librarian, BM Dept. of Ethnography

MML: Malcolm McLeod, Keeper, MoM, 1974-90

CRM: C. Roger Moss, RAI Hon. Treasurer 1973-84

SP: Sara Pimpaneau, Editorial Assistant, appointed Sept. 1995

RMP: Dr Robin M. Price, Chairman, LC, from 1980

MJR: Dr Michael J. Rowlands, Dept. of Anthropology, UCL

NSM: Niel C. Sebag-Montefiore, RAI Hon. Treasurer 1989-2004

JS: Mrs Jill Swart, Secretary to LC from 1979

SW: Sally Williams, Acting Librarian, TL, 1984-85

A141/8/    Correspondence etc. 1983

  1    Jane Stephens, Central Information Service, University of London, [CIS] to [RAI], nd – is updating ‘Inventory of abstracting and indexing services produced in the UK’; encloses questionnaire [not present] (photocopy) [Inventory of abstracting and indexing services produced in the UK published Oct. 1983]

  2    RGH to KAF, 19 Jan. 1983 – thanks him for entry examples (autogr.)

  3    Ibid. to WBF, 24 Jan. – on microcomputer demonstration; on JCMB writing to MML (autogr.)

  4    JCMB to MML, 25 Jan. – on WBF’s provision of computer; discusses where it should be located (photocopy)

  5    Rachel R. Bacon, University Microfilms International, to [RAI], 25 Jan. – original hope for microform of AI not realised; hence cancellation of agreement [see A141/4/26.1] (photocopy)

  6    KAF to RMP, 28 Jan. – on his new job (tpc.)

  7    P.E. Bishop, Data-Type, to WBF, 21 Feb. – details of prices quoted for computer equipment [brochure and later invoice not retained] (tp.)

  8    MML to JCMB, 15 Mar. – Director of MoM agrees to installation of WBF’s computer in Students’ Room of MoM (tp.)

  9    JCMB to WBF, 16 Mar. – encloses letter from MML [A141/8/8]; computer can now be purchased; asks for written confirmation that computer can be used for production of AI (tp.)

 10    List of new titles added to AI Jan. 1978 to Mar. 1983. 3 leaves (tp.)

 11    RGH to JH, 26 Apr. – on character sets; asks whether more need to be added to daisy wheel printer (autogr.)

 12    WBF to P.E. Bishop, 28 Apr. 1983 – arrangements for delivery of equipment; on invoicing (photocopy)

 13    JCMB to Cindy Ashman, Data-Type, 3 May – details of order and delivery (photocopy)

 14    RGH to JH, 12 May – on special characters on daisy wheel printer (autogr.)

 15    Ibid. to WBF, 12 May – JM will be taking up appointment in about a month’s time; computer can now be installed (autogr.)

 16    P.E. Bishop to WBF, 13 May – on delivery of computer (tp.)

 17    JH to RGH, 16 May – on special characters required (tp.)

 18    WBF to P.E. Bishop, 18 May – on correct address for delivery; on payment of invoices. 2 leaves (photocopy)

.1    Draft of A141/8/18 (autogr.)

 19    JCMB to P.E. Bishop, 19 May – on address for delivery; on invoices (tp.)

 20    Ibid. to Ms Pamela Haas, Assitant Librarian, Archives and Photographic Collection, American Museum of Natural History, 19 May – thanks her for letter of 10 May [not present]; delighted to accept $550 towards cost of sending a representative to American Library Association Meeting in Los Angeles on 28 June; representative will be JH, newly appointed editor of AI (tp.)

 21    RGH to WBF, 25 May – on delivery of computer (autogr.)

 22    Ibid. to Index Committee, 31 May – WBF’s computer will be installed on 1 June; JM will start work as Editor on 6 June; next meeting should be after that date (tpc.)

 23    nd – on division of labour between Editor and Sub-Editor (tp.)

 24    JCMB to WBF, 7 June – on microcomputer maintenance agreement; encloses letter and enclosures from Chadwyck-Healey [not present] (tp.)

 25    Ibid. to JM, 26 July – on expenses; on petty cash (tp.)

 26    28 July – list of RAI suggestions for periodical cancellations. 4 leaves (photocopy)

 27    Nancy J. Schmidt, 21 Aug. 1983 – ‘The Tozzer Library Indexing System’; paper presented at IUAES meeting, Vancouver. 8 leaves (photocopy)

 28    JCMB to Dr David Wilson, Director, BM, 30 Aug. – on relation between AI and BM; on IUAES meeting; AL has now ceased publication, leaving way clear for AI to be major organ of IUAES; on JM’s accommodation in BM. 2 leaves (photocopy)

 29    HRB to IUAES Executive and Members of the Commission on Documentation, 31 Aug. – report of the Commission on Documentation; AI adopted as official publication of Commission in 1981; TL Index also adopted; Commission’s newsletter will be published twice yearly as part of AI; other points. 2 leaves (photocopy)

 30    RGH to Brian Wildeman, Data-Type, 6 Sept. – on problems with storage space on computer, which has serious consequences for future of AI; no response to his request for user manual (tp.)

 31    Rosalind Green, Edition [news agency], to [JM], 28 Sept. – asks for complimentary copy of AI (tp.)

 32    Gerald P. Tuffs, Chairman, Data-Type, to RGH, 28 Sept. – response to letter of 6 Sept. [A141/8/30]; drive volumes can be reconfigured. 2 leaves (photocopy)

 33    Kathleen Zar, Librarian, University of Chicago, to MoM Librarian, 29 Sept. – asks whether cumulative author indexes were published for volumes 7-9 of AI (tp.)

 34    RGH to Gerald P. Tuffs, 4 Oct. – glad to know that hard disk can be reconfigured; this a perplexing task for anthropologists and librarians; RAI has allocated funds for an order to be placed with Data-Type on condition that the storage problem is solved; asks for assistance from Data-Type without need to commit further funds. 2 leaves (tp.)

 35    P. E. Bishop to RGH, 17 Oct. – a technician will visit, to reconfigure the system (photocopy)

 36    JM to CIS, 20 Oct. – order for Mirabilis (photocopy)

 37    JM to Rosalind Green, 24 Oct. – cannot supply complimentary copy; AI is subscription only (tpc.)

 38    Ibid. to Mary Anne Schooling, WAIT, Library, Kent ST, Bentley, W. Australia, 24 Oct. – thanks her for letter of 6 Sept. [not present]; does not have a list of journals covered; has asked RAI to help her (tpc.)

 39    RGH to Gerald P. Tuffs, 7 Dec. 1983 – very grateful to him for authorising the re-sectoring of the hard disk; has reported to Director of RAI that modifications have been completed (tp.)

 40    BE to Kathleen Zar, 9 Dec. – thanks her for letter [A141/8/33]; a cumulative author index for vols. 7-9 was never published; hopes that one day a cumulative index for vols. 1-9 will be produced (tpc.)

  9/    Correspondence etc. 1984

  1    1984 budget (tp.)

  2    JCMB to Mrs M.E. Cliffe, Commercial Insurance Dept., Bowring Bradford Ltd., 15 Mar. 1984 – arranging insurance cover (tp.)

.1    Ibid. to JM, note relating to A141/9/2 (tp.)

  3    Brian Wilson, Executive Services, BM, to JCMB, 9 Apr. – sets out terms for agreement between BM and RAI to cover production of AI; BM to assume responsibility for AI; recruit member of staff; and charge RAI for work done; details of pay scales etc.; on boundary between compilation of AI by BM and editorial responsibility of RAI. [On verso:] ibid., 12 Apr. – on VAT (photocopy)

  4    A. Vickery, Senior Information Systems Officer, CIS, to JM, 13 Apr. – on complications of adapting their software Mirabilis into software package suitable for input and printing of AI. 2 leaves (tp.)

  5    JCMB to Index Committee, 17 Apr. – discusses points made in Brian Wilson’s letters [A141/9/2]; asks for views (tp. memo with autogr. notes [by BE?])

  6    JM to Mrs Vickery, 18 Apr. – answers the points made in her letter [A141/9/4 da]. 3 leaves (wp)

  7    WBF to RGH, 1 May – comments on AI and BM (photocopy)

  8    STM to JCMB, 1 May – comments on AI and BM. 4 pages (autogr.)

  9    JCMB to WBF, 3 May – has seen copy of WBF’s letter to RGH [A141/9/7]; is in sympathy with what he says (autogr.)

 10    JM to JCMB, 11 May – comments on AI and BM. 2 leaves (tp.)

 11    Mrs Vickery to JM, 11 May – on problem of input and output; will not proceed with further work until decision taken on layout of Bulletin (tp.)

 12    AG to JCMB, 15 May 1984- comments on AI and BM (tp.)

 13    BJK to JCMB, 17 May – encloses some comments on his memo of 17 Apr. [A141/9/5] (tp.)

.1    Comments relating to AI and BM [referred to in A141/9/13] (tp.)

 14    AG to JM, 17 May – encloses copy of her comments [A141/9/12] (tp.)

 15    RGH to Mrs A. Vickery, 18 May – has not had time to deal with Mirabilis problems; did not anticipate such complications; will visit MoM for demonstration of customised software; thanks her for help. 2 leaves (wp)

 16    Ibid. to JCMB, 23 May – outlines steps to be taken if computerised production of AI is to succeed. 2 leaves (tp.)

 17    JM to Mrs Vickery, 24 May – queries relating to Mirabilis. 2 leaves (wp)

 18    JCMB to Index Committee, 24 May – consensus is to decline BM’s offer [see A141/9/3]; gives reasons for his support of consensus; RAI should aim to break even with AI; headway made in discussion with BM (photocopy)

 19    HRB to Members of Commission on Documentation, 25 May – Commission’s newsletter (Documentation in Anthropology [DA]) will soon be incorporated into AI; urges members to subscribe to AI (photocopy)

 20    RGH to JM, 29 May – list of computer problems to be dealt with as priorities (autogr.)

 21    Mrs Vickery to JM, 3 June – answering technical questions (photocopy)

 22    JCMB to Brian Wilson, 7 June – response to letter of 9 and 12 Apr. [A141/9/3]; on difficulties in working conditions of editor; reasons for rejecting proposal; on AI’s deficit; on AI’s value to BM. 3 leaves (photocopy)

 23    [?] to JCMB, 8 June – mentions point to be considered for his letter to BM, on benefit to BM of AI (tpc.)

 24    RGH to Mrs Vickery, 12 June – on modifications to Mirabilis system (tp.)

 25    Dr Rolf Husmann, Institut für Völkerkunde an der Universität Göttingen, to JCMB, 10 July 1984 – is working on documentation centre for anthropological literature in German; would like to visit to look at computer system at RAI; suggests dates (autogr.)

 26    JCMB to Dr Rolf Husmann, 17 July – will be away; suggests he contact BE (tp.)

 27    RGH to JM, 9 Aug. – due to pressure of other work has not had time for AI recently; suggests his involvement will have to be reviewed; asks whether CIS have solved problems with Mirabilis (tp.)

 28    Brian Wilson to JCMB, 15 Aug. – response to letter of 7 June [A141/9/22]; if offer set out in letter of 9 Apr. unacceptable, they are ‘back to square one’; a proposed review of the library in 1985 may bring changes (photocopy)

 29    JCMB to Brian Wilson, 10 Sept. – suggests deferring action until after review (photocopy)

 30    Cherry Lavell, Editor, British Archaeological Abstracts, to JM, 27 Nov. – suggests meeting to compare notes on computerisation (tp.)

 10/    Correspondence etc. 1985

  1    JCMB to Mrs Vickery, 18 Jan. 1985 – on Mirabilis (tpc.)

  2    AVA to JCMB, 1 Apr. – on deadline for submitting DA [see A141/9/19] (autogr. pc)

  3    JCMB to AG, 5 Feb. – asks that DMJ, Editor of AI, be allowed borrowing rights (tp.)

  4    RGH to DMJ, 19 Feb. – thanks him for Editor’s Manual; thanks him for his work for AI (autogr.)

.1    ‘Anthropological Index. Procedures for the Editor’ referred to in A141/10/4. 55 leaves (photocopy)

  5    JCMB to DMJ, 4 Mar. – on changing printers, to Chameleon Press; on writing a report on future of AI (autogr.)

  6    DMJ to the Editor, Times Literary Supplement, 4 Apr. – on definition of anthropology, referring to a review (autogr. draft)

.1    TLS slip regretting that letter will not be published (printed)

  7    AVA to DMJ, 30 Apr. – thanks him for letter about distribution dates [not present] (tp.)

  8    Prof. W.A. Katz, State University of New York at Albany, to [DMJ], nd – encloses entry for AI to be included in Magazines for Libraries 1986 (tp.)

.1    Entry for AI referred to in A141/10/8 (photocopy with autogr. corrections)

  9    JCMB to DMJ, 28 May 1985 – on acknowledgment that AI is official publication of IUAES as a whole (tp. memo)

 10    Barbara Roth, Dept. of Anthropology, University of Arizona, Editor, Atlatl, to [DMJ], 29 Aug. – encloses copy of Atlatl; would like it to be listed in AI (tp.)

 11    DMJ to Barbara Roth, 19 Sept. – can index Atlatl if it is regularly received; discusses procedure for this (photocopy)

 12    Jean Meyriat, Secretary General, Comité International pour l’Information et la Documentation en Sciences Sociales, Paris, to JCMB, 7 Oct. – on possible cooperation between AI and International Bibliography of Social and Cultural Anthropology (tp.)

 13    JCMB to Jean Meyriat, 11 Oct. – RAI very interested in cooperation; suggests meeting in Jan. [1986] (tpc.)

 14    DMJ, [Nov.?] – points to be included in report for Council on role of AI; asks for comments (autogr. draft)

 15    Ibid. to WBF, 11 Nov. – asks if he can attend meeting on 2 Dec., as a first step in the preparation of a report on AI (autogr.)

 16    Notice of Index meeting 2 Dec. (autogr.)

.1    STM, notes [in response to A141/10/14?] (autogr.)

.2    Notes [in response to A141/10/14?] (autogr.)

 17    HRB to JCMB, 9 Dec. – on collaboration between RAI, EE [new Tozzer Librarian] and Jean Meyriat to produce common documentation product; is confident that Wenner-Gren Foundation would fund a meeting; JCMB to try to meet Jean Meyriat; no point in looking to foundations for financial support; plan for anthropological documentation must be self-sufficient. 2 leaves (tp.)

 18    JCMB to JLF, DMB, Eric Sunderland, Hon. Treasurer, DMJ, WBF, JB, BE, MML, AG, STM, BJK, MJR, Tom Selwyn, 11 Dec. 1985 – on AI and international cooperation; HRB has been urging collaboration with TL and with International Commission on Social Science Documentation (ICSSD); new possibilities with TL; has prepared draft agenda for meeting between RAI, TL and ICSSD; suggests timetable; asks for comments. 3 leaves (photocopy memo)

.1    Draft agenda referred to in A141/10/18 (photocopy)

 19    JCMB to Index Advisory Group, Museum of Mankind Library Committee, 13 Dec. – notice of meetings on 16 Jan. 1986 (photocopy memo)

 20    Ibid. to Jean Meyriat, 19 Dec. – confirms meeting [in Paris] on 8 Jan. 1986 (tpc.)

 21    HRB to JCMB, 21 Dec. – further points relating to three-way cooperation between RAI, TL and ICSSD. 2 leaves (tp.)

 22    Director, Tribal Research & Training Institute, Pune, India, to [DMJ], 27 Dec. – wishes to subscribe to AI; asks for information (tp.)

 23    Dec. – BM, ‘Review of the Department of Ethnography Library’ [referred to in A141/9/28]. 19 leaves [pp. 16-18 missing] (photocopy) [AI discussed on p.5]

 11/    Correspondence etc. 1986

  1    JCMB to HRB, 2 Jan. 1986 – notifies him of meetings; merger of AI and TL quite simple, but ICSSD project more complicated (tpc.)

  2    Jean Meyriat to HRB, 6 Jan. – mentions meeting with JCMB in a couple of days. 2 leaves (photocopy)

  3    WBF to JCMB, 10 Jan. – wishes him success in negotiations with TL; on library classification systems (photocopy)

  4    JCMB to HRB, 17 Jan. – reports on meeting with Jean Meyriat; reluctant to approach Wenner-Gren Foundation to fund tripartite meeting as chances of success seem slim; bilateral discussion with TL seems more hopeful; on relations between AI and BM. 3 leaves (tp.)

  5    JLF to WBF, 27 Jan. – on possibilities with TL; on WBF’s intimation to JCMB on subject of possible trust fund which would benefit RAI (tp.)

  6    HRB to JCMB, 28 Jan. 1986 – M. Meyriat vague on specifics; International Bibliography of Social and Cultural Anthropology out-of-date; suggests merger with TL; further suggestions for joint publication; has requested funds from Wenner-Gren for a meeting. 3 leaves (tp.)

  7    Ibid. – encloses copy of letter from Jean Meyriat [A141/11/2] (tp.)

  8    Prof. John Holian, Cuyahoga Community College, Parma, Ohio, to DMJ, 29 Jan. – encloses article for inclusion in AI (tp. with DMJ autogr. response added)

  9    BE to BJK, 8 Feb. – encloses draft report; asks for comments (tp.)

 10    Ibid. to WBF (tp.)

 11    Draft of ‘Brief Review of the Present Position and Future Development of the Anthropological Index’ [referred to in A141/11/9 & /10; final version at A141/11/19]. 6 leaves (photocopy)

 12    JCMB to HRB, 13 Feb. – may be meeting with EE; suggests leaving ICSSD to one side for the moment (tpc.)

 13    BJK to BE, 16 Feb. – returns draft [A141/11/11] with amendments; further remarks on the draft (tp.)

 14    JCMB to Index Advisory Group, 17 Feb. – will visit EE (tp. memo)

 15    HRB to JCMB, 25 Feb. – JCMB will receive memo about meeting in Paris (tp.)

 16    Ibid. to JCMB, Jean Meyriat, EE, 25 Feb. – Wenner-Gren Foundation has agreed to support meeting; Wenner-Gren has asked for formal budget request; raises some general principles to guide discussion. 2 leaves (tp.)

 17    BE to Assistant Keepers, MoM, 3 Mar. – on WBF’s disappointment that MoM staff have not been using his computer (photocopy memo)

 18    JCMB to Index Advisory Group, 3 Mar. – report on his visit to EE; some background to Tozzer index; EE suggested joint publication of ‘An Index to Anthropological Literature’; financing; reference to report being prepared by WBF and BE [A141/11/19]; further proposed details. 4 leaves (tp.)

 19    WBF, BJK, JB, BE, AG, STM, DMJ to JLF, DMB, Eric Sunderland, MML, BD, JCMB, MJR, Tom Selwyn, [3 Mar. 1986] – ‘Brief Review of the Present Position and future Development of the Anthropological Index’; includes brief history, staffing, finance, cooperation with MoM, cooperation internationally, etc. 4 leaves (tp. memo)

 20    [BE?] to DMB, 3 Mar. – encloses report [A141/11/19]; on possible amalgamation of AI and AL; asks if he might approach Mr Cranstone to become involved in AI matters (tpc.)

 21    JCMB to MML, 3 Mar. – encloses memo sent to Index Advisory Group [A141/11/18]; on possible negotiations with TL; asks if MoM would like to cooperate with RAI; in which case negotiations with TL would probably be broken off (tp.)

 22    DMJ to JCMB and RAI Council, 4 Mar. – wishes to make formal protest that his name was included among authors of ‘Brief Review’ [A141/11/19]; lists his reasons (photocopy)

 23    HRB to Lita Osmundsen, Director of Research, Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, 4 Mar. – budget for meeting in Paris between himself, EE and JCMB (tp.)

 24    JCMB to Index Advisory Group, 5 Mar. – pleased to receive ‘Brief Review’ [A141/11/19]; makes a number of comments on it. 2 leaves (tp.)

 25    Ibid. to HRB, 5 Mar. – on possible meeting in London; on possible closer links with BM; does not wish to make formal application for funding yet (tp.)

 26    Ibid. to BE, 6 Mar. – mentions DMJ’s note [A141/11/22]; does not think his letter need go to Council if BE will circulate a correction and an apology (tp.)

 27    Ibid. to MML, 6 Mar. – AI will be discussed in meetings of 24 and 26 Mar.; would like to know MoM’s position by then (photocopy)

 28    Ibid. to Index Advisory Group, 6 Mar. – notification of meeting on 24 Mar. (photocopy)

 29    BE to JLF, DMB, Eric Sunderland, MML, BD, JCMB, MJR, Tom Selwyn, 7 Mar. – on DMJ’s protest about ‘Brief Review’ [see A141/11/22]; apologises and explains (photocopy with autogr. note [by DMJ?])

 30    Ibid. to JCMB, 7 Mar. 1986 – explains circumstances of inclusion of DMJ’s name on ‘Brief Review’; on replacement for WBF; on museum staff using WBF’s computer (tp.)

 31    JCMB to EE, 10 Mar. – recommends further discussion between RAI and TL; proposes that BJK make a visit to evaluate TL (photocopy)

 32    Ibid. to HRB, 10 Mar. – response to letters of 25 Feb. [A141/11/15, /16]; on bilateral discussion with TL; thinks this discussion should be concluded before opening tripartite discussion including ICSSD; on Wenner-Gren (photocopy)

 33    EE to HRB, 11 Mar. – reports on meeting with JCMB; general understandings reached. 2 leaves (photocopy with autogr. note from EE to JCMB)

 34    MML to JCMB, 12 Mar. – response to letter of 3 Mar. [A141/11/21]; suggests RAI might reconsider BM’s proposal of Apr. 1984 [see A141/9/3] which would incur costs for BM; not right at this stage to enter into commitment with RAI regarding AI or bibliographical services (tp.)

 35    JCMB to MML, 14 Mar. – response to letter of 12 Mar. [A141/11/34]; on possible link with TL (tpc.)

 36    WBF to JLF, 15 Mar. – thanks her for letter [A141/11/5]; on international cooperation; would contribute to cost; gladly agreed to cover cost of BJK’s trip to TL (photocopy)

.1    Draft of A141/11/36 (autogr.)

 37    MML to JCMB, 17 Mar. – on financial burden to BM referred to in Brian Wilson’s letter [see A141/9/3] (tp.)

 38    JCMB to HRB, 17 Mar. – on points raised in various letters; would be discourteous to attend meeting in Paris at which M. Meyriat was host if RAI and TL were already in bilateral discussions (tpc.)

 39    AG to MML, 25 Mar. – summary of situation regarding AI and TL following meeting of Index Advisory Group on 24 Mar. 2 leaves (photocopy)

 40    JCMB to Index Advisory Group, 14 Apr. – update on recent developments; refers to AG’s memo [A141/11/39] (photocopy)

 41    Ibid. to AG, 17 Apr. 1986 – on museum staff using WBF’s computer; on computer problems experienced by DMJ; these problems should be fixed before museum staff use the computer (wp)

 42    HRB to JCMB and EE, 22 Apr. – has received funding from Wenner-Gren for meeting, without Jean Meyriat (tp.)

 43    JCMB to DMJ [inter alia], 23 Apr. – asks for contribution for Annual Report (photocopy)

 44    EE to JCMB, 28 Apr. – on accommodation for BJK; on his visit to London (photocopy)

 45    DMJ, 2 May – contribution on AI for Annual Report. 2 leaves (photocopy)

 46    JCMB to EE, 5 May – on accommodation for BJK; on accommodation in London for his visit (photocopy)

 47    Ibid. to BJK, 5 May – on accommodation (tp.)

 48    Invoice for air fares for BJK’s trip (photocopy)

 49    JCMB to BJK, 13 May – on arrangements for trip (tp.)

 50    BJK to EE, 16 May – ibid. (tpc.)

 51    EE to BJK, 21 May – ibid.; encloses guide to Harvard Libraries [not retained] (tp.)

 52    JB, 21 May – list comparing form of entries in AI and AL (tp.)

 53    STM, May – ‘Notes on the methods and on the interaction between the Library staff and the RAI staff working on the Index’. 2 leaves (autogr.)

 54    Ibid., nd – ‘Periodicals and monographs in series. Notes on systems’. 3 leaves (autogr.)

 55    Lynne Schmelz-Keil, Chair, Bibliography Committee, Anthropology and Sociology Section, American Library Association, to JCMB, 1 June – refers to correspondence of ‘last year’ [not present]; Bibliography Committee is investigating bibliographic resources in anthropology; encloses copy of worksheet used to compile information on AI; considers AI the premier anthropology index; makes some comments on it. 2 leaves (photocopy)

.1    Worksheet referred to in A141/11/55 (photocopy)

 56    BJK to EE, 10 June – thanks him for his help during her visit; on his visit to London (tpc.)

 57    BJK, 14 June 1986 – ‘Report on the Periodical Intake and Indexing of the Tozzer Library, Harvard University’. 8 leaves (tp.)

 58    EE to JCMB, 16 June – on BJK’s trip; on his own trip to London (tp.)

 59    Ibid. to BJK, 17 June – ibid. (tp.)

 60    JCMB to Index Advisory Group, 17 June – encloses copy of BJK’s report [A141/11/57] (photocopy)

 61    Ibid. to EE, 20 June – BJK’s report ‘meticulous and highly favourable’ (tpc.)

 62    Ibid. to BE, DMJ, JB, 23 June – encloses wording for advertisement for editorial assistant (photocopy)

.1    Text of advertisement referred to in A141/11/62 (photocopy)

 63    JCMB to JLF, DMJ, Lorraine Baric, ERL, AG, JD, HRB, EE, Eric Sunderland, 3 July – report on meeting at UKC; on proposal for joint RAI/UKC information clearing-house system; comments welcome. 5 leaves (wp)

 64    ‘Mary’ to DMJ, 4 July – asks for copies of AI Vol. 24, Part 2 (autogr.); on verso, DMJ, 7 July – his response (autogr.)

 65    JCMB to WBF, 9 July – refers to letter of 11 June [not present]; on cost of BJK’s air ticket [copy of A141/11/48 not retained] (tp.)

 66    Ibid. to AG, 10 July – on funds for MoM library loan collection; on WBF’s computer (tp.)

 67    Ibid. to EE, 20 July – has been agreed that he should be encouraged to make visit to London; a number of problems relating to cooperation need to be discussed; encloses copy of BJK’s report (tpc.) [A141/11/57]

 68    EE to JCMB, 31 July – will visit in autumn; encloses AI complete indexing list and list of those publications not indexed in AL [not present]; on subscriber lists. 2 leaves (photocopy with JCMB autogr. note)

 69    July – expenses and income (photocopy)

 70    JCMB to JD, 1 Aug. – gives feedback on reaction to his report of 3 July [A141/11/63]; regretfully reports that idea cannot be taken further; reasons (tp.)

 71    DMJ to Index Advisory Group, 11 Aug. – meeting of Group on 2 Sept. (tp. memo)

 72    JCMB to EE, 3 Sept. 1986 – response to letter of 31 July [A141/11/68] (tpc.)

 73    Ibid. to Ms Suzanne Kowlowsky, Editorial Associate, Archaeology, New York, 23 Sept. – thanks her for letter [not present]; on exchanges with Anthropology Today; on coverage of archaeology in AI (tpc.)

 74    Ibid. to Index Committee, 3 Oct. – notification of EE’s visit (photocopy memo)

 75    STM, 22 Oct. – notes of meeting with EE. 3 leaves (autogr.)

 76    JCMB to Index Advisory Group, Finance Committee, President, Hon. Secretary, 24 Oct. – report of his meeting with EE on 23 Oct.; details Option A whereby indexing is split between AI and TL, and Option B whereby TL does all indexing; financial details; etc. 7 leaves (tpc. with autogr. notes)

.1    Another copy of A141/11/76 (tpc. with different autogr. notes)

 77    DMJ to JCMB and RAI Council, 28 Oct. – his response to report of 24 Oct. [A141/11/76]; prefers Option B. 2 leaves (tp.)

 78    JCMB to WBF, 30 Oct. – thanks him for help during visit of EE; encloses memo [presumably A141/11/76]; unlike MoM, TL complementary to activities of AI; other points comprising summary in broad terms (tp.)

 79    Philip Goldman to JCMB, 31 Oct. – response to memo [A141/11/76]; prefers Option B (photocopy)

 80    JCMB to Index Advisory Group, Finance Committee, President, Hon. Secretary (DMB), 4 Nov. – joint meeting of Index Advisory Group and Finance Committee to be held on 28 Nov.; reports on responses to his memo [A141/11/76]; reports BJK’s objections to Option B; negotiating points with TL; on percentages. 2 leaves (tp.)

 81    HRB to JCMB, 5 Nov. – thanks him for letter of 2 Oct. [not present]; mentions SW; on Wenner-Gren money (tp.)

 82    WBF to BE, 6 Nov. – has received JCMB’s memo [A141/11/80]; needs to know views of BE and BJK; thinks EE ‘has driven a very hard bargain’ (tp.)

.1    Draft of A141/11/82 (autogr.)

 83    BJK to WBF, 12 Nov. – as she can’t attend meeting, has set out her views in memo to JCMB; copy enclosed (tp.)

 84    Ibid. to JCMB, 12 Nov. 1986 – lists her views in enclosed memo; asks him to circulate it before meeting (tpc.)

.1    Memo referred to in A141/11/84. 2 leaves (photocopy with autogr. notes)

 85    JCMB to BJK, 13 Nov. – thanks her for memo, which will be circulated (tp.)

 86    EE to JCMB, 17 Nov. – thanks him for summary of their meeting [A141/11/76]; would like to begin discussing options at Harvard; on suitable software (tp. with DMJ autogr. note)

 87    BE to WBF, 17 Nov. – thanks him for letter [A141/11/82]; she and BJK are agreed that Option A is the sensible one; gives reasons (tp.)

 88    WBF to President and Officers, Finance Committee, Director, Index Advisory Group, 19 Nov. – makes various points relating to previous memos; offers £5000 towards production of subject index (photocopy with autogr. notes)

.1    Draft of A141/11/88 (autogr.)

 89    JLF to JCMB, 20 Nov. – her response to his memo [A141/11/76]; would choose Option B with certain conditions (tp.)

 90    JCMB to Index Advisory Group, Finance Committee, President, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, 21 Nov. – encloses copies of memos in response to his of 4 Nov.; painful to him to disagree with BJK but must make some points (tp.)

 91    WBF to BJK, nd – asks her to check that his memo has arrived; suggests she ring DMB and urge him to attend meeting (autogr.)

 92    BJK to DMB, 25 Nov. – WBF has asked her to write, to urge DMB to attend meeting on 28; Nov.; WBF’s memo has been received and will be circulated (tpc.)

 93    BD to JLF, 26 Nov. – writing to clarify BM’s position regarding future of AI; relation between RAI and MoM; MoM plans to introduce computer into Library. 2 leaves (tp.)

 94    BJK to WBF, 27 Nov. – thanks him for letter and memo [A141/11/88, /91]; had useful talk with JLF; BD’s letter concerning intentions of MoM [A141/11/93] (tp.)

 95    Report of meeting held 28 Nov. 1986; brief agreed for JCMB’s meeting with EE: Finance Committee and Index Advisory Group recommend to Council the publication of a single anthropological journal, in collaboration with TL (wp)

 96    JCMB to EE, 11 Dec. – encloses summary of points covered during their meeting in Philadelphia [see CM/86/5, Minute 5, ff. 124-8]; Council agreed that brief announcement could be made about possibility of merger (tpc.)