Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents Emslie Horniman Scholarship Fund A66 EMSLIE HORNIMAN ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND (A66 – 03 of 17)

101     FS to J.F. Danielli, 29 Apr. – is sorry not to be able to help with the typewriter; the arrangements are too complicated; suggests he try his own bank (tpc.)

102     MD to FS, 18 May – sends thanks for arrival of money; the necessity to pay for travel in sterling has now passed but there are great delays so arrangements need to be made as soon as possible; is feeling ill and will consider flying if the delay is too long (autogr.)

103     FS to HJB, 21 May – asks him to provide a list of objects for MD (tpc.)

104     Ibid., to MD, 21 May – on her finances; is hardly surprised she has encountered difficulties since she chose to go to Madagascar; all that was possible was done by the Institute; Prof. J.H. Hutton has received her paper (tpc.)

105     J.F. Danielli to FS, 26 May – quotes his letter to his wife about return travel arrangements (autogr.)

106     Jeffrey J. and Anne E. Lawn to Prof. H.J. Fleure, 27 May – their letter was personal and not a communication from their missionary society; apologise for expressing their opinions; they charged MD the same as a colleague; she paid so they are not out-of-pocket (tp.)

107     MD to Prof. H.J. Fleure, 27 May – assures him that the Lawns are owed nothing; says their report was exaggerated; does not understand why they wrote at all; expresses thanks for opportunity to work in Madagascar (tp.)

108     FS to MD, 4 June – is trying to arrange her passage home (tpc.)

109     Ibid., to J.F. Danielli, 4 June – encloses copy of her letter (3/4/108 above); will let him know any further developments (tpc.)

110     MD to FS, 4 June – reassures her that the difficulties were nowhere near as bad as the Lawns’ letter implied; she viewed them as challenges and has enjoyed herself; the only serious difficulty was with the delays with money; explains how much she has lost through the exchange-rate going up, and the cost of living rising; on her papers. 2 leaves (autogr.)

111     FS to Mrs Jacquetta Hawkes, Ministry of Education, 4 June 1946 – asks for help in facilitating MD’s return from Madagascar in the autumn (tpc.)

112     MD to FS, 8 June – outlines all possible methods of travelling home, with costs where known; asks for arrangements to be made so that funds will be available when she needs them; on a separate sheet summarises her requests. 4 leaves (autogr.)

113     Jacquetta Hawkes to FS, 17 June – has written to the Director of Sea Transport at the Ministry of War Transport; advises her to also write mentioning her support (tp.)

114     FS to DHFW, 19 June – on money for MD’s travel arrangements; stresses that the matter is urgent due to inevitable delays (tp.)

115     FS to Jacquetta Hawkes, 21 June – thanks her for help; is writing as she suggested (tpc.)

116     Ibid., to Under Secretary of State, Ministry of Transport, 21 June – makes application for facilities for MD’s return voyage; mentions support of the Ministry of Education (tpc.)

117     Coutts & Co. to DHFW, 25 June – asks for instructions with regards to MD’s grant (tp.)

118     D.H. Middleton for Director of Sea Transport to FS, 26 June – the Ministry no longer has a representative in Madagascar; advises MD to apply to representatives of local shipping lines (tp.)

119     FS to Coutts & Co., 26 June – on financial arrangements for MD’s return journey. 2 leaves (tpc.)

120     J.F. Danielli to FS, [26 June] – quotes letter he wrote to his wife on 26 June; has spoken to Prof. J.H. Hutton; does not believe she will be left stranded in Madagascar; advises her to return by first available means; she may have to dispose of her equipment; FS assures her that if she uses a company with an office in England payment can be arranged (autogr.)

121     FS to MD, 26 June – has discussed her letter with the Trustees; is sorry nothing can be done through the Ministry of Transport; on her remaining funds; cannot send further amount until details determined; advises her to cable if necessary (tpc.)

122     Jacquetta Hawkes to FS, 27 June – the Director of Sea Transport says MD may have to return on a French boat via Marseilles (tp.)

123     [FS] to Dr Ethel J. Lindgren, Hon. Editor, 2 July 1946 – on MD’s paper; cost of publication will be borne by the Horniman Fund; as volumes 74 and 75 of the Journal have been settled wonders whether or not she wishes to see the paper (tpc.)

124     FS to Jacquetta Hawkes, 5 July – has told MD that she must arrange her own transport (tpc.)

125     FS to J.F. Danielli, 5 July – informs him of latest news concerning MD’s travel arrangements (tpc.)

126     K.J. Forsdyke, Bank of England to Coutts & Co., 10 July – authorises RAI to pay MD’s fare in sterling to a British travel agency; will if necessary arrange passage of money to Madagascar (tp.)

127     Coutts & Co. to FS, 12 July – have sent money to MD as requested; enclose the letter from the Bank of England (/134 above)(tp.)

128     MD to FS, 14 July – berates her for not following urgent instructions given in her letter of 8 June (3/4/112 above); urges her to call a meeting of all the Trustees; states she has spoken to the Ministry of Transport’s representative in Tananarive who was not expecting to leave for several months; repeats it was from South Africa she wished to leave, not Madagascar (autogr.)

129     FS to J.F. Danielli, 17 July – asks him to pass information to MD that her fare can be paid in sterling in England or if necessary money will be transferred to Madagascar (tpc.)

130     J.F. Danielli to FS, 26 July – passes on a message from MD that she is returning as soon as possible (autogr.)

131     MD to FS, 28 July – is arriving at Marseilles on 19 Aug.; asks for money to be sent to Tananarive urgently (telegram)

132     FS to Coutts & Co., 29 July – asks them to send money for MD to Marseilles; is informing her that this will be done (tpc.)

133     FS to Prof. J.H. Hutton, 2 Aug. – thanks him for latest part of MD’s paper; informs him that she expects to arrive at Marseilles on 19 Aug. (tpc.)

134     [Mrs Spencer-Lush] to J.F. Danielli, 14 Aug. – FS is on holiday; passes on the message about MD’s expected arrival at Marseilles; she did not mention the name of her ship or the date of departure so it was not possible to cable her (tpc.)

135     Frederick J. Tritton, Friends Service Council to Prof. H.J. Fleure, 14 Aug. 1946 – apologises for Mr and Mrs Lawn’s lack of courtesy; others have said how pleased they were to meet MD and how much they are looking forward to attending any lectures she may give (tp.)

136     Ibid., to Coutts & Co., 16 Aug. – thanks them for their letter of 12 Aug.; will telegraph MD on her arrival in Marseilles (tpc.)

137     Prof. H.J. Fleure to Frederick J. Tritton, 20 Aug. – sympathises with his statement in his letter (3/4/135 above) that the Lawns are in need of a break; glad to have a good report of MD; he will be informed of anything she does on her return (tpc.)

138     [Mrs Spencer-Lush?], [24 Aug.] – report of telephone conversation from MD; she is staying in Plymouth; doctor has ordered a month’s complete rest; is exhausted; will visit soon; did not know about money in Marseilles; asks for money for Madagascar to be cancelled if possible. 2 leaves (autogr.)

139     FS to Coutts & Co., 28 Aug. – MD is now in England; advises them to retrieve the money from Marseilles (tpc.)

140     Dr Ethel J. Lindgren to FS, 29 Aug. – asks her to find out from MD when she returns whether she knows anything about a type of neurosis in Madagascar similar to a phenomenon she is writing about for Man on Arctic hysteria (autogr., postcard from Stockholm)

141     MD to FS, 2 Sep. – on her financial situation; will prepare a detailed statement; advises withdrawal of untouched money sent to her, which she was unaware of; the money for travel was borrowed and can be repaid in England. 3 pp. (autogr.)

142     FS to MD, 9 Sep. – passes on Dr Ethel J. Lindgren’s request for information (3/4/140 above)(tpc.)

143     Ibid., 9 Sep. – gives full details of financial matters. 2 leaves (tpc.)

144     MD to FS, 11 Sep. – gives name of her bank; asks when next meeting of the Trustees will be; asks to see Dr Ethel J. Lindgren’s note; gives a correction of a spelling she asked for; inquires after her three papers; asks for a list of Fellows (tp.); see also 4/1/10-11, 9, 26 Sep. 1946

145     FS to MD, 17 Sep. – gives date of next meeting; her first paper has been recommended for publication; no list of Fellows has been drawn up since 1938; advises her to contact Dr Ethel J. Lindgren directly; on the balance of her allowance (tpc.)

146     MD to Trustees, 23 Sep. 1946 – encloses her report of her time in Madagascar; had to borrow £100 from G.K. Raws of the London Missionary Society for travel home; asks for this to be repaid to him as soon as possible; thanks them for the privilege of being able to undertake this field work (autogr.)

147     Ibid., [23 Sep.] – interim report; gives itinerary; details of the papers she is writing and accounts. 6 leaves (autogr.)

148     MD, to FS, 23 Sep. – is sending her report to the Trustees; asks her to address the enclosed note to Dr Ethel J. Lindgren; thanks her for information requested; asks when her paper is likely to be published (autogr.)

149     Ibid., to Trustees, [23 Sep.] – report. 5 leaves (tpc.)

150     MD to FS, 27 Sep. – gives new addresses (autogr.)

151     FS to MD, 28 Sep. – the Trustees are delaying their decision about a supplementary grant as her report was received too soon before the meeting for adequate study; encloses a statement of her allowances and asks her to supply additional information; a cheque towards travelling expenses will be sent at once; no decision has been made about the publication of her papers yet (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes HT/3/46, 26 Sep. 1946, f. 24

152     FS to MD, [28 Sep.] – – details of expenses; the Trustees note that her fieldwork extended over six months in place of twelve (tpc.)

153     MD to FS, 5 Oct. – has received cheque, but the covering letter mentioned by Mrs Spencer-Lush was missing; asks for a copy (autogr.)

154     Ibid., 11 Oct. – her letter of 28 Sep. (3/4/151 above) has just arrived; asks for further details concerning an item on the expenditure list (autogr.)

155     FS to Dr Meyer Fortes, 17 Oct. – would like his report on MD’s paper; asks if he has passed it to Prof. Forde yet (tp., with autogr. reply by Dr Fortes that he sent the paper and report to Prof. Forde a fortnight ago)

156     Ibid., to MD, 22 Oct. – gives information requested in 3/4/154 above (tpc.)

157     Daryll Forde to Trustees, 25 Oct. – report on MD’s draft paper; notes some concerns; considers that the paper should not be regarded as a finished article, but as notes from the field which need working through to clarify terminology (tp.)

158     Meyer Fortes to FS, 31 Oct. 1946 – makes comments on need for elasticity with regard to allowances for costs involved in field work; does not consider that MD’s work justifies any extra expenditure; her papers are hasty generalisations (tp.)

159     MD to FS, 31 Oct. – requires full accounts so that she can present a detailed statement to the Trustees. 2 leaves (tp.)

160     Ibid., 2 Nov. – will arrange for money to be returned to England; has moved her account; would appreciate an opportunity to read a paper to the Institute to benefit from suggestions and criticisms (autogr.)

161     Audrey I. Richards to Trustees, 7 Nov. – report on MD; considers the work hasty and lacking in technical knowledge; does not think it should be published without revisions made after a study of Social Structure (tp.)

162     Ibid., to FS, 7 Nov. – gives her thoughts on the payment of the additional sum asked for by MD (tp.)

163     FS to MD, 12 Nov. – she can consult the accounts she sent in earlier any time she is in London; what the Trustees want is details of money spent on equipment in Africa, and full accounts for Madagascar (tpc.)

164     [Prof. H.J. Fleure] to Prof. J.H. Hutton, 13 Nov. – encloses the reports on MD’s papers for his consideration; is very worried about it (tpc.)

165     Prof. J.H. Hutton to Prof. H.J. Fleure, 25 Nov. – counteracts the criticisms presented in the reports on MD’s papers; has seen that she has much more material than was included in these and is certain they are not meant to be ready as they are for publication; she is still attending classes with EEP, and can easily learn to correct her terminology; wishes to show him her papers and go through the criticisms with her; hopes the papers will not be refused publication. 3 leaves (tp.)

166     MD to FS, 3 Dec. – gives new address (autogr.)

167     Prof. J.H. Hutton to Prof. H.J. Fleure, 17 Dec. – EEP does not think MD’s paper on kinship very successful; does not consider himself competent to judge the others; regards them as outside the sphere of Social Anthropology; he himself does not agree; has recommended MD to withdraw her name from candidature for a research degree at Cambridge and to apply at the London School of Economics (tp.)


168     MD to Prof. H.J. Fleure, 25 Jan. 1947 – has recently addressed the Folk Lore Society and has been invited to publish her paper in their Journal; hopes the Trustees will agree; will submit a copy of the manuscript; a larger one is in preparation which will be submitted in due course (autogr.)

169     Ibid., to FS, 29 Jan. – is going to Holland; asks for names of Dutch anthropologists; asks for news of Prague Congress (autogr.)

170     FS to MD, 10 Feb. – will send information requested as soon as possible; encloses Report of Council as requested (tpc.)

171     MD to FS, 11 Feb. – acknowledges Report; her luggage is at last on its way back; will wait to complete form for Trustees until everything is straightened up (autogr.)

172     FS to Prof. J.H. Hutton, 19 Feb. – gives date of next meeting of the Trustees; asks for his report on MD (tpc.)

173     Prof. J.H. Hutton to FS, 20 Feb. – MD could not stay in Cambridge after her return from Madagascar because her husband now works in London; Cambridge insisted on a further two years residence if she was to remain a research student so advised her to apply to London School of Economics; she now has a supervisor there and he has seen nothing further of her work; suggests the Trustees appoint another supervisor for her (autogr.); see also Horniman minutes HT/1/47, 25 Feb. 1947, f. 26

174     FS to MD, 21 Feb. – lists some Dutch anthropologists; asks whether her allowance has been retrieved from Madagascar (tpc.)

175     Prof. H.J. Fleure, Chairman to MD, 26 Feb. – has heard from Prof. J.H. Hutton that she has left Cambridge; informs her that this is an irregular procedure and no further payments can be made to her until the matter is investigated (tpc.); see also 5/1/3-4, 26 Feb., 1 Mar. 1947

176     MD to FS, 26 Feb. – thanks her for the addresses; confirms the money has been returned from Madagascar; will clear everything once baggage returned (autogr.)

177     FS to MD, 27 Feb. – the Trustees have no objection to the Folk Lore Society publishing her paper (tpc.)

178     FS to Coutts & Co., 27 Feb. 1947 – instructs them to cancel payments to MD (tpc.)

179     MD to Prof. H.J. Fleure, 4 Mar. – as she acted on the advice of Prof. J.H. Hutton she thought the Trustees knew the circumstances and assumed they approved; explains about her husband’s move and the loss of her home in Cambridge; her supervisor at the London School of Economics is Prof. R. Firth; is continuing with her work on Madagascar and revising her preliminary reports; formally requests the appointment of a supervisor in London; in postscript adds that when she made the transfer she wrote to Dr Audrey I. Richards (tp., autogr.); see also Horniman minutes HT/2/47, 28 Mar. 1947, f. 28

180     Ibid., 20 Mar. – is worried at having had no reply to her letter (autogr., card)

181     [Prof. H.J. Fleure] to Prof. R. Firth, 31 Mar. – asks him to act as MD’s supervisor; explains situation; will return books he borrowed when he comes back from the Channel Islands (tpc.)

182     MD to FS, 5 May – encloses letter for redirection; thanks her for introductions to Dutch anthropologists who were all very friendly; is soon going to Sweden; asks for introductions there (autogr.)

183     Prof. R. Firth to Prof. H.J. Fleure, 6 May – MD was accepted at the London School of Economics under Dr Audrey I. Richards’ supervision; thinks it more appropriate for her to act as she is also a Trustee (tp.)

184     FS to Prof. R. Firth, 14 May – Prof. H.J. Fleure accepts his suggestion but will put it before Trustees (tpc.)

185     Ibid., to MD, 16 May – it has been decided not to suspend her Studentship (tpc.)

186     DHFW to Coutts & Co., 16 May – instructs them to resume payments to MD and make up for the months lost (tpc.)

187     MD to FS, 24 May – thanks her for the information; is expecting a baby at the end of the year; asks again for names of Swedish anthropologists (autogr.)

188     MD, June 1947 – ‘The witches of Madagascar; a theory of the function of witches and of their organisation based on observations of an existing cult’ (offprint from Folklore, vol. LVIII, June 1947)

189     FS to MD, 5 June – Prof. Lindblöm is an Hon. Fellow in Sweden (tpc.)

190     MD to FS, 5 July 1947 – after some complications one of her cases has arrived; it has been damaged by being opened with a crowbar; asks for permission to have it delivered to the Institute; will clear up if contents smashed to pieces and remove everything as soon as possible; other baggage has now left Tananarive; is enjoying Sweden. 3 leaves (autogr.)

191     FS to MD, 10 July – she can have the case delivered to the Institute if she copes with it (tpc.)

192     MD to FS, 21 July – Prof. Lindblöm has shown her an interesting collection from Madagascar; gives change of address. 2 leaves (autogr.)


193     FS to Prof. John Henry Hutton, 24 May – asks if he knows whether MD’s manuscripts are now ready for submission to Trustees (tpc.); see also 6/1/10, 20 May 1946

194     MD to Trustees, 26 May – Report on work done during the tenure of a Horniman Anthropological Scholarship in Madagascar and Europe, 1945-47. 8 leaves (tp.)

195     Ibid., to FS, 8 Oct. – has written to Dr Meyer Fortes to arrange a meeting about the publication of her reports; has had no reply; supposes this is because he is in Africa (autogr.)


196     Ibid., 16 Jan. 1949 – encloses three manuscripts for the consideration of the Trustees; two further manuscripts will be sent shortly (tp.)

197     FS to Prof. Meyer Fortes, 29 Jan. – encloses MD’s letter to the Trustees and Prof. Daryll Forde’ comments; is keeping the manuscripts of her papers until she hears his views (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes HT/1/49, 22 Apr. 1949, f. 40 and 7/1/3-4, 22-3 Feb. 1949

198     MD to FS, 17 June – thanks her for return of papers; has removed two which are for publication and returns the other which is still available for consideration (tp.); see also 7/1/6, 17 June 1949

199     FS to Prof. Meyer Fortes, 21 June – misunderstood MD’s request about her papers; returns one to him; asks what reply she should make to her (tpc.)

200     FS to MD, 29 June – returns manuscript of her paper with referees report; Prof. Meyer Fortes, Hon. Editor wonders if she will work along the lines of this report (tpc.)

201     MD to FS, 25 July – cannot alter her paper; it is still available for publication if the Trustees want it; otherwise she will have no difficulty in getting it published elsewhere (tp.)

202     FS to MD, 10 Nov. 1949 – the Trustees regret that they cannot recommend her paper for publication (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes, 8 Nov. 1949, f. 43

203     MD, Dec. 1949 – ‘The “Mpanandro” (maker of days) of Imerina, Madagascar’ (offprint from Folklore, vol. LX, Dec. 1949)


204     MD to FS, 14 Jan. 1950 – encloses two offprints for the Horniman files; notes that something connected with her work as a Horniman student was published in Folklore, Mar. 1949 (autogr.)

205     MD, Dec. 1950 – The state concept of Imerina, compared with the theories found in certain Scandinavian and Chinese texts (offprint from Folklore, vol. LXI, Dec. 1950)


206     MD, Dec. 1952 – The geomancer in China, with some reference to geomancy as observed in Madagascar (offprint from Folklore, vol. LXIII, Dec. 1952)



207     MD to ACB, 6 Aug. 1953 – encloses two offprints connected with the work she did as a Horniman student (autogr.)


208     MD, 2 Feb. – replies to the Horniman questionnaire; see 17/1/5 (autogr.)

5/     Mrs Irawati Karvé. An anthropometric survey of Marathi speaking people

Two year award, 1945-7. Supervisors Prof. J.H. Hutton, Dr J.C. Trevor, Dr B.S. Guha. Grant £300. Extended by £50. Total £350. Publication A Marathi version of the Oedipus story £15 subsidy. Lecture at RAI, 22 Jan. 1952 ‘Anthropometry and linguistic regions’


1     IK to FS, 14 Oct. 1944 – the information about the Horniman Award has only just been received in India; her application is therefore late; describes her work and plans; asks if she is still eligible (tp., airgraph, miniaturised)

2     FS to IK, [Oct.?] – her letter arrived too late for consideration; asks if she wishes to apply for a later award; she seems to be eligible; encloses form (tpc.)


3     IK to Trustees, 27 Mar. 1945 – describes her current areas of research, and qualifications; is handicapped by lack of funds; is sending copies of her papers and an application form (autogr.)

4     IK, [27] Mar. 1945 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

5     IK, [nd] – ‘The draft Hindu code’; summary of her oral evidence before the Hindu Law Committee. 6 leaves (tpc.)

6     IK, [nd] – list of her publications (tp., annotated by IK)

7     FS to IK, 24 Apr. – her application is being considered; however the times she mentioned that her proposed work would take exceed the maximum allowance of the grant; notes which of the options she gave interests the Trustees most; they hope that reports from students will be of sufficiently high quality to publish in the Journal; asks if she thinks she could manage this report within two years (tpc.); see also 3/1/15, 31 May 1945

8     Sir Raghunath Paranjpye to FS, 7 June – reference (autogr.)

9     IK to FS, 10 June – is confident she can accomplish her research within two years if she works hard; asks for an additional six months to prepare for publication; hopes to be able to obtain other funds to cover this period; gives brief details of the huge scope of the work she proposes and the difficulties caused by the war with Japan; needs to know whether her application has been successful as soon as possible in order to make preparations (tp.)

10     S.M. Katre to FS, 11 June – reference (tp.)

11     G.S. Ghurye to FS, 14 June – ibid. (autogr.)

12     FS [to Trustees], 28 June – Prof. J.H. Hutton has seen IK’s letter; has decided to make her an award for two years (tpc.)

13     FS to IK, 2 July – cables her to announce that she has been made an award (tpc.)

14     DHFW to FS, 11 July – on financial arrangements to be made for IK (tp.)

15     FS to Dr B.S. Guha, 3 Aug. – asks him to be IK’s supervisor in Poona (tpc.)

16     IK to FS, 8 Aug. – has received the cable but not yet the letter it mentioned would follow; asks for a copy (tp.)

17     DHFW to FS, 8 Aug. – approves the letter she proposes to send to IK; adds an amendment asking for quarterly reports of expenditure (tp.)

18     DHFW to Coutts & Co., 8 Aug. 1945 – sets out time-table detailing payments to be made to IK (tpc.)

19     FS to IK, 9 Aug. – draft letter giving details of the Scholarship;. 2 leaves (tpc.); see 3/5/21 below

20     Dr B.S. Guha to FS, 13 Aug. – asks what exactly his duties as supervisor will entail; if he is to check IK’s work in the field the Fund will have to cover his travel costs; he has seen her at work previously and noticed she did not have a recognised set of anthropometric instruments; has heard of the Horniman Fund and asks if there is any possibility of applying on his own account for some work he mentions; extracts from letters from J. Johnstone referring to this work. 4 leaves (tp.)

21     FS to IK, 17 Aug. – apologises for delay of promised letter due to illness, lack of staff and pressure of work; the Studentship will date from Sep. 1945 for two years; she will remain in her post at the Deccan College Post Graduate and Research Institute; reports will be submitted to the Trustees; Dr B.S. Guha is to be her supervisor; on finance. 2 leaves (tpc.)

22     IK to FS, 1 Sep. – acknowledges her letter; has also heard from the bank and written to Dr B.S. Guha; gives brief outline of the work she has started; will send regular reports and accounts (tp.)

23     FS to Dr B.S. Guha, 5 Sep. – the Trustees suggest that IK could visit him to report on her work; agrees she needs a proper set of instruments; it is too late to apply to the fund for this year; encloses a form for next year (tpc.)

24     Dr B.S. Guha to FS, 22 Sep. – agrees that a visit from IK would be satisfactory; would prefer her to think the suggestion has come from the Trustees; sends thanks for the application form (tp.)

25     FS to Dr B.S. Guha, 12 Dec. – has asked IK to arrange a visit to him (tpc.)

26     Ibid., to IK, 12 Dec. – on visiting Dr B.S. Guha (tpc.)

27     IK to FS, [Dec.] – has begun work already; is sending a copy of her report to Dr B.S. Guha; does not consider it necessary to travel to see him; she needs all available money for work (tp.)

28     IK, 20 Dec. – report of work 15 Sep. to 25 Dec. 1945. 2 leaves (tp.)

29     Example of form for noting anthropometrical measurements and observations on the living (printed)


30     IK to Prof. Le Gros Clerk, 5 Mar. 1946 – there is a possibility that the Deccan College may get enough funds to equip an anthropometric laboratory; asks for detailed list of instruments and information on dealing with semi-fossilized skulls (tp.)

31     Ibid., to FS, 5 Mar. – encloses copy of her letter to Prof. Le Gros Clerk; asks for her help also on how best to equip the laboratory; her work is very demanding (tp.)

32     Dr B.S. Guha to IK, 21 Mar. – sympathises with how hard her work must be; offers some suggestions on how to proceed; invites her to spend a few days with him so they can discuss techniques (tp.)

33     FS to IK, 25 Mar. – instruments are still difficult to obtain; suggests she ask J.C. Trevor for help (tpc.)

34     Ibid., to J.C. Trevor, 25 Mar. – passes on IK’s request for help and asks for advice (tpc.)

35     J.C. Trevor to FS, 28 Mar. – encloses a letter that may help IK; gives Prof. Schreiner’s address as requested; endorses Prof. J.H. Hutton’s nomination of Dr W.L.H. Duckworth as the next Huxley lecturer (tp.)

36     Dr B.S. Guha to FS, 28 Mar. – has received a copy of IK’s report but has heard nothing about whether she intends to visit him; encloses a copy of his letter of invitation to her (3/5/32 above) (tp.)

37     IK to FS, 5 Apr. – sends second report; is going to visit Dr B.S. Guha; encloses accounts showing how great her expenses are; hopes for extra grant; is determined to see the work through; cannot work during the hot season; needs rest as is ill. 2 leaves (tp.)

38     IK, [5 Apr.] – cost of statistical work connected with the anthropometric investigation; stresses how useful a calculating machine would be. 3 pp. (tpc.)

39     IK, [5 Apr.] – statement of expenses up to end of Mar. 1946. 2 leaves (tp.)

40     FS to IK, 10 Apr. – forwards the letter received from J.C. Trevor (tpc.)

41     Ibid., to Prof. J.H. Hutton, 25 Apr. – passes on IK’s second report; asks his opinion; expects there will have to be another Trustees meeting to discuss requested extra grant (tpc.)

42     Prof. J.H. Hutton to FS, 27 Apr. – is passing the report to J.C. Trevor for his comments; thinks her expenses are very reasonable (tp.)

43     FS to Prof. J.H. Hutton, 29 May 1946 – asks if he and J.C. Trevor can decide whether IK’s claim for an extra grant is valid; if so, she can put it on the agenda for the Trustees meeting (tpc.)

44     Prof. J.H. Hutton to FS, 30 May – asks her to put the matter on the agenda; his report will be ready by the meeting (tp.)

45     Dr J.C. Trevor to Prof. J.H. Hutton, 31 May – returns documents relating to IK; knows she is an indefatigable worker and that her study is of great value; sympathises with her request for a calculating machine; they are extremely expensive but at Cambridge they have recently been provided with a new one by the Wellcome Trustees; the earlier model may therefore meet IK’s needs (tp.)

46     FS to Dr J.C. Trevor, 21 June – the Trustees have agreed to purchase the calculator he mentioned from Cambridge University for £50; it will be sent to IK in Poona; requests help with packing and export; the machine will remain the property of the Fund and lent to IK (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes HT/2/46, 6 June 1946, f. 21

47     Ibid., to IK, 22 July – informs her of the Trustees’ decision to lend her a Monroe calculator; enquires about the electrical supply in Poona (tpc.)

48     IK to FS, 31 July – is grateful for offer of calculator; the current is A.C.; has received much help from Mr Grigson on her tour in Hyderabad; will send report later (tp.)

49     IK, [July] – report on fieldwork from 26 June to 21 July 1946 (tp.)

50     IK, 1 Aug. – third statement of expenses (tp.)
