Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents Emslie Horniman Scholarship Fund A66 EMSLIE HORNIMAN ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND (A66 – 07 of 17)

7/     Awards made in 1949. Chair Prof. Daryll Forde

1/     Trustees’ Business

1     FS to Trustees, nd – Rotation of Trustees for 1949 (tpc.)

2     FS to EEP, 22 Feb. – asks for reports on Audrey Butt and E.L. Peters (tpc.)

3     FS to Prof. Meyer Fortes, 22 Feb. – wonders if he has had a chance to consider Mary Danielli’s papers; asks for reports on Audrey Butt and D.P.L. Dry

4     Prof. Meyer Fortes to FS, 23 Feb. – it seems that Mary Danielli’s papers are not yet completed; is prepared to consider any completed work for the Journal; Audrey Butt is a star student; recommends a further year’s grant; the Drys have got off to a good start; asks her to write for a report from them (tp.)

5     Notes on all applications for the Trustees, [May 1949] – Tanya M. Baker, Ursula V.G. Betts, Dorothy M. Burgmann, G.I. Byandala, Jeanne M. Fisher, F.J.H. Huxley, Barbara A. Lawson, A.C. Mayer, D.P.M. Morton-Williams, Edna D.B. Payn, H.A. Powell, Joan M. Radford, D.H. Reader, Marie O. Reay, Schifra Strizower, Winifred A. Todd; Audrey J. Butt applies for a further grant. 15 leaves (tpc.)

6     FS to Dr Meyer Fortes, 17 June – has found Mary Danielli’s papers and returned them to her; this ends an embarrassing position; she is now assisting the Hon. Secretary of the Folk Lore Society; says she sees ‘all too much of her’; on the Journal; will pass his note about the Drys to DHFW (tpc.)

7     Prof. Meyer Fortes to FS, 16 Sep. – EEP agrees that H.A. Powell should go ahead with the London Scholarship; Edna Payn has been accepted by St Hilda’s; asks for her application form to show to the Principal (autogr.)

8     Ibid., to Prof. Meyer Fortes, 19 Oct. – asks for reports on D.P.L. Dry and F.J.H. Huxley; asks if he is taking over Edna Payn’s supervision from Dr Gluckman (tpc.)

9     Ibid., to Dr Audrey I. Richards, 2 Nov. 1949 – thanks her for her note on Miss Kaplan; was not surprised by it; never considered her a serious student; is sorry she will not be able to attend the meeting; the President manages by keeping Tuesdays free for the Institute (tpc.)

10     FS to EEP, 22 Nov. – encloses Prof. Daryll Forde’s note (3/6/64 above); asks his opinion on negotiating with Faber & Faber; on Peter Morton Williams; Mrs E.M. Chilver, Colonial Social Sciences Council, says there is no chance of getting any help (tpc.)

11     FS to Prof. Daryll Forde, 22 Nov. – thanks him for his recommendation about Eva Meyerowitz’s work; has heard from Mrs E.M. Chilver that there can be no hope for Peter Morton-Williams; she has said that he may receive advice and help if he contacts D.N. Leich of Ibadan (tpc.)

12     Trustees’ Report 1948-48, nd – brief notes on C.S. Belshaw, Audrey J. Butt, Miss J. Djamour, D.P.L. Dry and E.L. Peters; new awards have been made to F.J.H. Huxley, Edna D.B. Payn, D.P.M. Morton-Williams and H.A. Powell; the Trustees note that there has been a higher than usual number of applications and the standard is high; notes on publications, including those of Mrs I. Karvé and Eva Meyerowitz. 2 leaves (tpc.)


13     Winston, Turnbull & Co., 15 Mar. 1950 – balance sheet and accounts as at 31 Dec. 1949. 3 leaves (tp.)

2/     Requests for Information

In alphabetical order:


1     Audrey Baines, 6 Jan. (autogr.)

2     John Burton, 23 Jan. 2 leaves (autogr.)

3     J.C.M. Carver, 14 June (autogr.)

4     Jeanne Mary Fisher, 21 Jan. (autogr.)

5     Jack Goody, 25 Feb. (autogr.)

6     H.W. Mugridge, 5 Jan. (autogr.)

7     H.G. Preece, 15 Dec. (tp.)

8     V.H. Salt, 1 Jan. (autogr.)

9     Derrick J. Stenning, 19 Nov. (autogr.)

3/     Unsuccessful Applications

In alphabetical order:

1     Tanya Mary Baker, 1 Mar. 1949 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

.1     TMB, [1 Mar.] – proposed subject and budget (tp.)

References from: .2, N.A. Barnicot, 21 Mar. (tp.); .3, Prof. Daryll Forde, 1 Mar. (tp.); .4, F.W. Hickinbottom, 10 Mar. (autogr.); .5, J.F. Horrabin, 11 Mar. (autogr.)

2     Ursula Violet Graham Betts (née Bower), 7 Feb. 1949 – application form. 4 pp. (tp.)

References from: .1, Beatrice Blackwood, 17 Feb. (tp.); .2, Sir Adrian Carton de Wiart, 24 Feb. 2 leaves (tp.) .3, J.H. Hutton [signed by Mary Thatcher], 22 Feb. (tp.)

3     Dorothy Margaret Burgmann, 2 Feb. 1949 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

References from: .1, Prof. A.P. Elkin, 28 Jan. (tpc.); .2, Revd. D.B. Hobson, 21 Feb. (tp.); .3, Revd. Dr Roy S. Lee, 17 Feb. (tp.); .4, Prof. R.E. Smith, 29 Jan. (tpc.); .5, Prof. A.D. Trendall, 1 Feb. (tpc.); .6, Hon. Camilla H. Wedgwood, 12 Apr. (autogr.)

4     G.I. Byandala, 14 Feb. 1949 – wishes to apply for a Horniman grant; gives personal details; on his studies; is writing a book about the culture of his people; is interested in anthropology but has no teacher; has read some books on the subject, and Man (autogr.)

.1     FS to G.I. Byandala, 29 Apr. – the Trustees cannot make him an award; they were interested to hear of his studies; encloses a booklist for him (tpc.)

5     Jeanne Mary Fisher, 24 Feb. 1949 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

References from: .1, Alison Duke, 16 Oct. 1947 (tpc.); .2, Walter Hollis, 22 Feb. 1949 (tpc.); .3, Prof. J.H. Hutton [signed by Mary Thatcher], 2 Mar. 1949 (tp.); .4, Norah C. Jolliffe, 3 Mar. 1949 (tp.); .5, H.I. McMorran, 15 Oct. 1947 (tpc.); .6, Kathleen Rishbeth, 1 Mar. 1949 (tp.)

6     Barbara Anne Lawson to FS, 2 Feb. 1949 – is very interested in applying for a Horniman grant; has just graduated from Sydney University (autogr.)

.1     BAL, 23 Feb. – application form. 4 pp. (tp.)

.2     Ibid., [23 Feb.] – proposed subject (tpc.)

.3     BAL, [23 Feb. 1949] – proposed budget (tpc.)

References from: .4, Dr A. Capell, 6 Apr. (tp.); .5, Jean I. Craig, 16 Mar. (tp.); .6, Prof. A.P. Elkin, 28 Jan. (tp.); .7, B.H. Molesworth, 17 Mar. (tp.); .8, C. Witherington Stump, nd (tp.)

7     Adrian Curtius Mayer, 1 Mar. 1949 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

.1     Ibid., [1 Mar.] – appendix to application form. 2 leaves (tp.)

References from: .2, Harry Abrahamson, 4 Jan. 1947 (tpc.); .3, Horace G. Alexander, 13 Mar. 1949 (tp.); .4, T.F. Coade, 8 Mar. 1949 (tp.); .5, Prof. R. Firth, 23 Feb. 1949 (tp.); .6, Dorothea Hambourg, 4 Mar. 1949 (tp.); .7, W.L. Holland, 25 Feb. 1949 (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes HT/1/49, 22 Apr. 1949, f. 40

8     Joan Margaret Radford, 1 Mar. 1949 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.) see also earlier application at 6/3/3 above

References from: .1, Peter Ady, 21 Feb. (tp.); .2, B. Chapman, 2 Mar. (autogr.); .3, J.A. Hargreaves, 7 Mar. (tp.); .4, Dr C.T. Hawkins, 28 Feb. (autogr.); .5, Eleanor Plumer, 23 Feb. (autogr.)

9     Desmond Harold Reader, 20 Feb. 1949 – wishes to apply for a Horniman grant; gives personal details and his view of policy in anthropological field research. 5 leaves (autogr.)

.1     Ibid., 26 Feb. – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

.2     Ibid., [26 Feb.] – subject of study. 2 leaves (autogr.)

References from: .3, Glyn E. Daniel, 15 Apr. (tp.); .4, A.C. Ewing, 18 Feb. (autogr. copy); .5, Dr J.G. Peristiany, 20 Feb. (tp.); .6, Edward E. Raven, 7 Apr. (autogr.); .7, Frank Thistlethwaite, 8 Apr. (tp.)

10     Marie Olive Reay, 9 Mar. – application form. 8 leaves (tp.)

References from; .1, Prof. A.P. Elkin, 1 Mar. (tp.); .2, Prof. A.J.A. Walrock (autogr.) [the reference from Dr A. Capell, 7/3/6.4 above, also applies to Miss Reay]

11     Schifra Strizower, 26 Feb. 1949 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

References from: .1, Dr I. Epstein, 4 Mar. (tp.); .2, E. Levy, 24 Feb. (tp.); .3, Dr Philpott, 7 Mar. (autogr.); .4, C.A. Royde, 9 Mar. (autogr.); .5, S. Taylor, 24 Feb. (autogr.);

12     Winifred Annette Todd, 1 Mar. 1949 – application form. 4 pp. (tp.)

.1     Ibid., 12 Mar. – gives estimate of expenses (autogr.)

References from: .2, Peter Alexander, 27 Mar. (autogr.); .3, Prof. J.D. Mackie, nd (tpc.); .4, A.D. MacKinven, nd (tpc.); .5, Walter Nelson, 11 Mar. (tp.); .6, Robert Rusk, 7 Mar. (autogr.)

4/     Francis John Heathorn Huxley. Training award, later studied aboriginal peoples in Brazil.

One year award 1949-50. Supervisor Prof. Meyer Fortes. Grant £300. Lecture at RAI, 21 Jan. 1954 ‘Peace-making in S. America’


1     FJHH, 14 Mar. – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

2     FJHH to FS, 14 Mar. – apologises for lateness of his application; had made another grant application but will not hear whether he has been successful until June (tp.)

3     Dr William Holmes to FS, 7 Apr. – gives reference for FJHH (tp.)

4     A.G. Ogston to FS, 8 Apr. – ibid. (autogr.)

5     EEP to FS, 13 Apr. – ibid. (autogr.)

6     FS to FJHH, 27 Apr. – he has been awarded £300 for a one year Studentship; his supervisor will be Prof. Meyer Fortes; asks for name of his bank (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes HT/1/49, 22 Apr. 1949, f. 40 and 7/1/12 above

7     FJHH to FS, 21 May – accepts with pleasure; gives details requested (tp.)

8     Prof. Meyer Fortes to Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, 7 July – has heard that they have awarded FJHH a grant; will advise him to relinquish his Horniman grant in favour of this; as a Trustees knows that other excellent students are in need of support (tpc.)

9     Ibid., to FS, 7 July 1949 – encloses copy of his letter (7/4/8 above); asks her to suspend Horniman payments if they have already begun (tp.)

10     C.A. Spenser, Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research to Prof. Meyer Fortes, 12 July – the grants awarded by his department are supplementary; it would not be in order for FJHH to relinquish his Horniman grant (tp.)

11     FS to Prof. Meyer Fortes, 13 July – will take FJHH off the list (tpc.)

12     Ibid., to FJHH, 10 Aug. – DHFW has instructed the bank to pay his allowance commencing on 1 Sep. (tpc.)

See also 8/1/5,9,12-14; 9/1/1; 10/1/10; 24/4/1,7,11-14,/8/5,16,/10/4,10 below

5/     David Peter Morton Morton-Williams (Peter). Study of the social system of the Egba Yoruba in relation to economic, ritual and political organisations.

Two year award 1949-51. Supervisor Prof. Daryll Forde. Grant £1150


1     Prof. Daryll Forde [to FS], 28 Feb. 1949 – reference (tp.)

2     DPMM-W, 1 Mar. – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

3     Ibid., to FS, [1 Mar.] – copy of testimonial from B.G. Kedge written on 15 Feb. 1941 (autogr.)

4     F.W. Lockwood to FS, nd – recommends DPMM-W (tp.)

5     J. Yunge-Bateman to FS, Mar. – ibid. (tp.)

6     Dr Phyllis M. Kaberry to FS, 10 Apr. – ibid. (tp.)

7     FS to DPMM-W, 29 Apr. – he has been awarded a grant of £1,135 for two years; his supervisor will be Prof. Daryll Forde; explains terms. 2 pp. (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes HT/1/49, 22 Apr. 1949, f. 40

8     DPMM-W to FS, 3 May – thanks Trustees; will send medical certificate; was pronounced fit in Feb. (autogr.)

9     J.R. Dow, 16 June – pronounces DPMM-W fit for work in a tropical climate (autogr.)

10     FS to DPMM-W, 10 Aug. – on his grant (tpc.)

11     Ibid., to Immigration Authorities, Lagos, 27 Sep. – DPMM-W will be working in West Africa as an anthropological student next year; asks about landing permission (tpc.)

12     Principal Immigration Officer, Lagos to FS, 15 Oct. 1949 – DPMM-W should apply for a visa from the Passport Control Officer (tp.)

13     FS to Prof. Daryll Forde, 19 Oct. – asks for a report on DPMM-W (tpc.)

14     Prof. Daryll Forde to FS, 3 Nov. – reports that DPMM-W has commenced his studies; he has reserved a passage for 16 Mar.; is organising his kit and applying for relevant permits (tp.)

15     FS to Mrs E.M. Chilver, Colonial Social Sciences Council, 10 Nov. – asks for assistance with the cost of supporting students in the field; wants help with the cost of DPMM-W’s travel to Nigeria (tpc.)

16     DPMM-W to FS, 16 Nov. – the Passport Control Office say that no visa is necessary; Prof. Daryll Forde has applied for permission to enter the country from the Colonial Office (autogr.)

17     Mrs E.M. Chilver to FS, 21 Nov. – can not help with costs; has sent her request to the Government of Nigeria, and asked that facilities are made available to DPMM-W; suggests that she sends a copy of his itinerary to the Development Secretary at the Nigerian Secretariat; D.N. Leich of University College Ibadan may also be able to help (tp.); see also 7/1/11, 22 Nov. 1949 above

18     FS to DPMM-W, 22 Nov. – names D.N. Leich as a contact in Nigeria (tpc.)

19     Ibid., to D.N. Leich, 22 Nov. – the Trustees hope he will offer help and advice to DPMM-W (tpc.)

20     D.N. Leich to FS, 29 Nov. – will be pleased to help DPMM-W; his department offers help to several anthropologists (tp.)

21     Prof. Daryll Forde to the Development Secretary, The Secretariat, Lagos, 5 Dec. – gives details of DPMM-W’s proposed studies in Africa; final selection of groups will depend on local advice at the time (tpc.)

22     FS to the Development Secretary, 9 Dec. – encloses 7/5/21 above; welcomes any assistance to DPMM-W (tpc.)


23     DPMM-W to FS, 18 Jan. 1950 – asks for payment of his allowance for equipment; has made several contacts already including a man whose wife leads women’s riots (autogr.)

24     FS to DPMM-W, 28 Jan. – encloses cheque for equipment (tpc.)

25     Elder Dempster Lines to DPMM-W, 14 Feb. 1950 – on his passage (tp.)

26     FS to Elder Dempster Lines, 23 Feb. – encloses cheque and copy of letter from Colonial Office (tpc.)

27     DHFW to Coutts & Co., 14 Mar. – on DPMM-W’s grant (tpc.)

28     FS to Prof. Daryll Forde, 4 Apr. – asks for a report on DPMM-W (tpc.); see also 8/1/11 below

29     DPMM-W to FS, 11 May – is now in a bush village but the residents are very suspicious; is having difficulties with the transfer of his money; will send an illustrated report to Prof. Daryll Forde (tp.)

30     FS to DPMM-W 19 May – is making arrangements concerning his money as he suggested (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes, 2 May 1950, f. 45

31     DPMM-W to FS, 12 June – thanks her for sorting out his money; is gaining the confidence of the people by helping them with medical problems; is determined to be the first anthropologist to learn their language (tp.)

32     Prof. Daryll Forde to FS, 25 July – has had a lengthy report from DPMM-W; he is making satisfactory progress (tp.)

33     FS to Prof. Daryll Forde, 21 Oct. – asks for a report on DPMM-W (tpc.)

34     Prof. Daryll Forde to FS, 6 Nov. – is receiving satisfactory reports from DPMM-W (tp.); see also 8/1/14 below


35     Ibid., 21 Feb. 1951 – has received another report from DPMM-W; he plans to return in Apr. (tp.)

36     FS to DPMM-W, 7 Mar. – asks when he would like his passage allocation paid (tpc.)

37     FS to Prof. Daryll Forde, 9 Apr. – another report is needed on DPMM-W for the Trustees meeting (tpc.); see also 9/1/1,4 below

38     DPMM-W to FS, 15 Apr. – was away in the bush when her letter arrived; since then his travel plans have gone awry and he has decided to fly home; states how he would prefer the money to be paid; has enjoyed himself but is looking forward to getting back (tp.)


39     DPMM-W, 9 Dec. 1959 – replies to the Horniman questionnaire; see 17/1/5 (tp.)

40     Ibid., [9 Dec.] – list of publications (tpc.)

6/     Miss Edna B.D.B. Payn


One year training award 1949-50. Study grant. Supervisor EEP. Grant £350 + £50 towards travel. Total £400


1     FS to EBDBP, 14 Feb. 1949 – encloses all information about the Emslie Horniman Anthropological Studentships; advises her to apply right away (tpc.)

2     Dr J.D. Joubert to FS, 13 Apr. – gives reference for EBDBP (autogr.)

3     FS to EBDBP, 29 Apr. – she has been awarded £350 for a one year Studentship; the Trustees will also contribute towards her passage from Transkei; her supervisor at Oxford will be Dr Max Gluckman (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes HT/1/49, 22 Apr. 1949, f. 40 and 7/1/12 above

4     Ibid., to Dr Max Gluckman, 30 Apr. – encloses EBDBP’s application form; hopes he will consent to act as her supervisor (tpc.)

5     Ibid., to Dr J. Simons, University of Cape Town, 30 Apr. – informs him that EBDBP has been awarded a Studentship to study at Oxford under Dr Max Gluckman (tpc.)

6     Dr Max Gluckman to FS, 4 May – has accepted a Chair at Manchester University; returns EBDBP’s application form; asks her to tell the Trustees in confidence as the matter is not officially settled (tp.)

7     EEP to FS, 4 May – asks her to inform the Trustees about the matter of EBDBP’s supervisor (autogr.)

8     FS to Prof. Daryll Forde, 10 May – mentions that Dr Max Gluckman has had to decline supervising EBDBP; asks who he thinks should be chosen instead (tpc.); see also 7/1/8 above

9     EBDBP to FS, 10 May – is writing to Dr Max Gluckman; will then make travel arrangements; hopes to be in England in Oct. 2 leaves (autogr.)

10     Prof. Daryll Forde to FS, 16 May – EEP is willing to supervise EBDBP (tp.)

11     FS to EEP, 20 May – tells him what EBDBP wrote in her last letter; asks him to take on any communication to Dr Gluckman (tpc.)

12     Miss C.H. Puckle, Institute of Social Anthropology Oxford to FS, 24 May 1949 – on arrangements for EBDBP; the Principal of Lady Margaret Hall is from South Africa which may incline her towards accepting EBDBP (tp.)

13     FS to EBDBP, 26 May – will be discussing arrangements for her with the Treasurer; notes that EEP will now be her supervisor (tpc.)

14     Ibid., to Miss C.H. Puckle, 26 May – is happy that arrangements are being made for EBDBP; if Lady Margaret Hall is full offers her help for St Hugh’s which she attended long ago (tpc.)

15     Miss C.H. Puckle to FS, 27 May – accepts her offer of help; Lady Margaret Hall is full (tp.)

16     FS to Miss E.E.S. Proctor, St Hugh’s College, 30 May – recommends EBDBP; gives details and asks for help (tpc.)

17     Ibid., 9 June – is sorry there is little chance for EBDBP at St Hugh’s; hopes someone will drop out (tpc.)

18     Ibid., to EEP, 9 June – passes on Miss Proctor’s reply to her letter (tpc.)

19     EBDBP to FS, 15 Sep. – has been corresponding with EEP and Prof. Meyer Fortes; the latter has promised to help her find accommodation; she arrives in England on 8 Oct. (autogr.)

20     FS to EBDBP, St Hilda’s College Oxford, 19 Oct. – on payment of her grant (tpc.); see also 7/1/7 above

21     EBDBP to FS, 21 Oct. – gives banking details (autogr.)

22     DHFW to Coutts & Co., 24 Oct. – on arrangements for paying EBDBP’s grant (tpc.); see also 8/1/5,9,14; 9/1/1; 10/1/10 below


23     Joan Edwards, Administrative Secretary to University of Cape Town, 3 Dec. 1959 – is trying to trace EBDBP; encloses a Horniman questionnaire to be forwarded to her if possible (tpc.); see also 17/1/6, 30 Nov. 1959 below

24     University of Cape Town to admin Secretary, 19 Dec. – regrets that no address is held for EBDBP

7/     Henry Arthur Powell. Study of culture changes in the Trobriand Islands.

Two year award 1949-50. Supervisor Dr Phyllis Kaberry, Dr I. Hogbin. Grant £1215. Extended by £35. Total £1250. Copy of film deposited at the RAI. Lecture at the RAI, 5 Mar. 1953 ‘The Trobriands today’


1     Ian Hogbin to Chairman, 24 Feb. – gives his views on HAP’s plan; supports his application; cannot comment on his academic qualifications (tp.)

2     HAP, 24 Feb. – description of his project and likely budget required (tpc.)

3     HAP to FS, 25 Feb. – intends to apply for a Horniman Studentship but is still waiting for testimonials (autogr.)

4     HAP, 27 Feb. – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

5     Prof. Daryll Forde [to FS], 28 Feb. – reference (tp.)

6     N.A. Barnicot [to FS], 3 Mar. – ibid. (tp.)

7     Dr J.G. Peristiany [to FS], 12 Mar. – ibid. (tp.)

8     A.B. Randall [to FS], 5 Apr. – ibid. (autogr.)

9     Francis J. Moore [to FS], 6 Apr. – ibid. (autogr.)

10     Dr Phyllis M. Kaberry to FS, 10 Apr. – ibid. (tp.)

11     FS to Dr Ian Hogbin, 27 Apr. – HAP has been awarded a Horniman Studentship; Dr Phyllis Kaberry is his supervisor; asks if he will be his supervisor in the field and send regular progress reports (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes HT/1/49, 22 Apr. 1949, f. 40 and 7/1/12 above

12     FS to Dr Phyllis Kaberry, 27 Apr. – asks if she is willing to be HAP’s supervisor; Dr Ian Hogbin will supervise him in the field (tpc.)

13     Dr Phyllis Kaberry to FS, 29 Apr. – is happy to be HAP’s supervisor (autogr.)

14     FS to HAP, 29 Apr. – he has been awarded a grant of £1,215 for two years; explains terms (tpc.)

15     HAP to FS, 2 May – accepts Studentship; will provide medical certificate (autogr.)

16     FS to Dr Ian Hogbin, 13 May – had assumed he had returned to Australia; now writes again about being HAP’s supervisor (tpc.)

17     J.R. Dow, 16 June 1949 – HAP is fit for work overseas (autogr.)

18     FS to HAP, 10 Aug. – on his allowance (tpc.)

19     Ibid., to J.R. Halligan, Dep. For External Territories, 12 Aug. – asks for permission for HAP to visit the Trobriand Islands without putting down bonds (tpc.)

20     J.R. Halligan to FS, 22 Aug. – the administrator at Port Moresby will deal with the matter; asks her to complete enclosed form (tp.)

21     HAP to FS, 30 Aug. – asks for her advice about insurance; asks if he can borrow a camera (tp.)

22     FS to HAP, 1 Sep. – has not had to deal with insurance before; supposes that as a student he is not an employed person; he may borrow the cine camera E.L. Peters had in Cyrenaica (tpc.)

23     HAP to FS, 2 Sep. – has been awarded a University Postgraduate Scholarship; wonders if the Trustees would object; has told the University that he hoped to survive on the Horniman grant if they had ‘any other poor blighter’; has filled in the proforma re-entry into New Guinea (tp.)

24     J.R. Halligan to FS, 2 Sep. – there is no objection to HAP visiting Papua and New Guinea (tp.)

25     FS to HAP, 23 Sep. – will arrange for loan of the camera; the Trustees have been dealing with his University College Scholarship while she has been on holiday; he has permission to enter Papua and New Guinea; on arrival he should apply for the entry permit to the Dep. Of External Territories, Canberra (tpc.); see also 7/1/7, 16 Sep. 1949 above

26     Ibid., to Dr P. Kaberry, 19 Oct. – asks for any information on HAP (tpc.)

27     Dr Phyllis Kaberry to FS, 21 Oct. – HAP has been gathering together his equipment and learning the language (tp.)

28     FS to Prof. R. Firth, 10 Nov. – explains how stretched the resources of the Horniman Fund are; asks him to seek assistance from the School of Pacific Studies of the Australian National University on behalf of HAP; suggests asking for £250 (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes, 8 Nov. 1949, f. 43

29     FS to HAP, 22 Nov. – on his grant (tpc.)

30     Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co. to FS, 26 Nov. – encloses HAP’s ticket (tp.)

31     Griffiths, McAlister, 21 Dec. 1949 – list of HAP’s equipment (tp.)

32     FS to HAP, 22 Dec. – he will receive a letter from Prof. R. Firth explaining how an application on his behalf was made for a scholarship from the University of Canberra; asks him to let her know his decision; the SS Mooltan on which he was to travel has been declared a plague ship and will be delayed (tpc.)

33     HAP to FS, 22 Dec. – encloses an invoice for the repair to his camera; the next sailing of the Mooltan has been cancelled due to typhoid fever among the crew; is hoping to travel on the Strathnaver on the 5 Jan. (tp.)

34     Prof. R. Firth to FS, 23 Dec. – gives the reply he has received from Canberra University; advises HAP to apply for a scholarship; has written to him; the President and Trustees will give their views in due course (tp.); see also 8/1/1, 9 Jan. 1950 below

35     HAP to FS, 26 Dec. – is applying for the grant straight away; had thought of working ‘Down Under’ anyway; is still awaiting news of his passage (tp.)


36     FS to Dr Phyllis Kaberry, 4 Apr. 1950 – asks for a report on HAP; knows he has left for the Trobriands but does not know whether he has arrived there (tpc.)

37     Chairman to International Council, National University of Australia, 16 May 1950 – expresses gratitude of Trustees of the Emslie Horniman Anthropological Scholarship Fund for the grant awarded to HAP (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes, 2 May 1950, f. 46

38     R.A. Hohnen, Registrar Australian National University to Chairman, 24 May – pleased to help HAP; saw him before he left for the Trobriands and assisted him with equipment (tp.)

39     HAP to FS, 14 Oct. – is having to organise his passage home already; traffic will be heavy next year owing to the Exhibition; his father has terminal cancer and he himself is unwell; may have to leave early; the fare on the most suitable ship costs more than the allowance he has left; wonders if the Horniman Fund will cover this in the circumstances; on financial difficulties if his father dies; his expedition has been a disappointment due to his ill health and the fact that he has not found individuals likeable; the climate does not suit him; will strive to complete his thesis; will be glad to get away from Sydney (tp.)

40     FS to Dr Phyllis Kaberry, 21 Oct. – has heard nothing from HAP for months; asks if she has had anything from him or Ian Hogbin (his supervisor) (tpc.)

41     Dr Phyllis Kaberry to FS, 1 Nov. 1950 – has received two reports from HAP; a shipping strike in Sydney delayed his departure to New Guinea; describes his various illnesses; despite his difficulties there and bad news from home he has made good progress; outlines his findings. 2 leaves (tp.)

42     FS to HAP, 14 Dec. – the Trustees do not wish him to shorten his time in the field; they are prepared to offer him some assistance towards the increase in his fare; hopes he is feeling better and has better news about his father (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes HT/80/1, 28 Nov. 1950, f. 49-50 and 8/1/14, 28 Nov. 1950 below


43     HAP to FS, 11 Jan. 1951 – explains difficulties with travelling; he will not lose any time in the field; could not afford to spend any time in Australia even if it was possible due to expenses of original ten week delay in Sydney; on his finances; hopes London won’t have been atom-bombed before he gets home (tp., autogr.)

44     FS to Dr Phyllis Kaberry, 9 Apr. – asks for report on HAP (tpc.)

45     Ibid., 8 May – thanks her for report which was read to Trustees; glad that HAP has kept in close touch with her; is sorry to hear that his brother has died (tpc.)

46     HAP to FS, 3 July – is back in Bude; his father is a little better; on his finances; there was a further shipping strike and he and his baggage had to be flown to Sydney which has incurred more expense (tp.)

47     FS to HAP, 11 Dec. – encloses a cheque for an extra £35 which the Trustees have granted him (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes HT/81/1, 4 Dec. 1951, f. 55 and 9/1/1,4 below


48     HAP, 4 Apr. – replies to the Horniman questionnaire; see 17/1/5 (tp.); see also 19/1/2, 18 May 1961
