Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents Emslie Horniman Scholarship Fund A66 EMSLIE HORNIMAN ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND (A66 – 09 of 17)

13/     Awards made in 1955. Chair Lord Raglan

‘The Trustees considered a number of applications for Studentships during 1954, but although one award was agreed upon, the candidate concerned withdrew his candidature for personal reasons, and no award was made. Some candidates were recommended to apply again in 1955, and the Trustees will shortly meet to consider this year’s applications. An adequate financial reserve has now been built up.’ JRAI vol. 85, p. 216

1/     Trustees’ Business

1     RAI, Council minutes 3 Mar. 1955 (CM/84/6). Agenda Item 7. Rotation of Trustees – present Trustees listed, until 30 June 1955 (tp.)

2     E.J. Williamson, secretarial assistant to Prof. H. Max Gluckman, 23 June – the thesis he was asked to read belonged to A.R.W. Crosse-Upcott who has since withdrawn (tpc.)

3     WBF to Trustees, 21 July – agenda of meeting (HT/85/1); notes that ACB has been called away by urgent family business which has delayed this meeting; expects that an award will be made to A. Vilakazi who would have had one the previous year except that he could not have taken it up then; a further meeting will be necessary to discuss other applications (tpc.)

4     Minutes of meeting, 21 July (HT/85/1) – A.R.W. Crosse-Upcott has withdrawn his application; financial business; DHFW is to discuss matters with Ivan Horniman; consideration of A. Vilakazi, two year Studentship; Oyekila Awobiyi Ola-Balogun, dismissed; Tui Barrow, one year Studentship; Jeremy Rex Beckett, to try elsewhere; Rosemary L. Harris, two year Studentship; Annie M. McArthur, one year Studentship; A. Joan Metge, one year Studentship; Rodney Needham, too senior; Rama Krishna Rao, not serious enough; Ernst Joseph Rudo Hans Sigvard Von Sicard, too vague; and James Spillius, one year Studentship. 3 pp. (tp.)

5     Applications (HT/85/1) – full details of students listed above. 8 pp. (tp.)

6     Revenue account, estimate for 1955 (tpc.)

2/     Terry [Tui] Barrow. To enable student to pursue a course of training and to visit museums.

One year award. 1955/56 extended to 1957. Supervisor Dr Bushnell. Original grant £800, extended by £600, and £270. Total grant £1670


1     TB to WBF, 17 Dec. 1956 – was pleased to see his paper in Man; has ideas for further items; mentions his proposed application for an extension of his Horniman award for 1957 so that he can travel in connection with his research; supposes he should contact MWS; asks for his advice. 2 leaves (tp.); see also Horniman minutes HT/85/2,/86/1,/86/2,/87/1, 3 May 1956, 1 May, 26 June 1957, 6 May 1958, ff. 73-4, 81, 83, 89 and 14/1/2,4 below



2     TB, 14 Jan. 1960 – replies to Horniman questionnaire; see 17/1/5 (autogr.); see also Horniman Minutes, HT/89/1, 10 May 1960, f. 97

3/     Rosemary Lois Harris. Social organisation of the Eastern Area Native Authority of the Kumba Division, South Cameroons, Nigeria


1     RLH to Trustees, 28 Apr. – had not intended to apply this year but has decided to do so at short notice; her papers are not fully in order; has included only one reference; has written to Dr Phyllis Kaberry; will send other testimonials if required (autogr.)

2     Ibid., 28 Apr. 1955 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

3     RLH to Trustees, [28 Apr. 1955] – study proposed (tp.)

4     Ibid., [28 Apr.] – estimated expenses (tpc.)

5     Emrys Jones, 28 Apr. – reference (tp.)

6     Prof. H. Max Gluckman to WBF, 17 June – asks for news of meeting of Horniman Trustees; he was asked to read a thesis but has heard nothing since; met RLH in Belfast; if it is hers is keen to read it (tp.) see 13/1/2 above

7     Ibid., to Miss E.J. Williamson, secretarial assistant, 28 June – thanks her for letting him know that the thesis was by A.R.W. Crosse-Upcott; asks what happened to RLH’s thesis; was very impressed by her (tp.)

8     WBF to Prof. H. Max Gluckman, 4 July – Miss Gee, acting Secretary to the Officers is away due to family troubles in Cornwall; he has been unable to find any thesis by RLH; she was not asked for one; the Trustees would value his written opinion of her; is sorry he is not longer a Trustee; the vacancies are determined by lot

9     Max Gluckman to WBF, 11 July – had assumed he was still a Horniman Trustees; met RLH in Belfast; impressed him as intelligent (tp.)

10     WBF to Prof. Daryll Forde, 15 July – the Trustees will be discussing the new applications at the next meeting; asks for any comments he has on RLH (tp.)

11     Prof. Daryll Forde to WBF, 18 July – commends RLH (tp.)

12     WBF to RLH, 5 Aug. – she has been awarded £760 a year for two years; Prof. Daryll Forde will be her supervisor (tpc.); see also 13/1/4 above

13     RLH to WBF, 11 Aug. – thanks him; will discuss her plans with Prof. Daryll Forde now that he has returned to London (autogr.)

14     Note of telephone call from RLH, 3 Oct. – has asked the Colonial Office how her Studentship would affect her grant from them; she hopes it may enable her to study for two and a half years and possibly cover the cost of a car (tp.)

15     WBF to RLH, 17 Oct. – asks questions in connection with her grant; any reports from the field would be welcome for Man. 2 leaves (tpc.)

16     WBF to the Immigration Officer, Lagos, 18 Oct. – asks for any assistance the Government of Nigeria can offer RLH (tpc.)

17     RLH to WBF, 23 Oct. 1955 – answers the questions he posed (13/3/15 above). 3 pp. (autogr.)

18     Ibid., 3 Dec. – asks him to write to V. Harris of the Colonial Office; Prof. Daryll Forde suggests explaining in detail why an increase in her grant would be most helpful (autogr.)

19     WBF to V. Harris, Colonial Office, 13 Dec. – confirms that RLH has received a Horniman grant; gives reasons why her research would be benefited by a Colonial Office grant (tpc.)

20     Mrs E.M. Chilver, Secretary Colonial Social Science Research Council to RLH, 22 Dec. – has received approval for her grant and will write formally when it is offered; will arrange monthly allowances and a sum for the purchase of a car; she should arrange her own accommodation in advance. 2 leaves (tpc.)

21     RLH to Janet L.D. Anderson, Secretary to the Officers, 29 Dec. – on money for her passage; encloses receipts for purchase of equipment; asks about bank in Nigeria. 3 pp. (autogr.)


22     Janet L.D. Anderson to WBF, 3 Jan. – on payment of RLH’s expenses (tp.)

23     RLH to Janet L.D. Anderson, 7 Jan. – encloses a further receipt for camping equipment (autogr.)

24     Janet L.D. Anderson to Thomas Cook & Son, 11 Jan. – it has been decided not to pay for RLH’s return journey yet; asks them to make appropriate alterations and issue her a ticket when she calls; the cheque will be sent as soon as possible (tpc.)

25     RLH to Janet L.D. Anderson, 13 Jan. – on transfer of her grant to Nigeria; asks if the Horniman Studentship is liable to income tax. 4 pp. (autogr.)

26     Colonial Office to RLH, 13 Jan. – Mr Secretary Lennon-Boyd makes her an award of £1,820; gives details of how this is to be divided; the reports she is required to write may be the same as those to Prof. Daryll Forde; she must submit evidence that she is fit before the offer can be confirmed. 4 pp. (tpc.)

27     Mrs E.M. Chilver to WBF, 13 Jan. – asks for an advance in RLH’s Horniman grant as there may be a delay in arranging allowance from the Colonial Office grant; on arrangements for her welcome in Lagos (tp.)

28     Statement of grant paid to RLH, 18 Jan. (tpc.)

29     WBF to Bank of British West Africa, 18 Jan. – on payment of grant to RLH (tpc.)

30     WBF to DHFW, 19 Jan. 1956 – ibid. 2 leaves (tpc.)

31     Janet L.D. Anderson to Mrs E.M. Chilver, 19 Jan. – ibid. (tpc.)

32     Janet L.D. Anderson to RLH, 23 Jan. – encloses copies of correspondence with the Bank of British West Africa; payment for her return fare will be sent when she has made arrangements; on her University fees (tpc.)

33     V. Harris, Colonial Office to Janet L.D. Anderson, 13 Feb. – on RLH’s grant; thinks there will be no difficulties in connection with the publication of her reports (tp.)

34     Prof. Daryll Forde to WBF, 23 Apr. – brief report on RLH (tp.); see also Horniman minutes HT/85/2, 3 May 1956, f. 74 and 14/1/4 below


35     Prof. Daryll Forde to WBF, 19 June – RLH has been sending regular reports; she has collected valuable material for her research (tp.); see also Horniman minutes HT/86/2, 26 June 1957, f. 83

36     RLH to WBF, 6 July – on arrangements for her return (autogr.)


37     WBF ‘to whom it may concern’, 21 Mar. – gives details of grant paid to RLH (tpc.)

38     Joan Edwards, Administrative Secretary, to RLH, 23 Apr. – MWS confirmed that there is still some of her grant to be paid over; hopes this will enable her to go on with her plans (tpc.)

39     RLH to MWS, [10? May] – has spoken to Prof. Daryll Forde about the remaining part of her grant; gives his opinions; wishes it transferred to Enugu as soon as possible as she is going there on 11 June (tp.)

40     MWS to RLH, 14 May – on payment of her grant (tpc.)

41     Ibid., 15 Dec. – Joan Edwards says she has been asking about Income Tax; encloses a copy of the Horniman advertisement to show the Inspector, and advises her to give him details about her project (tpc.)


42     Note of telephone call from RLH, 5 Jan. 1959 – the Inland Revenue now wishes to see all correspondence between her and the RAI; note added by MWS – advised RLH to tell them to contact the RAI directly (autogr.)

43     HM Inspector of Taxes to MWS, 7 Jan. – asks for details concerning RLH (tp.)

44     MWS to HM Inspector of Taxes, 29 Jan. 1959 – gives all necessary information (tpc.)


45     RLH, 18 Mar. [1960] – replies to the Horniman questionnaire; see 17/1/5 (autogr.)

4/     Miss Annie Margaret MacArthur. The Kunimaipa, Papua.

1955-6. Supervisors Prof. Nadel, Dr J.D. Freeman. Grant £440


1     AMM, 22 Feb. – replies to the Horniman questionnaire; see 17/1/5 (autogr.); see also Horniman minutes HT/85/2,/86/3, 3 May 1956, 19 July 1957, ff. 74, 86 and 14/1/4, 3 May 1956 below

5/     Miss Alice Joan Metge. Culture contacts of the Maoris under urban conditions.

1955-6. Period of study. Supervisor Prof. R. Firth. Grant £480. Publications Marriage in modern Maori society – a grant of £40 towards publication in Man; 1960 grant of £50 towards publication of her thesis on Maori acculturation, Monograph series on Soc. Anthropology, London School of Economics


1     AJM, 22 Jan. 1960 – replies to the Horniman questionnaire; see 17/1/5 (tp.); see also Horniman minutes HT/85/2,/86/2,/87/1,/89/1,/89/2, 3 May 1956, 26 June 1957, 6 May 1958, 10 May, 2 June 1960 ff. 75, 83, 89, 97, 101 and 13/1/4; 14/1/4; 15/1/4 -5; 24/2/1

6/     James Spillius. The changing political institutions of Polynesia with some reference to change under modern conditions.

1955-6. University fees, etc. Supervisor Prof. R. Firth. Grant £535. Publication The art of the North West Coast grant of £75 made towards publication


1     JS, 2 May 1961 – reply to questionnaire; see 17/1/5 (autogr.); see also Horniman minutes HT/85/2,/86/2, 3 May 1956, 26 June 1957, ff. 75, 84 and 13/1/4; 14/1/4; 15/1/6; 17/1/4

7/     Absalom Vilakazi. Culture change in a Zulu tribe in Natal.

1955-7. Supervisor Prof. Krige. Grant £720


1     AV, 22 Dec. – replies to the Horniman questionnaire; see 17/1/5 (autogr.); see also Horniman minutes HT/85/2,/87/1, 3 May 1956, 6 May 1958, 28 June 1961, ff. 74, 89, 105 and 12/1/9,14,17,19,21-2; 13/1/3-4; 14/1/4; 19/1/2

14/     Awards made in 1956. Chair Lord Raglan


1/     Trustees’ Business


1     Invitation to applications for Horniman Studentships 1956 (printed)

2     WBF to Trustees, 24 Feb. – quotes a letter from T.T. Barrow requesting that the fund advances him the necessary deposit required by Customs for his camera; DHFW thinks it a reasonable request; asks for opinions; on next meeting; proposes to invite MWS who is to take over as Hon. Secretary (tpc.)

3     Ibid., 3 May – agenda of meeting (HT/85/2); applications received from: Mrs Bridgett Allchin (see also Horniman minutes HT/86/C-1, 12 July 1956, f. 79); W.J. Argyle, R.W. Dunning; W.R.G. Horton; P.E.L. Smith; C.M. Turnbull; R.L. Wishlade; Miss Sydney H. Wilson; J.A.R. Blacking and D.R. Harris; and enquiry from Miss Brenda Whittam (tp., autogr.)

4     DHFW to WBF, 25 May – tenders his resignation as a Trustee to take effect from 28 June (tp.)

5     Summary of information on applications (HT/85/3) – full details of Bridgett Allchin, W.J. Argyle, J.A.R. Blacking, W.R.G. Horton, Philip Edward Lake Smith, C.M. Turnbull, R.L. Wishlade. 7 leaves (tp.)

6     Reports of referees on applications (HT/85/3) – references quoted for applications above; Dr Bushnell, Prof. C. von Fürer- Haimendorf, Prof. F.E. Zeuner, EEP and K.J. Leyser for Mrs B. Allchin; Hugh Tracey and André Schaeffner for J.A.R. Blacking; Dr R.S. Creed, Prof. Daryll Forde and Prof. George Humphrey for W.R.G. Horton; Dr J.O. Brew, Dr Hallam L. Movius and Dr Gordon R. Willey for P.E.L. Smith; Sir Lancelot Graham for C.M. Turnbull; Dr W.B. Fisher, Dr Meinhard and Revd. T.S. Wetherall for R.L. Wishlade. 7 leaves (tp.)

7     Revenue account, estimate for 1956 (tpc.)

8     WBF to DHFW, 11 June 1956 – regrets his resignation; even though he has resigned as Hon. Treasurer to the RAI hopes he will continue to be a Trustee of the Horniman Fund (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes HT/85/3, 5 June 1956, f. 77

9     Ibid., to Sir George Beresford Stooke, 11 June – he has been appointed a Trustee (tpc.)

10     DHFW to WBF, 15 June – accepts invitation to continue as a Trustee; thinks he has useful experience to offer (tp.)

11     Rotation of Trustees (CM/85/5) – present Trustees until 28 June 1956 listed (tpc.)

12     MWS to Coutts & Co., 30 Aug. – lists Trustees for 1956-7 (tpc.)

2/     John Antony Randoll Blacking. The musical practices of the Ba Venda of the Northern Transvaal.

One year award 1956-58 (postponed). Grant £500. Extended by £279. Total £779. Publications Fictitious kinship among the girls of the Venda of the Northern Transvaal Man no. 243, 1959. 1960 grant of £600 for publication of Venda children’s songs


1     André Schaeffner [to MWS], 24 July 1954 – recommended by Prof. Daryll Forde, JARB has worked for a year and studied ethnomusicology; supports him (tp., in French)


2     JARB to MWS, 24 Apr. 1956 – encloses application form and testimonials from Hugh Tracey and André Schaeffner; is sending a copy of African music containing two of his papers; is soon to begin fieldwork amongst the BaVenda; has a grant which terminates in Mar. 1957; is applying for the Horniman grant so he can complete his studies (tp.)

3     Ibid., 22 Apr. 1956 – application form. 4 pp. (tp.); see also 14/1/3, 3 May 1956 above

4     Hugh Tracey [to MWS], 25 Apr. – reference (tp.); see also 14/1/8 above

5     E.L. Griffiths to MWS, 1 May – ibid. (tp.)

6     WBF to JARB, 22 June – he has been made an award of £500 for one year; the Trustees will consider an application for a further year (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes HT/85/3, 5 June 1956, f. 77

7     JARB to MWS, 28 June 1956 – wishes for clarification regarding publication of the work he hopes to produce; feels he owes first allegiance to the Dep. Of Education, Arts and Science of the Union of South Africa who have made him a grant and supervised his studies; had hoped that the International Library of African Music would publish his work with full acknowledgement being made of the help of the Horniman grant (tp.)

8     MWS to JARB, 3 July – his suggestion is perfectly acceptable; hopes he may also submit some papers for publication in the JRAI (tpc.)

9     Ibid., to Hugh Tracey, International Library of African Music, 12 July – clarifies the situation regarding publication of JARB’s work (tpc.)

10     JARB to MWS, 18 July – accepts the grant (tp.)

11     Ibid., to Janet L.D. Anderson, Secretary to the Officers, 19 Sep. – answers queries raised about the payment of his grant (tp.)


12     JARB to MWS, 5 Feb. 1957 – asks if can postpone his grant; the International Library of African Music will finance his researches for the next season; he has been ill for three months; Prof. Meyer Fortes thinks it would be a good idea so he could then work on a more specialised subject; offers to send in papers he has prepared already; asks if the fieldwork allowance could be increased (tp.); see also Horniman minutes HT/86/C-1, 1 May 1957, f. 80

13     MWS to Trustees, 15 Feb. – explains JARB’s requests; offers alternative answers to be checked and returned (tpc.) Prof. R. Firth, Prof. Daryll Forde, Lord Raglan, Sir George Beresford-Stooke and Miss Miriam L. Tildesley agree he can have the grant postponed and would like to consider the increase at a meeting; Dr O.W. Samson wishes for more details [one copy only retained]

14     Ibid., to JARB, 22 Feb. – the Trustees agree to the postponement of his grant; if he wishes for an increase he will have to submit an application with other candidates by 30 Apr. 1957; welcomes copies of the reports he mentioned (tpc.); see also 15/1/4-5 below

15     JARB, Feb. – Venda music: a preliminary report of initial field research in the Sibasa district. 7 leaves (tp.); see also Horniman minutes HT/86/2, 26 June 1957, f. 84

16     MWS to JARB, 21 Nov. 1957 – the Trustees agree that his Scholarship shall begin in Jan. 1958; has arranged monthly instalments; there was mainly a favourable response to his request for money for recording equipment; asks for further details (tpc.)

17     JARB to MWS, 29 Nov. – asks if there will be any objection to his trying to raise a further grant; he has a wife and child to support; his wife may receive a grant for studying Venda food; gives prices of various types of recording equipment; asks if the one he favours could be exported from Europe; there are disadvantages to hiring equipment; will be sending a copy of his latest report (tp.)


18     Ibid., 20 Apr. 1958 – asks for additional grant; explains difficulties of living on his present sum; he will soon be in debt; does not want to leave the field before he has collected the material he needs (tp., autogr.)

19     Joan Edwards to JARB, 16 May 1958 – the Trustees have agreed to increase his monthly payments; will also make an allowance for equipment; Dr O.W. Samson was very interested in the report he has sent in (tpc.); see also Horniman Minutes, HT/87/1, 6 May 1958, f. 90

20     JARB, nd – The rôle of music amongst the Venda of the Northern Transvaal: a report by JARB, May 1956-Dec. 1957. 55 leaves (tp.)

21     Ibid., to Joan Edwards, 22 May – the extra money is a great help; on the equipment he is using for making tapes (tp.)

22     MWS to JARB, 3 July – has arranged for money to be transferred to him for the purchase of tapes; the Trustees recently agreed to make a gift to Horniman students of Notes & Queries on Anthropology; the Manual on the collection of folk music has been sent to him; asks if he knows of other people who would like a copy (tpc.)

23     JARB to MWS, 7 July – is grateful for the arrangements concerning his money; welcomes a copy of Notes & Queries; Dr Alan Merriam could suggest others who would be interested in the Manual; has sent a contribution to the endowment fund (autogr.)

24     MWS to JARB, 23 July – the copy of Notes & Queries has been posted; the Manual is sent at no charge to him as he is a corresponding member of the Committee; thanks him for his contribution to the appeal for endowment; Chief Mungo Martin has made some recordings of songs for Patrick Saul (tpc.)

25     JARB to MWS, 29 July 1958 – enquires about the Wellcome Medal for anthropological research; asks if there will be an award for 1960 or if 1959 will be the last one; outlines the type of essay he hopes to submit; asks for advice; would prefer to write the essay in 1959 but will start now if there will not be another award; was interested to hear of Chief Mungo Martin’s recordings (autogr.)

26     Joan Edwards to JARB, 19 Sep. – sent him a leaflet about the Wellcome Memorial Medal on 5 Aug.; thinks there will be awards in future years (tpc.)

27     JARB to MWS, 9 Oct. – is planning to leave in Dec.; asks for his Feb. allowance to be made now to cover the costs of moving, a survey he intends to carry out and the purchase of some Venda instruments; on his job applications; offers another copy of his report for the Library (autogr.)

28     MWS to JARB, 15 Oct. – is making arrangements for his Feb. payment to be made immediately; welcomes another copy of his report; wishes him well with his applications (tpc.)


29     JARB to MWS, 10 Apr. 1959 – at Prof. Meyer Fortes’ request informs her of matters concerning the publication of his monograph on Venda children’s songs; asks for the opinions of the Horniman Trustees; asks about the printing of musical type (autogr.)

30     MWS to JARB, 16 Apr. – expects the Trustees would help with the cost of publication; will bring the matter up at the next meeting; makes suggestions on format; would appreciate a typed copy of contents to show Trustees (tpc.); see also Horniman Minutes, HT/88/1, 12 May 1959, f. 95

31     JARB to MWS, 20 Apr. – will send contents; on format and copyrighting (tp.)

32     Ibid., 29 July – there has been a delay in work on his monograph due to his new post as Lecturer in Social Anthropology; is enjoying working with Prof. Marwick (autogr.)

33     Ibid., 5 Nov. – hopes to have his monograph ready for printing by the end of Dec. or the beginning of Jan.; wants it printed as soon as possible; asks about help from Horniman fund; asks for off-prints of his article in Man; asks for details of the Curl Prize Essay (autogr.)

34     MWS to JARB, 13 Nov. 1959 – the Trustees are sympathetic about his monograph; a representative sample is needed for expert opinion before an answer can be given; is sending reprints as requested; does not yet know whether the Curl Prize will be offered in 1960 (tpc.); see also 17/1/4 below

35     JARB to MWS, 4 Dec. – encloses excerpts from his monograph; intends making some alterations (tp., autogr.)

36     MWS to JARB, 14 Dec. – has sent his excerpts to an expert for comment; asks for estimate of printing costs and an idea of how many copies would be made; makes suggestion on the title as requested (tpc.)

37     Ibid., to Dr K.P. Wachsmann, 14 Dec. – encloses sections of JARB’s monograph; the Trustees would be grateful for his expert comments (tpc.)

38     Dr K.P. Wachsmann to MWS, 16 Dec. – thinks the manuscript deserves support. 2 leaves (tp.)


39     JARB to MWS, 9 Jan. 1960 – will let her have estimate of costs in early Feb.; work on the manuscript has been held up because he has taken part-time jobs to earn some extra money; has been told that printing costs in England are much cheaper; is very anxious for the work to be printed before the end of the year; some grants for further research work depend upon it (tp.)

40     Norman Franklin, Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd, to MWS, 26 Jan. – suggests she writes to William Elkin of Augener Ltd about the Venda children’s song book (tp.)

41     JARB, 25 Jan. – replies to Horniman questionnaire; see 17/1/5 below (autogr.)

42     MWS to William Elkin, 4 Feb. – gives details of JARB’s manuscript; will send a sample and hopes to discuss it further (tp.)

43     MWS to JARB, 2 Mar. – has been in touch with a publisher and music publisher; needs the full manuscript preferably before May when the Trustees meet; they will cover the cost of airmail postage; asks about the South African Government’s interest in the book (tpc.)

44     JARB to MWS, 8 Mar. – explains why his manuscript may not be ready until mid-Apr.; apologises for all the delays (tp.)

45     MWS to JARB, 14 Mar. – if the manuscript arrives by the third week in Apr. she may be able to get an estimate to show the Trustees (tpc.)

46     JARB to MWS, 22 Apr. 1960 – has had to rewrite sections of his manuscript; is planning to send most of it over with a friend travelling by air to London to save considerable costs; the rest will follow shortly; asks about photographs; thinks the Education Dep. will want copies when they see the printed version but at present they are not impressed; does not believe they read his papers; suggests subscription copies; the Ethno-musicology Society would be interested (tp.)

47     Ibid., 24 Apr. – wishes he had posted the manuscript in the first place; there have been delays on his friend’s flight; is sending it second class; will retype any pages she thinks need it (autogr.)

48     JARB to MWS, 6 June – is worried about whether his manuscript has arrived; wants proposal forms for Fellows of the RAI; for the records adds that he has been appointed Secretary of Section F of the South African Association for the Advancement of Science (autogr.)

49     Joan Edwards to JARB, 13 June – the first part of his manuscript has arrived safely; has sent the forms; thanks him for details of his appointment; the Trustees like to keep records of past students up-to-date (tpc.)

50     JARB to MWS, 24 Sep. – has re-written the last chapter of his work four times; apologises for the delay; asks for the first part of his manuscript to be returned; he will then send the whole thing back when it is completed (autogr.)

51     JARB to MWS, 14 Nov. – apologises for further delays; difficult to work on it at the same time as fulfilling his University duties; will post it all off before the end of Nov.; has not heard anything definite about orders of the book for schools; some editing will be necessary; outlines available options; will do what he can; is optimistic about sales (autogr.)

52     Joan Edwards to JARB, 19 Nov. – MWS is ill so sea-mail will do for the posting of his manuscript; thinks she would like photographs in the book; asks for samples (tpc.)

53     JARB to MWS, 14 Dec. – hopes she is better; is posting the manuscript with a number of photographs; there are others; the negatives would be better for any she wishes to include (autogr.)


54     JARB to MWS, 10 Jan. 1961 – encloses bibliography for his book; sends the photographs, which he did not actually include with his last letter (tp.)

55     JARB, [10 Jan.] 1961 – a bibliography on the subject of ethno-musicology. 7 leaves (tp.)

56     Joan Edwards to JARB, 18 Jan. – acknowledges safe arrival of his package; MWS is still not able to deal with matters herself; will keep him informed about estimates (tpc.)

57     William Elkin, Augener Ltd to Joan Edwards, 31 Jan. – cannot undertake the printing of so large a work as the Venda children’s songs because of labour shortage; offers to suggest another printer (tp.)

58     Miss Maud Karpeles, International Folk Music Council to Joan Edwards, 14 Feb. – suggests possible printers for JARB’s work (tp.)

59     Joan Edwards to JARB, 21 Apr. – MWS has been seriously ill in a hospital in New York for some months; Augener’s have not been encouraging; they ask if there is a firm order for several hundred copies; enquires about possibilities of having the work printed in South Africa (tpc.)

60     JARB to Joan Edwards, 26 Apr. – sends his best wishes to MWS; asks about estimates for printing costs; could let the Witwatersrand University Press know; would prefer the work to be undertaken in England as it is cheaper; has had no firm orders; is reluctant to negotiate with the current regime in South Africa; suggests some possible options (autogr.)

61     Joan Edwards to JARB, 30 May – MWS died at the beginning of May; AHC is now the Hon. Secretary; he is discussing his manuscript with the publishers of the Journal; they seem to anticipate that costs will be extremely high (tpc.); see also 19/1/2, 18 May below

62     JARB to Joan Edwards, 3 June – asks if MWS had cancer; suggests ways of reducing printing costs of reproducing the music; asks her to ask printers what effect these suggestions would have (autogr.)

63     AHC to JARB, 6 June – his suggestions are not of much help; is exploring other possibilities; will let him know (tpc.)

64     Robert Maclehose & Co. to AHC, 19 June – estimate for printing Venda children’s songs (tp.); see also Horniman Minutes, 28 June 1961, f. 105

65     AHC to JARB, 23 June – informs him of estimate; the costs could be reduced if he agrees to changes mentioned (tpc.)

66     JARB to AHC, 26 June 1961 – agrees to changes; knows of experts who could be hired to do it; asks for specialist music-writing instruments to be sent from England (tp.)

67     Joan Edwards to EEP, 1 July – AHC thanks him for his offer to go over JARB’s manuscript (tpc.)

68     AHC to JARB, 25 Aug. – thanks him for the off-print he sent; has forwarded it to the Librarian; will pass his message to the Trustees (tpc.)

69     JARB to AHC, 6 Nov. – now has some free time to attend to his manuscript; is hoping it will be printed soon (autogr.)

70     [AHC] to EEP, 14 Nov. – asks for information on the publication of JARB’s manuscript which he said he may be able to help with (tpc.)

71     EEP to AHC, 15 Nov. – the manuscript is in the hands of the Clarendon Press; a decision should be heard soon (tp.)

72     AHC to JARB, 20 Nov. – gives him EEP’s message; has passed his greetings to Rycroft and Ernst Westphal; thinks K.P. Wachsmann will be in touch soon (tpc.)


73     JARB to AHC, 17 Mar. 1962 – is anxious to receive his manuscript so he can prepare the musical examples; needs it published as he makes references to it in other works; hopes Father Jones is not still peeved about his review of his book (tp.)

74     AHC to JARB, 29 Mar. – is sending the manuscript; the Clarendon Press cannot print it within their budget; his paper went down well at a recent Symposium; Ryecroft will be in touch about an LP disc of illustrations for the published proceedings (tpc.)

75     JARB to AHC, 2 Apr. – offers suggestions for reducing printing costs; his grant from the NCSR is dependent on getting this published; suggests combined help from the Horniman and his University Press; possibly the Institute for the Study of Man in Africa might offer help; Prof. Meyer Fortes has also mentioned an offer from Cambridge (tp.)

76     Ibid., 2 July – the Witwatersrand University Press will cover the remaining costs over the £600 granted by the Horniman Trustees; asks for the reports of the referees and official letter from him so this can go ahead (tp.)

77     JARB to AHC, 29 Sep. 1962– asks again for reports of referees, covering letter and any printing instructions; hopes that Ernst Westphal succeeds in his application to Cape Town; asks him to tell Rycroft that he is making the revisions he asked for; he has been delayed as one of his children is suffering from leukaemia (tp.)

78     [AHC] to JARB, 30 Oct. – apologises for delay in answering his letter; has been involved in bitter struggle at the RAI; confirms Horniman offer of £600 and that reports were favourable; he can go ahead with the offer from his University Press; expresses sympathy about his daughter (tpc.)

79     JARB to AHC, 14 Nov. – the Witwatersrand University Press will not give the go ahead for publication until Mar. 1963; asks for copies of referees reports; wants details on how the Horniman money should be applied for and the form of words for acknowledgement (autogr.)


80     Ibid., 15 Feb. 1963 – asks again for information requested above; hopes he has succeeded in his struggle to bring the Institute into the Twentieth century; his daughter is in remission (tp.)


81     Ibid., 30 Mar. 1966 – his monograph Venda children’s songs should be out before the end of the year in a revised form; has encountered an unexpected expense to do with producing musical examples; asks for an extension of his grant to a figure that would cover half the new cost (tp.)

82     AHC to JARB, 26 Apr. – is sorry he cannot help with extending the grant; the Trustees have decided to give no further sums for publication (tpc.); see also 27/3/4 below

3/     William Robin Gray Horton [Robin]. Religion and social structure of the Ijo tribe, Delta and Rivers Provinces, Nigeria.

Two year award 1956-8. Supervisor Prof. Daryll Forde. Grant £1000. Publication A definition of religion and its uses in JRAI, vol. 90, pt. II. Grant of £125 towards publication


1     WRGH, [23 Apr. 1956] – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.); see also 14/1/3 above

2     George Humphrey to WBF, 10 Apr. – reference (tp.)

3     Prof. Daryll Forde to WBF, 20 Apr. 1956 – ibid. (tp.)

4     R.S. Creed to WBF, 29 Apr. – ibid. (autogr.)

5     WRGH. The Ohu system of slavery in a northern Ibo village-group. Reprint from Africa, Oct. 1954, pp. 311-36

6     WRGH. God, man, and the land in a northern Ibo village-group. Reprint from Africa, Jan. 1956, pp. 17-28

7     Janet L.D. Anderson, Secretary to the Officers to Dr R.S. Creed, 22 June – the Trustees would like to know WRGH’s examination results (tpc.)

8     Dr R.S. Creed to Janet L.D. Anderson, 3 July – WRGH has first class honours in philosophy, psychology and physiology (autogr.); see also 14/1/8 above

9     WRGH to Trustees, 16 July – informs them of the result of his examinations (autogr.)

10     MWS to WRGH, 17 July – he has been awarded £1000 for two years (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes HT/85/3, 5 June 1956, f. 77

11     Janet L.D. Anderson to WRGH, 21 Sep. – asks if enclosed suggestions for the division of his grant are acceptable (tpc.)

12     WRGH to Trustees, 5 Oct. – the suggestions seem convenient; wishes to leave booking his passage until after Christmas; would prefer quarterly payments; gives name and addresses of two banks (autogr.)


13     WRGH to MWS, 18 Feb. 1957 – has made a provisional booking for 25 July; needs a covering letter for the Nigerian Immigration Service; Elder Dempster Lines will be writing to her about payment of his passage (autogr.)

14     Elder Dempster Lines to WRGH, 21 Feb. – offer of a booking (tp.)

15     Ibid., to Nigerian Immigration Service, 22 Feb. – certifies that WRGH will be working as an anthropological student funded by a Horniman Studentship; welcomes any help offered to him (tpc.)

16     Ibid., to Accountants, 22 Feb. – on arrangements for payments of WRGH’s grant (tpc.)

17     Ibid., to WRGH, 22 Feb. – encloses covering letter for the Nigerian Immigration Service; will send cheque for Elder Dempster Lines as soon as possible (tpc.)

18     Janet L.D. Anderson to WRGH, 5 Mar. 1957 – encloses cheque for Elder Dempster Lines; the fare is so expensive that money may have to come out of his subsistence allowance; on arrangements for the transfer of his grant (tpc.)

19     WRGH to MWS, 5 Mar. – thanks her for the cheque; has arranged with Elder Dempster Lines that he may cancel his booking at three weeks notice if space on a cargo boat becomes available; if it does he will be able to return £30 (autogr.)

20     Prof. Daryll Forde to MWS, 19 June – brief report on WRGH (tp.); see also Horniman minutes HT/86/2, 26 June 1957, f. 83


21     WRGH to MWS, 28 June – intends to return home in Sep. and go out again in Apr. or May; needs to fulfil his obligations as a research assistant at UCL and to sort out the material he has collected; explains how his material is affected by the work of G.I. Jones; hopes to be able to produce a paper on Kalabari religion; hopes to produce a report for his supervisor before Christmas; has had to look after a visiting American couple; encloses a donation for the Endowment appeal fund. 5 leaves (autogr.)

22     [MWS] to WRGH, 31 July – thanks him for his report from the field; grateful for his donation to the Fund; has had a good response and the money is needed for the administration of the Institute; asks him to prepare a short illustrated article for Man which could be paid for from the Horniman Fund (tpc.); see also 17/1/4 below


23     MWS to Accountant, 8 Sep. – on money still owing to WRGH from his Horniman grant (tpc.)

24     E.R. Leach to MWS, 20 Nov. – replies to question about subsidy for WRGH’s manuscript (tpc., autogr.); see 17/1/4 below

Replies from Prof. R. Firth, Miss Caton-Thompson, EEP, A.E. Mourant, Audrey Richards, O.S. Samson and DHFW not retained; all agree to proposed subsidy


25     WRGH, 20 Apr. 1960 – replies to the Horniman questionnaire; see 17/1/5 (autogr.); see also 21/8/19 below; and MS 345, 349
