RAI. Leases, Tenants and Maintenance (A44 04 of 04)

Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents RAI Leases A44 RAI. Leases, Tenants and Maintenance (A44 04 of 04)

Leases for 50 Great. Russell Street, 52 Upper Bedford Place, and 21 Bedford Square. 1909-47.

Leases for 50 Great Russell Street, 52 Upper Bedford Place, and 21 Bedford Square. 1909-47. Includes much other material on tenants and maintenance, relating to 21 Bedford Square.

The RAI’s offices and Library moved from 3 Hanover Square in 1908 to 50 Great Russell Street where it remained from 1909-24. From 1925-36 it was at 52 Upper Bedford Place and at 21 Bedford Square, 1937-71. The Library then moved to the Museum of Mankind (British Museum, Dept of Ethnography), 6 Burlington Gardens (where it was amalgamated with the Departmental Library in 1976) and the offices to 36 Craven Street. The latter then moved to 56 Queen Anne Street, and in 1988 to 50 Fitzroy Street of which it had acquired the freehold.


ABH Arthur B. Hayward, Architect and Surveyor, Adelphi Estate Office

H&M Hayward & Maynard [Arthur B. Hayward and D.C. Maynard], ARIB, Architects and Surveyors, Adelphi, WC

AK Sir Arthur Keith, FRS, FRCP (1866-1955), Master, Buckstone Brown Research Farm, Royal College of Surgeons; RAI President, 1913-16

RWW Robert Wood Williamson (1856-1932), author of The Mafulu Mountain peoples of New Guinea, 1912, The social and political systems of central Polynesia, 1924 etc. RAI Hon. Treasurer, 1912-20

A44/7/    General Correspondence concerning 21 Bedford Square, 1937-69

  1    Cuthbert Lake & Sutton, 19 July 1937 – Report of No. 21, Bedford Square (tp.)

  2    Ibid. to H. Coote Lake, 3 Nov. – details of proposed reconditioning. 6 leaves (tp.)

  3    Floor plan of 21 Bedford Square

  4    Borough of Holborn to H. Coote Lake, 13 Nov. – division of assessment will be placed before Rating and Valuation Committee of the Council (tp.)

  5    Ibid., 21 Dec. – asks whether he can yet state which portions of the building the RAI will occupy; makes other points (tp.)

  6    Metropolitan Electric Supply Company Limited to RAI, 12 Jan. 1938 – on electricity consumption (tp.)

  7    H. Coote Lake to H.J Braunholtz, 2 Feb.[?] – on the Numismatic Society subletting at 52 Upper Bedford Place; on other RAI business (autogr.)

  8    Borough of Holborn to H. Coote Lake, 12 Apr. – on application for exemption under the Scientific Societies’ Act (tp.)

  9    Cuthbert Lake & Sutton to the Secretary, RAI, 28 Apr. – the Economic and Reform Club & Institute is interested in letting 52 Upper Bedford Place. 2 leaves (tp.)

 10    Ibid. to H. Coote Lake, 13 May – on rates paid; the portion of the building occupied by RAI would be free of general rates, but the portion let to the British Numismatic Society has not been taken out of Rating List. 2 leaves (tp.)

 11    nd – notice announcing formal opening of new premises, to take place on 28 June; reminder of appeal to cover expenses of removal; includes list of donations etc. [dated 14 June]. 3 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections and notes)

 12    H. Coote Lake to H.J. Braunholtz, 15 June – outlines what he considers important in an appeal for contributions to moving expenses [possibly refers to /7/11] (autogr.)

 13    10 Aug. 1939 – notice describing party wall to be built between numbers 22 and 21 Bedford Square (printed and autogr.)

 14    Diagrams of party wall to be built

 15    Christian C.T. Doll to Wm. Arthur Kenyon, 14 Aug. – sends Party Structure Notice [/7/13] (tp.)

 16    G.D. Hornblower, RAI Hon. Treasurer 1938-40, to Miss K.M. Martindell, 19 Aug. – has received papers about party wall; it is a nuisance as the Institute is closed; is writing to the surveyors to ask their advice (autogr.)

 17    Ibid. to Cuthbert Lake & Sutton, ibid. – refers to the party wall; asks them to examine the plans and inform him of their opinion (autogr.)

 18    Cuthbert Lake & Sutton to Prof. A.R. Radcliffe Brown, 8 Sept. – on bricking up the two front windows; will submit an estimate for bricking up the windows of the basement as soon as possible (tp.)

 19    Ibid. to G.D. Hornblower, 12 Sept. – on the party wall; on the type of bricks to be used in the new walls (tp.)

 20    Ibid. to W.G. Wilsher, 2 Dec. – on the party wall; outlines the situation. 3 leaves (tp. with autogr. note)

 21    Ibid. to Miss K.M. Martindell, 15 Dec. – thanks her for return of Party Wall Award (tp.)

21a    11 Dec. 1944 – notes from a meeting held to discuss the question of RAI accommodation. 2 leaves (tp.)

 22    Allsop & Co. to the Secretary, RAI, 8 Feb. 1945 – encloses report (tp.)

 23    Ibid., ibid. – report advising on rental of portions of property not used by RAI

 24    13 Feb. – notes on surveyor’s report [/7/23]

 25    FS to Miss Molly Myers, 16 Sept. – on a chair which she left at the RAI (tp. with autogr. reply at bottom of sheet)

 26    FS to Mrs Nora M. Myers, 12 Mar. [1948] – the chair has still not been removed; if it is not moved soon, RAI will have to charge for storage (tpc.)

 27    Mrs Nora M. Myers to [FS], 22 Mar. – she has made arrangements to have the chair collected (autogr.)

 28    William Gibson, Steward, Bedford Estate, to the Secretary, RAI, 2 Dec. 1949 – advises what the rent will be when the current lease expires at midsummer 1951; on other terms of the lease (tp. copy)

 29    FS to William Gibson, 7 Dec. – his letter was laid before Council; no decision has yet been made (tpc.)

 30    William Gibson to the Secretary, 2 Jan. 1950 – on external redecoration of buildings within the Estate; on the colours which must be chosen; these must be approved (tp.)

 31    Allsop & Co. to the Hon. Treasurer, 5 Jan. – advise that Bedford Estate may call upon RAI for £1500 per annum rent; advise that RAI may expect £685 per annum rent from tenants (tp.)

 32    Leonard Ayling to D.H.F. Wilson, 22 Sept. – reminds him about decision regarding new lease (tp.)

 33    D.H.F. Wilson to Leonard Ayling, 6 Oct. – hopes to be able to reply about the new lease in January (tpc.)

 34    Leonard Ayling to D.H.F. Wilson, 9 Oct. – thanks him for letter of 6 Oct.; would be obliged if he could let him know sooner than January (tp.)

 35    J.G. Owen to Mortimer Wheeler, British Academy, 27 Nov. – on temporary leasehold legislation; this may allow learned societies a ‘breathing space’ (autogr.)

 36    D.H.F. Wilson to Leonard Ayling, 1 Dec. – it seems most likely that RAI will renew lease; asks that his solicitors prepare draft lease (tpc.)

 37    Leonard Ayling to D.H.F. Wilson, 5 Dec. – will ask solicitors to prepare draft agreement (tp.)

 38    Mrs A.C. Bowe to ibid., 6 Dec. – encloses letter from Leonard Ayling (tp.)

 39    William Gibson to the Secretary, RAI, ibid. – on a joint scheme to repaint the houses in Bedford Square prior to the Festival of Britain; on acceptable colours (tp.)

 40    FS to T. Walter Howland, 18 Jan. 1951 – encloses draft agreement for lease (tpc.)

 41    Ibid. to Messrs Vertue Son & Churcher, 19 Jan. – acknowledges receipt of agreement for lease and form of lease (tpc.)

 42    T. Walter Howland to FS, ibid. – has received her letter with enclosures (tp.)

 43    D.H.F. Wilson to T. Walter Howland, 28 Feb. – refers to letter of 31 Jan. [not held]; returns agreement and lease; encloses various other documents; refers to list of required repairs to be done under the terms of the old lease; once these are done, the agreement is concluded; Council does not wish to sign any lease where there is liability of an indefinite nature (tpc.)

 44    Vertue & Churcher, 6 July – invoice for preparation of lease (tp.)

 45    Kimber Bull & Co. to RAI, 9 July – enclose engrossment of lease for sealing; enclose note of Vertue & Churcher’s charges (tp.)

 46    Vertue & Churcher to Kimber Bull & Co., 11 July – have received agreement for lease signed by the Duke; some small amendments have been made; no objection to granting licence for subletting to Mr St John Harrison [see /6 passim] (tp. copy)

 47    Kimber Bull & Co. to RAI, 12 July – enclose copy of letter from Vertue & Churcher; on alterations to the lease; on subletting to Mr St John Harrison (tp.)

 48    FS to T. Walter Howland, 31 July – encloses agreement for lease, sealed; encloses cheque for Vertue & Churcher (tpc.)

 49    T. Walter Howland to FS, 1 Aug. – acknowledges her letter of 31 July (tp.)

 50    Ibid., 3 Aug. – has received agreement for lease; encloses note of fees; on underlease for Mr St John Harrison (tp.)

 51    FS to D.H.F. Wilson, 11 Aug. – T. Walter Howland would like a cheque for fees as soon as possible (tpc.)

 52    Ibid. to T. Walter Howland, 14 Aug. – encloses cheque (tpc.)

 53    T. Walter Howland to Angela C. Bowe, 15 Aug. – thanks her for the cheque; there is a further £5 to pay; asks her to advise him when the required work has been done (tp. with autogr. PS)

 54    FS to T. Walter Howland, 22 Aug. – encloses the £5; will inform him when the work is done (tpc.)

 55    T. Walter Howland to FS, 23 Aug. – thanks her for letter; encloses receipt (tp.)

 .1    Receipt [enclosed with /7/55]

 56    FS to T. Walter Howland, 6 Sept. – work required has now been completed (tpc.)

 57    24 Oct. – notice that 21 Bedford Square has been included in list of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest (printed and autogr.)

 58    W.B. Fagg to Mr Nicholls, 23 Nov. – regarding possible lease of part of 6a Bedford Square; has mentioned to house to the President of the Historical Association; returns the plan of the house (autogr. draft)

 59    […?] to W.B. Fagg, 27 Nov. – if RAI is interested in 6a Bedford Square, they must apply before the Trustees meeting on 8 Dec. (autogr. note)

 60    W.B. Fagg to [Sir Thomas] Kendrick, 3 Dec. – on lease of 6a Bedford Square; RAI would not wish to apply for the head lease, but would be glad to lease a floor or part of a floor; would be glad if this could be mentioned to any society which may be interested (autogr. draft) [on verso:] ibid. to the Hon. Secretary, Society of Genealogists, 8 Dec. – RAI would be interested in renting a floor or part of a floor (autogr. draft)

 61    Mrs W.D. Bowe to FS, 9 Dec. – on part of the flat being used as other than a dwelling place; asks that the room in question revert to the flat; the flat being part private and part occupied by RAI activities has been a ‘source of embarrassment’ (tpc.)

 62    Secretary, Society of Genealogists, to W.B. Fagg, 12 Dec. – they are not proceeding with negotiations for 6a Bedford Square (tp.)

 63    15 July 1952 – notice of water rates (printed and autogr.)

 64    Mrs A.C. Bowe to J.P Mills, RAI President 1951-53, 15 Aug. – on paying for flowers for window boxes; hopes he will be at garden party; encloses some offprints (tpc.)

 65    J.P. Mills to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 17 Aug. – on paying for the flowers; he will not be well enough to come to the party (autogr.)

 66    Mrs A.C. Bowe to J.P. Mills, 20 Aug. – on the flowers; is sorry that he can’t come to the garden party; sends something from Miss MacHatton (tpc.)

 67    Metropolitan Water Board to RAI, 22 Sept. – rebate not applicable as there is residential occupancy of third floor (tp.)

 68    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Metropolitan Water Board, 30 Sept. – on the tenants of the building; points out that she is not the Secretary of the RAI (tpc.)

 69    W.B. Fagg, nd – [draft from Mrs Webster Plass] offers to pay for new flag and permanent flagstaff in commemoration of her husband; with best wishes for Christmas (autogr.)

 70    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Leonard Ayling, 11 Aug. 1953 – on the possibility of installing a television aerial on the roof (tpc.)

 71    T. Walter Howland to W.B. Fagg, 20 Jan. 1954 – change of use of upper floor from housekeeper’s premises to offices requires an application for authorisation; encloses form to be filled in (tp.)

 .1    Form for Application for Permission to Develop Land [enclosed with /7/71] (printed and autogr.)

 72    Alaway & Partners to RAI, 3 Feb. – enquire whether RAI would consider disposing of interest in property (tp. with W.B. Fagg autogr. reply at bottom of sheet)

 73    Edward Erdman & Co. to W.B. Fagg, 4 Feb. – gives details of 9 Belgrave Square (tp.)

 74    W.B. Fagg to Alaway & Partners, 5 Feb. – RAI has no intention of vacating the premises (tpc.)

 75    Alaway & Partners to W.B. Fagg, 8 Feb. – thank him for the reply (tp.)

 76    26 Feb. – notice of proposal for alteration of the Valuation List, for RAI (printed)

 77    Ibid. – ibid., for Nuffield Blood Group Centre (printed)

 78    W.B. Fagg to Valuation Officer, 11 Mar. – with reference to the notices of proposal, points out that the Nuffield Blood Group Centre is also exempt under the Scientific Societies Act 1943 (tpc.)

 79    Leonard Ayling to W.B. Fagg, Mar. – on repainting due this year; on approved colours (tp.)

 80    Inland Revenue Valuation Office to W.B. Fagg, 22 Mar. – notes information contained in his letter; has amended records; whole of the premises remain in Valuation List as exempt (tp.)

 81    W.B. Fagg to Leonard Ayling, 28 Apr. – applies for permission to use the garden for tea party on 24 June; on the return of Mrs Bowe’s key (tp.)

 82    Ibid., 21 May – one of the Fellows has offered to donate the cost of the tea party; no money will be taken (tp.)

 83    Leonard Ayling to W.B. Fagg, 24 May – Council shall be allowed the use of the garden for the tea party (tp.)

 84    [Brownlee J. Kirkpatrick], RAI Librarian, to H.G. Massey, Kensington Public Libraries, 6 Dec. – on the transfer of Sir Richard Burton’s library (tpc.)

 85    Allsop & Co. to Miss Gee, RAI, 3 Jan. 1955 – have inspected top floor regarding its suitability for storing large quantities of books; on the soundness of the floors; on the available bookshelves; to be safe these could only contain between a quarter and a third of the books for which they are constructed (tp.)

 86    Brownlee J. Kirkpatrick to W.B. Fagg, 4 Jan. – on possibilities for housing the Burton library (tp. with diagram)

 .1    ibid. – covering note (tp.)

 87    nd – note on Richard Burton library, to put before the Executive Committee (tp.)

 88    Humbert & Flint to W.B. Fagg, 16 Feb. – on death of Duke of Bedford, properties must be valued for Estate Duty purposes; asks for access to the premises (tp.)

 89    21 Feb. – cover note to Mr Macleod, accompanying /7/88 (tp. with A. Macleod’s autogr. reply)

 90    Allsop & Co. to W.B. Fagg, 3 Mar. – enclose valuation (tp.)

 91    Ibid., ibid. – report on valuation for rental (tp.)

 92    30 Mar. – notice of proposal for alteration of the Valuation List (printed)

 93    Leonard Ayling to W.B. Fagg, 1 Apr. – on Land Tax due (tp.)

 94    W.B. Fagg to Leonard Ayling, 13 May – applies to use Bedford Square garden for tea party on 30 June (tpc.)

 95    Leonard Ayling to W.B. Fagg, 16 May – refers to letter of 21 May 1954 [/7/82]; asks whether similar arrangements will be made (tp.)

 96    W.B. Fagg to Leonard Ayling, 17 May – thanks him for letter of 16 May [not held]; cost of tea will be borne by Fellows; no question of a charge being made (tpc.)

 97    Leonard Ayling to W.B. Fagg, 19 May – permission to use the garden will be granted (tp.)

 98    Metropolitan Water Board to W.B. Fagg, 9 Dec. – annual value of property being revised; asks that he fills in enclosed form (tp.)

 99    nd – form [enclosed with /7/98] filled in (tp.)

 .1    Draft of figures filled in on form (autogr.)

100    Chamberlain & Willows to RAI, Dec. – on available properties in Bedford Square (tp. with autogr. notes at bottom of sheet)

101    Miss Anderson to Marian Smith, 16 July 1956 – on the letter and form for the Water Board [/798, /7/99]; not clear in her mind which rooms are referred to; it is an old letter which has been laid aside (tp.)

102    Secretary to the Officers to Metropolitan Water Board, 16 July – regrets delay; encloses form; RAI does not have a plan of the premises (tpc.)

103    Metropolitan Water Board to the Marian Smith, 3 Oct. – on current Annual Value (printed)

104    Wilson, Turnbull & Co. to Marian Smith, 9 Nov. – on appeal against increase in Annual Value; suggests RAI consult Macleod & Partners (tp. with autogr. note; also attached newspaper cutting from the Daily Telegraph, 24 Nov., on ‘Water Rate Inquiry’)

105    Leonard Ayling to Marian Smith, 2 Jan. 1958 – thanks her for letter of 1 Jan. [not held] enclosing cheque and Demand Note for rent; as there is a discrepancy, he returns these (tp.)

106    Secretary to the Officers to Leonard Ayling, 6 Jan. – returns amended cheque; explains apparent discrepancy (tpc.)

107    Leonard Ayling, 2 May – notice concerning rule relating to use of the garden (tp.)

108    Ibid. to Sir George Beresford Stooke, RAI Hon. Treasurer 1956-62, 27 June – thanks him for letter of 22 June [not held]; put the matter before the Duke (tp.)

109    Ibid., 30 June – the Duke says he is at liberty to approach him, but he doubts he will have any money to subscribe to the fund (tp.)

110    Capt. E.W.H. Brookfield to Marian Smith, 24 June – seeks guidance as to when the Union Jack should be flown on the premises (tp.)

111    Marian Smith to Capt. Brookfield, ibid. – on occasions when the flag shall be flown (tpc.)

112    Administrative Secretary to Valuation Officer, 12 Aug. – returns enclosed notice addressed to Macleod & Partners; they have left the premises; new tenants will be moving in; asks for reassessment of the premises (tpc.)

113    Valuation Office to RAI, nd – acknowledgment of letter (pc)

114    Marian Smith to D.H.F. Wilson, 2 Sept. – asks whether permission was granted from Bedford Estate for partition in front room on second floor; new tenant wishes to make alterations; asks if he knows where the lease is; hopes he likes his new place (tpc.)

115    D.H.F. Wilson to Marian Smith, 3 Sept. – answers her questions (tp.)

116    23 Sept. – notice of proposal for alteration of the Valuation List (printed)

117    […?] to Leonard Ayling, 28 Sept. – on need for more space in which to store books; asks about possibility of building an addition at the rear of the building; asks whether the Estate would have any objection on principle (tpc.)

118    Marian Smith to the Valuation Officer, 3 Oct. – further to Proposal for Alteration of Valuation List, encloses completed form (tpc.)

119    3 Oct. – Notice of Objection to Proposal (printed)

120    Valuation Officer to Marian Smith, 18 Mar. 1959 – has withdrawn proposal dated 23 Sept.; part of the premises exempt under Scientific Societies Act; further proposal enclosed (tp.)

121    18 Mar. notice of proposal for alteration of the Valuation List (printed)

122    Sidney Noble & Co. to Marian Smith, 14 Sept. – enquire whether RAI would consider disposing of interest in property (tp.)

123    Marian Smith to Sidney Noble & Co., 15 Sept. – if their client has suggestions concerning alternative accommodation, RAI might be willing to discuss the matter (tpc.)

124    Ibid. to Leonard Ayling, 27 June 1960 – on request to borrow the key to the garden; the ‘awkward position’ RAI was placed in (tpc.)

125    Leonard Ayling to Marian Smith, 30 June – on the borrowing of the key (tp.)

126    W.B. Fagg, Acting Hon. Secretary, to Mrs Owen, 8 Feb. 1961 – on the organisation of the secretarial office; with Dr Smith’s illness, administrative work has been reorganised; regrets that her employment will be terminated; gives three months’ notice as she will also have to vacate the flat (tpc.)

127    Clerk of the London County Council, 14 June 1962 – notice of Building Preservation Order relating to neighbouring streets (tp.)

128    8 May – Building Preservation Order. 9 pages and a map (tp.)

129    nd – copy. 9 pages and a map (tp.)

130    nd – Statement of the Grounds on which the … Building Preservation Order 1962, should be confirmed’ (tp.)

131    Clerk of the London County Council to RAI, 3 July 1963 – Minister of Housing and Local Government confirmed the Building Preservation Order (tp.)

132    Anthony Christie to the Clerk of the Council, 5 July – thanks him for letter; points out that he is the Hon. Secretary of the RAI (tpc.)

133    London Borough of Camden, 13 Oct. 1966 – notice of rates payable (printed and tp.)

134    Ibid., 3 Nov. – ibid. (printed and tp.)

135    Ibid., nd – final application (printed and tp.)

136    Ibid., nd. – ibid. (printed and tp.)

137    Anthony Christie to London Borough of Camden, 9 Dec. – refers to his letter of 24 Nov. [not held] requesting adjustment to take into account RAI’s status as a Charity; asks for amended demand (tpc.)

138    London Borough of Camden to Anthony Christie, 13 Jan. 1967 – Council recognises RAI’s right to mandatory relief from general rates; no further rates will be payable until Apr. (tp.)

139    London Borough of Camden, nd – notice of rates payable (printed and tp.)

140    Ibid., nd – ibid. (printed and tp.)

141    Anthony Christie to London Borough of Camden, 2 May – questions why there are two demands, as the RAI occupies the whole of the premises (tpc.)

142    London Borough of Camden to Anthony Christie, 5 May – his request should be sent to the Valuation Officer (tp.)

143    Anthony Christie to Valuation Officer, 8 May – questions why there are two demands, as the RAI occupies the whole of the premises (tpc.)

144    Ibid., 6 June – there has been no reply to his letter; asks if he should send a copy (tpc.)

145    7 June – notice of proposal for alteration of the Valuation List (printed)

146    Anthony Christie to the Borough Treasurer, 8 June – the rates are under discussion with the District Valuer; RAI wish to defer payment until the matter has been resolved (tpc.)

147    R.G. Harper to Anthony Christie, 10 June – on increase in rates; on reductions according to various sections; does not seem worthwhile to contest the matter further; has also received renewal notice for insurance. 2 leaves (autogr.)

148    Leonard Ayling to ibid., 9 Jan. 1968 – on an entry in Post Office London Directory for International Folk Music Council at 21 Bedford Square (tp.)

149    Anthony Christie to Leonard Ayling, 10 Jan. – some years ago the International Folk Music Council used the address as an accommodation address; they now have their own headquarters; he did not realise there was an entry in the Directory (tpc.)

150    Mrs Barbara Bentley, Clerk to the Officer, to R. Hedley, Lund-Roberts (Engineers) Ltd., 28 Mar. 1969 – encloses Messrs Glew’s account; asks him to forward it to Camden Borough Council (tpc.)

151    Knight Frank & Rutley, 15 Sept. – asks whether RAI might be vacating the property (tp.)

152    Mrs Barbara Bentley to Knight Frank & Rutley, 30 Sept. – no question of RAI vacating the premises (tpc.)

153    Photograph of 21 Bedford Square

 8/    20 Bedford Square, 1960

  1    30 Sept. 1960 – floor area of 20 Bedford Square. 4 leaves (tp.)

  2    […?], 27 Oct. – on Coutts’ loan rate; on money expected for the property by ‘Sir John’ (tp.)

  3    Knight, Frank & Rutley to Sir George Beresford Stooke, 28 Oct. – they act on behalf of Sir John Cecil-Williams, who has advised RAI of availability of the property; on the lease; on the square footage; on underlease of three upper floors; on asking price. 2 leaves (tp.)

  4    Sir George Beresford Stooke to Marian Smith, 2 Nov. – encloses letter from Knight, Frank & Rutley; there could be a profit; asks about tax position; all hangs on whether anyone will give RAI the money (autogr.)

  5    […?] to […?], 9 Nov. – Mr Fordham has given an encouraging report; on cost of decorations; on surveyors’ fees; recommends that RAI employ an agent to act on their behalf (tp.)

  6    Knight, Frank & Rutley to Miss Edwards, 25 Nov. – set out rateable assessments (tp.)

  7    Ibid. to Marian Smith, 1 Dec. – possible that they could let the basement as one unit; ask her to confirm that RAI would be interested; ask her to indicate the rent RAI prepared to pay (tp.)

  8    Marian Smith to Knight, Frank & Rutley, 6 Dec. – the RAI would be interested in the basement space, but only in the front section which would communicate with their own basement if a door could be made; has no idea about the estate market; points out that the basement is only useful for storage space so this should be borne in mind when fixing the rent (tpc.)

  9    [Joan Edwards?], 20 Dec. – Mr Linch of Knight, Frank & Rutley thinks the basement will let for £300-£350 p.a.; it may be that Sir John will keep the lease and let the office space (tp.)

 9/    Fuel etc.

  1    nd – receipt for cokenuts (printed and autogr.)

  2    nd – ibid. for ‘Welsh’ (printed and autogr.)

  3    20 Oct. 1939 – Fuel and Lighting Order (printed and tp.)

  4    30 Oct. – ibid. (printed and tp.)

  5    11 Sept. 1942 – form for Fuel Assessment of Non-Industrial Establishments (printed and autogr.)

  6    nd – notes on fuel costs for 1941 and 1942. 5 leaves (autogr.)

  7    FS to the Secretary, Metropolitan Electric Supply Co., 3 Sept. 1946 – on changing the supply to the ‘all-in’ system (tpc.)

  8    nd – notes on cost of lighting for 1945 and 1946 (autogr.)

  9    Metropolitan Electric Supply Co. to RAI, 13 Sept. – enclose supply agreement form (tp.)

 .1    nd – supply agreement form (printed and autogr.)

 10    FS to Metropolitan Electric Supply Co., 17 Oct. – it has been decided not to proceed with the matter (tpc.)

 11    Ibid. to the Fuel Officer, Holborn Town Hall, 18 Oct. – applies for additional quantity of boiler fuel; explains need for this (tpc.)

 12    Ibid.[?] to the Local Fuel Overseer, Holborn Town Hall, 31 Oct. – ibid. (tpc.)

 13    1 Nov. – Coal Distribution Order (printed and tp.)

 14    Metropolitan Electric Supply Co. to RAI, 10 Feb. 1947 – on removal of a meter (tp.)

 15    FS to Local Fuel Overseer, Holborn Town Hall, 22 Sept. 1947 – applies for additional quantity of boiler fuel; explains need for this (tpc.)

 16    23 Sept. – Coal Distribution Order (printed and tp.)

 17    FS to the Fuel Officer, Holborn Town Hall, 7 Jan. 1948 – asks for form for additional supply of boiler fuel (tpc.)

 18    Ibid. to the Fuel Overseer, Holborn Town Hall, 12 Jan. – encloses application for licence to acquire additional supply of boiler fuel; refers to previous requests (tpc.)

 19    13 Jan. – Coal Distribution Order (printed and tp.)

 20    Ibid. to Metropolitan Electric Supply Co., 4 Feb. – on an electric kettle and breakfast cooker; these are not at the Institute (tpc.)

 21    11 Mar. – receipt for Welsh Nuts (printed and autogr.)

 22    FS to the Fuel Officer, Holborn Town Hall, 30 Sept. – asks for form for additional supply of boiler fuel (tpc.)

 23    1 Dec. – Coal Distribution Order (printed and tp.)

 24    Ibid. to Westminster Coal Co., 13 Dec. – has received a permit for 5 tons of boiler fuel (tpc.)

 25    24 Jan. 1949 – note of meter readings 1948 and 1949 (autogr.)

 26    FS to North Thames Gas Board, 13 June 1950 – on discrepancy between readings on main meter and check meter; asks that this be resolved before any payment is made (tpc.)

 27    nd – hire form from Gas Light and Coke Company (printed and autogr.)

 28    London Electricity Board to RAI, 31 Dec. 1951 – enclose Supply Agreement Form (tp.)

 29    FS to London Electricity Board, 5 Jan. – returns form (tpc.)

 30    30 Nov. 1952 – receipt for Coke Nuts and Welsh Nuts (printed and autogr.)

 31    Mrs A.C. Bowe to the Fuel Officer, Holborn Town Hall, 9 Feb. 1953 – due to storage difficulties, Institute did not take all of the permitted allowance of coal; asks if they could have a supplementary permit (tpc.)

 32    Ibid. to Westminster Coal Co., 11 Feb. – attaches licence for additional coke; thanks them for advice (tpc.)

A44/9/33        Westminster Coal Co. to RAI, May 1954 – notice of increased prices (tp.)

 34    16 Dec. – notice of alteration of telephone arrangements (printed and autogr.)

 35    London Rediffusion Service Ltd. to W.B. Fagg, 5 Apr. 1955 – on a wayleave agreement; encloses copy of the agreement; encloses sketch map showing the route of the cable. 2 leaves (tp.)

 .1    5 Apr. – wayleave agreement (printed and tp.)

 .2    sketch map

 36    Leonard Ayling to W.B. Fagg, 6 Apr. – on the Rediffusion cable (tp.)

 37    Secretary to the Officers to Sun Insurance Office, 12 Apr. – asks whether the Rediffusion cable will affect insurance policy (tpc.)

 38    Ibid. to London Rediffusion Service Ltd., 14 May – encloses wayleave agreement (tpc.)

 39    London Rediffusion Service Ltd. to W.B. Fagg, 18 May – thanks him for the signed wayleave (tp.)