Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents Emslie Horniman Scholarship Fund A66 EMSLIE HORNIMAN ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND (A66 – 05 of 17)

3/     Unsuccessful Applications

1     Frederick Emmanuel Benjamin Amofah, 1 Feb. 1946 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

.1     FEBA, [1 Feb.] – reasons for his choice of subject (tp.)

References from: .2, A.L. Adu, 15 Aug. 1945 (tpc.); .3, W.R. Gosling, 29 Aug. 1945 (tpc.); .4, Sam Yarney, 1 Sep. 1945 (tpc.)

.5     FS to Royal Economic Society, 19 Nov. 1946 – asks for information about FEBA (tp.)

.6     S.J. Buttress, Royal Economic Society to FS, 23 May 1947 – he is a member of the Society but can give no information about him (autogr.)

.7     FS to FEBA, 15 Apr. 1946 [i.e. 47?]– the Trustees regret they cannot make him an award (tpc.)

2     Anastassis Stavrou Anastassiades, 25 Feb. 1946 – application form. 4 pp. (tp.)

.1     AAS to FS, 25 Feb. – covering letter (tp.)

References from: .2, T.S. Bell, 30 Nov. 1944 (tpc.); .3, S.C. Terezopoulos, 29 Mar. 1946 (tp.)

3     Mohamed B. Azziz to FS, 23 Nov. 1945 – wishes to apply; gives personal details. 2 leaves (tp.)

.1     W.H. Taylor, 2 Oct. 1941 – copy of leaving certificate for MBA (tpc.)

4     Theodore Burton-Brown, 26 Jan. 1946 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

References from: .1, D.B. Harden, 29 Mar. 1946 (tp.); .2, S.H. Pinsent, 1 Apr. 1946 (tp.); .3, G.A. Wainwright, 30 Mar. 1946. 2 leaves (tp.)

5     Hugh Elliot Cameron, 4 Aug. 1945 – application form. 4 pp. (tp.)

.1     Douglas Smith, Colonial Social Science Research Council to FS, 23 Feb. 1946 – encloses applications from H.E. Cameron and Emmanuel Gittens Knight; neither can be released from their work in the near future (tp.)

.2     FS to Douglas Smith, 28 Feb. – will lay the applications and his letter before the Trustees (tpc.)

6     William Bannerman Campbell, 3 Nov. 1945 – application form. 4 pp. (tp.)

.1     WBC to FS, [3] Nov. – covering letter (tp.)

.2     Ibid., [3 Nov.] – ‘A scheme to assist the Jamaica labourer to save wages etc.’ 4 leaves (tpc.)

.3     FS to WBC, 11 Dec. – acknowledges his application form; his proposed subject does not seem to come within the scope of the objects of the Fund (tpc.)

.4     WBC to FS, 25 Jan. 1946 – further details regarding his application (tp.)

7     Alice Ioné Crabtree, [1 Mar. 1946] – application form. 4 pp. (tp.)

References from: .1, Miss Gladys Lawtey, 1 Apr. 4 leaves (autogr.); .2, Prof. Victor Murray, 30 Mar. (tp.)

8     Miss Sylvia Crammer, 28 Feb. 1946 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

.1     SC to FS, 28 Feb. – covering letter (autogr.)

References from: .2, Ruth Bird, 22 Jan. (autogr. copy); .3, L. Hunter, 30 Mar. (tp.); .4, H.A. Jones, 30 Mar. (tp.); .5, Miss I.M.S. Keely, 31 Mar. (autogr.); .6, D.M. MacKinnar, nd (autogr. copy); .7, D. Erskine Muir, 11 Feb. (autogr. copy)

9     Isabel Joy Crook, 24 Aug. 1944 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

.1     Margaret Read to FS, 29 Aug. – has spoken to Prof. R. Firth about IJC’s application; he encouraged her to send it in now; offers to act as a referee; suggests another. 3 pp. (autogr.)

.2     FS to IJC, 13 Sep. 1944 – the Trustees cannot make her an award; they will reconsider if she wishes to apply later when she is more able to make plans (tpc.)

.3     IJC to FS, 25 Feb. 1945 – asks for last year’s application form to be entered before 1 Mar. of 1945; adds some recent information concerning her book; restates her plans (tp.)

.4     Ibid., 19 Mar. – withdraws her application as unlikely to be demobilised this year; will reapply in 1946 (tp.)

.5     Ibid., to Prof. R. Firth, 19 Mar. – notes main points of her proposed study; wishes to work with a Chinese colleague; asks him to discuss this matter with the Trustees; will reapply next year. 2 leaves (tp.)

.6     Prof. R. Firth to FS, [Mar.] – has spoken to IJC about her plans; considers she is a very strong candidate with well thought-out plans; asks her to put the discussion of her case on the agenda for the next Trustees’ meeting (autogr.)

.7     FS to IJC, 18 May – has withdrawn her application as requested; the Trustees discussed the matter of her Chinese colleague; grants can only be made to British subjects but she should enter the necessary expenses in her fieldwork budget; Studentships can be attached to any suitable University (tpc.)

.8     IJC to FS, 18 Jan. 1946 – asks for an application form; wishes to fill it in before she leaves for Canada (autogr.)

.9     IJC, [1 Mar.] – application form. 4 pp. (tp.)

.10     FS to IJC, 30 Apr. 1946 – her name was high on the short-list but she has not been made an award; the reason concerned the uncertainty of her future plans; see also Horniman minutes HT/1/46, 2 Apr. 1946, f. 19; asks her to come in when she is in London (tpc.)

.11     Prof. H.J. Fleure to Prof. R. Firth, 7 June – read his letter (4/1/2 above) to the Trustees; they regret the misunderstanding and will give sympathetic consideration to IJC when she knows where she will be working (tpc.)

10     Lennie Horatio Denton, [12 Sep. 1945] – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

.1     LHD, [12 Sep.] – continuation of above concerning education (autogr.)

.2     Ibid., to FS, 12 Sep. – covering letter (tp.)

References from: .3, S.E. Brooks, 22 Apr. 1943 (tpc.); .4, Revd F. Ross Brown, 19 Apr. 1943 (tpc.); .5, D.T.M. Girvan, 13 Sep. 1945 (tp.); .6, Ed. N. Burke, 17 Apr. 1943 (tpc.); .7, Fred Burnett, 5 Sep. 1945 (tpc.); .8, Arthur J. Newman, 13 Oct. 1930 (tpc.)

.9     FS to LHD, 11 Dec. – his application form was too late for the 1945 awards and will be placed for consideration in Mar. 1946 (tpc.)

.10     T.S. [Smily?] to FS, 29 Mar. 1946 – thinks a better student than LHD could be easily found (tp.)

11     Mrs Icilda Depass, [1945] – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

.1     L.L. Simmonds, 8 Oct. – recommends ID (autogr.)

.2     FS to ID, 11 Dec. – her application form will be placed before the Trustees in due course (tpc.)

12     Eleanor Kathleen Gough to FS, 26 Feb. 1946 – Prof. H.J. Hutton has advised her to enquire about the Horniman Studentships; gives personal details and scheme of proposed study. 3 pp. (autogr.)

.1     FS to EKG, 27 Feb. – encloses form (tpc.)

.2     EKG, 28 Feb. – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

.3     Ibid., to FS, 1 Mar. – covering letter (autogr.)

References from: .4, J.A. Birchall, 31 Mar. 3 leaves (autogr.); .5, George T. Shettle, 30 Mar. (autogr.); .6, M.G. Lloyd Thomas, 7 Mar. (tpc.); .7, Dr J.C. Trevor, 4 Mar. (tpc.)

.8     FS to EKG, 30 Apr. – the Trustees did not make her an award but were impressed by her application; encourages her to continue with anthropology; she may apply again in the future (tpc.)

13     John Arthur Kay, 26 Dec. 1945 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

References from: .1, L.D. Jasper, 31 Mar. (tp.); .2, Mary T.S. Richards, 1 Jan. (tp.); .3, Marjorie Todhunter, 30 Mar. (autogr.)

14     Emmanuel Gittens Knight, 16 Aug. 1945 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.) see also 4/3/5.1 above

15     Norma S. Thompson, Secretary Rockefeller Foundation to Father Dom Basil Matthews, 23 June 1943 – he has been awarded a Foundation fellowship (tpc.)

.1     DBM, 11 Dec. 1944 – ‘Our cultural heritage’; lecture delivered at Port-of-Spain, Trinidad. 19 pp. (printed)

.2     Ibid., 26 July 1945 – wishes to apply for a Horniman grant; gives personal details. 2 leaves (tp., autogr.)

.3     Ibid., [26 July] – curriculum vitae (tp.)

.4     Ibid., [26 July] – ‘The family in Trinidad’; plan for book (tp.)

References from: .5, D. Ibberson, 28 July (tp.); .6, Richard Pattee, nd (tpc.)

.7     FS to DBM, 11 Dec.– acknowledges his letter and enclosures; they arrived too late to be considered for the current year; encloses an application form in case he wishes to re-apply (tpc.)

.8     DBM, 8 Jan. 1946 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

.9     Ibid., to FS, 8 Jan. 1946 – covering letter; outlines proposed book; refers to his previous correspondence (autogr.)

16     Edward Augustus Pitt, 3 Aug. 1945 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

References from: .1, J.W. Gallwey, 3 Aug. 1945 (tp.); .2, Alfred S. Hazell, 27 July (tp.)

.3     FS to EAP, 11 Dec. 1945 – his application was too late for consideration in 1945; will include it with applications for 1946 (tpc.)

17     Maxwell Beuthen Sarpong, 1 Feb. 1946 – application form. 4 pp. (tp.)

References from: .1, Allai E. Chaffour, nd (tp.); .2, B. Knight, 29 June 1945 (tp.); .3, R.W. Stopford, nd (tpc.)

4/     Captain Vernon George John Sheddick. A social economic study of peasant economy in the Basuto highlands.

One year award, plus three month extension 1946-7. Supervisor Dr Audrey I. Richards. Grant £500. Extended by £125, 28 Mar. 1947. Total £725


1     VGJS to Trustees, 25 Feb. 1946 – encloses an application form (autogr.); see also 2/1/27, 26 June 1944

2     Ibid., 25 Feb. – application form. 4 pp. (tp.)

3     Ibid., 25 Feb. – budget of estimated expenses (tp.)

4     Ibid., [25 Feb.] – copy of reference from B. Malinowski, 8 July 1938 (tpc.)

5     Ibid., [25 Feb.] – copy of reference from Margaret Read, 20 Feb. 1946 (tpc.)

6     Ibid., [25 Feb.] – copy of reference from F.A.S. Clarke, 20 Feb. 1946 (tpc.)

7     Ibid., [25 Feb.] – copy of reference from D.J. Davies, 24 Mar. 1937 (tpc.)

8     FS to VGJS, 9 Apr. – the Trustees have awarded him a Studentship of £500 for one year (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes HT/1/46, 2 Apr. 1946, f. 19

9     DHFW to Coutts & Co., 1 May – on payment to VGJS (tpc.)

10     FS to Dr Audrey I. Richards, 9 Sep. – asks her to prepare a report on VGJS for the next Trustees meeting (tpc.)


11     VGJS to FS, 25 Feb. 1947 – applies for extension of his award in order to continue his studies; appreciates the help the award has given him in rehabilitating to civilian life (tp.)

12     Ibid., 1 Mar. – application form. 4 pp. (tp.)

13     VGJS to FS, [1 Mar.] – additional note; on Basutoland (tp.)

14     Prof. R. Firth to FS, 25 Mar. – reference; supports his application for an extension (tp.)

15     FS to VGJS, 31 Mar. – the Trustees award him £125 for the completion of his work for an extra three months (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes HT/2/47, 28 Mar. 1947, f. 29 and 5/1/1-2,5-6,14-15


16     VGJS, 8 Dec. – replies to the Horniman questionnaire; see 17/1/5 (autogr.)

5/     Miss Barbara Elsie Ward. Ewe-speaking people of Togoland.

One year award, extended to two 1946-8. To complete a course of study. Supervisor Dr Audrey I. Richards. Grant £400. Extended by £330, 28 Mar. 1948. Total £730. Publications An example of a mixed system of descent and inheritance £15 subsidy; An analysis of the distribution of population in a town in British Togoland £30 subsidy. Lecture at RAI, 23 Oct. 1958 ‘Floating villages: Chinese fishermen in Hong Kong’


1     BEW to FS, 11 Feb. 1946 – applies for Horniman grant on the advice of Prof. Meyer Fortes (tp.)

2     BEW [11 Feb.] – curriculum vitae (tpc.)

3     Prof. Meyer Fortes to FS, 30 Mar. – reference (tp.)

4     Miss H.J. Pybus to FS, 31 Mar. – ibid. 5 pp. (autogr.)

5     FS to BEW, 9 Apr. – the Trustees have awarded her £400 for one year (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes HT/1/46, 2 Apr. 1946, f. 19

6     BEW, Gold Coast to FS, 18 Apr. – is grateful for award; is registering with the London School of Economics (autogr.)

7     FS to BEW, 8 May – cannot make any arrangements until she has returned to England (tpc.)

8     Walter A. Prideaux, Goldsmiths Hall to WBF, 27 June – BEW was awarded a Studentship at Goldsmiths in 1940 but was unable to take it up due to the war; has heard that she has been made a grant by the RAI; asks him to confirm this (tp.)

9     FS to Walter A. Prideaux, 2 July – confirms that BEW has an award; does not know when she returns from Africa (tpc.)

10     BEW to FS, 26 July – hopes to sail in early Sep. and begin at the London School of Economics; has enrolled as a research student for one year; she will be able to alter her registration to a Ph.D. student if necessary (autogr.)

11     FS to BEW, 7 Aug. – glad she has made her arrangements; asks her to call in at the RAI as soon as possible (tpc.)

12     DHFW to Coutts & Co., 20 Sep. – on arrangement of monthly instalments for BEW (tpc.)

13     BEW to FS, 12 Oct. – has started at the London School of Economics; on Prof. R. Firth’s advice is doing an MA in Social Anthropology (autogr.)


14     Ibid., 21 Feb. 1947 – in Africa she did not realise that her course would take two years; asks if she can apply for an extension to her grant (tp.)

15     FS to BEW, 24 Feb. – encloses an application form; the closing date is 1 Mar. (tpc.)

16     Prof. R. Firth to FS, 26 Feb. – reference (tp.)

17     BEW to Trustees, 28 Feb. – applies for further grant; explains why she first applied for one year only; encloses testimonials from Prof. R. Firth and Dr Lucy Mair (see 4/5/16 above, 4/5/19 below) (tp.)

18     BEW, 1 Mar. – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

19     Dr Lucy Mair, 3 Mar. – reference (tp.)

20     FS to BEW, 31 Mar. – the Trustees make a further award of £330 (tpc.) see also 5/1/7, 22 Mar. 1947

21     FS to BEW, 10 July – Prof. H.J. Fleure has asked on behalf of his relative, Cecil Queree, for any information on Achimota (tpc.)

22     DHFW to Coutts & Co., 7 Sep. – informs them of the extra grant awarded to BEW (tpc.); see also 5/1/14, 29 Sep. 1947


23     BEW to FS, 8 Jan. 1948 – notes that her circumstances have now changed; her father is dangerously ill and she does not feel able to leave him to study in West Africa as previously arranged; she is still determined to pursue a career in anthropology; will understand if the Trustees think the grant should be returned although no stipulation was made other than that she should study at the London School of Economics. 2 leaves (tp.)

24     Prof. Daryll Forde to FS, 20 Jan. – asks her to circulate a memorandum listing the main points of BEW’s letter; the President thinks they cannot insist on her going to West Africa but she is doing good work and should be allowed to complete it (tp.); see also 6/1/2, 23 Jan. 1948

25     FS to Trustees, 24 Jan. – gives the information that Prof. Daryll Forde requested; asks for Trustees’ views (tpc.)

26     Prof. Meyer Fortes to FS, 26 Jan. – agrees BEW should be allowed to complete her work (tp.)

27     Ivan Horniman to FS, 27 Jan. 1948 – is willing to allow Studentship to be paid to BEW; however feels that field work is important and in future it should be stressed that this is expected to be done; cannot say whether BEW should have foreseen her father’s condition before she applied for an extension to her grant (tp.)

28     Prof. J.H. Hutton to Prof. Daryll Forde, 27 Jan. – will abide by his judgement (tp.)

29     HJB to Prof. Daryll Forde, 29 Jan. – agrees BEW should receive the Studentship to complete her work; hopes she will eventually be able to do the field work (autogr.)

30     Dr Audrey I. Richards to FS, 30 Jan. – thinks they should continue to support BEW (autogr.); see also 6/1/3, 18 Mar. 1948

Note by FS that DHFW is of the same opinion as Ivan Horniman and HSH agrees with Prof. Daryll Forde not retained

31     FS to Ivan Horniman, 5 Feb. – all the Trustees agree that BEW should continue to receive support; reassures him that she is a keen student willing to get into the field when she can; suggests that the point this incident has raised should be discussed at the next meeting (tpc.)

32     [Prof. Daryll Forde] to BEW, 5 Feb. – the Trustees agree that her Studentship should continue (tpc.)

33     BEW to Prof. Daryll Forde, 9 Feb. – is grateful to the Trustees (autogr.)

34     Dr Audrey I. Richards to FS, 12 Oct. – reports that BEW is making good progress; has completed first draft of her thesis; plans for field work are under discussion (tp.); see also 6/1/15, 7 Oct. 1948


35     BEW to FS, 28 Sep. 1949 – passed her M.A. examination with distinction; thanks Trustees for making this possible (autogr.); see also Horniman minutes, 8 Nov. 1949, f. 44

36     FS to Prof. Daryll Forde, 10 Nov. – reminds him that he said he would report on whether or not BEW’s thesis was suitable for publication (tpc.)

37     Prof. Daryll Forde to FS, 11 Nov. – there has been a mistake; he has not seen the thesis; Prof. Meyer Fortes is deciding whether to publish it in the Journal (tp.)


38     BEW, 9 Dec. 1959 – replies to the Horniman questionnaire; see 17/1/5 (autogr.); see also 9/1/1; 15/1/6 and 26/3/4; 27/3/8.8; 28/1/1

5/     Awards made in 1947. Chair Prof. Daryll Forde

1/     Trustees’ Business


1     FS to Dr Audrey I. Richards, 18 Feb. 1947 – asks for reports on V.G.J. Sheddick and Barbara Ward for the Trustees meeting (tpc.)

2     Dr Audrey I. Richards to FS, 21 Feb. – will not be able to attend Trustees meeting; asks her to read out her comments; has been surprised at the improvement in V.G.J. Sheddick’s work; he has read some excellent papers; thinks it would be a pity if he had to stop work for lack of funds; Barbara Ward has started very well; has widened her scope and is very able

3     Prof. J.H. Fleure to Prof. J.H. Hutton, 26 Feb. – his letter to FS was read to the Trustees; there is concern that Mary Danielli has left Cambridge without their consent; payments cannot be continued; continuation of the Studentship was already under consideration following the referee reports; the Trustees would have like a report on Mrs Karvé’s work (tpc.)

4     Prof. J.H. Hutton to Prof. J.H. Fleure, 1 Mar. – takes responsibility for advising Mary Danielli on her course of action in leaving Cambridge; does not see how the Trustees could have refused permission if they had known the circumstances; Dr Audrey I. Richards must have known about it; certainly does not think payments should be cancelled; repeats that he does not consider her to have failed in her assignment; has written to Dr B.S. Guha for a report on Mrs Karvé (tp. With autogr. postscript by FS)

5     FS to Prof. Daryll Forde, 19 Mar. – E.L. Peters and V.G.J. Sheddick have quoted him as a referee; he could give his opinion at the next meeting or write a note (tpc.)

6     Prof. Daryll Forde to FS, 21 Mar. – understands that Jyotsmakanta Bose has also quoted him as a referee; would recommend him; thinks both E.L. Peters and V.G.J. Sheddick are competent; favours the former (tp.)

7     Prof. J.H. Hutton to FS, 22 Mar. 1947 – gives his opinion on E.J. Miller and E.L. Peters; considers that E.J. Miller has the better brain; asks for copy of the first list of candidates; considers that V.G.J. Sheddick and Barbara Ward should have their Studentships continued even if that was in preference to making fresh awards (tp.)

8     EEP to FS, 25 Mar. – gives his opinions on E.L. Peters; does not consider he should have preference over M.N. Srinivas; does not favour E.J. Miller (tp.)

9     Candidates 1947 – details of C.S. Belshaw, E.R. Leach, S.S. Sarkar and M.N. Srinivas. 2 leaves (tpc.)

10     Candidates 1947. List 2 – details of J.F.G. Baynham, I.W. Cornwall, E.J. Miller, E.L. Peters, V.G.J. Sheddick, Barbara Ward, F. Willett. 4 leaves (tp.)

11     Agenda no.8 [CM/76/8], [6 May] – rotation of Trustees (tp.)

12     Ivan Horniman to DHFW, 11 Aug. – on investments for the Horniman Fund (autogr.)

13     FS to EEP, 29 Sep. – encloses copy of the Deed; asks him to make a report on E.L. Peters (tpc.)

14     Ibid., to Dr Audrey I. Richards, 29 Sep. – asks her to prepare reports on the students she has been supervising for the next meeting; Mary Danielli and V.G.J. Sheddick have just finished; Barbara Ward continues for a year (tpc.)

15     Report for 1946-7 – on financial position of the Fund; brief reports on Mary Danielli, Irawati Karvé, Eva Meyerowitz, V.G.J. Sheddick and Barbara Ward, C.S. Belshaw and E.L. Peters. 2 leaves (tpc.)


16     Jones & Peel, 27 Apr. 1948 – balance sheet, income, expenditure and revenue accounts as at 31 Dec. 1947. 3 leaves (tp.)

2/     Requests for Information

In alphabetical order:


1     Dr R.E.G. Armattoe, 25 May (tp.)

2     G.F.A. Baer, 8 July (tp.)

3     Audrey J. Butt, 26 Nov. (autogr.)

4     Maurice Chazan, 1 Dec. (autogr.)

5     Eric Dix, 26 Nov. (autogr.)

6     E. Charles Felstead, 6 Oct. (autogr.)

7     E.M. Fournier, 6 Dec. (autogr.)

8     Jean P. Frobisher, 2 Dec. (tp.)

9     N.M. Gaskill, 24 Mar. (autogr.)

10     G.H. Greenhalgh, 13 Nov. (autogr.)

11     Philip Hugh Gulliver, 12 Aug. (autogr.)

12     Miss Elizabeth J. Horne, 24 Nov. (autogr.)

13     H.A. Jennings, 1 Nov. (autogr.)

14     Madeline Manenkian, 6 Nov. (autogr.)

15     A. Noble, 22 Nov. (autogr.)

16     K.D. Shipp, 13 Nov. (autogr.)

17     J.W. Tucker, 11 Oct. (tp.)

18     Miss Margaret L. Unwin (autogr.)

3/     Unsuccessful Applications


In alphabetical order:

1     James Francis Gordon Baynham, 27 Feb. 1947 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

References from: .1, Vere Gordon Childe, 21 Mar. (tp.); .2, Stuart Piggott, 24 Mar. (autogr.)

.3     Prof. Daryll Forde to JFGB, 31 Mar. – the Trustees were unable to make him a grant (tpc.)

2     Jyotsmakanta Bose, 1 Mar. 1947 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

.1     JB, [1 Mar.] – list of publications (tp.)

References from: .2, K.P. Chattopadhyay, 26 Sep. 1945 (tpc.); .3, Tarak ch Das, 6 Apr. 1945 (tpc.); .4, Clark Wissler, 8 Mar. 1935 (tpc.)

3     Ian Wolfran Cornwall to FS, 11 Dec. 1946 – applies for an application form; sets out his case (tp.)

.1     Ibid., [11 Dec.] – curriculum vitae (tpc.)

.2     Ibid., to FS, 3 Jan. 1947 – asks for further information relating to what work would qualify for a grant. 3 pp. (tp., autogr. note giving opinion that he is an elementary student by Prof. H.J. Fleure)

.3     Ibid., [27 Feb.?] – proposed subject with estimated expenses (tp.)

.4     IWC, 27 Feb. 1947 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

.5     Rear Admiral George P. Thomson to IWC, nd – letter of appreciation for his work in Press Censorship during the War (tpc.)

References from: .6, John Berry, 15 May 1946 (tpc.); .7, Arthur Keith, 21 Mar. 1947 (tp.); .8, A.D. Lacaille, 8 Apr. 1947 (autogr.); .9, F.E. Zeuner, 20 Mar. 1947 (autogr.)

4     Edmund Ronald Leach to Prof. H.J. Fleure, 13 Sep. 1946 – thanks him for his letter and the suggestion of applying to the Horniman Fund for support with anthropological research in Burma (tp.)

.1     Ibid., 23 Sep. – work on his thesis was disturbed by the war; explains H.N.C. Stevenson’s position; considers full Government support essential; an anthropologist fending for himself would be in a difficult position; in the circumstances does not feel he should apply for a Horniman grant; also considers it is primarily to help students rather than professionals such as himself; would appreciate hearing views of Trustees. 3 leaves (tp.); see also Horniman minutes HT/3/46, 26 Sep. 1946, f. 25

.2     Ibid., 16 Oct. – lays out H.N.C. Stevenson’s plans for his support in Burma; if all goes to plan will present a scheme to the Horniman Trustees; if the Burma Government does not respond will not apply (tp.)

.3     Burma Office to Prof. H.J. Fleure, 22 Nov. – the Governor has approved H.N.C. Stevenson’s scheme for a survey of Burma and is prepared to offer support to ERL if he is awarded a Horniman grant (tp.)

.4     ERL, 19 Dec. – application form. 4 pp. (tp.)

.5     Ibid., to Trustees, 19 Dec. – covering letter (tp.)

.6     Ibid., to Prof. H.J. Fleure, 20 Dec. – returns letter (5/3/4.3 above); encloses an application for a Horniman grant; understands that the Trustees meet to discuss applications in Mar. but he will need to know before then so he can prepare to leave in early Apr.; asks for help with this (tp.)

.7     Ibid., to FS, 14 Jan. 1947 – is being pressed for a reply as to whether he will receive a Horniman grant; Prof. H.J. Fleure said he had never seen his letter (5/3/4.6 above); WBF and he could not find it in the file; asks her to send all his papers to Prof. H.J. Fleure for his decision. 3 pp. (autogr.)

.8     FS to ERL, 17 Jan. 1947 – Prof. Fleure, the President, has been absent from London during Dec. and she herself has been ill over Christmas; there has been no opportunity for discussing his case; is sending the papers to him (tpc.)

.9     ERL to Prof. H.J. Fleure, 26 Mar. – understands that he has seen H.N.C. Stevenson recently and therefore will understand that the political situation in Burma may well make his research impossible to carry through; wishes his application to stand but is making enquiries about the situation (autogr.); see also Horniman minutes HT/2/47, 28 Mar. 1947, f. 29

5     Eric John Miller, 1 Mar. 1947 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

.1     E.J. Miller to FS, 3 Mar. – covering letter (autogr.)

References from: .2, D.M. Balme, 28 Feb. (autogr.); .3, J.C. Trevor, 4 Feb. (autogr. copy)

6     Sasanka Sekher Sarkar, 29 Jan. 1946 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

.1     S.S. Sarkar, 29 Jan. – proposed scheme of work (tp.)

.2     Ibid., 17 Jan. – list of published papers (tp.)

.3     Ibid., [17 Jan.] – copies of references from R.B. Seymour Sewell, D.R. Sahni and Prof. Dr Fischer. 2 leaves (tpc.)

.4     FS to S.S. Sarkar, 5 June – he is too late with his application for 1946; offers to put it in for next year (tpc.)

.5     S.S. Sarkar to FS, 14 Aug. – would be grateful if his application was submitted next year (tp.)

.6     Dr Eileen W.E. Macfarlane to FS, [Mar.?] – reference (tp.)

7     Mysore Narasimhachar Srinivas, 6 Feb. 1947 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

References from: .1, EEP, 4 Mar. 1947 (tp.); .2, A.R. Radcliffe-Brown, 19 June 1946 (tpc.)

8     Frank Willett, 1 Mar. 1947 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

.1     Frank Willett to FS, 27 Feb. – covering letter (autogr.)

References from: .2, A. Campbell, 20 Feb. (tpc.); .3, W.H.R. Grundy, 11 Feb. (tpc.); .4, D.B. Harden, 24 Mar. (tp.); .5, C.F.C. Hawkes, 22 Feb. 2 leaves (tp.); .6, Elfride U. Johnson, 20 Feb. (tpc.); .7, Syd. H. Lord, 23 Feb. (tpc.); .8, Iain Macdonald, 22 Feb. (tpc.); .9, J.N.L. Myres, 11 Feb. (tpc.); .10, T.K. Penniman, 21 Mar. (tp.); .11, J.H.S. Wild, 11 Feb. (tpc.)

4/     Cyril Shirley Belshaw. Economic aspects of culture contact in Eastern Melanesia.

Two year award, 1947-9. Supervisor Prof. R. Firth. Grant £800. Publication Economic aspects of culture contact in Eastern Melanesia. – Oxford University Press


1     CSB, British Solomon Islands to FS, 13 July 1945 – would like to apply to the Horniman Fund; is unable to start work until 1947; asks for advice on when a formal application should be sent (tp.)

2     FS to CSB, 11 Dec. – encloses an application form and prospectus; it should be sent in by 1 Mar. 1947 (tpc.)


3     CSB to FS, 5 June 1946 – encloses application form; outlines his proposed project; is uncertain of likely expenses. 2 leaves (tp.)

4     Ibid., 5 June – application form. 4 pp. (tp.)

5     Ibid., [5 June] – notes that enclosed copies of testimonials were originally written in support of a Fellowship to Columbia University (tp.)

6     Ibid., [5 June] – copy of reference from H.R. Rodwell, 1943 (tpc.)

7     Ibid., [5 June] – copy of reference from H. Belshaw, 13 Sep. 1934 (tpc.)

8     Ibid., [5 June] – copy of reference from W.A. Sewell, 15 Jan. 1946 (tpc.)

9     Ibid., [5 June] – copy of reference from Willis T.G. Airey, 5 Feb. 1946 (tpc.)

10     Ibid., [5 June] – copy of reference from W.B. Skutch, 11 Feb. 1946 (tpc.)

11     FS to Prof. H.J. Fleure, 2 July 1946 – encloses CSB’s application form; notes that it is too late for consideration this year unless it is considered urgent and worthy of a special Trustees meeting; otherwise she will acknowledge it and place it to be considered next year (tpc.); see also 4/1/11, 26 Sep. 1946 above

12     Ibid., to Dr Audrey I. Richards, 26 July – asks if she thinks CSB’s late application should be treated as an exception as Eva Meyerowitz’s was; or whether it should be included with the 1947 candidates (tpc.)

13     Dr Audrey I. Richards to FS, 3 Aug. – thinks CSB looks unusually good; has asked Prof. R. Firth if he knows him personally; suggests Trustees could meet in Sep. or Oct. (autogr.)

14     Ibid., 8 Aug. – Prof. R. Firth knows CSB’s parents; considers he would be a good candidate; suggests they consider him with Isobel Crook in Sep. (autogr.)

15     FS to Dr Audrey I. Richards, 9 Aug. – the next meeting will consider last dates for application and financial matters; doubts CSB will get special consideration (tpc.)

16     Ibid., to CSB, 1 Oct. – his application will go forward to be considered for the 1947 awards (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes HT/3/46, 26 Sep. 1946, f. 25


17     CSB to FS, 11 Feb. 1947 – notes some changes to his area of research made after discussion with Prof. R. Firth; on his financial position and other changes. 3 pp. (tp.)

18     Prof. R. Firth to FS, 6 Mar. – recommends CSB (tp.)

19     CSB to FS, 17 Mar. – is anxious to know whether she received his last letter (tp.)

20     [Prof. Daryll Forde] to CSB, 31 Mar. – he has been awarded £400 per annum for two years; asks about his arrangements for a supervisor (tpc.)

21     CSB to FS, 1 Apr. – his supervisor is Prof. R. Firth; is very grateful (tp.)

22     FS to Coutts & Co., 14 May – on arrangements for paying CSB’s grant (tpc.); see also 5/1/9,15 above


23     Dr O.H. Wansbrough-Jones, Scientific Adviser to the Army Council to Prof. Daryll Forde, 4 Aug. 1948 – he will have heard from Prof. R. Firth that there is a possibility that CSB may be allowed to do some field work in Social Anthropology for the Army Council; the permission of the Trustees is necessary before this can be arranged; they wont be meeting for a considerable time; explains the matter in the hope that he will be able to give permission personally (tp.)

24     CSB to FS, 5 Aug. – explains the proposed month to be taken out in order to do some work for the War Office Manpower Committee; his thesis will appear a month later than proposed but there will be no delay in commencing field work; asks for his grant to be made later as he will receive payment from the army (tp.)

25     FS to Dr O.H. Wansbrough-Jones, 6 Aug. – Prof. Daryll Forde agrees to give permission for CSB to work for a month as he proposed (tpc.)

26     Ibid., to CSB, 6 Aug. – Prof. Daryll Forde has approved his project; his allowance will be postponed as he suggested (tpc.)

27     Ibid., to Prof. R. Firth, 7 Oct. – asks for his report on CSB for the next Trustees meeting (tpc.)

28     Sir Ronald Weeks to Prof. Daryll Forde, Nov. – thanks him for enabling CSB to work for the army; he did excellent work (tp.)

29     Prof. R. Firth to FS, 9 Nov. – reports that CSB is doing well; he is preparing his thesis; has contributed several interesting papers; notes his work for the army during the summer vacation (tp.)

30     Prof. Daryll Forde to Sir Ronald Weeks, 16 Nov. – the Trustees are glad to hear that CSB’s work was worth while (tp.)


31     FS to Prof. R. Firth, 21 Jan. 1949 – CSB has given the Horniman Fund as a reference; encloses letter and asks him to deal with it (tpc.)

32     CSB to FS, 23 Jan. – encloses cheque to cover his subscription to Man and his Fellowship; thanks Trustees for their generosity; his thesis will not be ready until June; has taken a job with the Air Ministry to support himself; on his future plans. 3 pp. (autogr.)

33     FS to Prof. R. Firth, 22 Feb. – asks for report on CSB (tpc.)

34     Prof. R. Firth to FS, 23 Feb. 1949 – is satisfied with CSB’s progress on his thesis; considers the Horniman Trustees have chosen well in him (tp.); see also 7/1/12 below

35     FS to CSB, 27 Apr. – asks him to send a copy of his thesis to the Trustees (tpc.)

36     Ibid., to Prof. R. Firth, 27 Apr. – Trustees interested to hear of CSB’s plans; they want a copy of his thesis so it can be considered for publication (tpc.)

37     CSB to FS, 29 Apr. – hopes the thesis will be ready in July (autogr.)

38     CSB to FS, 28 Sep. – encloses copy of his thesis; notes his future plans (tp.)

39     FS to Prof. R. Firth, 10 Nov. – the Trustees ask for his report on CSB’s thesis (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes, 8 Nov. 1949, f. 44

40     Prof. R. Firth to FS, 11 Nov. – recommends CSB’s thesis for publication in a revised and shortened form; Phillip Unwin is considering it; CSB will revise the paper on his journey to New Guinea; would like to see revised version before publication (tp.)


41     FS to Prof. R. Firth, 4 Apr. 1950 – asks him to consider the question of publication of articles by CSB (tpc.)

42     FS to CSB, 16 May – on publication of his thesis; Allen & Unwin require too high a subsidy; Prof. R. Firth is informed of the situation (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes, 2 May 1950, f. 46 and 8/1/9,14 below


43     CSB to FS, 14 Feb. 1951 – is anxious for news about the publication of his thesis (tp.)

44     FS to Prof. R. Firth, 7 Apr. – CSB is asking about his publication; the Trustees are waiting for his report (tpc.)

45     Ibid., to CSB, 7 Apr. – has no news at present; will let him know when she hears from Prof. R. Firth (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes HT/80/2, 1 May 1951, f. 53 and 9/1/1 below


46     CSB to ACB, 25 June 1953 – his thesis is at last to be published by the Oxford University Press with the support of the South Pacific Commission and the Australian Institute of International Affairs; will send a copy (tp.)

47     Prof. Meyer Fortes to ACB, 20 July 1953 – explains situation regarding publication of CSB’s papers; is happy for his thesis to be published as he describes; wants an acknowledgement of the Horniman Fund to be included (tp.)

48     ACB to Prof. Meyer Fortes, 22 July – will tell WBF what he has said about CSB; he will be writing to him (tpc.)


49     CSB, 31 Dec. 1959 – replies to Horniman questionnaire; see 17/1/5 (autogr.); see also 15/1/6 below
