The list below is classified by alphabetical order. You can also view the full list by reference order. All material produced within the most recent thirty years has been omitted from this website, and there may be restrictions on viewing certain items. Please consult the archivist for further detail.

Kenya Native Welfare Subcommittee: [E.W. Fallaize’s copies of minutes, memoranda and other documents referring to the meetings (1-10) of the Kenya Native Welfare Committee. London, 1926-7]

Memorandum on the Indians of the Peruvian Sierra; by Mr Bennett Greig, Honorary Attaché at His Majesty’s Legation at Lima (received in Foreign Office, 26 Feb. 1936)

Gilbertese myths, legends and oral traditions collected by (Sir) Arthur Grimble between c. 1916 and 1930; copied from the Grimble papers in the Department of Pacific History, Australian National University. Canberra, 1964