The Anthropology and the Environment Committee of the RAI have put together a list of anthropologists who are interested in environmental issues.  This list is a resource for other anthropologists and for those outside anthropology looking for a particular expertise.

If you are interested in being included please reply to and include:

  • Name
  • Affiliation
  • Contact details
  • Statement of interest
  • Geographical/topical area of interest

Name: Dr Faure Armelle

Affiliation: International consultant and scholar

Contact details: Dr Armelle FAURE                                                    
Social Scientist - International Consultant
57 rue des Frères
31820 Pibrac FRANCE

Statement of interest: sharing with a community

Geographical/topical areas of interest: Water Management, Energy, Oral Archive History, Intangible Heritage,Large dams, nuclear power studies. Asia, Africa, Madagascar, France and Europe

Name: Professor Vibha Arora (D.Phil Oxford, ISCA, 2005)

Affiliation: Dept of Humanities and Social Sciences The Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, new Delhi, India

Contact details:;

Statement of interest: I am broadly conducting research and writing in the arena of environmental movements, energy politics, indigenous people and sacred landscapes, social forestry and social ecology, political ecology of water, the anthropology of landscape, and the sociology of infrastructure.

Geographical/topical area of interest: India and the Himalayas in Northern South Asia

Name: Jessica Barnes

Affiliation: University of South Carolina

Contact details: Email:

Statement of interest: My work focuses on the everyday practices of resource use and environmental change in the Middle East. My first book was about water politics around the Nile and I am currently working on a book about bread, wheat, and food security in Egypt.

Geographical/topical area of interest: Middle East, Egypt, food, water, agriculture

Name: Olivia Barnett-Naghshineh

Affiliation: University of Auckland 

Contact details: or

Statement of interest: I am an anthropologist working on environmental issues particularly relating to food in connections to urbanisation, markets, gender relations and climate change.

Geographical/topical area of interest: My PhD research was conducted in the highlands of Papua New Guinea and I am interested in the responses to and affects of climate change in the Pacific more broadly, particularly how it relates to food production. 

Name: Maria de Lourdes Beldi de Alcantara

Affiliation: University of São Paulo- Medical Anthropology

Contact details:

Statement of interest: indugenous helath and environment

Geographical/topical area of interest: Brazil and Latin America